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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56789403 No.56789403 [Reply] [Original]

>17 days

>> No.56789428

I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. This is a pretty big swap, I wonder if it will be the event that starts market crash.

>> No.56789439

Kill yourself, gamebaggie.

>> No.56789474

Are you saying that the swap isn't real?

>> No.56789491

explain it to me like i'm a smoothbrain

>> No.56789544


He walks through it.

>> No.56789573

>my guess is this equity swap is somehow related to my dead brick and mortar retail stock
Keep coping, baggie.

>> No.56789583

>expecting em to click that link
Screenshot it and post it or copypasta the text

>> No.56789599

But is it real or fake?

>> No.56789603


>ctrl + F "gamestop" "GME"
>zero results found

Now fuck off redditor.

>> No.56789613

It says right there in the fucking swap name it’s a volatility basket swap, meaning it’s linked to an index not a single name company. God fucking Twitter is retarded

>> No.56789615

according to the rules that the goyim have to follow, the people who are short on gamestop have a deadline and its not possible for them to make that deadline. so the gamestop people think that gamestop stock will shoot up infinitely.
but these rules dont apply to people that control the system, so nothing is going to happen

>> No.56789621

Also most of that would have been paid out already as it’s likely not a bullet swap

>> No.56789652

Fake and gay

>> No.56789656

But the swap is real?

>> No.56789710

It’s not because the rules don’t apply, nothing is going to happen because swaps pay out on a fixing period generally and not at maturity. Even if it didn’t have a fixing period and is in fact a bullet swap, it’s still legally required for swaps to post collateral on the MTM value, and only with specific HQLA collateral with haircuts

>> No.56789790

>ctrl F "TKD"
>1 result found
is it over?

>> No.56789869


>> No.56790044

the date 1970-01 is also known as the unix epoch and it frequently shows up on erroneous computer entries or other computer glitches

but realistically its impossible that this is just a fat finger / computer glitch and gamestop is going to $1,000,000,000,000,000 per share and the hedgies will ledgies etc. etc.

>> No.56790061

Let's see what happens, eh boys?

>> No.56790201

No, obviously.

>> No.56791133

It's real... in someone's mind.

>> No.56791171

This is the harbinger of WWIII.