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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56817573 No.56817573 [Reply] [Original]

>Late 20's european real estate investor
>Have been one since 2017
>Own a portofolio of 6 properties with 100% equity, no banks what so ever
>So far it works great, rent increases slightly each year, nothing too special, been able to grow
>No crypto what so ever, it's just not my cup of tea

Not going to be " rich " like some of you guys here but i won't get bitch broke either like most of you

My question is as follows : Next year is an election year, ever since the start of 2023 all we hear in the media and social networks are titles such as :
>Reverse market crash
>Worse than 2008
>Worst deflation in 100 years
>People are carefull with their money

Could it be the fact that governments have run out of " Orange man " bad excuses and are using the economy as a scare factor to influence the next election?

My best bet is that at it's worst we are looking at a stagnant market influenced by the constant " economic crash " propaganda being blurted out 24/7 and once the elections are over economic growth in all sectors including crypto / stock market / real estate will pick up again?

Am i the one who's the fag here?

>> No.56817612

Europe is going to lose half of its wealth and go back to 1960 level economic activity.

>> No.56817670
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>> No.56817688

why do you use spaces between parenthesis?

>> No.56818934


The housing market not gonna crash. Economy is strong. Forget the fear. Just keep investing in Real estate.

>> No.56819020
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In the name of privacy, climate change, social security and worker rights pretty much every last centimetre of economic producitvity is being shut down.