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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56813541 No.56813541 [Reply] [Original]

$40 for a ERC20 token swap and we're nowhere near mania phase. What gives?
There are a billion alternatives and clearly people aren't using them enough if this shitchain is always congested.
Is the money skelly ever going to fix this cancer?

>> No.56813553

ICP is better. /fpbp

>> No.56813577

fuck off and get hit by a train Rajeesh

>> No.56813585

So much for selling anything whatsoever this evening. Looks like I'm bagholding. Fuck that, I'm migrating to Solana.

>> No.56813594

>pricing out ranjay because he can't handle gas prices
god bless ethereum

>> No.56813619

Also this, but good luck having normies pumping up ETH price next year. They're priced out too.

>> No.56813629

Less liquidity for you and you're happy about it?
Lmao. Who do you think pumps all this trash?

>> No.56813651
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wasn't ethereum sharting supposed to help with congestion?
why hasn't vitalik sharted?

>> No.56813662

It must be just whales unironically masturbating eachother at this point

>> No.56813665
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Imagine paying 40$ on fees thanks to a god-knows-who chain, instead going tru kinetix with close to zero fees, ffs anon, that's so gay

>> No.56813670

lmao. low fee chains always dump. people literally dump for 1% profit I’ve seen it on literally every chain like solana avax icp bsc algo dot but you’ll learn this lesson the hard way

>> No.56813681

Why? There's a lot of money in it. Also it's kinda funny how rates increased with this could-potentially-be-bull run. Almost as if Mr. Skelly raises prices when it's convenient for him knowing cryptotards won't say a thing.

>> No.56813687
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Kava. Optimism. Matic. So many eth co chains doing what eth does but better. And erc-20 remains king for some reason. We are all pay pigs and we deserve this pathetic treatment, truly.

>> No.56813688

Well I for one am not buying shit tonight and I've got $1500 sitting in eth.
Sorry. Won't. Lose $40 to fees? Get a real chain.
lmao, imagine if GMX was on Ethereum. What a trash fire...

>> No.56813695

also close to zero listed coins lmao

>> No.56813700

i havent used eth in 3 years after realizing it will never scale. stay poor.

>> No.56813702

>Paying almost 50 dollars as a retarded arbitrary tip to frontrunners and a russian cuck who thinks child porn is the same as doing marijuana
Complaining is more than justified, moron.


>> No.56813703
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>lmao. low fee chains always dump. people literally dump for 1% profit I’ve seen it on literally every chain like solana avax icp bsc algo dot but you’ll learn this lesson the hard way
You were saying?

>> No.56813708

Do you think that silverhand would actually use ETH? fucking retarded

>> No.56813709

wasn't the pos update supposed to fix this shit? wasn't that what all the hype was about? lmao. ethereum truly is the biggest scam job this decade.

>> No.56813717

Enjoy investing in a dead end l1 shitcoin filled to the brim with deprecated tech. I CANT POOMP.

>> No.56813722

I wonder why ppl rather pay that than using kinetix out of alll things hmmmmmmmmm i wonder what that could beeeee

>> No.56813726
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embrace dex supremacy. no kyc. fast. almost feeless. what crypto was supposed to be since day 1.

>> No.56813729
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>what eth does, but better
so being useless but FASTER

>> No.56813747

youre going to regret that anon

>> No.56813766
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Based. Equation and Kava are my favorite holds as of late.
>$1 Kava and $30 Equ by December
I'd cum so much

>> No.56813770

bc it was a scam, a smokebomb, a ruse

>> No.56813773

so basically it's like paying organized crime for protection?

>> No.56813778

Probably cuz it has like 9 assets on the Swap and 3 on Perps kek, faggot

>> No.56813797

lmao caging

>> No.56813810

youre absolutely disconected fro reality, youre either a silver spoon or an andrew tate fan

>> No.56813867

That's why I use thorchain and litecoin

>> No.56813915

theres no way retail is buying eth. all the talk you see about it online is paid shills. retail would use uniswap once, get hit with $30 scam fees and nope out of that shit forever. its mind blowing how eth shills have their heads up their asses with how ridiculous they sound telling people its for rich people only and then contradict themselves by telling retail to use l2. nobody is going to do all that bridging shit. they will just give up using the whole damn thing. the people behind eth have zero business sense and its painfully obvious.

>> No.56814059

>pradesh seething

jesus christ you are bug people truly

>> No.56814106

or they will see the insane profits people are making on ethereum network and gather more funds to compensate for gas fees. this is what white people do.

sorry aakesh go eat more shit or whatever the fuck it is you do you broke smelly bug people

>> No.56814142

you can tell all the people who are used to trading bsc shitcoins are seething that now all of the action is in erc-20 and they have to pay gas fees
pay the toll or miss out

>> No.56814175


>> No.56814186

cope with your dogshit chain then
based icp enjoyer

>> No.56814443
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Man I wish we had country codes. It would totally ruin your shitty pajeet comebacks as a last resort "I give up".

>> No.56814630

Look guys I’ll be real, there’s a psychological aspect to it. Jeets see a $10 gas fee and become fucking terrified. Those that buy, HODL forever and don’t dump immediately like >>56813670 was saying. Once the coin rises to cover their gas fees, they feel confident it will ride higher, creating a positive feedback loop. Quality of investors DO matter and on Ethereum the quality of investor is the highest.

>> No.56815388

When will you retards get the memo? Use L2 or stop having such little bitch size

>> No.56815430

why do you think JPM is already working on their exit strategy?

>> No.56815435

>$40 gas fee
>20% buy/sell HODL memetax on shittoken
>coin printer brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>look guys! 400% APR!@#!@$
eth is a scam

>> No.56815903


>> No.56816343
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>> No.56816357

stop beign poor

>> No.56816472

Just bridge your eth to base fees are cheap as fuck

>> No.56816897

If you're using Kinetix use code '4chan' guys
Ty xoxo
That said eth being high gas is actually good for eth. But you won't understand :3

>> No.56817765


>> No.56817782

eth has whales so more coins go up

>> No.56817993
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How many DEX's support order books and advanced order types?
How many DEX's are completely build on the blockchain itself?
How many DEX's can route assets from BNB-chain, polygon, arb, optimism, bitcoin, Ethereum, and more to 1 DEX that allows you to access all these chains.



>> No.56819268

kadena is babena and KDA is the solution

may also be a solution but seems centralized (when i say seems, i mean is)

>> No.56819353

Every time a transaction needs to be confirmed the miner (staker now same shit) needs to go through every transaction since genesis to make sure it's legit. No wonder the price adds up

>> No.56819367
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>$40 for a ERC20
>the future of money

>> No.56819544


this. gas fees are anti-jeet chemo