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File: 82 KB, 600x884, 1682913092881970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56781605 No.56781605 [Reply] [Original]

Your ancestors made a living by doing back-breaking work outdoors but they were happier than you.

>> No.56781619

until the famine came

>> No.56781649

Gee, I wonder why

>> No.56781666

My ancestors ran a tavern for 300 years, probably indoors most of the time. After that, at least two of them were horse theives. Outdoors, but not sure if stealing horses would be considered back-breaking work.

>> No.56781696

>easy pink pussy
>work outside all day in the sun rather than cuck cage
>everyone has 3-6 kids
>land is ultra cheap
>lots of animals and cute pets
>slightly longer work days, but more chill
>everyone knows each other in the community
>no banana chucking looters

>> No.56781729

>clean water and air
>could fuck your sister without being judged
>Still die before 50
The industrial revolution cannot be undone, that Ted guy was pissing into the wind. Financially speaking, there's no going back.

>> No.56781749

>easy pink pussy
that gets rinsed with water once a week at best, I think I'll pass.

>> No.56781761

Contemplate the aroma

>> No.56781799

wench wee, peasant poo, farmhand fish and hay

>> No.56781816

hairy bush and hairy armpits, smelly feet

>> No.56781852

And yet they were stuck in a hovel, had a 50% infant mortality rate and got half their shit destroyed when barons and dukes got into autistic slights. Happiness is not a good metric to measure your life by because you’ll fall into the same ennui no matter what

>> No.56781890

>slightly longer work days
That would only have been true during the harvest. Averaged over the year you'd have a lot less hours worked as an agricultural peasant than a modern wagie.

>> No.56781916

so no different to today then but this on a global scale kek

>> No.56781966

>Happiness is not a good metric to measure your life by because you’ll fall into the same ennui no matter what
Seems right, but what's a better thing to measure your life by?

>> No.56781976
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What kind of antisemitic bullshit is this?

>> No.56781990
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>> No.56781991

>land is ultra cheap
People weren't land owners retard, everyone practically rented the land and home by paying the landlord different taxes, they even had to get permission to get married

>> No.56782045
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Image being envious of third world living conditions. I’ll take my electricity, heating, car, internet, cell phone and tv, thanks.

>> No.56782218
File: 55 KB, 589x463, HOW DOES THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can confirm this is fake. yuo see, im a blocklords player, my unwashed plebeians are working 24/7 on the cotton fields while getting attacked by bears and wolves constantly. game's very realistic so i believe it. so stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.56782238

Literally some fucking medieval woman you fucking coomer cunt.

>> No.56782263

my ancestors committed a massive genocide and an ethnic purge against the native peoples of my country

>> No.56782266

you may want me to come back and it will be too late

>> No.56782275

of course they fucking were they were uneducated and died at 22

>> No.56782277

I hope I can get a job
I wouldn't mind being a slave on a cotton plantation at this point

>> No.56782278

Romanticizing medieval times like retards is the new alt right fantasy. They (as always) must blame things that don't exist and their highest form of cope is "i was born in le wrong generation controlled by jews!!!'

>> No.56782283

also women were burnt if they talked shit, ofc the world was happier

>> No.56782288

and landlord has the right to fuck your wife before you, on your wedding night

>> No.56782290

this thread is full of virgins who think a woman smells like roses, real women smell like sweat and are only for tigers and lions like me

>> No.56782292
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As an autistic age of empires fan i can back this up. Shit was fucked back then bros.

>> No.56782296

And that is good, the world is a better place now.

>> No.56782299

But outdoor jobs are cool no matter what. Almost as if humans are meant to work outside and not in tiny, gay, sterile gray desk jobs filled to the brim with fake sociopaths.

>> No.56782301

Delete that picture right now faggot, NOW!!!

>> No.56782312

so just like the actual times, good

>> No.56782349
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Sounds fucking awesome. Druk 24/7 then stealing horses with the boys.

>> No.56782365

my ancestors brought metal to europe on horses

>> No.56782366

>alt right
Its a wagie / poor people cope independent of political direction

>> No.56782385

I know nothing about my ancestors

>> No.56782392

my two biggest historical what ifs.
Marcus Aurelius didn't give Rome to commodus. 1066 went the other way.

>> No.56782414

>but they were happier than you.

>> No.56782422

they also died at like 30

>> No.56782942

how would you possibly know that?

>> No.56783035

as a professional horse thief, it is pretty difficult.

>> No.56783139

zoomers who have never read a single history book... why should i pay attention to your opinion, as a sophisticated history nerd with decades of history nerd experience?

>> No.56783532
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>everyone practically rented the land
Just like now, except instead of half your paycheck going to rent or mortgage like today, peasants paid no more than 5% of their yeild (crops, butter, meat, w/e) to their fuedal lord. In many cases, the rent was actually free and peasants could work the land and repaid their lord when they used his buildings, eg the flour mill or baking ovens, or they repaid the lord in the form of services rendered, like some days of labor each year, etc.

Medieval peasants also had more vacation days per year than work days. This was mandated by the church. It was ILLEGAL to work on "Holy Days", and the church would penalize fuedal lords who made their peasants work during the holidays. Check the traditional Catholic Calendar, every week there are multiple feasts and holidays for random saints and liturgical observations. Also, outside of planting and harvest season, there really wasn't much work to do. The typical American today gets 10 vacation days per year (LMAO) and works 40 - 60 hours per week.

>> No.56783565

good post, anon
>Verification not required.

>> No.56785058
File: 5 KB, 170x170, 1D22B9E5-FEAD-4245-B88C-63EFF8B95EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just share this to make the seething wagies stfu

>> No.56785096

I, too, have seen brave heart.

>> No.56785127

>Me: hey can I live on that patch over there?
>Lord: sure, just be sure to trim the grass every once in awhile

Seems super comfy.

>> No.56785453

Sounds fucking perfect, you queer

>> No.56785503

Not to mention the lack of an overarching bureaucracy to demand the minutia of their lives fits an arbitrary and ever changing standard. They were also culturally and ethnically homogenous in high-trust societies where criminals were dealt with rationally, you wouldn't have to worry about being replaced within your neighbourhood by racial and cultural strangers within the decade due to an open-borders policy, wouldn't have to hear a story about twelve people being killed without retribution, wouldn't live in agonising fear of the "law" cracking down on you for wrong-think. For the "modern medicine" crowd you also wouldn't have nutritionless, overfarmed soil, brain melting anti-depressants being dished out to help you cope with daily life, cancer affecting half of everyone you know, and all the other degenerative diseases and mental sicknesses which have come with processed food, poor breeding, and sedentary lifestyles.

Whenever some smuggie tells you that you wouldn't want to live in the past because you wouldn't have been a knight, remind them that a peasant had it better than they do today and if you could you would gladly become that peasant.

>> No.56785544

>die before 50

>stuck in a sardine tin he doesn't even own
>in a civilisation with 50% cancer rates
>lonely yet surrounded by strangers
>cities being burned down by niggers every year
>"barons" and "dukes" who believed they had a divine mandate to protect and serve replaced by psychopathic oligarchs and puppet leaders with no loyalty to anything but money
Fuck off faggot

>> No.56785579

Careful. Shills won't like this post.

>> No.56785765

As a master horse thief, it is not that difficult after the first 20.

>> No.56785789

>Live past 50

No point, without youth. Decrepit boomer

>> No.56785847

I dunno, I'm pretty happy. Wish I hadn't waited as long as I did to have kids, and wish my parents were still alive, but can't do much about either of those. Otherwise I'm good nigga.

>> No.56786455

this is the general consensus of all the dads i know. We all waited way late because we were scared away from having kids and now generally wish we had started earlier.
There was literally nothing to be worried about. Kids are awesome.

>> No.56786506

have you met my ancestors? Lazy and almost never leave the living room.

>> No.56786872

Fycking irish

>> No.56786881

Oh look a reddit historian

>> No.56786890

>be allergic to pollen
>get easily burnt by sunlight
i'll pass

>> No.56786932
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It was probably buck breaking at least

>> No.56786970

>land is ultra cheap
Land was not cheap because it was not for sale. Land was property of the ruling lord and he would lend you the exploitation rights for a piece of the harvest.
>slightly longer work days, but more chill
This might have been true during harvest and in the summer since work was strictly tied to sunlight. The winder had very few hours of sun so the work hours were low.
>everyone knows each other in the community
This is true but they were also very small communities too.
>no banana chucking looters
If you lived in the frontier you might have to fight bandits or enemy raids.

>> No.56787057

When smiled at you expect rows of rotted black stumps where teeth used to be.
Even the aristocracy had their women use fans to waft away the scent of their decaying teeth.

>> No.56787087

until they ruined their back and died in agony at 30.

>> No.56787273


>> No.56787368

Filthy fucking luddites holding back human progression. If everyone thought like this we wouldn't have made the strides in technological progress we've made. Just accept your place on the bottom rung of society and work to advance society. Technology will bring about a golden age of prosperity.

>> No.56787425


They worked far less than the average wagie. Got plenty of 30 minute breaks, could drink on the job, had lunch time siesta. Had virgin wife. Had lot's of children to help out the labour. Had pre vatican 2 Catholicism with validly ordained priests. Didn't have to deal with woke nonsense and homo/trans brainwashed people.

They had it better in nearly every way except for machines. But those were exploited to make us work harder instead of making us work less.

>> No.56787445

He is correct.
Cant get allergy if you aren't vaccinated

>> No.56787450

No it won't. Technology is only being used to enslave us. Despite modern technology they still haven't disproved geocentrism by measuring the earth's supposed movement.

>> No.56788656
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at least post the original one

>> No.56788663

Weary body happy mind
Happy body weary mind

>> No.56788684
File: 618 KB, 492x799, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys have no idea how shitty life used to be.

>> No.56788706

>turn off tv, cellphone, internet
>suddenly happy again after 24h

wow its that easy huh

>> No.56788732


You can actually combine the benefits of medieval peasant life with modern resources. Life is only hard because we insist on being overly connected, overly socialized, encumbered with things/bills/responsibilities.

Medieval peasants lived VERY humbly. Their modern cost of living adjusted for inflation would be like $2k per year.

It's really not hard at all to go take on some part time job in a dirt cheap remote area and get by sparsely in a shack in the woods. There are tons of people doing that now as we speak (and they get made fun of for it), but their soul is probably at peace.

>> No.56789568

This is correct. However, thats not what OP posted. He is clearly stating a peasant lifestyle is a happier one and I am calling total bullshit on this. You have no idea how shitty life was back then.

For example, just the fucking smell. Shit, piss, rot, urine, disease and decay aroudn every corner of your house and land. People used to carry a hankerchief soaked in perfume and regularly huff it just to do something about the smell.

Nevermind the tooth decay, infant mortality around 30%, local militias ransacking at will your food, women, clothing, etc.

Nightmare fuel actually.

>> No.56790118

Sounds much better than modern day India

>> No.56790371

Idk I'm pretty happy doing sysadmin work

>> No.56790396

then go live in the fucking pod and eat the bugs already, bugman

>> No.56790525
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>back-breaking work

My ancestors were nobles, slave owners, and raiders/criminals. i.e. winners. Pretty sure we never did back-breaking labor.

>> No.56790556

they had no tv, beautiful women on tv around al time, houses as today exist, no inflation, not even soap, they didnt had even antibiotics, fuckoff and fuck my ass