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56808689 No.56808689 [Reply] [Original]

It's impossible to "fall in love" with a woman after your 20's, isn't it? The dating choices in your 30's, even if you think you did everything "right", are just grim. I made the money, I took care of my body... but you lied to me, it's not getting any better.

>> No.56808713

Yep. Dating in your thirties is like a fucking job interview, and the few quality women left are STILL picky as ever like they were in their 20’s.

>> No.56808717

Women, cars, boats. What do all these things have in common?

>> No.56808743

Yeah yeah rent... I can't. It's just more depressing to me than remaining alone, knowing she's only tolerating my presence because of a contractual arrangement, knowing she's taken a hundred dicks the previous mouth. Next is the "paying them to LEAVE" cope. I can't, man. That's grim.

>> No.56808756

Arrogant post-wall delusional roasties
Literal whores trading their youth for cash
or third-world visa chasers, potential Elliot Rodgers
that's it then?

>> No.56808759

What does this have to doe with Business and Finance?

For the record, I "fell in love" (hard) when I was 33. Didn't end up marrying her. In retrospect, I'm glad because she was a Latina and my current wife is a blonde/blue Aryan. I love my wife, but in a different way.

Marrying for love is the road to ruin. Marry for genetics (physical and mental) first and foremost.

>> No.56808810

I trust no female. Simple as. You get wise to their tricks, lies, and manipulation as you age. I cannot love a female knowing all this.

>Just get an 18 year old when you are 40 bro
Don't ever fall for this nonsense either. It's /biz/tard larp and fantasy.

Also unfortunately for a lot of you, If you didn't have a gf before the age of around 25, your brain has become wired differently and your chances drastically go down the shitter anyway.

>> No.56808890
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Anon become traditional Catholic and buy chainlink. All that matters is eternity. One day you will die, a good death (going to heaven) is all that matters.

>> No.56808900

>If you didn't have a gf before the age of around 25, your brain has become wired differently

my first gf was on the cusp of turning 25, and 3 years later i'm basically full normie. was cutting it close though my brain was nearing the point of no return

>> No.56808959

your dissatisfaction comes from playing in the sandbox your masters chose for you. if only you disregarded the law and group think completely and did what felt right to your penis, then alas, my frien, you would have found the joys of the loli and courting them with the fervent passion only a matured male could possibly achieve and reap the rewards of. buy a new car, idiot.

>> No.56809004

>If you didn't have a gf before the age of around 25
Nah, I'm just as much of an autist now as I was when I was 18.

>> No.56809074
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Same boat anon. 37 and all that's remaining out there are single moms that fuck their dogs (not sure why they even advertise on Tinder, you've got more pictures of your dog on the profile than yourself).

I've been alone for so long I don't think I could survive a normal relationship anyway, my tolerance is pretty low. Perhaps its for the best. I just wanted to have fun with some cute kids, I find girls adorable (not in pedo sense, I had younger sisters).

>> No.56809089

no its not my bitch ass fell in love at 31 and again at 34. haha falling in love is for faggots tho.

>> No.56809123

Seen three serious relationships, I say that like vets describe the tours they did in nam. Fuck that. To anyone who "cant" get a gf, becasue you probably have some kind of dignity which is good, youre not missing out. The silver lining of being single is never ending. A relationship with a woman is just a ticking time bomb. It never works out. And when it doensnt, the best case is salvaged damaged goods on both parties. Thats what people who split up "but are still on good terms" mean when they say something like that.
Honestly the idea of "love" is dumb and its a highly overrated experience

>> No.56809132

Its possible to fall in love with almost any woman you spend enough time with

>> No.56809260

I started dating my now wife when I was 22, she was 19. It was great because we got to grow through some stages of life together including when I was dirt poor and in debt.

It's been 9 years. If I was single now (at 31), I'd be tinder matching college girls and banging them all. With my abundance of resources (money, apartment, nice car, etc) it would be easy to impress them. I'd also be maxxxing every other aspect of my life. Lots of travel, luxury living, nice shit. I'm pretty rich now so if I didn't have a wife/kids and those responsibilities I think I'd be mostly retired desu.

Point is, enjoy yourself. Unless you're broke and waging still, late 30s/early 40s should be peak existence.

>> No.56809361

Nah, your 20s are when you learn that there's no such thing as true love, or that it's extremely rare. And that every relationship is basically a transaction. If at least one partner in the relationship can't afford at least a 1br apartment, then it's not gonna work.

>> No.56809384
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>> No.56809414

Crushes/infatuation aren't love, love is built over time. A lot of the time you won't even like her that much to begin with. You know you're in love when she feels like home to you and it's hard to do life without. Doesn't happen every relationship, some people are unbearable and/or cold.

>> No.56809429


Based as fuck

>> No.56809447

Women in their 20's are like 5's or 6's chasing 9's and 10's.
Reality hits them in their 30's that they should be going for someone at their level and they are on a timer if they want children.
Unless you get extremely lucky, you're most likely waiting for a woman in your 30's, but there is always that salt in the back of your mind saying where were you in your 20's?

>> No.56809460

I'm 33 and while it's much easier to get dates now, the quality of the women isn't spectacular. They tend to be my age, one revealing on our first date that she had a child (at least I got a bj from her that night). Other women are delusional and still act like picky 20 year olds. Or they're so dry they treat dates like a job interview with handshakes for fucks sake.

Yeah, the whole lovey dovey feelings I got when I had crushes on girls in high school or college are gone. But I think the main thing is I just find the way women act so transparent. Their displays of affection just come across as temporary ruses to get you to ensnared by them. I know they'd change on a dime if I ever committed.

>> No.56809749
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Depreciating Assets. Never buy, only rent. Only Porsche’s and a few unicorns appreciate. Choose wisely or abstain.

>> No.56810596

so sick of you people prophecying all this blackpill nonsense. you're a jaded loser anon, I get it. You're spiritually decrepit and gay. Please don't shit it out onto us. It gets annoying.

>> No.56810785

>It's impossible to "fall in love" with a woman after your 20's, isn't it?
Yep. After 20 the manipulation tactics begin and love is dead.

Just fuck a hooker every now and then.

>> No.56810802

I have never fallen in love and I'm 29 years old. I am not even sure what love is.
I mean I see beautiful girls and I recognize them as beautiful and would like to be intimate with them, but never ever did I go home and continue thinking about anyone really, except for maybe my close family members when they need help or something like that. Never understood the "oneitis" meme since I never experienced it. High school, college or now at work, all the same.

Am I broken? Does "falling in love" just happen or should I actually try to actively do something for that to happen? I just go through life, but this entire part has missed me entirely. Yes of course I am a kissless virgin as well

>> No.56810813

love is fiction. in the past people married for political reasons and that was perfectly acceptable.
find a woman if you want children
otherwise dont bother
she is almost guaranteed to make your life significantly more difficult

>> No.56810815

>another retarded blackpill thread
But yes, it is impossible to truly love a woman in her 30s because a major factor in the mate choices of post-wall women is your income. She is literally a gold digger. Girls in their 20s are more likely to just be like "teehee I vibe with him well".

>> No.56810859

"Falling in love" only becomes near impossible if you've already known what all that shit feels like when you were young, say in highschool or college. I was with a girl for the better part of a decade out of school, now going on a few years single at 29. I find it a chore to even think about commiting to that same degree again because I emotionally can't get on that level anymore. If you haven't found "the one" by 35, and definitely by 40, chances are you're going to end up in miserable failed relationships if you choose to settle, because your options are drastically inferior to what you may have been used to back in the day. Imo it's not worth it. You're looking at women who know they're up against the wall with time or are trying to "correct" past mistakes with someone who remotely has their shit together. The only saving grace we have is zoomer chicks seem to be more open to dating older men than millennials were, but that in itself is a complicated can of worms that can end up very badly for you too.