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56814621 No.56814621 [Reply] [Original]

And instantly dump when I buy?

EVERY single time without fail, it always happens. Does each crypto have a bot that tracks organic buyers/sellers or something? Are whales watching the charts 24/7 like hawks or something?

It's a famous phenomenon too so it isn't just me. Why do you think multiple Wojak yt meme vids are made about it?

>> No.56814628

everything i buy pumps so i dunno wtf is wrong with you

>> No.56814632

up the leverage, that'll make you think clearer

>> No.56814634

Sure buddy. Sure.

>> No.56814652

Same for me. Problem is I never learn to sell in time.

>> No.56815344

>red ID
It is trade bots commanded by glowies and other actors if you are on the "do not let him make it list"

>> No.56815371

Yeah man, they're keeping an eye on you. Once you put in that $100 the word is out and TPDB shake around their trillion reserves just to fuck with you.

>> No.56815390
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>> No.56815403

I have a long and a short that are both underwater

>> No.56815405

im the opposite
>open a trade
>immediately big profit within like 5 minutes of opening the trade
>nah thats not enough green for me i need more!
>keep position open too long
>get liquidated

>> No.56815411

Happens to me too. Even gambling I lose every bet. Pretty sure the simulation source code has it set so I will never make it.

>> No.56815417

Because everyone is doing the same as you and the smart investors realize this and do the opposite of what you do. You don’t have enough investment to affect the market but the whales do.

>> No.56815436

First iota. Shimmer is next. If you got fudded out. Sucks to suck when you buy high sell low

>> No.56817397

>Does each crypto have a bot that tracks organic buyers/sellers or something?

>> No.56817412
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Because you're surely buying $SHITSEX token instead of something safe as $VINU that's of course a memecoin, but it's a legit one that never dumped and devteam takes the project seriously, they're not promising a new 1000x or a "token to have some fun making money"
Get real anon

>> No.56817460

youre buying the top and your instruments suck. The institutional money knows when the next X requires an unfeasible sum to continue upward progress in the short term.

>> No.56817465

>Sell altcoin for 20% profit
>It goes up 60% next day

>> No.56817563
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All of my trades/investments have been good, except for my Russian ones which were specifically because of direct government action that was unprecedented.

You need to practice more patience. It's not a "phenomenon". You need to look in retrospect at what you keep doing over and over again and change that action.

- What emotions do you feel when you buy stocks/crypto? Do you feel euphoria, desperation, boredom, anger? Next time you're about to buy something, see if you're feeling the exact same emotions you always feel and stop yourself.

- Do you study the fundamentals of the company (balance sheet, cash flow, PE, etc.)? Or do you only care about price, charts, technical analysis, or a good story? Whichever one you usually do, try the opposite next time.

- Do you try to understand the complex macroeconomic surrounding your investments, or do you only focus on the microeconomic factor? Maybe even neither, or both?

You need to change your mindset on your own. Nobody can do that for you.

>> No.56817579

red id
green id. i just win.

>> No.56817589

It's called Bog's Law


>> No.56817643


>> No.56818469

just do the opposite of what you want to do and then your issue turns into profits

>> No.56818809

just dont sell lol

>> No.56818985

bc you are not informed correctly, it could also be because the platform you use is slow, you should try kinetix, kukoin or coinbase, they are quite fast there.

>> No.56818990

TL:DR don't sell LMAO

>> No.56818994

I have waited up to 4 hours for a transaction to go through using the ETH network, it's awful

>> No.56819470


You can beat the code.

>> No.56819518

Go get CryptMI on playstore so holding can be assets can be easier

>> No.56819745

Try holding it via your CryptMI app and hold for a year without selling you will be eating big this time next year.

>> No.56819814

>The don't let him make it list
I think you mean the goy list

>> No.56821336

It happens bruv, same shit happened to me with BONK, now I'm holding GROK so firm, but I've my eyes on OpenGamesBuilders IDO, meanwhile I'm engaging in lots of their gaming.

>> No.56821437

Because you're too scared to sell when everything is pumping