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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56783559 No.56783559 [Reply] [Original]

Richard Heart just took down the front end websites of all of his shit coins
DOJ and Interpol must be closing in, Tyrone about to gape his ass in prison






How is he still typing on Twitter?

>> No.56783589

Richars Heart aka Richard Schuler is definitely bisexual

>> No.56783609

i thought this guy had a 200 IQ? he writes basic b.s a 100 IQ brainlet knows.


>> No.56783657

Only retards bought Hex. Xrp, Ada, Doge are next

>> No.56783702

Not clicking this shit and not reading that schizo blog on twatter

>> No.56784072

You‘re too arrogant. Have you ever entertained that RH educates the ignorant masses about things they didn‘t know before?

>> No.56784364

Is there a rip of 'Highest of Stakes' out yet? I see it was just added to Apple TV but I don't have Apple TV.


>> No.56784987
File: 70 KB, 542x823, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His websites are about to be seized
and Elon will be ordered to shut down his Twitter

Im not watching a fucking Richard Heart documentary, probably just more clips of his gay jewelry and clothes

>> No.56785070

Wow Richard has done it again. He's the pioneer of decentralization and has taken the next obvious step to increase decentralization for his dApps. No other developer would work this hard to create a truly decentralized landscape for their investors. Richard is the man

>> No.56785372

Wait a minute pal. All he did was take down the webapps. It was already possible to run the software locally, just not practical for all users.

>> No.56785559

Sure but now there's no point of failure when using Richards dApps. They'll have 100% uptime no matter what. Good idea which is far ahead of the curve to the rest of the crypto industry. Watch as everyone follows suite though and gives Richard 0 credit

>> No.56785684

Correct but all these VC worshipping fsggots are SEETHING. I laugh at them

>> No.56785728

the ponzi is collapsing?

>> No.56785761

>How is he still typing on Twitter?

looks like steganography to me. there's a message in there somewhere but we don't have the decoder ring to understand it.

>> No.56785945
File: 410 KB, 1152x2048, 5114EFD4-156B-460F-AEE3-853FFC8ED20B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was promised $11k

>> No.56787354

>Richard Heart just took down the front end websites of all of his shit coins
yeah saw this coming and realized my loss

>> No.56787360

>It was already possible to run the software locally, just not practical for all users.
then who's going to buy your bags?

>> No.56787973

here we go another week long hex thread where the same 3-4 anons counter reverse fud to each other

>> No.56788877


He's just doing this so the SEC can't do a seieze and desist order on go.hex.com, not that they need to, because why would any sane soul buy a coin with a criminal founder?

>> No.56788879

to be fair, it is well documented he was the first one to do so. so they can claim as much as they want, but the evidence is that Richard was the first to do it

>> No.56788919

When i first saw him i thought that he was actually a fat lesbian kek

>> No.56789096

if he had a 200 IQ he wouldn't be tweeting simple things to retards.

>> No.56789369

bro he has money and pays experts in what ever field his interested in to give him a basic understanding of shit. you could do that too

>> No.56790234
File: 333 KB, 595x766, Ruja Bulgari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56790377

>His websites are about to be seized
you can run defi front ends from local machine
this is the primary reason why icp is worth 0

>> No.56790403
File: 280 KB, 1058x793, IMG_0232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at this massive faggot, who in their right mind would invest in this "man"? kek
like one second looking at his face you know you are dealing with a jewish scammer.
reminds me of SBF, no idea how people can trust these jews with their money.
gotta be full retard

>> No.56790425
File: 778 KB, 1920x1080, Richard Heart Miss Teen Crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56790441

wtf is this