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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56814305 No.56814305 [Reply] [Original]

>"Go fuck yourself!"
-Elon Musk, Live on CNBC like 45 seconds ago
What did he mean by this?

>> No.56814318

actually he said "Go luck yourself"
He's talking to Ireland.

>> No.56814321

Go fuck yourself kikes

>> No.56814324


>> No.56814335

The globohomom system realised it pushed white men too hard so now they are letting off the release valve a little and having their pudgy shabbos goy run around misdirecting and appeasing the hylic crowd so they can start a recruitment drive for the military as less and less white people have been signing up to be murdered for the Jews lately.

>> No.56814339


>> No.56814341

this, but unironically

>> No.56814351

Elon literally just said "Fuck niggers and israel sucked my fucking spaceballs. Jews are in charge of the great replacement"

Can you believe that???

>> No.56814378

that's pretty mild coming from Elon, heard he's a fullblown nazi who just recently went to Israel to desecrate some jew thing

>> No.56814384


>> No.56814394

this interview is fucking wild lol. had to rewind. turn to cnbc if yall can

>> No.56814409
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>"Go fuck yourself!"
>-Elon Musk, Live on CNBC like 45 seconds ago

>> No.56814426
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>> No.56814462
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This is the most based timeline yet

>> No.56814466

he said they should go fuck themselves, twice, then spelled it out with letters. they are still on the subject of the tweet- i'm not even sure what the purpose of this interview is. i just heard the word fuck on cnbc while i was working and walked over to the tv to rewind and turn it up.

he also called groups of people promoting ideas that want to harm you evil, and said "fuck them"

shits lit

>> No.56814482


>> No.56814486

this elon musk goy is out of control

>> No.56814669
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>My Imaginary Army of Musksimps shall BANKRUPT YOU ALL
holy crap the ego of this dickhead

>> No.56814723

It’s a sign that you should go fuck yourself.

>> No.56814772
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>> No.56814799

He's right though, you seething between bouts of /leftypol/ shitposting doesn't change that

>> No.56814819

Honestly I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often. If I was one of the wealthiest people alive I would go full Howard Hughes tier autist.

>> No.56814883

How is he right?
The Venn diagram intersect of Disney Fanbois and cunts deluded enough to follow every boycott of every company (an increasingly large list) Master Musk demands this week is probably not enough to make a visible dent in Walt's earnings, never mind 'kill the company'
He's a delusional fat fuckwit, increasingly so. As are you for swallowing his bullshit.

>> No.56814898

>soibois will boycot Disney and capeshit because muh heckin space man told them to
keep dreaming lmaoooo

>> No.56814919

RIP TSLA shareholders

>> No.56814922

Their stocks are down enormously and they're haemorrhaging money

Slap yourself, you fucking cringe manufactory

>> No.56814929

holy seethe cindarella-sisters, Disney is fucking tanking and will be bought and cannibalized by Apple

>> No.56814980

b-but Apple will be bankrupted by 'X & Elon Fans..' boycott as well?
These Megacorps just don't know the Hell They Have Unleased. ElonsWrath Will Know No Bounds. And So On. And On

>> No.56815008

It's called living in reality. People aren't going to change their habits just because elmo told them to

>> No.56815020

>goalposts: moved
typical leftist

>> No.56815021

I hope the Cybertruck delivery tomorrow goes well. Streaming exclusively on X.

>> No.56815027

when and y did twitter get taken off robinhood?

>> No.56815028

>Their stocks are down enormously and they're haemorrhaging money
Disney's stock dropped in 2021 and has been crabbing for a year. Elon musk had absolutely nothing to do with it

>> No.56815046

So is there a video clip or just printed word

>> No.56815054


>* In recent weeks, Musk has promoted and sometimes verbally endorsed what the White House called “antisemitic and racist hate” on X, formerly Twitter, the social media platform he owns and runs as CTO.

>* Those posts led large advertisers, including Disney, Apple, and many others, to suspend campaigns there.

>* At the 2023 DealBook Summit in New York on Wednesday, Musk scoffed at advertisers’ boycotts. “If somebody’s gonna try to blackmail me with advertising,” he told interviewer Andrew Ross Sorkin, “Go f---yourself.”

>> No.56815063

>Elon musk had absolutely nothing to do with it
traditionally, such troublesome facts have never prevented Musk claiming credit tho

>> No.56815202

why didn't he just buy 4chan
now he will he will have a 40 billion paltform with no revenue

>> No.56815214

i liked twitter because it was very easy to use and you could browse tweets wih no account now it's all locked up so it sucks

>> No.56815233

vid clip

>> No.56815243

revenue can GO FUCK ITSELF
Elo' don need no stinky revenue, blackmailing him at every turn

>> No.56815251

Elon musk is the closest humanity will ever get to witnessing a god. We are all lucky to be alive during this time

>> No.56815275

does anyone have a clip of him saying it?

>> No.56815285

nvm found it

>> No.56815294

ELon is massively overrated. Elon meatriders are the cringiest people on the planet. Worshipping some cringy guy who thinks he's funny. Had 10 kids and only sees 1 regularly. He is a creep just like his father who impregnated his stepdaughter. Musks are freaks

>> No.56815308

>man makes "fuck you" money
>actually says it
The madman.

>> No.56815356

Unfathomably based

>> No.56815502

how embarrassing. did this guy just have the most insane luck spree on his path to success? wtf is he doing?

>> No.56815660

It's been happening and will continue to happen. Musk is just pissing gasoline on that fire.

>> No.56815819

>the hylic crowd
thought i was on /x/ for a second

>> No.56815858
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>> No.56816926

It's actually about getting back all the white people to train their AI. When they went crazy with the censorship and banned everyone their AI became crippled.

>> No.56816940

the unfortunate truth is that you can't make a machine non-binary.

>> No.56816971

This is like an Atlas Shrugged type moment (which I know he has read). He's getting fed up, just wants to call phony corporate advertisers on their bluff, or if they don't return, then sue the media into oblivion.

>> No.56816985

Get a load of this FAGGOT guys. He still watches Disney movies. YEAH the ones with niggers and FAGGOTS in them!

>> No.56817030

kek guess his little vacation to gaza didnt go well

>> No.56817112

>what are quantum computers

>> No.56817114


>> No.56817134
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>> No.56817143

I'm sensing that this guy is getting fed the fuck up with all this motherfucking kikery.

>> No.56817216

what did elon say that got his advertising removed?

what was the post that he keeps referencing that he says he regret and acted foolish and then tried to clarify afterwards?

>> No.56817223

use google ffs

>> No.56817231

It means Tesla is dead. Sell now.

>> No.56817264

Dude is doing too much ketamine

>> No.56817365

This is awkward to watch, he's partly based and partly an autistic stuttering sperg

>> No.56817490

> I have too much money to get bullied by “progressive” authoritarians

>> No.56817506

Nothing. He just didn’t censor “anti semitism” on “his” platform.
Basically the govenrment which suppose to be pro first amendment condemned him for not censoring and then coerced (yes, governemnt and corpos are in deep symbiosis at this point) to pull their ads from Twitter as a sort of blackmail.

>> No.56817639

Throw some AAA at him
>Anti-Autist Artillery.

>> No.56817689

lol you chudcels always lose. Even Elon chud is losing. Why are nazis so pathetic?

>> No.56817737


>> No.56817780

He and Milei are two autists saving the world right now

>> No.56817787
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>> No.56817808


>> No.56817837

hi /pol/ !

>> No.56817849

>Irish lives matter is deemed “hate speech” in UK
>but it’s pol that is deranged about attack on whites

>> No.56817854

Jesus Christ. How based can a man be!!?

>> No.56817855

The great satan is getting its dose of White souls from Ukraine

>> No.56817861

>cringe manufactory

>> No.56817862

Uh yes? Because one group was oppressed and excluded for many years and the other wasn't. By saying that you are diverting the attention for the people and the cause that actually needs support.

And you know that damn well incel.

>> No.56817884

>one group that had been oppressed for hundred of years while the other wasn’t
Oh like the Irish who are still living under oppression of English monarchy?
Fuck black lives
Goood bait

>> No.56817925

didnt they also vote to stay a part of that same monarchy?

>> No.56817932

>that actually needs support.
lol niggers cant do anything for themselves right?

>> No.56817946

>they voted
Oh ye they absolutely voted to be called “hateful” for mentioning their right for mere existence
You know what Irish and Scottish and welsh and Cornish learn in their schools? Do they learn mostly about history and their struggles in the island? The oppression of monarchy and how they went to be unified? Nope
They learn about history of niggers struggles and nigger slavery (even though they were defacto slaves under monarchy) and nigger social issues.
You learn more about history of Britain struggles in a fucking medieval 2 total war than in a uk public school curriculum
Don’t you think it’s by design?
For god’s sake they are telling the most oppressed people of uk that their struggles are meaningless and that they are as horrible as their own oppressors because a bunch of hood niggers struggled across the ocean.

>> No.56817951

Not sure what your winging about here anon. I was referring to the referendum about staying in the UK that they then voted on to stay a part of.

>> No.56817958


>> No.56817961

He's single-handedly winning the culture war.
Nobody else had the balls to stand up to them.

>> No.56817982

I don’t view the votes of oppressed people as legitimate
It was a coercion at best
It’s like saying “majority of people were ok with vaccines” when you were threatening them with loss of job and income

>> No.56817986

Yep pretty based
I am just waiting for him to start using slap lawsuits to absolutly ruin the lives of rando anti white journalists (who are legitimately pisspoor)

>> No.56817996

Why did they vote to stay at all then?

>> No.56818018

Again, it’s like saying “why did Americans decided to free Jews, when the Jews hate them so much today”
Maybe retardness, maybe literal post oppression syndrome. They still voting for absolute anti Irish fucks too
But I don’t blame them. I blame the psychopaths in charge

>> No.56818043

4chan is not for sale, per Hiroyuki himself

>> No.56818047

>It’s like saying “majority of people were ok with vaccines” when you were threatening them with loss of job and income
the overwhelming majority of people WERE okay with vaccines and the coercion aspect hurt that, it didn't help it lmao. also, every low IQ concern about the vaccine being scary and dangerous and bill gates microchip has shown to be embarrassing schizo hysteria
>two more weeks

>> No.56818053

How the fuck did jews manage to control every aspect of the media and finance so hard?

>> No.56818116

>coercion aspect hurts acceptance
Ye bro a loaded gun to your head is definitely hurts your chances of kneeling and sucking cock of the person holding the gun
I don’t care about why or why not someone wants to get vax
The fact that you needed to have a “reason” to prevent coercive injection is damaging enough
How can anyone take a virus that attacks everyone beside “blm” and “Obama birthday party” and “Biden election party goers” seriously?
Just read up on haman
>persians rescued Jews (just like Americans)
>Persians helped them out and gave them tons of money to build thei temple
>Persians invited them in their nation with open arms
>two kings later, xerxus vizier haman, was so pissed at Jews that he tried to expel/kill them all, but thanks to the Jewish wife of xerxus, it instead resulted in death of haman, his 10 sons, and around 80k Persians
How the hell did Persians allowed Jews to have so much control in Persia? And how the hell they pissed off Persians so much within such a short periods of time?
It’s not a mystery
Jews genuinely act like scorpions on a frogs back.
Just like Elon said, ADL for example attacks whites and west non stop, while ignoring “minorities” that genuinely want them dead.
Why? Why do they hate their saviors so much?

>> No.56818135

Yes, if you ignore the bibi semen still flying out his mouth as he mumbles obscenities in the hope people forget exactly where he's been last two days and his crivelling obsequiousness thereby displayed. A face for every occasion, has Elon.

>> No.56818158

Advertisers are cancer, PR and advertisement are just rebranded propaganda.

>> No.56818170

Tell what you want about bibi. But when ADL, UN, EU, and several other organizations were telling Israel to release their refugees (they wanted to expel all of them) so they can TAKE them to Europe , bibi were agaisnt it.
He literally warned europe about letting Muslims into Europe, telling them how distruptive they will be for them.
Israel literally accepted zero refugees from Syria under bibi, but he never acted like a double faced ADL or other Jewish groups. He said it how it was: don’t accept Muslims in your land.

>> No.56818436

This is what fuck you money looks like. Not only do you say whatever the fuck you want, but the crowd must listen.

>> No.56818460

Jews have bad blood with the ancient assyrians who pushed them into slavery in Egypt. The persians may as well have been the prodigal sons of the assyrians in their eyes.

>> No.56818502

fat jew man said bad word

>> No.56818515

Well, if you're looking for a nuanced look on "the jews" you won't find it here. To the /pol/cels mind there is no difference between a zionist and a socialist. The argument is that the jews play both sides, and that well may be true. But if you assert that is because "the jews" are a heterogenous mess of political intrigue rather than a homogenous collective bent on world domination, well... now you *are* the jew. Often left out of these discussions is the killing of jews, by jews, for instance after the russian revolution. But I digress...

>> No.56818574
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>> No.56818622

This tbqdesu. It's all fucking propaganda.

>> No.56818647

this and also sales for EV dropped that hard he just needs some PR

>> No.56818660

Kek very good anon

>> No.56818663

underrated post

>> No.56818667

when the truth is dont accept jews in your land

>> No.56818673

lol yeah its crazy how he been chilling in israel for a couple days then flies home and does the absolute opposite. what a little coward double faced hypocritic cunt

>> No.56818756

Which is exactly why dunking on them now is a good choice.

>> No.56818789

wtf? Elon is based again!

>> No.56818800

He's behaving like a character out of Succession. Should've known better, especially now he needs advertisement revenue to keep companies afloat.

>> No.56818818
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Why does Elon look like a different person in every single interview or picture?

Like he's somehow constantly fluctuating between bloated fat lord to heroin junkie lizard. One second he looks like he's an energetic Chad in his 40s, the other as if he's a decomposing 60 year old. His face especially, it's almost as if it's rearranged every time he appears in public

>> No.56818843
File: 65 KB, 524x682, cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work and stress. and cameras are not consistent in whether they are getting a complementary angle of you or not.
plastic surgery and hair implants can only do so much. you still have the natural aging body underneath, getting fatter, saggier and prone to getting more wrinkly.
he could probably alleviate some of this is he lost all the fat and got to a proper BMI.
but you probably have to continue getting plastic surgery and Botox to try to keep that young look.
Tom Cruise is probably the one well known person who has pulled it off the best, but his age still evident somewhat. you can tell something going on. I think Tom Cruise is probably done a better job at keeping physically fit as part of his efforts to keep himself young.

>> No.56819936

What the hell happened?! she looks like a weird fusion between humpty dumpty and colonel fucking Sanders. No way that's real

>> No.56819947

Given how he's now talking in public, he's 100% a /pol/tard in private. /pol/'s first billionaire!

>> No.56820152

>if they don't return, then sue the media into oblivion.
what? why? no one is obligated to run ads on twitter. This is a free market, Elon can do what he wants to do with his company, and other companies can decide not working with him. There is no blackmail or sabotage.

>> No.56820200

don’t accept either.
But bibi was right and not a hypocrite.
He didn’t want them in Israel
And told europe to don’t accept them
Also kek that you think Muslims would have been normal even without influence of Jews
That might be true, but I don’t get the hate for ONE jew who was not actually hypocritical when it came to white people
Oh so saving them from Babylonian ovens, giving them funds so they can make their temples, and accepting them into your nation and among your people with open arms wasn’t enough??
So maybe Jews seen Americans and British as “Romans” who kicked their asses too?
If it’s going to be like that, then Jews won’t worth saving when they inevitably (and getting closer) find their way into new ovens

>> No.56820228

Based elon! Red pilled giga Chad. Daddy Elon rocket man good! Hnmnggggggg

>> No.56820253

How? How is he a hypocrite? And how Israel is hypocrite?
You realize that bibi was agaisnt taking refugees to Europe, right? You realize that UN and EU were BEGGING Israel to release the African refugees back to them (instead of kicking them out manually) so they can be taken to Europe, right?
Is it fault of bibi (who warned against europe bleeding heart studpitiy) and Israel that UN and EU are this much anti white?
Granted I don’t give a zero fuck about Jews here
But to say that people like bibi were also hypocritical is a lie

>> No.56820254

Rocket man good! Fuck I bet he has a big dick , o I bet it's just so fucking huge daddy Elon. Rocket science man good hnnggggg ugh yeah I'm jerking myself off to the space elevator platform daddy Elon in my cyber truck, in gonna cooooooooooommmmmmm ughghhhh a Bitcoin bucket worth of cooom daddy Elon! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh hnmnggggggg

>> No.56820269

Now the censorship is bsck and even with an account you can't do shit without a (((paid))) premium account. Gee thanks for all this free speech Mollusk. It'll be a dead platform by 2025.

>> No.56820272

>What did he mean by this?

It means he has secured a data base to train his AI on.

>> No.56820278

jews approaching EXTREME levels of damage control today all over the board

absolute topkeks

>> No.56820383

I don't get his threat. Like "earth" will know advertisers killed "x." Ok? Why does he think "earth" cares about his "x"? This guy talks like a schitzo. I'm guessing he was smart in the past but something fucked up is brain like it fucked up his bog-looking face, and he's just being carried now by people are financially invested in his brand.

>> No.56820411

Just like why “earth” need to care about bunch of people going into ovens
Often worthless stuff are amplified if one party is rich enough to advertise its importance and retards buy it

>> No.56820466

How are these even comparable

>> No.56820478

the purpose of both is to lie and control public narratives.

>> No.56820506
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>makes electric cars (remove dependence on oil jews and transnational co-operation)
>makes space rockets (global internet and space colonisation)
>buys Twitter to remove ZOG censorship of public opinion
>frequently touches on the JQ

you cant have white skin if you hate this guy

>> No.56820520

Both are stuff that no one need to care about since it affect only a minority of people
Yet we somehow suppose to care about one?

>> No.56820537

>What did he mean by this?
have you tried fucking yourself?

>> No.56820590

>Sorkin: tell the crowd about your dog tag, Elon
>Elon: fumbles with collar around his neck, apologizing to Jewry

The amount of power they hold over him is unreal.

>Elon: I'm philo-semitic, if anything...

He's making the classic mistake of trying to compromise with evil..because he sees Jews as reasonable human equals and thinks he can offer them a compromise against their anti-white behavior of the past 60+ years. What he's offering is a country of Whites + Jews, as it was in the past. Instead of admitting ANYTHING they double down on their lies and slander and he cucks. If he can't save us, no one can.

>> No.56820598

>look at me, I hate jews
Ok.. so why does musk think "earth" will care about his "x" again? Wtf does this have to do with the holocaust or jews?

>> No.56820847

There are four tiers of Jews: haredi, conservative, reform and secular.

Haredi are far right neets who breed like rabbits and study the Torah for hours a day (if they feel like it) while their wife works. They see themselves as superior to everyone else, but they don't want to destroy civilisations or eradicate races. They also don't want Israel unless god literally appears and tells them all to go there.

Conservative Jews are right leaning and are made up of Jews like Ben Shapiro and Bibi. They want to do whatever it takes to restore Israel and make it all Jewish.

Reform and secular Jews are the bottom of the barrel and make up most Jews on earth. They are a cancer that almost every group on earth hates. Hell, the haredi and conservative Jews would despise these people too, but they're caught up in the 'i can fix them' mentally despite them being the reason for people calling for the eradication of all Jews. They invade and destroy civilisations and push immigration, LGBT and other forms of degeneracy

You will see a lot of different claims and assumptions aimed at the Jewish group that all conflict, that's because they're aimed at different subgroups and it all gets lost in the sauce.

>> No.56821469


>> No.56821932

>literally attacks ADL
>calling them ungrateful for attacking the very people who protected them
What else?
>the amount of power they hold over him is unreal
Name me ONE politicians who or anyone in power who EVER said anything bad about Jews IN DEFENSE of white people
Cause as of now, he is the single most powerful man who is criticizing Jews in defense of white people
He knows people who are tired of anti white talks of media will back him up
Also no one cares about a bunch of ungrateful oven-doggers who keep talking about how much they hate white, even though their very EXISTSNCE was thanks to the very same whites, saving them from ovens.
Instead of dropping on ground and worshipping the ground that their saviors decendents walk on, they are hellbent on making them a minority and hated.
Again, remind me of Persians saving Jews from Babylon and haman.
Excuse me if I am rather tired of caring about ungrateful people.
I am sure many of Elon supporters are too

>> No.56821980

remind me whose dogtag this hero wears?

>> No.56821997

Given that all organizations of Jews from southern poverty to ADL are run by secular Jews, and that most haredi and conservatives ones are in NYC, it’s easy to know who to hate.
I mean libs if tiktok is a Jew, and she done ALOT to make white people accept that they are under attack
At the same time, the journalist who stalked her and leaked her house info? A Jew
ADL is also pissed of about her, also a Jewish organization.

>> No.56822031

He wears the dog tag of no one, because he is rich as fuck
You know who wears dogtag? Politicians who thrown away universal healthcare for. 5 million dollars, yet asks for MORE MONEY FOR ISREEL to pay for their universal healthcare
Again, which celebrity, politicians, activist etc , in the past 20 years in USA, EVER criticized Jews and Jewish organizations IN DEFENSE of whites?

>> No.56822123
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>He wears the dog tag of no one
is it then inscribed 'Noe Wun'?

>> No.56822145

Again, Israeli; not a Jewish organization like ADL or southern poverty
Get it right
Again, name me one that is criticizing Jews for the slave of whites?

>> No.56822155

Melon Usk is a globohomo puppet leading the Fake Awakening, a front for the MIL-IND-COMPLEX.


>> No.56822160

>Again, Israeli; not a Jewish organization

>> No.56822363

Do you think he has armed guards?

>> No.56822408

That tag is probably laced with radioactive material, and that (((parent))) is most likely a Mossad agent. And the NYT water he was drinking better have been double checked by his entourage. Call me paranoid, but I would not go anywhere near Jews/Israelies at the height of their paranoia if I was him.

>> No.56822431

nah, it be like an electronic ankle tag, as punishment for niggas with authority issues. Theres no actual tracking involved, just the shame of having to wear one

>> No.56822580

when gfy token?

>> No.56823227

Underrated post

>> No.56823260

He didn’t say anything anti semetic or racist at all, he said what they are actually doing and then also said he would not be okay with any groups that did the same as the ADL but for other cultural groups, the fact they got so upset proves it was true

>> No.56823263


He was very clear about it.

>> No.56823297

Remind me of his “who do you think control the media” and Jews come out to call him anti Semite

>> No.56823332

>40 billion paltform with no revenue
Most of twitters revenue comes from being a data broker, not advertising. Advertising is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.56823338

He said “1uck yourself”

>> No.56823372
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I'm sick of hearing Jews bitch and whine about everything while simultaneously using their power to destroy people's lives.

I literally don't give a fuck about the Holocaust, or the Pogroms, or whatever other shit they want to bitch about, as if it has anything to do with 2023. It's just like the Blacks in America complaining about slavery 200 years ago. All of this shit is just a way to exuse evil behavior and an attempt to morally justify hypocrisy, violence, nepotism and hatred.

Fuck everyone's ancestors. I literally don't give a fuck what happened to your great-great-great grandpa in 1800's Europe, Asia, Africa, or anywhere else.

>> No.56823832

Bet haman literally felt the same and that’s why he tried to kick them out
I am 200% sure they kept talking about “6 million Jews in Babylon” non stop as an excuse for usury and meddling in Persian affairs.
Anyone who thinks current Jews are like this because getting mixed with khazzars or because Roman’s kicked their asses should at least go back a few thousand of years to learn about what they did to original inhibitants of “Israel” and the subsequent issues they cause In Persia and under Hellenic’s

>> No.56823848

Musk is tweaking out on drugs and needs some serious time drying out and being out of the public focus. You read too much into his actions, he's basically a retard right now.

>> No.56824037

its the Prince Problem
in Elon World, theres no-one qualified enough to tell him that

>> No.56824041

it hurts how accurate this is

>> No.56824378

yeah, that too

>> No.56824395

now thats a big word

>> No.56824714

>why did Americans decided to free Jews, when the Jews hate them so much today
we didnt put it to a vote.

>> No.56824785

The reaction of general public was consent enough

>> No.56824800

kek. the funny thing is he probably meant Disney, and that's why he called out Bob Iger during the interview. just because it's run by a jew doesn't mean he is anti-semetic. they(Disney) do own like 90% of the media and they'll pull every social justice play in the book to make sure twitter burns, just sit back and watch.

>> No.56824827

I hate this retarded faggot so goddamn hard it's unreal

>> No.56825532

the reaction to the event after it happened was enough to justify doing it prior to the reaction? Can you hear yourself?

>> No.56825589

No it’s not sane. I am saying our psychotic government take it as a yes

>> No.56825642

blind boomers psyopped by MLK- funny MLK is an abbreviation for Molok/ moloch

>> No.56825654

Women are fungus factories more prone to obesity

>> No.56825682
File: 360 KB, 750x935, IMG_3991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey this goy is being very bad ! We will organize all rabbis to instruct their synagogues to short TSLA. For yaweh!

>> No.56825778

Do none of you Chudcels remember when he went on SNL memeing about Doge and then like a week later cashed out his BTC and then told normies Tesla would no longer accept BTC and the entire market tanked? Based what he said but I can’t trust him after that jew move.

>> No.56827429

Elongated Muskrat.

>> No.56827438
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>> No.56827558

I would agree with this argument if he only made remarks about mass immigration in the West or woke culture
but he is going against the root himself, calling them out etc in a very direct non-subliminal way

>> No.56827584

They already tried everything in the book and it didn't work. They've been fucking with him for years, even before buying Twitter. The latest Elon drama is nothing new.

>> No.56827601

He's telling the new world order to go fuck themselves, not just bob iger,

We need more humans like this.

>> No.56827615
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>> No.56827652

nah, we're about to see levels of cope you've never seen before. they're getting desperate and they'll be so transparent even the far left will start to hate them and realize how full of shit this whole system really is.