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File: 172 KB, 664x673, Disney1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56769779 No.56769779 [Reply] [Original]

In a report sent to the SEC Disney states their social goals are more important then profit.

What did Bob Iger mean by this?

Fiduciary responsibility just a myth?

>> No.56769799

Yes, they're all like this, you faggots need to go to pol more

>> No.56769801

They make more money borrowing from Blackrock at 0% interest rates for following ESG guidelines than actually making a product that makes money, it's that simple.

>> No.56769833

It's clearly smart to keep your company considered the "friendly and accepting one". Shit like that pays off in brand recognition.

Not to mention that the "Disney is WOKE" crowd have never been in their actual demographic in the first place, aside from niche moms for liberty shit.

>> No.56769841
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Yeah bro it's a very smart strategy

>> No.56769848
File: 374 KB, 1170x1070, 1B406067-FCDC-46A0-BE0D-5EE8A00EF2A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's truly paying off, people who are pissed at all the brown monkeys shoved in their media is a tiny subsection bro don't worry about it

>> No.56769851

Nice id, pube.

>> No.56769856

Jesus Christ. I’ve never seen a more blatant sell signal. I feel awful for anyone holding Disney stocks.

>> No.56769859

PUBe speaks the truth.

>> No.56769875

Why do they need so much to break even if the budget is a third the cost?

>> No.56769879

normal people hate woke shit retard
twitter trannies are not an accurate representation of the average american let alone the average non american disney customer (who care even less about the woke shit than americans and canadians)

>> No.56769880
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See I simply believe that there are more factors at play than "woke movies do bad and not woke movies do good" and I dont believe any of these films would do better if the company had a different political history.

>> No.56769886

Look up the 2.5 times rule, basically marketing budgets cost a lot and movie theaters take half of the entire profit

>> No.56769894
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Pictured is a group of Normal People.
They didn't see Indiana Jones because it had awful marketing
They didn't see The Marvels because it required the viewing of three different television series
And they didn't see Quantumania because it got awful reviews.

Just because you also didn't see these movies, does not mean you are the same as them. Nobody who browses 4chan OR Twitter every day is a normal person, and I will not take their opinions on what "normal people like" seriously.

>> No.56769976

The reason these are failing is because they are pandering to the "woke crowd," hence normal people won't get sold. When they use to pander to normfags it worked and the broke box office records, but now...? Did they go full retard or is their marketing team just clueless or inept? Or is this all money laundering for some reason?

>> No.56769982

did u retards forget disney fans dont just live in the west? the gay filipino probably likes seeing himself be represented on screen

>> No.56769993

>the gay filipino probably likes seeing himself be represented on screen
Is he you by any chance?

>> No.56770168

It means Jews have infinite money and so don’t care if their propaganda is profitable or not

>> No.56770175

Okay where do you personally believe the line is drawn

>> No.56770190

You obviously are not a normal person since if you were you’d know that nearly all normal people are sick of all the woke shit in modern media and often express their disdain of it in regular conversations by spending time with normies.

>> No.56770196

I'd hate to have to tell you that you're wrong anon

>> No.56770227

>Okay where do you personally believe the line is drawn
Can you please elaborate on what it is you're trying to ask me? The line of where normal ends and "woke" begins?

>> No.56770232

Jews didn’t infiltrate Disney to break box office records

>> No.56770248

>social goals are more important then profit
I like when companies lie. Not little lies like "We value our employees," or "Our customers are important to us," but MASSIVE lies like this.

All they're doing is trying to buy time because the internal far-left crew fucked up the company and they miscalculated the culture war audience size. The great thing about American capitalism is that it always comes back to profit.

>> No.56770269

> I dont believe any of these films would do better if the company had a different political history.
Those movies would not exist

>> No.56770271 [DELETED] 

when are you going to shoot up disney, OP?

>> No.56770301

The President of Disney (female) groomed both of her kids into LGTBQ that should explain everything. She's mentally ill so everyone elses kids will be programmed. Profits be damned

>> No.56770316

There’d be no movies like these dingus

>> No.56770349
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>social goals are more important then profit

>> No.56770362

You're dumb as fuck. How do you not get that marketing to the loud obnoxious woke is different from marketing to normal everyday people? Do you think the loud retards are thought leaders? That they represent neurotypical thought?

The average person has average views. They don't do extremes. They don't give a fuck about retard politics, they just want to make money, enjoy themselves, have family/friends, and retire.

Putting a bunch of extreme left wing bullshit on display doesn't sell movies to neurotypicals because they don't want to buy faggot propaganda, they just want to buy a good fucking story. And if the point of the movie is to push faggot propaganda, then it's impossible to have a good story. People aren't as stupid as you think, and you aren't as smart as you think.

>> No.56770370

Aren't they legally required to make decisions to lead to shareholder profits? How are they getting away with admitting this?

>> No.56770433

I'm a normie with normie friends and i can say that straight people don't like watching gay people kiss (especially males), it simply feels unnatural to them. They also don't like watching unattractive black people because they are white themselfs and it feels unfamiliar to their lives. They like watching familiar attractive people, aka white people.

>> No.56770452

No one pointing out that the stock has been on a massive run since the beginning of November? Do you retards even look at charts or do you only care about le heckin culture war? There's another board for you in that case.

>> No.56770476
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>massive run
Remember than it was at $200 2 years ago

>> No.56770495

Normal people have other things to do than being deeply interested in cinema industry. Literally nobody know who Kathleen Kennedy is

>> No.56770499

Covid rallied their subscriprion services and then people cancelled it once the lockdowns were over I dont get what is so hard to understand lmao

>> No.56770502

Disney+ was never profitable anyways

>> No.56770506

no i think disney and marvel are goyslop literally

>> No.56770970

normies only know about kennedy, because of south park. and that pandering episode is like 8 years too late.

>> No.56770995

They also released Wish last week and it debuted at 8 million for opening weekend, on a 250mil budget.

Marketing and the theaters share of the money aren't included in the budget.

>> No.56771006

>They didn't see Indiana Jones because it had awful marketing
They didn't see it because it was yet another sequel and the previous sequel was also terrible.
>They didn't see The Marvels because it required the viewing of three different television series
They didn't see it because it didn't have characters anyone gives a shit about and there's extreme capeshit fatigue at this point.
>they didn't see Quantumania because it got awful reviews.
Awful reviews and terrible word of mouth, which was all accurate since it really was a terrible movie. Anyone who saw it recommended against seeing it.

>> No.56771014

It was at $82 just a few weeks ago. The last time it even got to $85 was in 2014, so that's pretty bad.

>> No.56771022

How does he have so much control there? He personally ranked the company. He hyjacked the company, its not a public company anymore, it’s not his personal middle eastern ethno supremist shock troop organization, shareholders should sue his ass into oblivion. Apparently there are no lawyers any more. What a slam dunk

>> No.56771043

seeing men kiss IS unnatural and against nature. anything gay/dyke is unnatural and against nature and 90% of them are pedo groomers and leftists. strange how that all comes together

>> No.56771053

>get woke go bro-ACK
These kikes can print money as they please, they care about destroying white societies not muh money

>> No.56771068

>Not to mention that the "Disney is WOKE" crowd have never been in their actual demographic in the first place
Here in Dubai, there is a special unit that goes through Disney movies and removes all pedo propaganda before releasing it locally.
Kids here grow up watching the occasional Disney movie, we know they're woke bastards, but once you remove the esg part, the movies are pretty good for the most part.

>> No.56771070

Heard they spent 200 Millionen on the series secret invasion which Noone saw. No wonder they were never profitable, spending hundreds of millions creating shit.

>> No.56771164

truth be told
kike movies suck
jewrope is full of this low quality woke trash and the youth is very brainwashed

>> No.56771242

LMAO, I don't want to imagine the chart for this one. Their friends and family must all be shorting on their behalf

>> No.56771257
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All of this is to distract that Disney is mostly pedos

>> No.56771276

>the "Disney is WOKE" crowd have never been in their actual demographic
Disney has always been considered conservative, literally always.

>> No.56771386
File: 164 KB, 1072x1269, 1653844120506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if a minority of investors could force disney to change its tone

>> No.56771470

>What did Bob Iger mean by this?
More trannies, faggiess and brownies in disney movies

>> No.56771560

Hehe, bought near 100 and sold at 180 :)

I am glad I am out of that shit, but they need to fail more. I will buy as soon as news of Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger leaving the company. I am targetting 50 to buy again.

>> No.56771593

Oh come on. Shareholders need to sue Disney. Their only responsibility is to the shareholder profits. This is the result of ford vs kikes.

>> No.56771594
File: 61 KB, 1011x416, disney princesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the past the main target audience of disney movies were white americans and europeans. their princesses had a more traditional role. now they have to adapt to a global audience, multiethnic and feminist society, that's why princesses are you-go-gurls like pircrel

>> No.56771655

i could be wrong. but weren't all the older 'white' animations also very popular in non 'white' nations at the time?

>> No.56771664

It's more important to get rid of white people, erase their history, than to make money for early life people.

>> No.56771677

First thing I thought of too. What Disney is doing is illegal.

>> No.56771678

what's their social goal ? if nobody sees their movies anymore there will be no goals achieved.You're supposed to have an audience to achieve a goal.LMAO . What a stupid bastard that faggot is.

>> No.56771707
File: 22 KB, 605x411, number of movies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, we can say it was before the decolonial movement and critical race theory became mainstream. but it's not even the main cause i think. back in the days a new disney movie or a new sought-after movie in general being released was kind of a big event, you had to go to the theater to watch it first. besides movies and tv you didnt have as much entertainment as now. there has been so much stuff released and so many good quality tv shows that i feel movies are not a big deal anymore, but maybe it's just me being older and less interested

>> No.56771714

judaism doesn’t care about statistics.
they can borrow more money from their friends at the bank long before you can cash out from them going insolvent.(hint they won’t because they’ll get bailed out on your expense)
the game was rigged right from the start.

>> No.56771731

and i must add, now movies have to compete for attention against video games, social media and youtube/tiktok. i may be wrong but a new disney doesnt feel like something special anymore

>> No.56771778

Nobody is surprised by this. We can tell by the way they make their movies that they only care about brainwashing.

>> No.56771786
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>so many good quality tv shows

>> No.56771832
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Well, with the International Banking Mafia giving you billions to influence and destroy western culture with woke garbage, of course they will say that.

>> No.56771838

OP IS A FAGGOT (no surprise there)
Here is the actual 10-k they filed:
What Disney actually say is “The success of our businesses therefore depends on our ability to successfully predict and adapt to changing consumer tastes and preferences outside as well as inside the U.S. Moreover, we must often invest substantial amounts in content production and acquisition, acquisition of sports rights, launch of new sports-related studio programming, theme park attractions, cruise ships or hotels and other facilities or customer facing platforms before we now the extent to which these products will earn consumer acceptance, and these products may be introduced into a significantly different market or economic or social climate from the one we anticipated at the time of the investment decisions.” No mention of 'social goals' or any other braindead conspiracy shit. Any of you fucking retards that believed this need to slash your wrists immediately

>> No.56771866

Gotta read in between the lines. Product is code for rainbow flavored small size condoms for women.

>> No.56771911
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>so many good tv shows

>> No.56772741

The whole point to making money is so they can spend it to create more propaganda

>> No.56772778

>twitter trannies are not an accurate representation of the average american let alone the average non american disney customer
Nor are you, you may thinks so but you are absolutely NOT a normal person and do not represent normalcy

>> No.56773957

Blackrock is throwing money at them since they are managed by a kike cuck with an interracial fetish

>> No.56774072

No they're losing money they just hate society that much.

>> No.56774105

As opposed to what? their local animated movies? lmao dude disney was making movies in the 40s when most the world was still in the agrarian stage. What other choice did they have other than to watch white movies for the past century?

>> No.56774115

This lol
>it's not about the money, it's about sending a message

>> No.56775815

>No mention of 'social goals' or any other braindead conspiracy shit.
Did they sneak in a lesbian kiss into their Star Wars movie? Why? Because they have an obvious social agenda? Now please shut the fuck up.


>> No.56777532

Checked and correct.
The jew's hatred for Whites is greater than their love of money.

>> No.56777911

After they cut out 50% of the movie is there anything left to watch?

>> No.56777944

"Fiduciary responsibility" is our stick to beat the goyim with, it doesn't apply to we chosen

>> No.56777982

they value your children. let's just leave it at that.

>> No.56777985

I'd go further and say since the woke agenda has been pushed that people are actually ANTI this stuff compared to being more tolerant in the past. Everyone is sick to fuck of wokeism. Perhaps the idea is to sow division and intolerance, but that might be giving them too many clever-points than they deserve.

>> No.56778258

You mean.Not letting Florida do what it wants. It is in Disneys best interest. Desantis threatens business as is.

>> No.56778754

>people thinking this is just a disney thing

blackrock and vanguard literally control everything

>> No.56779588

>hire some noname director that only shot 1 or 2 low budged movies, don't know shit about how to use the camera in action scenes.
>add terrible cgi
>add terrible female actors in the lead + some nonames.

If you take the Russo brothers they worked with it before, put Bucky in the place of capitain america and create something similar to the winter soldier (more spy undercover action based than "we save the world for the next alien thread") they will make good money again. They just do not hire good directors because they want to micromanage the production, does not hire good screen writers on merit, and don't make simple but tight movies with good characters. You can fail one of those things but they fail all of them every time.

>> No.56779621

all the parents I've come in contact with save one are varying degrees of leery of their kids watching disney content now
in the past that was unthinkable, you just consumed new disney without a second thought

>> No.56779802

It means Blackrock has them by the nuts:
> "Do what we say and implement these ESG policies, or we will use every tool necessary (meaning the government) to destroy your company and all of your theme parks."
That's what it means. Ever wonder why many other major corporations (Target, Bud, Walmart, etc.) are suddenly going woke lately? There's your answer. It's Blackrock teaming up with the Biden admin to intimidate companies into compliance or get destroyed. Kind of like how the SEC is handling crypto atm (still an arm of the Biden admin so it's all interconnected really).

>> No.56779920
File: 119 KB, 775x1200, sbf-hayes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what ever happened to the disney/ftx rumors? those got buried really fast...


>> No.56779947
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Disney ruined america.

>> No.56780163

It's just Walt Disney's psyop against the Jews. The woke brainwashing allows countries to mass import jew hating migrants and programs gen z to hate fair skinned people who are disproportionately in power (Jews are considered white to most people).

From a financial perspective, it's easy to see that America is prioritising brain washing rather than making good movies, this could mean that emerging economies will fill the gap.
Indians and east Asians make pretty good movies sometimes, the former is quite impressive considering they have to employ the police to stop people from shitting on streets.

>> No.56780286
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>durr Jews are programming us to hate Jews
Lol ok.
That small cult of fake "semites" from Khazaria has owned the entire western system for over 100 years.
Unfortunately for them, they always shoot themselves in the foot. White (particularly anglo/nordic stock) golem are much easier to control and program, unlike other ethnic groups (especially black/brown which don't give a fuck about programming and just see things how they are).

>> No.56780295

>Disney was never actually family oriented
Walt is rolling in his grave

>> No.56780988

Fuck Disney.
They took the new Dr. Who from BBC and put it on their exclusive + streaming channel in the US.

>> No.56781015

Nah actually a lot of employees support this stuff and get mad when the execs don't push it.

>> No.56781029


>> No.56781217

They can't both be the superlative.

>> No.56781438

Small size condoms for the kids?

>> No.56781450

I remember Alex jones and some other Alex jones tier person was freaking out because Disney allegedly had child size lingerie like clothes for sale somewhere, does anyone else remember this?

>> No.56781468

>consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands.
What's your problem with this?

>> No.56781486

Shut up faggot.

>> No.56781492

>the gay filipino probably likes seeing himself be represented on screen
Huh interesting

What does the Muslim living in Dubai want to see? What does the mainlander Chinese want?

>> No.56781509

If you cannot actually explain your position thrn you are an NPC

>> No.56781520

I think the issue, beyond woke, is aesthetics and narrative. Disney is a company that sells aesthetics yet everything they now produce is ugly and lazy and based on extremely loxist narratives.

>> No.56781550

What does loxist mean?

>> No.56781721
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Jews are the ones inporting non-whites and are also the creating and spreading cultural poison like "woke".

>> No.56781928

I can only imagine that posters like this are dating women who love these types of movies, and this is a self defense mechanism so they can avoid realizing the person they do everything for is just a fool.

>> No.56781961

the issue is with the colleges and the way that education is now based more on a professor's personality rather than what they have actually accomplished with their knowledge. there are too many institutions filled with too many people.

>> No.56781979

Literally what the fuck is going on in america? You bros doing ok over there?

>> No.56782066

I think it's also just expensive to go to the movies and spend the time. Just the act of spending time with someone is getting more and more expensive.

Want to go met at a coffee shop? Don't be a cheapskate, tip well, get something nice to share. Want to spend time at the movies? Get a nice seat, go to the IMAX theater, get all the fixings, make it an "experience". Want cheap thrills? It still comes with a price, you have the costs of going somewhere, paying for something in between, and then tipping for a service. Normal people are in debt. Why should they go see the latest Disney cashgrab and spend more money to watch something that'll be on a subscription service in a month? Why go to an expensive movie theater when you can make better food and drinks at home? You don't even need to deal with movie theater smells, trash, or judgements from strangers. The only times I can see people going to the movies in droves is when it's a "cultural phenomenon", moments when marketing has succeeded in making it seem like watching a piece of nostalgia bait is an important milestone in someone's life. Also those movies are boring, I think that's the main takeaway. It's uninspired, non-cathartic, derivative entertainment being sold at a premium.

>> No.56782172

Multi culturalism is future of israel

>> No.56782358


Jewish supremacy.
It’s extremely anti-nationalist and seeks to subvert cultures that aren’t Jewish.
Look it up some time if you’re curious to know more. It’s kind of a fringe ideology but oddly it seems like a lot of elites and billionaires act as if it’s their ideology.

>> No.56782661

So disney is admitting they want to turn your kids gay and that doing so is "more important" than money to them.
Well, when the islamic rule get spread to all nations, i will be watching the televised state executions of these penicious faggot disney execs on TV.
>i am sick and fucking tired of being sick and tired of this gay shit. it needs to come to an end.

>> No.56782674

no, that's not what they're admitting. Read the actual source instead of going off a clickbait headline that was designed to make you angry.

>> No.56783231
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>> No.56783293

Holy shit this country needs Islam ASAP

>> No.56784159
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>I’m gonna invest in the stock market and my 401k is going to be top niggity notch in a couple decades!
You will own nothing.

>> No.56784371
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It's a little more complex than the picture people paint. It is pretty much "go woke, go broke" but that isn't because woke movies necessarily will not make money. It has more to do with the fact that a company that has adopted "woke values" one of those being the belief that merit is white supremacy (or something like that), is enormously destructive to the enterprise. Of course that company will then go on to make "woke movies" but the bigger crime is that the people making the movies aren't even qualified to write, direct, or produce these movies, so the whole thing collapses. In other words, if you take a really talented team and say "hey, your movie has to include a few things...there has to be a black character, one of the characters has to be gay, and there has to be a woman in a prominent position of authority" that team will probably be able to create a good movie.

Even imposing that limit on them will piss them off though and if they're good enough, they don't need to put up with you doing that shit to them. Result? You chase the talent off. But nevertheless, that team can probably pump out some good product and if you keep them happy, they'll keep making you money...That team though will probably not be a trans white guy, a black asexual woman, a 300 lbs. lesbian, a person in a wheelchair, etc. Chances are it's going to be like 6 white guys and maybe, MAYBE a girl who is functionally like a guy and that is just not an acceptable team makeup for a company like Disney or any woke company for that matter. Shit, they tried to oust Sam Altman from OpenAI because the idea of another white guy (yes, he's Jewish, but his skin color is white) being associated with a major technological breakthrough was unbearable. The people behind this shit would rather see the world burn to ash than their "woke" bullshit worldview proved wrong.

>> No.56784399

Main idea is that "woke" is essentially in complete opposition to merit. That really is a key part of the definition of woke. If you say "the best person for the job should be the person that gets the job" it will 99.9% of the time agitate and inflame anyone who is associated with "wokeism." I could get into the philosophical reasons why, but it's not really worth the time for the sake of this discussion. What this leads to though is that any company that adopts wokeism will slowly begin killing itself because it will by definition chase away the most talented and passionate individuals.

>> No.56784457

I hate the (((dodge))) brothers so much it's unreal