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File: 725 KB, 1125x1881, DB06BD09-14DD-4134-9FF2-E6C1ED417C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56790737 No.56790737 [Reply] [Original]

Is now blocking everyone on twitter. Looks like a panicked move

>> No.56790746
File: 770 KB, 1125x1839, 8E20357C-58BA-417F-A0BD-E7EE09A83022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like more and more people are waking up to the grift

>> No.56790757

it's over for stink tards. just sell now.

>> No.56790768
File: 227 KB, 886x718, jeffrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are afraid.

>> No.56790777

please don't sell marines, ok? buy more or we won't make it, but don't sell

>> No.56790791

kek fuddies

>> No.56790818
File: 327 KB, 1125x958, EABF0746-E9FC-4B3F-B3F2-F0C0BEC28DAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the saying, you can fool some of the people…

>> No.56790878

Chris, I know you lurk here. Why the sudden change in deciding to block everyone? Did something happen on one of your runs??

>> No.56790941

>fudcucks spam cl staff with already debunked fud, new retarded fud, coomer / degen shit, and death threats using sockpuppet accounts on twitter
>cry on biz about it and act like they're being oppressed
lol yeah definitely gonna sell for sure this time!
you guys are so good at this no matter what the rest of biz says!

>> No.56790995
File: 755 KB, 1125x1939, 89C9B451-5562-4BB1-93E1-78F5F97553BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projection the post

Sounds like you got some self loathing going on Chris. And what do you mean by “fud”, did you mean to say reality?

>> No.56791024
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>> No.56791044

dude are u ok, why are you so invested in link without being invested?

>> No.56791154
File: 564 KB, 1125x1731, 18D210F9-BC19-4974-BC7B-54FC4684881A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just found this one. Culties on suicide watch. Incredibly bearish

>> No.56791162

I love how with every crypto, no one cares about revenue, but with chainlink, they have to be in profit right this fucking moment to even justify their 20% ATH price

>> No.56791169

Are you ok? If so, how? Asking bc youre in a cult

>> No.56791190

Profit? Slow down there. First you would need revenue (there is none) to even have a chance of profit.

>> No.56791236
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 1698984955457304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't read anything itt but i hope you're all having a good day

>> No.56791252
File: 782 KB, 1125x1887, 2031DFE9-C194-43AD-9EFE-4DFE7BE508AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the tweet that did it

>> No.56791262
File: 612 KB, 1125x1877, 2941977B-9862-4A30-9CFA-6F2D7D8ADF0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris - theres no crying in crypto

>> No.56791268
File: 9 KB, 236x291, gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he scared

>> No.56791277
File: 805 KB, 1125x1791, D17697F5-71C2-490B-80CF-4E0413680572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris - lots of US prisons have nice tracks so you dont have to worry about continuing to run once youre convicted

>> No.56791296
File: 698 KB, 1125x1871, 1CB5914F-0396-48DC-B648-987796B5000B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO he really does resemble a rat

>> No.56791351
File: 76 KB, 1082x471, 6546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reeks of desperation.

>> No.56791885

This is the most seethe, unhinged, deranged posting I'm seeing from bag cucks. Must be getting anxious

Chris is the exact person I'd nominate for an Ari contract just based on his absolute uselessness as an employee. Chainlink hasn't achieved shit since the first SmartCon

>> No.56791899

t. mentally ill

>> No.56791934

>t. Chris Barrett

Hey Chris, how was Paris? Do you realize Ari contracts will be global? You've done nothing but lose people's money for years now, not to mention missing once in a lifetime bull runs. Good luck running from your bagholders

>> No.56791971
File: 19 KB, 227x251, 1616279258856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tech worker
>does no work
>blogs his lifestyle so he has poor opsec
Is anyone really surprised though?

>> No.56791984

Hey Chris, you resemble a literal rat. Any comments on this?

>> No.56792045

He's a complete retard, does anyone remember his cringe videos walking with Sergey like they were some bad motherfuckers? The most cringe thing I've seen from Chainlink, including wine with Rory and the Big Mac contest

>> No.56792091

>noo you must read every single one of my schizo ramblings
>no what are you going you cannot block MEEEE
>fudbros help me
I dont even enter FUD threads anymore but this is just sad lmfao

>> No.56792113

that whole twatter account is pure low iq cancer
do these retards not understand that there is absolutely zero organic interaction with such an account

now that said chris really is a waste of breath and should be fired immediately, but we all know unperforming employees get to stay on for years
big serg has no business sense, but none of that is going to make anyone here sell
isnt it disheartening to know all your efforts here are futile

>> No.56792115

pretty chad to mindbreak losers into making threads like this just by clicking a button kek. fudlets absolutely dominated

>> No.56792163

Guy is just in here on his own ranting into the wind at ghosts.
Fuddies, I am re-staking tomorrow and adding more.

>> No.56792173

This. Chainlink is no different than any other shitcoin. Anyone who expects anything from this project is a literal retard

>> No.56792178
File: 99 KB, 1200x682, cc4qa2xryfj61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure Sergey realizes this is his last bullrun. Too many bagholders and people who have caught on to the never-ending grift of "staking soon" + "adoption soon"... We all know about the enterprise adoption grift from 2017 back in the VeChain days.

He's probably going to dump at the peak of the BTC bullrun and quietly exit scam or just announce that he's moved on to another chapter of his life.

>> No.56792185

You're part of a bagholder cult.

No different from those idiots holding shares of BBBY which is now bankrupt and being liquidated.

>> No.56792192
File: 218 KB, 1017x1280, 1628816088759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying they have any sales revenue at all

Their only revenue comes from dumping premined tokens into the spot markets, made liquid thanks to the bagholder cult.

>> No.56792199


Are these comments on the main CL Twitter page?

>> No.56792303

>You're part of a bagholder cult.
indeed and nothing you say will get me to sell, I bought because of the fud in 2017 and will continue to hold as long as the fud is continuing since there is no way people would waste their time shitting for this many years just to "save" people

>> No.56792444

to bad they wont hire college dropouts

>> No.56792808

don't fret bro its the latest no pooler chad cope LOL lmao even...

pools closed kiddos

>> No.56792833


>> No.56792922
File: 74 KB, 745x605, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know they're a retard when they have words like "truthful, logic, or facts" in their bio

Also imagine giving 2 fucks about someone who has 60 followers



>> No.56792936

Yeah well Im sure theres a lot of lurkers. Since we've got you here, the token is not needed.

>> No.56792978

>If Serg does needful
>Sir, sir, SIR! Please do the needful. Doooo the neeeeeedful
This dude is 100% a street shitter.

>> No.56793374

>i dont enter threads
>enters thread
>y y yerrrr le schizo

Cringe. I could sense you crying as you wrote that. Do a workout or something so you wont be so disgusting

>> No.56793388

>is in a cult
>cult instructs him to defend reputation on worlds loser forum
>so delusional he thinks others are mindbroken
>his cult leader is a rat

Youre too far gone

>> No.56793397
File: 713 KB, 1125x1777, 0F58FAF4-B047-4DF8-AED3-02EC7E11A036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pasta/copy pasted from Gamestop reddit? I swear Ive read this before. Either way, pretty embarrassing (for you)

Also, your cult leader is a rat

>> No.56793415
File: 657 KB, 1125x1542, 937FC060-E687-4E55-984A-9FA4DDBB9548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro no one cares trust me bro

Hmmm, yet here you are responding. Irony is never lost on le cult…

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.56793744

I think he's a nice enough guy and all, but he's a gigantic homo
The whole running thing is so gay, it's shocking.

>> No.56793761

>17 babbling ESL posts over 5 hours begging people to sell
lmfao i guess the definition really does fit:

plural fudcucks, kekfuddies

1: a misguided, unpaid, and disgruntled personal assistant to link holders and stakers
"I just woke up! I could clean up the smegma scented basement I live in, but today I need to spend 8 hours angrily keeping biz up to date!" - your average fudcuck
2: an angry retard who lives on biz and is bitter about selling at a loss / gambling it all away on a lending platform: person affected with extreme intellectual disability or emotional instability

The terms fudcuck, kekfuddie, and their derivatives are currently used as technical descriptors in medical, educational, and regulatory contexts. These uses are broadly rejected by fudcucks, mostly because they find them incredibly offensive and upsetting

>> No.56793795
File: 881 KB, 2494x2494, F1RhDfbXwAA7oXd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro has been on twitter for 7 years and has 60 followers...that means nobody cares about his "opinions based on facts and logic" (cringe)

The only person who likes him is you. You're probably one of his 60 followers LOL

>> No.56793797

its because he was outed as Sergey's handler

>> No.56793817
File: 22 KB, 800x800, 12656 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you guys hear about what happened on TWITTER???
>oh my faucci I love screen capping garbage on TWITTER so I can post it on every other site
>who wouldn't want to see more screenshots from TWITTER????

>> No.56793830

Mev trannies having a meltdown

>> No.56793848

Same lol

>> No.56793892
File: 619 KB, 1666x1175, 1693354236050511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything funnier and sadder at the same time, than brown manlets puffing their little chests outs on twitter?

reminds me on that Francisco spic manlet, threatening to come and "talk face to face" lmao

the fascinating minds of these shitskins, top-buying retards (by their own account) and barking on twitter, no biting tho lmao

>> No.56793931

For someone you dont care about you went to the trouble of running your internet sleuth act. Cringe Barrett has also been on twitter forever and hardly has followers. As Ive said, irony is never lost on the cult

>> No.56793949

Personally if I kept collages of random dudes jerkoff habits on my phone I probably shouldnt be calling others sad, but thats just me. Whatever works for you hahaha man what a fag

>> No.56793976
File: 150 KB, 568x1200, 1701131698943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56793990

>w-wow you keep pictures of posts of my suicidal and pathetic gooning addiction that has destroyed my life and that I have rushed to scrub from the internet
>that means YOU are gay

powerdrill to the knees my man, remember. things are tough up there and imagine, a knock on the door or a black bag outta nowhere

>> No.56794011

"internet slueth"

I use twitter and just typed his username LOL

And you're right, Chris doesn't have that much followers. Maybe because nobody knows who he is! Imagine making a thread about a nobody blocking you on twitter


>> No.56794065

pools closed kiddos ha ha ha

seething? LPL chuddie kiddos stay winning

eat shit chad no poolers

>> No.56794123

that guy creeps me out. Makes sense why his twitter bio says "severe mental illness". Who puts that in their bio?

>> No.56794258

obviously he's a chad no pooler, kiddo!


LPL chuddie kiddos stay winning

>> No.56794285

based pools going kiddo how you closed???

>> No.56794316
File: 560 KB, 1125x1837, C6E6FD2E-155F-467A-A574-C5238FC6B4FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahaha beyond pathetic. You prob cant even do a pushup

>> No.56794333
File: 88 KB, 638x425, 7962B2F5-4E0B-44FA-998D-C21D2B9E7C2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I get it…one of your cult leaders got made fun of and you, being the massive cuckold loser you are, feel compelled to defend her honor.

But…did you ever stop to think why your in a cult led by a rat?

>> No.56794343


>> No.56794354

Seriously tho if you walked in on your son and he had a collage on his screen of another dudes jerkoff habits, you wouldnt think hes a fag? Thats pretty fucking gay man.

Of course having a son would imply you got laid at some point, so it’s all purely theoretical

>> No.56794366

Pools closed. seethe

Latest no pooler cope just dropped
redpilled and based pool chuddie kiddo

>> No.56794597
File: 666 KB, 1080x2340, 1692742928443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely seething because hes easily identifiable as the doxxed, brain damaged coomer that has been sitting on biz crying about link for the last 7 hours (which he does daily)
>this is what he does when he isnt pretending to be a white guy named thomas on twitter because hes correctly ashamed of the fact that hes a third-world poorfag
youre such a loser bro lmao
just kys already before someone else does

>> No.56794686

what's funny is fudders are correct, but it likely won't matter at all. regardless of any lack of revenue(or real open market demand for the token's utility), link could still easily put in many X's on narrative alone.

link has a great narrative, so when they intentionally obfuscate as much data as possible on their revenue, it makes it all obsolete. shiba went to 50bil with 0 revenue, and link can do it too.

but if the market was rational, it's mcap would stay under 1bil basically indefinitely until sergey actually increases demand for the token's utility(not ponzi speculation). still easily 5-10 years away for this.

rollbit has many multiples of link's revenue, a verifiable amount of transparent open market demand for the token, from which holders benefit, and sits at a tiny fraction of link's mcap because they are upfront about everything and don't try to hide the data. crypto is all about obfuscation and narrative driven ponzis rather than having a real delivered product with real revenue.

>> No.56794739

chainlink was confirmed a scam years ago moron

>> No.56795426

He is probably following orders.
I think it is about time they did this and cleaned up the cess pit of LE MARINES on twatter.

That cringe has damaged the brand since they appeared in 2019.
Both the fud fags and the cringe advocates need to be purged and cleaned up. Two sides of the same coin: mentally deranged weirdos

>> No.56795934

Latest no pooler cope just dropped based kiddos chuddie!



Long LPL Bancor TOAD... donate to all LINK marines facing SRS life crises!!!

Pools closed

>> No.56795956

CLG is based and link pilled you delusional bulgarian...
based and pools closed pilled

>> No.56795974

Yeh its quite funny the fuddrrs are attacking Chris on twitter and everyone is just blocking them kek
They shoot themselves in the foot it's so funny. You can see them trying to strike a balancing act between being fuddy but not enough to get blocked. We've just been blocking them anyway... They don't get to read half the link threads lolol

>> No.56795981

Latest no pooler cope just dropped and it is hilarious fellow pools chuddie kiddos based



>> No.56795983

Hey @chainlinkthomas, could you create a poll asking the Chainlink community if they should fire Chris Barret? Kek that’d be awesome

>> No.56795991
File: 243 KB, 1566x664, Untitledkkknnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@chainlinkthomas? the guy who can't stop masterbating? LOL

The guy who looks like Nicolas Cage's retarded cousin?


>> No.56796014

Isn’t he supposed to be aware of the community’s sentiment lol? Good and bad.

Him blocking people is an extremely bad look

>> No.56796025

>He's probably going to dump at the peak of the BTC bullrun and quietly exit scam
He already dumped millions of LINK and has at least 5 billion dollars in his treasury making him one of the richest 1000 people in the world. If that isn’t a quiet exit I don’t know what it is.

>> No.56796054

ewww, don’t ever reply to me again creepy incel

>> No.56796068
File: 878 KB, 1528x1092, 1884157344661307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fulltime fudcucks are now calling themselves "community members"
you're literally just brown garbage with an internet connection, lol
this thread is basically a monument to how upset the average fulltime fudcuck is because not even crypto twatter gives them the time of day anymore, and on biz they're basically just known as drug / porn addicted gamblers and poorfags
lmaoing @ the lives of every fuddie loser in this thread with their little twitter screencaps

>> No.56796088

I'll stake my link tomorrow, but I've completely given up on this dumbfuck project.

>> No.56796089

Didn’t read but I agree with what you said, Chris blocking people is a worrisome action

>> No.56796139

the fud spammers can fud here if they all get blocked for spamming on twitter i guess, not that they ever achieved anything
this place isnt good for them at all though - i think these 5-6 barely literate outsiders are slowly coming to understand that fudding here is basically just pissing in an ocean of piss - they're only splashing it on themselves

>> No.56796142

Did they poison this water? I drank some and now I'm completely parched with cottonmouth.

>> No.56796156

Well put. Far less of a leap than the other bullshit theories screenshotted itt with several more layers of made-up shit tacked on.

>> No.56796194 [DELETED] 

Chris blocking retards with 40 followers who spam his replies with garbage is not worrisome.

>> No.56796231

The guy posts about his runs, football, axie infinity and traveling, everything except useful chainlink info. His posts are the most bearish thing one could come across being that he’s Chainlink’s director or communications.

Not gauging sentiment from links biggest fudders is worrisome because their fud memes are spreading to more and more people every single day. Months ago you only had thomas, now you have at least 10 full time fudders gaining more and more followers every single day.

>> No.56796252

Wtf was that Chris?

>> No.56796258


LOL it's his personal twitter. You want him to post nothing but LINK related stuff?

And every "full-time" link fuddie I've seen has less than 100 followers. The biggest ones have 300 maybe (I have 5x more than them and have been on twitter for significantly less time than they have). Nobody is following these retards lol

>> No.56796429

Lot of fud recently guess you guys are going all out with V0.2 right around the corner. Thanks for reminding me to wake up early to join first.

>> No.56796640

They are better off letting that weird faction of advocates and fudders create their own bubble with no connection to official accounts due to being blocked.

Just makes a cesspit otherwise and damages the brand. Has done since they showed up.

>> No.56796643

Thats a raging bottom signal

>> No.56796651

That's a bullshit cope.
People have been looking at P/E ratio since a while now between ETH staking, AAVE, SNX, MKR, GMX, etc...
It's been 6 years since ICO and we're still waiting for staking.

>> No.56796709

Hiring a low level marketing role is bearish? This is some real grasping. Are these guys just all butthurt that they missed <$0.40 link?

>> No.56796715

>hurrr advocates are just as bad as fudders!
What kind of tranny logic is this even.

Option 1:
>you like a coin
>you buy it
>you talk about it

Option 2:
>you hate a coin
>you find a coin you do like
>you buy that and talk about that

Anything else is legit mental illness.

>> No.56796722

no poolers are basically chad cattle my based chuddie kiddo

pools closed.


>> No.56796790

I don't necessarily think they're as bad. I do think though that thanks to biz the community is like a fucking rigor mortis corpse tied to the project that stinks so bad it scares off the normies. The shills are naturally intertwined with that and sometimes lean into it. I literally do not give a fuck about any of the cult shit, the Assblaster Prophecy, the world domination fantasies. I care about number go up and so does basically everyone except the fucking 14 spastics on this site who apparently care about something else.

>> No.56796818

No amount of "coin good" will ever scare off normies, they live and breathe that shit.

>> No.56796855

Ignore him bro he's an unwashed chad no pooler

pools closed kiddos! based!


>> No.56797060

Time to jump ship and onto another Oracle bandwagon. I hear Supra is based

>> No.56797429

Chainlink really has nothing to do with the rest of crypto let alone real coins like btc/xmr etc. You're just investing in a startup tech stock basically, with the expectation that eventually it'll start actually making revenue. The only difference is that chainlink hasn't shown any ability to make money or produce a product people actually want. And this tech startup is employing hundreds of people on huge salaries to boot.

>> No.56797451
File: 98 KB, 764x894, 1694074433675210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chainlink hasn't shown any ability to make money

>> No.56797517

Fudders are 90% of the time burnt out holders and the fud is more potent because they were former organic shills.
Holders are just tired to be led around about staking and ccip for 3 years now. There is a disrepancy between what's been delivered and the billions they dumped on retail.

>> No.56797929
File: 432 KB, 1125x1516, 1701114165527284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink has never filed a balance sheet, income statement etc.
They haven't because they have no revenue (besides dumping tokens).

You're paying billions of dollars for a failed software company in the Caymans that makes less money than a lemonade stand.

>> No.56797937

> they have no revenue
Maybe you should try actually opening the pic

>> No.56797998

Hi Thomas. How's your porn addiction and depression going? You know fudding Link all day doesn't help. Go take your meds honey.

>> No.56798050
File: 664 KB, 1125x1619, 9F3060FC-FE13-4B85-A40C-C408D113B3BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how I know you’re a loser…you got upset when your master splinter cult leader cried about twitter comments

>> No.56798082

>n n no one pays attention to them
>b b but heres the rundown on their accounts

Bahahahaha. They own a metric fuckton of real estate in your head

>dude our next TEST version is going to CRUSH le fud

And then everyone clapped