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56780103 No.56780103 [Reply] [Original]

No one remembers how bad it was.
I mean most people never experienced how bad it was because they just complied, but even those that saw it, or participated in it, they don't remember how evil it was.
I had one doctor literally accuse me of murder for not wearing a mask as well as deliberately trying to freak me out with a fake diagnosis.
Other doctors insulted me and gleefully declared they would not treat me.
Normal people would be ready to you throw down over not wearing a mask.

It was utter insanity and if you try to talk to any normie about it, they just kind of shrug their shoulders and go "wearing a mask kinda sucks, but it's not so bad"
That's their entire takeaway, that's all they remember. It's horrifying.

>> No.56780116

It's hard to maintain the belief that people deserve to be free given the general reaction to the corona hoax. But the real takeaway is that people do deserve to be free, but slaves aren't people, and slaves deserve their chains.

>> No.56780142
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I remember at least two years after the height of corona I was delivering some frozen eggs to a warehouse.

The dudes inside had masks around their necks (as was typical, the masks were a symbol and did nothing). I had a dude walk with (no mask) get within a foot of my face and tell me I needed a mask. I laughed at him and asked where his was. Threw a fit and said get out if you're not gonna wear a mask.

I also remember going to an open air public dump in the middle of summer and had the gov wagie who was so scared of my unmasked self approach me again within one foot of me and demand i mask up to toss some garbage in the garbage pile.

It was all about control, had nothing to do with science.

>> No.56780177

I member. Had similar (but less severe) issues with a doctor trying to scare me with some bullshit. Luckily I had a functioning brain so I knew immediately not to trust what he said.

Bright side is it convinced me 90+% of people genuinely are morons and I should trust my gut over what normies think. That gave me the confidence to finally make a big play in the crypto market. Six figure profits here I come.

I hope everyone ITT is a pureblood Chad

>> No.56780213

Holy shit, someone needs a hobby.

>> No.56780224

Based and chadpilled.

>> No.56780246
File: 23 KB, 488x351, IMG_0800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you also got into a fight with your old school bully for not wearing a mask and beat him up, made out with his girlfriend while everyone was clapping?

>> No.56780281

I didn't take the vax, I was right, me 1 cattle 0