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56791608 No.56791608 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Joe Biden

>> No.56791679

boy they sure are desperate to regain some kind of relevence

>> No.56791717


>> No.56791738

noooo not my HECKING comparinos I wanna wageslave forever at Wal-Mart waaaaaaa noooo you can't do this waaaaaaa

>> No.56791751 [DELETED] 


>> No.56791759

Imagine boot licking corporations who unironically want you to suffer. Clown world.

>> No.56791798

>largest, most profitable corporations
>start paying
>income tax brackets
>22% minimum for anything over $44,726
>Make $45k, pay $10k in taxes
I hate America so fucking much.

>> No.56791806

I don't disagree that companies need to be taxed more, but would the average schmuck like me actually benefit from this, or would the money just disappear in to the military budget?

>> No.56791816

Its just going to be used as 'the stick' to get companies to back ESG initiatives even harder

>> No.56791820

Income taxes on corporations and the rich are a meme. Taxes were 90% back in the day, but it was way easier to hide money and dodge taxes. This is why they don't allow bearer bonds anymore. This is all just a dog and pony show to make you think shit is fair. It's not.

>> No.56791821

just cool it with the antisemitism.
only terrorists ask questions.

>> No.56791852
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>> No.56791882

Yeah I know. They are the recipients of the tax money, they don't pay shit. But the stupid fucking cattle think voting for the middle class to keep having more and more of their income confiscated by the government and handed over to the rich is somehow going to fix something. I don't even hate the rich, I hate the voters.

>> No.56791884
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All of this is just a wolf outing a sheep's rallying cry.
>We're gonna raise taxes for rich people
>Left cheers
>You're not going to see any of that money yourself though, lol
>Left cheers because "fair share" for the community
>We're also no going to lower your taxes either lmao
>Left cheers because "giving back to the community"
>We're also going to start spending more so your taxes will inevitably rise again considering this deficit
>Left cheers because "American government knows best"

The best strategy is to first
>Lower taxes for low income brackets
>Make do with whatever tax revenue is left
>Lower taxes for middle income
>Start cutting spending to make do with whatever is left

Everybody wins.
I don't care if some billionaire is paying more or fewer taxes if I won't see a dime of that money. Lower my taxes first and then we can start talking about being "responsible".
Fuck this geriatric's Bernie rhetoric to mobilize the niggers who, after a decade of this, will get Uncle Sam's boot so hard up their nutsack they'll cough up their own retarded grandchildren.

>> No.56791916

>I hate the voters.
yeah, the voters really have control of everythign dont they? (sarcasm)

are you fuckign stupid.?
we don't get to vote yea or nay on any of these poilices that have fucked us over for the last 100 years.
and it doesnt fuckgin matter what politiican you might vote for the resulting policies virtually never change

>> No.56791927
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There shouldn't even be income tax, at all. But of course between the gibs and interest on the national debt the government would instantly implode if the entire citizenry wasn't literal tax slaves. Get rid of midcare/medicaid/gibs/debt and we could double military spending and still barely have to pay shit.

>> No.56791957

Yeah now that's true, but the voters chose the left/right thing over and over for generations and that's what got us here.

>> No.56791969

This is basically what i tell people when they ask me why i don't vote and it makes their NPC brain short circuit lol

>> No.56791999

Does Brandon realize large companies don't evade taxes? They minimize or even make negative their profit so they have no liability whatever the corporate tax rate is.

>> No.56792242

The democrats know that. The voters don't know and understand that so when they see this they think he's doing something

>> No.56792274
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>prices of literally everything go up 15% overnight
Heh, nothing personal goyim.

>> No.56792284

BRO! Where would we be without corporate rule over the internet? Do you seriously want to go back to the days small individually owned and ran websites with forum and IRC communities and using bittorrent for getting all of your media?

>> No.56792309

i tell them politicians are actors and it's all a show, that washington is reality tv and none of this is real.

>> No.56792340

Based Joe. Lot of Amazon bootlickers ITT.

>> No.56792343

the voters perpetuate this farce and lend the scam fake governments the consent they need to pretend they're legitimate. that's why i hate the voters, they're enablers.

>> No.56792405

They gotta fund their wars somehow.

>> No.56792456

who? if you are trying to make a point, state it clearly. hiding behind vague "authority bad" makes you look mentally delayed

>> No.56792501

how are we supposed to even know who "they" are? you don't have to know who the man behind the curtain is to notice there is a man behind the curtain.

>> No.56792525

>Penetrating comment!
>OMG Such brave!
>Post of the year!
2 shekels have been deposited to your account

>> No.56792547

So my stocks are going to shit because they'll save less cash because taxes.

Let's go brandon!!!!!

>> No.56792556

A F-ing MEN

>> No.56792561

it's great to have different cultures, but they should stay where they came from, to avoid dilution. that's why you have to return to pol

>> No.56792594

it's becoming common knowledge that much of what we thought was real is probably fake when it comes to government. so get used to it

>> No.56793114

Who is actually in favour of the current system? it distort free market competition when you have large corporations not paying taxes but small/medium size companies paying taxes, i've never encountered anyone that unironically thinks this is a good economic model, not to mention the waste of human ressources in having such a large group of intelligent people being employeed as lawyers in the financial sector just to keep this model of "no-taxes for big corp" working.

It's probably because the people that actually do benefit from this nation-harming scheme are the people in charge and nothing will change, just politicians trying to talk into this grievance for some cheap points but will never do anything beyond symbolic gestures - because they can't, because they don't have the power.

>> No.56794242


>> No.56794323

>companies get 15% tax
>companies raise prices 20%
Covid killed ALL competition and now you cattle can pretend to stick it to the conglomerates. Kek