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56801518 No.56801518 [Reply] [Original]

Will police continue to look the other way when retail theft is food? How will this affect businesses in the long run?

>> No.56801538

Stop her, wagie!! Good wagie now wrangle her! uhhh yes we have things to do sorry!

>> No.56801561

Can't you citizen's arrest and restrain her until police get there? Where I live in the US it's illegal but elsewhere maybe...? Land of the free (if you're a nigger)

>> No.56801583
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Yes. If you shot the black doing it, you will get cancelled as well and sent to jail for life where you will get raped and stabbed by other blacks. So you just have to let them do whatever they want and sit back. This is because all racial groups stick together, except whites who actually pathetically hate themselves. Some shops might move, but this will be called racist and have their all important DEI scores lowered for not putting up shops in areas taken over by feral blacks.

>> No.56801585

Black Excellency. Anywhere a sub Saharan African goes is a mother fucking food desert.

>> No.56801602

Nope and if you do its considered kidnapping/false imprisonment. You can however shoot someone trying to steal or damage your property in any reasonable place in the US, so you don't have to worry about this unless you live in a complete shithole

>> No.56801626
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Let the niggers steal everything. I’m not ever stopping anyone. Not worth a knife in the neck for some retail dog shit corporation.

>> No.56801638
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What if you carry a crowbar or tire iron and smash her car (e.g., windshield, mirrors) to help police identify the thief? Is that legal?

>> No.56801643

>Nope and if you do its considered kidnapping/false imprisonment.
Damn, so that pretty standard then.
>You can however shoot someone trying to steal or damage your property in any reasonable place in the US, so you don't have to worry about this unless you live in a complete shithole
Only in a few states can you do this, in most if a jury finds that you used more force than the attacker (shoot a tweaker who was robbing you who was also unarmed) you are fucked. Also silly when you take into account most thieves are repeat offenders and most of them get away with little punishment (same guy could rob you repeatedly, if cops are even bothered enough to do something about it he could get arrested but would be released shortly thereafter. If he was unarmed and you used deadly force you could go to jail for a long time.)

>> No.56801644

Nope and it’s a good thing.
They deserve it for voting for parasites and now they are enjoying getting their society injected by their parasitic eggs
Also Imagine being sad about a store getting ransacked when all they do is to discriminate against white workers and put them in “DEI” classes.
They also had no issue with yelling “blm” 3 years ago

>> No.56801651

why cant you beat prople for this again?

>> No.56801659

Ironically you would probably get in more trouble than the thief ever would. Jury/judge would lynch you because "muh racism"

>> No.56801666

only if the thief reports it

but likely the car is stolen too soo

>> No.56801679

Police will never be called when a nigger steals in Cali
They can identify them in a second but what’s the point? Even when they bring them in , government releases them.
Nigger are like shitbulls.
Horrible in every society and yet they have this dedicated group of people with extreme self hatred that will defend all their actions.

>> No.56801683

>family sues to in civil court
>jury of retarded liberals and blacks
>he was a good boy he dindu nuffin he was gonna be a docta
>ignore 50 page criminal history, judge doesn't let you show it as it's considered irrelevant
>blacks and liberals make you pay $5 million in damages
>black family cries on tv, lawyer says it's not enough but a start
>your wages garnished for life
>fired from job because you are seen as racist
>can't get any other job
>life ruined
You just need to stay away from these people. They have nothing going for them so don't care or even consider negative consequences of their actions. Nothing even happens to them, liberal DAs let them out with $50 bail for murder after 24 hours in jail. And our borders are open for more of them to come in.

>> No.56801695

lol California criminals are about to lose all their student loans as well
Imagine thinking this society worth shit when your hard working lawful meme era are struggling while your criminals get a free ride.

>> No.56801719

It's all fine and dandy, until they go after you and the law makes it so that no matter what your course of action is you will be severely punished.

>> No.56801720

>meme era
Ironic outcome of autocorrect when I typed “men”
Kona accurate lol

>> No.56801726

Noooo not the heckin chain supermarkets!!

>> No.56801745

>Why are there "food deserts" in the hood?!

>> No.56801769

What, you thought groceries getting more expensive was just inflation or corporate greed? lmao

>> No.56801771

I'm not even from Cali, I'm from the midwest (which is progressively getting more cucked)
The midwest is collapsing as libshits take over.
Yes, let's promote lawlessness. That always ends well. The more criminals the better, right? Stupid fucking zoomer.

>> No.56801786

>let's promote lawlessness. That always ends well. The more criminals the better, right?
Lawlessness for all is better than lawlessness for the lawless only.

>> No.56801798

why would you defend a corporation that supports jews and niggers?
they love diversity, let them enjoy it

>> No.56801810

Is she just filming the sheboon to incriminate her or did the sheboon steal from her own cart?

>> No.56801812
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I hope she got a pizza party for her heroism.

>> No.56801817

this happens when retarded calis leave Cali because of its shit conditions and not understanding how their votes created the shit Cali, voting the same in Midwest
Same as Muslims in west, running away from sharia created shithole, asking for shariah in fucking Uk
It’s braindead parasites issue

>> No.56801832

>asking for shariah
Mate, they are not asking.

>> No.56801843

>lawlessness for the lawless only.
That's how it is by definition, retard.

>> No.56801853

Asking forcing
What’s the difference when the natives put their head in sand and refuse to recognize the issue?
If I ask you to give me $1 and you give it to me, do I need to even force it?

>> No.56801865

>How will this affect businesses in the long run?
let's hope it affects pol users in a way that makes them go back

>> No.56801866

>Lawlessness for all is better than lawlessness for the lawless only.
Enforcing this shit won't make your anarchy fantasy happen retard, you are just enabling shitskin shenanigans while becoming increasingly compliant to the government.
It's not defending a corporation you lobotomized zoomer, it's defending any semblance of law and order left in this world. Just be a good goy and let the jewish pets do their thing, right?
Who cares what the landwhale in the video did?
Of course, but guess who's too deluded to realize? White people who got subverted by jews. Whoops.

>> No.56801872

What he meant is that the LAWLESS can be as lawless as he wants and never faces consequences
So if one lawless negro can do whatever he wants, then it just keep increasing. No matter what you do.
Unlike what liberal retards tell you, death penalty and long term jail for stealing is a GREAT deterrent.

>> No.56801889

>the LAWLESS can be as lawless as he wants and never faces consequences
Again, that is by definition. Fuck outta here with your semantics.

>> No.56801894

>lalalallalal it’s not happening lalalala
Let’s hope it last until your mom get raped by them while shopping
Dude you don’t even need Jews at this point anymore
They do it to their own kids
They needed Jews for ONE gen and now liberal white parents teach their white kids to mix race and be ashamed of being white

>> No.56801904

Local grocery store by me is employee owned

>> No.56801905

lmao, always nice when the 115 IQ crowd can't keep up.

>> No.56801908

No nigger. By definition lawlessness has consequences
Not for these criminals though

>> No.56801923

Outlaws are, by definition, outside the law. We are already lawless you pedantic fucks.

>> No.56801938

outlaws BY definition face a consequences of being OUTSIDE The Law
The nigger criminals is not facing any consequences Becuase of her shit skin

>> No.56801940

>confused ranting
i mean, at least you aren't out on the street rambling incoherently about minorities, so good for you. but the place to do that on 4chan is /pol

>> No.56802089

>muh minority
Will your ilk shut up about the victimhood of “minority” when whites become a minority?
I bet not, given that your parasitic ilk still think white South Africans have “white privillege” even though they are 8% of the nation and majority are in absolute cool.

>> No.56802133

I'm kekking at the FREE sign on the cart

>> No.56802154

>please engage in my fantasy
go back to pol, it's not that hard. or will you throw a fit like a toddler? you have to go back, it's the right place for you

>> No.56802414

>muh fantasy
Yep a parasitic Ilk just as I knew
Why don’t you go live with niggers that you love so much and stop sucking their cock in wheat drying image board?

>> No.56803634

Islam is right about theft, and women.

>> No.56803695

All nations and people were right about punishments and women
Europe just in a retarded phase of liberalism
Like a retarded arrogant college kid thinking that he knows more than his experienced professors, Europe thinks that all the people before them were simply wrong about punishing criminals as a deterrent and justice and think people before them for thousands of years didn’t know how to deal with women

>> No.56803721

100% of what she is stealing is extremely perishable. This bitch is going to sell it. She is CLEARLY not starving, just a nigger

>> No.56803750


Sorry to burst your corporate propaganda bubble

>> No.56803755

>temp plates
That car will be on the repo list in 1 month

>> No.56803761

Thank you Jews for the black people. They are very good citizens

>> No.56803817

The best deterrent is living in a high trust society and giving citizens the right to violence to dole out Justice as they see fit. If the justification is good enough for example to stop a thriving criminal nigger then they should even be rewarded for keeping the community safe.

>> No.56803886

also means possible to verify nigger

>> No.56803906

Government is SUPPOSED to be the will of people, so when they get a criminal and kill him, they are enacting justice for people and create deterrence for other criminals.
This was society didn’t fell into people Jill people, but govenrment kill’s people after a due process and by blessing of those same people
Was always like this
Even when it was kings and emperor times, there were court rooms and people opinion mattered
Now it’s like “oh that nigger killed your wife and kid? Well biggie, he is going to be out in 2 years to kill more”
How can a lawful citizen trust or CARE about such a society with such a misplaced sense of justice?
Just look up the nigger who killed ther 30 under under 30 Forbes woman
Even though that woman was a huge nigger lover anti racist self hating narcissist (who bloated about how “diverse” the company is by employing 30% blacks (irony of diveristy is lost lol)) the nigger killer obviously should have been released so early
Yet he was and he killed
Same with nigger who ran over white people in a parade
Again, released early

>> No.56804058

>nearly impossible
Ye Ofcourse, anything to further criminalized the chosen pets of the chosen people is impossible to verify
Like how BART officials withheld crime surveillance tapes for 'fear of racial stereotyping'

>> No.56804088

Black people commit most of the crimes and black people cannot be addressed anymore without it being considered a hate crime so no, most police will not in anyway do anything about black people anymore. No one will. We'll all just sit around and let them do shit like that because we don't want to be unpersoned and have Communist organizations with infinite funding smear us and bring us to civil court for decades.

>> No.56804272

Then they will just raise prices everywhere to pass along the cost of doing business to the rest of the (non black) consumer base. Don’t you love die-versity?

>> No.56804301

It’s fucked… best you can do is stay the hell away from them while making your money in the US and retire to an Asian country when you have to enough to no longer work, or move to the middle of nowhere USA and raise your kids away from this pozzed society

>> No.56804378

>chrysler 300
>temp tags

here's what you do:
hire an armed parking lot security guard with a tow truck to sit around your lot
ban chrysler and all other stellantis brand vehicles from entering your parking lot, nigssans and infinigtis too, and any car with temp tags or no tags
call cops on anyone breaking your policy, regardless of race
tow them away to impound lot immediately, this is 100% legal and happens all the time - if you're parked without permission you get towed

>> No.56804439

>pays taxes
>police won’t do shit
>have to hire extra cops
All to shit on EVERY people because government refusing to do it’s fucking job and the the corpo love black dick too much
Every time a Nike or target get ransacked by a nigger I laugh
Cause they asked for it

>> No.56804625
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Paying for things and keeping stores clean are uniquely White behavior.
Everyone in this thread condoning shoplifting and making muh wagie jokes is confirmed shitskin turd worlder.

>> No.56804666
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>shoplifting is heckin based! clean it up, wagie!
>wait, why are our stores closing?

>> No.56804688

imagine living in the same country as niggers do

even when i go to paris, london, munich i see the animosity of these animals it's disgusting

t. balkan chad

>> No.56805344

Don't black people get EBT (free food)? Oh well it's not really worth asking why they would steal. They just do.

>> No.56805601
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Just wait until we reach Venezuela tier inflation
OP will unironically be stealing meat too.

>> No.56805620

well the cart does say free

>> No.56805624

>Just wait until we reach Venezuela tier inflation

K keep me posted

>> No.56805644
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middle class folk are going bust which means no more free gibs which most honest broke people rely on. What do u do when those meal tickets are standing in the same line as you?
Let them eat cake or hot cheetos or whatever poor people eat.

>> No.56805732

Wtf a hyperinflation just flew over my house!

>> No.56805894

Based. I love blacks and the jews!

>> No.56806975

Who the fuck buys perishable meat from random people off the street?

>> No.56806997

Ever heard of a freezer? like holy shit zoomers are tarded

>> No.56807104

The nigger ratio of buyers:stealers is 60:40
Just ban niggers from all stores. Simple.

>> No.56808523

I bet if you created a nigger proof store, it would do excellent. Make the store really nice with wide islands, nice floor and design instead of looking like a warehouse.
Charge a membership fee. Make the prices high. 1005 white people would shop there just to not be around niggers and their niglets.
Also don't take ebt.

>> No.56808546

Hmmm let the nigger rob stores or protect the bloodsucking parasites we call a 'business'... hmm.

>> No.56808574


You're a fucking retard. Businesses are the economy. The economy is our whole life. Wish I could press a button and send you into the deepest darkest nighole in America to suffer what you deserve.

>> No.56808598

If i ever see this i will slash all four tires and walk away

>> No.56808701

they will just raise the prices and you will pay for all the food shaniqua steals, you dumb faggot

>> No.56808742

You won’t do shit and you, and everyone ITT knows it.

>> No.56808796

armed security could solve this for about 35 cents.

>> No.56808982
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Walmart said it will close four of its eight stores in Chicago as annual losses have nearly doubled in the past five years to “tens of millions” of dollars per year.
Companies don’t care, they’ll just close the stores that have too high a percentage of shoplifting (i.e. black neighborhoods).
I lived in Japan for 2 years back in 2019, shoplifting wasn’t a concern at all. Wish I could go back so fucking badly.

>> No.56808997


>now you have to drive 40 minutes to the nearest store to get things you need


>> No.56809011

food deserts. next we will have retail store deserts, where there will be virtually no physical brick and mortar stores left in some of these places.
dystopian nightmare future world is here.

>> No.56809019

that part isnt anything to worry about (unless you are living in a coon neighbourhood in which case you have bigger things to worry about)
the thing that actually will affect normal people is them raising prices to offset the stealing
>1% of people steal
>raise prices 1%
>net is the same

>> No.56809038


Straight up refuse to live in places that refuse to do basic policing. It's utterly unacceptable. These are like the ABC's of government: enforce obvious laws, keep the roads paved, spray water at fires, if they're failing on any of those counts they are utter shite. Looking at you Cali.

>> No.56809069

I mean, the cart says free.

>> No.56809126
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Food desserts are proof of racism and a stealth tax on Black folks.
You want the shoplifting to stop you pay a living wage and stop price gouging consumers you greedy kikes

>> No.56809135

>pay a living wage
>he thinks they work

>> No.56809140

get a job and pay your own way like the rest of us, lazy zoomer commie faggot welfare monkey

>> No.56809247

Stop being a nigger and pick up a hoe. You can farm, picking cotton should be hardwired into you by now

>> No.56809251

>risking your life to defend a supermarket
imagine becoming private security guard, for free

>> No.56809259
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We don't work because it doesn't pay.
Hell naw, I ain't gon' let some megacorporation treat me a peon, my forefathers didn't fight for emancipation and civil rights just so I get treated like a slave in 2023.
You either treat us with dignity and respect or we burn your society to the ground y boi, your choice.

>> No.56809283
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>Nothing happens
>Steal again
This is a rational market.

>> No.56810148

Yes wegie out yourself in harms way wagie. Your boss will notice you.
Enforce the mask wagie, enforce the distance wagie..
Go on wagie don't worry about the gun he has wagie

>> No.56810191

>big corpo chain makes local stores close down
>big corpo chain defeated and closed by local people
>time to local stores to raise again
if you ignore the niggers, this is a victory

>> No.56810222

>if you ignore the niggers
but can you? can a supermarket be profitable without 10 security guards?

>> No.56810231

dunno but shes helping her get a movie deal. funny how society works in clown world.

>> No.56810258

No, YOU wouldnt do shit. I would slash that niggers tires with my pocket knife and walk the fuck away.

>> No.56810393

Why even try to stop her throwing the meat into her trunk at that point? The white woman trying to pull her cart away is lucky she wasn’t stabbed or run over or pushed head first into the pavement.

>> No.56810686

Even then Walmart and target and nike deserve it for sucking black cock and praising them.
Now they are getting closed because of the same animals they propped up
Burn the coal, pay the toll

>> No.56810707

Sure the nigger loving big corpo are closed
But it won’t stop the niggers from not attacking the small stores either
Ask Asian store owners

>> No.56810726

Fuck society, I got a gun and I know how to shoot lol

>> No.56810798
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>good times bring jews
>jews make bad times (you are here)
>bad times make dead jews
>dead jews bring good times

>> No.56811117
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Based blacks are the modern day Vikangz and pirates. They take what they want. They are based unlike the cringe goyim cattle yt bois who are mindbroken by jews and wont dare break any rules because some fat elderly jew wrote something on a paper somewhere.

>> No.56811196

They are literally protected by the state
Vikings weren’t
It’s like saying “blm is so brave for ransacking stores” when they are protected and bailed out every step of the way

>> No.56811789

Thats cope. The prison industrial complex is targetted towards blacks. They have a school to prison pipeline.
Police chiefs and judges own shares in for proit prisons where they milk taxpayer money and make black prisoners do slave labor and pay them .30 cents per day.
A black person on average recieves a harsher sentence than a white person for the same charge.
Police constantly infringe rights and do illegal warrantless search and seizures and racially profile blacks during traffic stops, some cops even go as far as planting drugs on blacks.
Unfortunately the entire country is not san francisco which is where your entire view on this originates, little polcel

>> No.56811919

If they weren’t criminal subhuman no one would have “targeted” them.
The fact that hardcore criminals get released early to kill and rape more only because they are black is a testament that blacks are the protected pets of elites
Literally human sized pit bulls, only more vicious and deranged
Black man and woman attack lone store owner in nyc? Let’s hail the owner, and never the black woman who knifed him in the back
Blackies pets attacks asian? Blame whites
Blackies ransack stores because their leash is off? Blame whites
You are right though, most of these news from liberal hellholes of bayarea and nyc.
Turns out when you remove the leash of your pet niggers and let them roam freely, they behave just like deranged psychopathic animals they are. Apple doesnt fall far from the tree, their ancestors were psyophatic criminals who were sold into slavery instead of being put down. Modern African American is the result.

>> No.56812015
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>No, YOU wouldnt do shit. I would slash that niggers tires with my pocket knife and walk the fuck away.