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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56784756 No.56784756 [Reply] [Original]

My husband is an extreme anti social individual who ignores everyone around him. All he focuses on is his career as an airline pilot. If he’s not flying professionally he’s flying at his local flying club. Last New Year’s he was took a Cessna 172 and decided to fly by himself in the middle of nowhere at night. All he talks about Is plane and becoming emperor of the world. Were only 22 and he decided to buy a 400k car when he got a 700k “loan” from his uncle. I say “loan” because his uncle is a super nice guy and he won’t ask back for the money. He called me a worthless spaghetti maker after I refused to make him lasagna at 8pm (after he came back from work) , he doesn’t understand how long It takes to make lasagna. Plus he then decided to get a liter of coke and decided to put 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream and chug it. He’s super weird and he acts like those loners. He always brings everyone down and he’s super in control of his emotions but In a psychotic way. What is wrong with him?

>> No.56784761

he's 100% right

>> No.56784769

Right about what?

>> No.56784843

Fake, women don't use 4chan

>> No.56784877

>Last New Year’s he was took a Cessna 172
fuck off pajeet, what's the point of this thread?

>> No.56784890
File: 64 KB, 546x678, 1683190765821408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing here? You need to go back

>> No.56784896

stale pasta
wake up /biz/
fucking tourist board ffs

>> No.56784985

You married him. Not my problem.

>> No.56784998

How can we profit from this?

>> No.56784999

Also we all know your going to divorce him so just get it over with and take half his shit.

>> No.56785035

Doesn't sound like he's lying just sounds like he's flying

>> No.56785080

Yes we do!

>> No.56785110
File: 40 KB, 640x480, look closer leny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post car. NOW

>> No.56785114

Your fictional husband sounds extremely based.

>> No.56785137

It’s an over expensive rolls Royce

>> No.56785161

He isn’t fictional. He’s real

>> No.56785271
File: 168 KB, 462x750, king homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Such investment will either result in great wealth or extreme poorness, with no in-between.

>> No.56785304

Kek stfu LARP, you're evidently a fat bald retard living with his mom, there is no women on 4channel.org faggot, and even less on /biz/, I'd have more chances of finding a real chick on Beoble than here

>> No.56785314

Thanks for the so needed kek

>> No.56785317

There is no outcome where buying a Royce with borrowed money goes well

>> No.56785326

Bitches are either on Twitter being whores or on Instagram being thots

>> No.56785329
File: 60 KB, 1122x900, 1615502479638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based

>> No.56785330

he’s 100% right about everything. you should shut your insolent mouth

>> No.56785344

they primal instinct of fertility display

>> No.56785348

Sometimes it results on barely ROI

>> No.56785359

you can't

>> No.56785403

That 4chan post sounds like it's from a movie! It's got everything - a lone wolf pilot, crazy aspirations, and midnight flights in a Cessna. And lasagna drama! Let's break it down, though.

Career Focus: Being super into his career as a pilot isn't necessarily bad, but it sounds like he's taking it to an extreme. It's important to have balance in life, and it seems like he's missing out on the 'personal' part.

Loan and Spending: That loan situation is tricky. It's awesome his uncle is supportive, but buying a super expensive car? That's a lot for someone so young. It's like, "Hello, financial responsibility, where are you?"

Communication & Respect: Calling you a 'worthless spaghetti maker' is just not on. Respect and kindness are key in any relationship. And the lasagna situation? I mean, everyone knows you can't rush good lasagna!

Hobbies and Personality: It's cool to have hobbies, but his seem to take over his life. And the coke with ice cream thing... well, everyone has their quirks, right?

Emotional Control: Being in control of emotions is great for a pilot, but in personal life, it can come across as cold or unfeeling. It's all about balance.

So, what's wrong with him? It sounds like he's a bit lost in his own world, maybe lacking in empathy and balance. Maybe he needs a heart-to-heart, to understand that relationships and respect matter as much as career and hobbies. But honestly, it's a bit above my paygrade!

>> No.56785419

i hate women. I love pizza. I would eat pizza every day, but im not allowed.

>> No.56785433

>he’s super in control of his emotions
>but In a psychotic way.
this makes roasties seethe beyond comprehension & is the only reason this was written

>> No.56785564
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You aren't considering the social status and networking appeal. Dude is in a special club now, and the the Rolls Rollers always look out for their own.

>> No.56785608

based spaghetti lasagna poster

>> No.56785613

I am a real woman.

>> No.56785616
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He's got a fatal case of based.

>> No.56785670

Can you tell pi I said hello

>> No.56786511


>> No.56786528

About everything. Shut your whore mouth and leave him be, bitch.
I spit in your face.

>> No.56786646

Erica, I am surprised to see you here. We both know it's bullshit. He tries so hard so you don't have to wage.

>> No.56786662

My effort to provide an answer to your post will be based on the size on the size of your breasts when you post them

F cup: Max effort
A cup: No reply

Your call OPette

>> No.56786681

It's lasagne you ignorant peasant

>> No.56786688

My name is Bianca >>56786662
disgusting >>56786681

>> No.56787191

Tits or GTFO, your husband is a bad owner because you should be on a leash

>> No.56787608

bob vegan

>> No.56787686

Obey, inferior.

>> No.56787708

Short spaghetti futures

>> No.56787774
File: 1.44 MB, 400x560, 1698673729544796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to feel the butterflies in my teens and early 20's when women would hit on me. Now I'm 30 years old and still a virgin, but when women hit on me I literally feel nothing at all, sometimes even a little irritation.

Women hit on me and mire me all of the time, but I feel nothing. My coworker just gave me her number and I don't even want to text her.

What's my problem?

>he's a psychopath
No, I hate seeing people and animals suffering. It makes me very sad and disgusted with the way living things treat each other. Nor do I have an appetite for power over other people.

>> No.56787839
File: 38 KB, 469x749, IMG_2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a street shitting faggot larping on here and /pol/ claiming hes a pilot in canada. sage

>> No.56787864

Its a man dont feed the troll

>> No.56787979



>> No.56787985


No u.

>> No.56787995
File: 187 KB, 1000x688, 1687786866318443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out my wife's been cheating on me with the mailman's lesbian nephew.

>> No.56788030

Imagine being this much of a newfag

Lurk moar