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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 437x174, Screenshot 2023-11-28 100446aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56799590 No.56799590 [Reply] [Original]

please tell me this wasnt a mistake

>> No.56799621

Lol. Lmao

>> No.56799626

You fucked up hard

>> No.56799641

It was a mistake

>> No.56799647
File: 125 KB, 1234x806, mETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shit platform

>> No.56799661

>he thinks $45 is a lot

it's going to get way, waaaaay more expensive fren

>> No.56799668

this is my entire net worth
and if it wasnt in link i would be buying shitcoins like GEEQ or NOSO like a retard....
god help me, its the only thing keeping me from gambling. i gained 100k and lost 80k now by buying stupid ass fucking shit so this is how i save myself

>> No.56799680

>reward rate 100%
Is that from one of those phising websites? Did OP even stake with chainlink labs?

>> No.56799690

delete this fucking thead you dumbass

>> No.56799704

lmao why would you dox yourself you fucking moron? i hope you never sell/withdraw :^)

>> No.56799725
File: 197 KB, 550x535, 1697318031857074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay. Cant stake 15k straight away? have to wait for early access?

>> No.56799749

Base is the future

>> No.56799752

It was a mistake to doxx yourself, the link is just a regular /biz/ fuckup

>> No.56799756

yep. there's literally no rush. priority is still open for like 9 days before you can stake the other half

>> No.56799761

It was a big mistake post your exact wallet balance

>> No.56799838
File: 195 KB, 629x553, 1663115786278527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im probably never selling. ill be 40 soon. 1k end of decade or rope

>> No.56799851
File: 283 KB, 1450x2000, FM4QMPnVcAEtQsD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone actually not interest in staking, I literally dont want to move my tokens bought in 2017

>> No.56799853

can any of the variable reward rate bros tell us if its worth staking early or waiting for the gas fees to go down lmao. would assume if someone has an insane reward rate that they would have already got a bit of link

>> No.56799878

it's literally a tranny discord photoshop. just like they always larp before smartcon. they want to demoralize you when you see it's actually 4.3%.

>> No.56799901

bs it's 59% atm

>> No.56799907
File: 23 KB, 623x350, 1693369310535209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then prove it with a screenshot next to an antisemitic meme

>> No.56799917

lmao nice try fuddies. you really are braindead....

>> No.56799986
File: 4 KB, 180x71, Screenshot 2023-11-28 103748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been rugged

>> No.56800047

rewards are predetermined and shared by the pool collectively
so if, hypothetically, the pool was not filled up, people would enjoy an APY above 4.5%

>> No.56800048

4 Fully staked 7,325 wallets. I'll earn enough to offset the ETH fees while you're waiting for it to go down. kek

>> No.56800050

>tokens bought in 2017
did you not stake 7000 of them in v.0.1?

>> No.56800066

oh so that's why people have been trying to fud others from staking the whole day, makes sense

>> No.56800081

if u didnt stake 7k tokens this year you lost 5k in current market value, 300k in singularity value

>> No.56800110

I took a break from this site so I didn't even know v 0.1 was out when I came back it had already been 6 months of steak now I need to wait another 12 days baka my head

>> No.56800139

The pool can only be filled up slightly over 50% until early access. There's absolutely no risk of the pool getting full. Ipso facto: you are a stupid low IQ nigger.

>> No.56800149

the less it fills the more rewards you get till it fills you stupid nigger

>> No.56800151
File: 181 KB, 677x718, 1700670232700395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, didnt really interest me. I would gain maybe ~800 tokens after a year at the advertised rate so I didnt bother

>> No.56800184

dumb fuck, rewards arent active until after priority migration period ends. does anyone here read the fucking blogposts. chainlink wants it to be fair for all participants like they always do

>> No.56800204

You just said "nah" to 800k 2024 United States dollars?


>> No.56800234

well it doesn't really make sense for me to move anything, once it does reach 1k what is 800 going to do me lol

>> No.56800261

where the fuck is that? I read the blog posts and didn't find anything mentioning rewards during early access migration

>> No.56800273
File: 21 KB, 348x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i hate ethereum so fucking much

>> No.56800287

yea, I'll be waiting til a weird hour to migrate. Can probably get this cost down to like $20 or so.

>> No.56800312

Im gonna raise an alert and make 7k linkies and all you who dont alert are getting slashed

>> No.56800325

Reward keeps declining. You frankly probably won't offset, but it's possible. Gas will drop significantly in about 12 hours, if reward goes to like 20% or lower (currently 38.7%) you will have lost. But it's all good, anon. Congrats on the migration!

>> No.56800352

Rewards are being counted. There is a rewards difference between the two wallets I staked with the first one I moved having a very slightly higher amount in rewards. I'm not sure the extra Apr will offset the migration cost but who honestly cares about 50 bucks in the grand scheme of things

>> No.56800358

>Entire net worth in Link
Not even 10 dollars worth of XRP? Yikes. Good luck!

>> No.56800391

You missed out on tons of build reward airdrops.

>> No.56800404

only node operators can get their link slashed

>> No.56800418

shut up

>> No.56800422

The iq pool in xrp is flat earth mongoloids compared to doctors and machine learning scientists. I’d rather be with the smarter crowd

>> No.56800500


>> No.56800529

I can't imagine being this retarded.

>> No.56800534

If hes already going to have 10m+ in 2024 value, who cares about another 800k?
Not your keys, not your coins. Congrats on handing over your keys for a measly crumb

>> No.56800542

XRP Twitter niggers were shilling a video of a Sergey video yesterday. They are literally gorilla nigger retarded.

>> No.56800583

I know you're being cheeky. Throwing away hundreds of thousands not to mention all of the Build rewards which will most likely be worth more than the 350 free Link I made per wallet I earned for clicking a couple buttons a year ago.

Anyways, we're all going to make it so I forgive you for being retards. I'm going to play pickleball with my big titty girlfriend now that this year's work has been done...

>> No.56800609

I ended paying "only" $20. Still, what a shit platform.

>> No.56800618
File: 117 KB, 822x895, Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 12-06-32 Staking Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) did not make a mistake (other than failing to stake even more LINK than you did), and you are not alone... fren.

>> No.56800638
File: 165 KB, 1938x928, linkerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also a 1k staker but i'm going to cash out my staking gains now
> t. don't have to pay capital gain taxes in my country

>> No.56800703

the first 1000 people to stake will get a passphrase to an illuminati party.

>> No.56800720

Don’t reproduce retard

>> No.56800731
File: 63 KB, 1280x928, IMG_2197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smarter crowd
You are choosing between banker Jews (Xrp) and Israelis (link)

>> No.56800763
File: 187 KB, 771x944, Screenshot 2023-11-28 133401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if we can LEGALLY avoid being taxed by migrating directly to v0.2 and not withdrawing any LINK at all including rewards? It is not clear at all based on current IRS guidelines. I technically have "dominion" over the rewards if I can click a button to move it to another staking pool, but also I technically don't have "dominion" because I haven't withdrawn it to my wallet so I am unable to "sell, exchange, or dispose" of the rewards. Migrating them to another pool is not selling, exchanging, or disposing.

>> No.56800807

haha yeah, they are actualling doubling down on that embarrassment
>n-no, this is real staking and v0.1 wasn't to save (fat) face, see? full dilutive shitcoin staking will be released in 2027, complete with burn wallet and sell tax

>> No.56800838

where hte fuck do you think you are nerd, no one cares, no one knows, not even the irs. in the end they will do whatever the fuck they want anyway.

>> No.56800956

the vast majority of stakers wont sell anything yet again due to greed.
Everyone will be high on euphoria and wont want to wait 30 days to unstake. The end result is roundtripping another -90% dump, but hey at least the staking will offset that by 5%..
#neverstaking chads will win this time.

>> No.56801027

Call an CPA i'd love to hear what they say. Especially if it was an old boomer

>> No.56801045

I've decided I'm just going to report and pay the taxes. Better safe than sorry and I don't want to make it in the future and then get raped by the IRS and become unmade so whatever.

>> No.56801080

whats the reward rate and gas fees right now

>> No.56801097
File: 8 KB, 551x68, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is going on right now??? am I gonna be paying $200 gas fee tomorrow just to stake this fucking LINK?

>> No.56801106

lol relax, you have 9 days before priority period ends

>> No.56801125 [DELETED] 

Im trying to migrate but what the absolute FUCK are these eth gas fees? What a fucking shitcoin how does anyone think this the future of money holy fucking shit I have 0.005 eth and thought it would enough for 'gas' not $50 fucking bucks worth. I can't even buy anymore because cucked banks wont let me buy crypto anymore. I'll get a ban but fuck jannies and niggers anyone send me any gas to get this migrated? 0x4Cecd0BD02897EADCE7d1A2Ee597F74C382618a1

>> No.56801185
File: 576 KB, 604x670, 1686280760556688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just send me 50 bucks bro
you're a nigger

>> No.56801204

Future of finance!

>> No.56801213

Fuck off dickwad we're all OGs here. Not my fault Eth is a fucking shitcoin that ought to be nuked why cant they move to a real L1 like Avax, Sol or even polyjeet?

>> No.56801219

this is the classic scam
lock people up in staking so they cant sell as the price tanks

>> No.56801222

>he thinks it will only be 200$ tomorrow

>> No.56801230
File: 135 KB, 932x954, 1650725287380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're all OGs
you're not an OG, you are a broke ass nigger

>> No.56801236

Lol look at this internet tough guy thinking hes the only one with a 5 digit link stack.

>> No.56801269

yeah it was asking me for $200 at one point lmao. I ended up paying $50 like 30 seconds later. So broken

>> No.56801375

but when they actually locked us in for an entire year the price doubled

>> No.56801380

Stop being a faggot, you think the IRS is omnipotent? You don't report until you cash out.

>> No.56801393

i paid $20

>> No.56801484

this nigga snitching on himself. as long as you pay taxes when you cash out the irs don't give a fuck about you. they'd rather focus on the thousands of people who don't report anything.

>> No.56801515

stay poor faggot

>> No.56801657
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>> No.56801674
File: 33 KB, 1000x1000, fuck-paid-advertising.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL port threads/screenshots are PAID SHILLS, not real people! Nobody logs onto the internet and shows random strangers and three letter agencies their actual holdings. What the fuck would be the point of that unless they are selling you something? Upvotes?

>> No.56802152

You are literally in the center of the bell curve. You were meant to be scammed. Im sorry.

>> No.56802286

Legit dogshit anyone who thinks this will ever be mainstream is actually retarded

>> No.56802425


>> No.56803037

This thread is aging like a fine wine already and it hasnt even been archived yet. This is gold.. Chainshits on suicide watch

>> No.56803146

hi anon I hope you manage to get your 100 or so links in during the general access. It filled pretty quick last time so maybe set an alarm. Good luck and I hope in a few bull runs you make it.

>> No.56803177
File: 256 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*slinks off into the shadows*

>> No.56803194
File: 1.25 MB, 719x720, GABabUra4AAMy8p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly was a mistake, VINU just partnered with Bybit and they made a new memecoin perpetual to all fags who wants to make it fast on this bullrun

>> No.56804485

latest no pooler cope just flopped out chuddie kiddos based!

pools closed! LPL... seethie?

>> No.56804541

I paid about $25 for each wallet, but the returns on the daily interest would cover more than the fee while it's higher

>> No.56804656

On a scale of Rory Piant to Patrick Collins, how hard are you seething rn based kiddo?

>> No.56804674

Rory and Patrick are not """seething""" you fucking schizo TAKE YOUR GODDAMN MEDS FUCK

>> No.56804679

holy forced memerino. meds

>> No.56804686


>> No.56804690

goddamnit anon take your meds

>> No.56804699

transaction keeps failing with ledger live

should i just keep trying or what. this is driving me nuts

>> No.56804708
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>> No.56804729
File: 13 KB, 743x177, 1691728426925209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank fucking christ
now i can go eat dinner and spend time with my family

dammit sergey my heart can't handle this high BPM

>> No.56804741

did it just randomly confirm after spamming it a couple times?
my first failed and 2nd went through and i have no idea what changed

>> No.56804745

Latest no pooler cope just vomited out from this obvious Bulgar LOL LMAO EVEN

pools closed.


>> No.56804769

Chainlink Avocados are amongst us frens...

>> No.56804770
File: 311 KB, 669x1034, 1687224015061205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes exactly
i was getting long strings of error bullshit on the staking site and transaction failed on the explorer. had to run it thru like 5 times. i thought my ledger was busted, i got it like 6 years ago and barely ever touch it.

i'm just glad it worked. fuck me.

>> No.56804900

>staking without LPL
what is this stupid discord tranny meme?

>> No.56804926

that’s not a lot of money to move around thousands of dollars. how poor are you?

>> No.56804957

Ignore them bro they're seething no pooler chads seething harder than Patrick Collins lol pools closed kiddos

>> No.56805077

not your keys not your coins

>> No.56805100

It’s gone

>> No.56805111

Stake all your stink you stinky coward.

>> No.56805359

When I staked appx 8 hours ago rate was 3.29%..a few minutes ago it was 14.96%…how variable is this variable rate?

>> No.56805373
File: 894 KB, 1125x1966, 7DDBB0A9-8EC0-4D48-9F14-DB05C6243C62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grift is slowly unraveling

>> No.56805385

isnt this the pussy that threatened sergey at smartcon? why didnt he show up?

>> No.56806047
File: 665 KB, 1030x858, Screen Shot 2023-11-11 at 6.43.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here mentioned 4% doesnt even keep up with inflation? doesnt look like things are going to get any better soon either.

>> No.56806066

wtf francisco i thought you were going to shoot sirgay?

>> No.56806072

4% of what?

>> No.56806163
File: 733 KB, 1125x1898, D7CEF5CE-1F2F-4920-B150-0F35B2945EAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Twitter is aware while biz echo chamber is only somewhat waking up

>> No.56806188

obsessive nigger reposting tweets with 10 views all day and all night

>> No.56806233
File: 901 KB, 1125x1841, 6F5BA592-A070-4F36-8ADE-F3E10C180326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You worship a rat l m a o

>> No.56806323
File: 121 KB, 734x737, 1595358576014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help.
My staked linkies are in a ledger and connected it by metamask on a firefox.
Tried to migrate but it says something about missing u2f extension, and even with that turned to true it still doesnt work. Ledgers website says that it no more supports newer firefox versions. It suggests using chrome instead. Im little nervous about importing metamask to a new browser. Are there things that i should be especially cautious about?
Did anyone else have similiar problems?

>> No.56806602
File: 11 KB, 714x152, fee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$12 for me

>> No.56806724
File: 74 KB, 745x605, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's that guy who's opinions are based in facts and logic


Why are all LINK fuddies so cringy? Fuddies, can you recruit some people who don't scream mental illness?

>> No.56806760

damn i just tried and its almost 27$, you got lucky. I only have fucking $12 of eth in my wallet too.

>> No.56807390

1% per transaction it a lot of money, you're retarded

>> No.56807443

1% is acceptable if you're doing international banking transfers, only a giga cuck would consider that rate fair for a blockchain transaction

>> No.56807503

nigger were staking for 4% gains 1% on adding to staking and removing is essentially half of your gains gone

>> No.56807581

Happened to me with dot desu