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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56772391 No.56772391 [Reply] [Original]

Should I add anything else bros? Bought in a few weeks ago and already made more than I'm able to save in a year of working. Not sure if I should add in a small cap coin or keep stacking these two every month until peak bull

>> No.56772445

Dusk = RWA
WINR= Gaming Platform
S M H= Next Kaspa

>> No.56772502

Don’t go for low caps, sure some might give you insane gains but all of them end at -99% after the bull market ends. Stack LINK , AVAX , SOL. You can easily hit $1M next year

>> No.56772526



(This post will get much hate)

>> No.56772530

What's your logic on including SOL? I'm sure it will pump but it seems like a VC backed inferior AVAX with less room to pump

>> No.56772541

Why isn't the hate justified? Seems the only reason to hold bitcoin is if I was willing to hold forever, but as mentioned I plan to sell peak bull. I'm on here every day so I'm more active than most traditional investors

>> No.56772550

Not gonna help rich fucks, sorry not sorry :)

>> No.56772569

Literally nothing different today as when I had 4 figures except I'm a little closer to retiring. I still have to wage on Monday, which no one rich would do

>> No.56772580

That's even worse. How about giving back to the community? Maybe that will cheer you up instead of hoarding all that wealth.

>> No.56772584

Add BTC, SOL and KSM.

>> No.56772588

looking good so far, technically you dont need anything else to make it.
also make sure to delegate the AVAX for the extra yield.

>> No.56772618

Already pretty happy except the working part. Once I make it I'll give away money on this board if someone can make me kek or whatever
>Add BTC, SOL and KSM.
what's your logic on this?
thanks anon. How much yield should I expect from delegating? Currently just keeping my coins spread across a few metamask wallets roughly split on a few different computers

>> No.56772665
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>How about giving back to the community?
>brown hands every time

>> No.56772671

>How much yield should I expect from delegating?
currently around 7.8%. also your coins never leave your wallet when you delegate/stake, there is no slashing and you can delegate to multiple Validators.
2 weeks minimum or 1 year maximum, since you wanna sell the top you should probably not delegate for longer than a month.

>> No.56772705

SOL has topped out. pyth is still a guaranteed 10x in a few years IMO. the liquidity is there for 6fig players wanting to make million+

>> No.56772754

BTC halving and (probable) ETF approval coming up. Besides all that, BTC should be the foundation of everyone's portfolio anyway. It's proven, trusted and doesn't collapse as brutally as other cryptos.
SOL and KSM- just recommendations to DYOR on. There are so many options out there but SOL pumps hard for a top alt and KSM is dark horse pick with a lot of ground to make up/realized potential to its ATH. Plus it's linked to DOT as an experimental proving grounds. In a bull market, it's an exciting one to have if you get in at the right time.

>> No.56772770

Buy some defi, like aave or snx, link is a must atleast 70% of ur portfolio, sol will do will aswell, it is way popular among normies

>> No.56772800

GJ OP, remember 95% of this board falls in two categories, oldfags who were poor but early to link/avax and have similar portfolios but feel you don't deserve it since they've held through crashes, or newfags who are poor and have similar portfolios but only 3-4 digits since they didn't have nearly as much to invest. These are jealous individuals who detest the thought of anyone buying and making it in one cycle, and they will likely try to steer you wrong.

Oh and there's a lot of paid jeets and bots that will shill shitcoins, but those don't count as human.

>> No.56772816

You're not happing, you're lying to yourself.
You know deep down that you don't deserve all this money. You just got lucky.

>> No.56772832

keep coping poor

>> No.56772854

You forgot to mention another category that you unsurprisingly fall in: bagholders who are holding bags that are down 90+% and wanting you to buy their bags.
OP is greedy and he needs to give back to feel better about himself. A lot of good charities around.

>> No.56772862

yeah replace Avax with an L1 that is actually decentralized and can actually scale (Kaspa)

>> No.56772900

centralized, too slow, no Subnets, no Smart Contracts, no DeFi, zero adoption, cant scale.

>> No.56772905

You are brown and smelly and nobody likes niggers.

>> No.56773007

who deserves anything? the land you live on was probably stolen. the taxes you pay are unconstitutional and legal theft. the operating system u use to post ur retarded ideas was stolen from someone else. everything you watch on tv are ideas stolen from others and ur dumbass thinks piracy is wrong. your boss steals your ideas and takes all the credit. your parents were lucky to be born in a time where 1 mcjob was all you needed to live the white picket fence dream. frankly without getting "lucky" on crypto or hardcore debtmaxxxing all these zoomers have is goyslop, weed and netflix in their future. they will not own jack shit unless their family was already rich. dont young working class "deserve" to have the potential for upward mobility? its not fucking possible. fuck you i am getting mine. stay poor you bible thumping cow.

>> No.56773054
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Logic based AI plattform.
Recently had a a breakout in price. Market cap is still only 11M.
Serious team has been at it since 2016.

>> No.56773068

>pls buy my bags

>> No.56773337

I hate that you have more Avax than me, i wish i coild give you bad advice so you become poorer.

>> No.56773354

Kys lefty faggot

>> No.56773365

A fellow dusk chad leaking some bullrun alpha

>> No.56773438

thanks anon. Do you really think i have a chance to make it this cycle? What would you advise given my current portfolio? Like I said, current plan is just buying every monthly dip until probably Q2 2025. The only other thing I'm considering if buying some low cap alts and flipping them to LINK/AVAX. Currently I'm thinking of buying TRUMP and GROK, but only buying 1% of my portfolio for each, then maybe selling half at a 2x and letting it ride til 2025

>> No.56773527

They're called shitcoins for a reason, you can gamble if you'd like, but if you don't have some sort of an edge you're more likely to lose money than anything. People like to say "everything pumps in a bullrun", but what they mean is 20% of shitcoins pump, there's a lot that literally never do anything and rug quickly or have contracts that prevent you from selling, and of the 20%, you're likely only to have a chance at being early on 5% of those if that, due to how they're distributed.

But yes, you have a chance to make it this cycle, probably not by purely holding, but selling the top to ensure you don't have to work until the next cycle. That being said, you even naming the shitcoins makes me feel this is just yet another disguised shill thread, and if so shame on you you dirty fucking nigger.

>> No.56773597
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I don't deserve the money and I have gotten lucky. I admit and accept it all. With that said, I will get rich or die trying. I'll also probably never leave this place and will happily make jannies seethe with giveaways. Probably will recruit some anons to create new memes for this space and troll normies/thots/globohomo around the web for the lolz
I don't endorse those coins at all. They're just on my watchlist and I only mention to see if there's an obvious blindspot i'm overlooking. I see they're new, kind of funny and have pumped consistently. I have no edge other than only finding them on /biz/ and don't see it shilled on normie spaces yet. You may be right, might be better off not touching anything but link/avax.

>selling the top
when do you think this might be? what are good signs that it's the top? I was thinking just flat selling if I hit $500k, but maybe that's too soon?

>> No.56773604

Old dinosaur boomer shit that nobody gives a fuck about and will slowly bleed until death. Shit portfolio. Kill yourself.

>> No.56773621

Did you actually fall the the jeets shills that shill Avax with stolen pepe memes

>> No.56773627

The narratives next bullrun will be L2s, GameFi/GambleFi, real yield, real world assets and AI. Position accordingly. Let go of the last bullrun. Some suggestions: SPACE, NAKA, PYR, RIO, TAO.

>> No.56773645

There is never a guaranteed method to call the top. People will give you a year, but selling in February, October or December of 2021 would have cost you up to 2x in gains in various projects compared to April or November. People will say "look at the top signals" like Elon on SNL, but for every one of those you'll see them earlier as well.

Best advice is when you feel like you're this close to making it and you just need a 2x or 3x more, sell half of everything and don't look back. In a year from that point you'll look at it as the best decision you've ever made in your life. In general 2025 is going to be the year, small chance it happens early or later than that but as for month, who knows, when there's mass euphoria though it doesn't matter, you will do well if you sell and walk away from the market for 2 years.

>> No.56773646
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>> No.56773692

Do you think LINK, OCEAN, FET would be better? 70% LINK 30% to AI projects. I'd only invest in 3 things max. Might even just go 100% LINK
thanks anon. I'm saving your reply and will look at it every month until I sell in 2025. Won't forget.

With that said, are the anons above really right about AVAX or just seething? I am open to anything AI related i can easily buy/sell on Kraken or just 100% LINK

>> No.56773766
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> when you feel like you're this close to making it and you just need a 2x or 3x more, sell half of everything and don't look back

based advice. In 2017/2018 I held a shitcoin from $2k - $220k - $0 (devs rugged). When my portfolio was at its highest I was just telling myself one more 2x and I made it. Never took any of that money off the table and it’s a big regret. 6 years later I’ve finally built my portfolio back up to a similar size again but it set me back years of work not being a retard and selling at least some when I had the chance, don’t make that mistake

>> No.56773978


>> No.56774129

Avax is fine, its another good L1, lot of linkies got in it early (they had board mods hide Avax threads leading up to its ICO after board got flooded with tourists in 2019 on link's initial pump, don't fall for the turkroach spam its same as linkies that shitpost about Sergey), its a decent hedge on what you think happens this cycle. If you are betting on adoption happening, link will run hardest. If its not until next cycle, its going to be another casino run where L1's win.

That said if adoption happens its going to be frontrun, you won't get the chance to just buy link low as articles come out about regulations being passed and Swift nodes going live, it'll have pumped long before then with people assuming its just a regular pump but it never retraces, anyone who isn't some sort of insider and isn't holding link is going to be in pain if they miss it.

>> No.56774137
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>Should I add anything else bros?
maybe some ROSE but gmi regardless

>> No.56774488

Can we buy baka yet?

>> No.56774697
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oh you know, fucking bitcoin? that's just me though. also beoble, when that drops.

>> No.56774708

I love how all shills are now joining together to become the ultimate shill team :3
>ROSEchuds, power of Love!
>Avaxroaches, power of Strenght!
>Linkcucks, power of Patience!

>> No.56774711

bitcoin has already pumped bro

>> No.56774716

poor nigger hands wrote this post

>> No.56774729

>immature biz manchildren realize investing is 50% gambling 50% experience
woaow mind blowing advice sirs. very excellent not fucking obvious at all.

it's true men mentally develop far slower than girls it seems.

>> No.56774733
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so what you just sit on your ass waiting for that to release so you can buy or what

>> No.56774736

(You). Enjoy it, hope you can edge to this one.

>> No.56774748

Beoble is based because it taps an unexploited market. Frentech has potential but devs are too lazy. If they launch during this bullrun and the invite phase doesn't last that long, it could be beeg. See what happens ig.

>> No.56774758

>avax/link are actually profitable investments now
holy fucking shit what a time to be alive. will i finally buy sosme of those two pieces of shit unironically...?

>> No.56775656

This ain't the full degen pack without throwing QANX into the mix. QVM is the spicy narrative that's gonna blow up big time when the bull run hits.

>> No.56775761

Actual advice: you are already doing better than 99% of /biz/ and 100% of twitter just hold and let the next 18 months of gains bring you salvation when STINK and ROACH go back to their previous ATHs (or greater). When winning is an inevitability, overthinking will ruin you.

>> No.56776133

Solana ecosystem is solid AF same applies to MultiverseX. I'm not only buying EGLD and SOL, I'm also slurping up some gems like DOMI and RIDE in their ecosystem.

>> No.56776151
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>> No.56776154

You should also bag some VR gems. There are a few good ones flexing with big names like Audi and Porsche.

>> No.56776166

That's enough to make it, but if you want to add something i would for a small market cap gem, i think JOE is easy money.