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File: 63 KB, 2392x2392, avaxhyperinflationary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56765753 No.56765753 [Reply] [Original]

Going down faster then you can say double spend

>> No.56766784


>> No.56768565
File: 107 KB, 594x436, only slightly better now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56768575

Retard fud cucks will get the rope when this becomes the best performer of the next cycle

>> No.56768948

Imagine holding last cycle eth "killers"

>> No.56768961

just sell anon

>> No.56768967
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>> No.56768977
File: 172 KB, 1875x1820, he doesnt know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last cycle eth "killers"
Avalanche already replaced Ethereum for the next cycle.
JPM and Citi and Fidelity and many more dumped Ethereum for Avalanche.
This means Ethereum will never reach mainstream adoption.

>> No.56769006

>muh partnerships
Oldest trick in the ethkiller book. If it's so great where's the TVL? No one wants to hold hyperinflationary AVAX unless they get it for free (and even then they want to dump it before others). Enjoy bagholding.

>> No.56769217
File: 115 KB, 1147x1164, real world assets market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where's the TVL?
coming soon
>hyperinflationary AVAX
its actually hardcapped and deflationary since fees are burned. most of the AVAX is also staked or delegated to validators.

tl;dr Ethereum is basically finished now, they cant compete with Avalanche in any way.

>> No.56769226

Holy fuck I didn’t know it was that bad for avax roaches no wonder why they’re here every day begging

>> No.56769233

>ethereum is finished
>the avax c-chain uses eth
pick one

>> No.56769234

Been here since 2018, At this moment this is the most "no brainer" coin i've ever seen, The bigger picture on any other coin i own/owned never was this clear and convincing. Honestly pretty insane how laggy the crypto market is atm, People got all the confirmation they need both from technical and fundamental perspective in the past 2 weeks, It's for all to see, Yet many refuse to acknowledge the obvious. CT is retardedly ignorant especially for some reason.

>> No.56769236

Yeah, where’s the TVL of the eth whales. Imagine thinking the majority comes from anything else other than a handful of whales with different wallets.

>> No.56769247

Still needs to prove itself more. Subnets need to launch and they need to be elastic. Also need that HyperVM subnet to launch alone with M1. People don’t think high throughput when they think Avalanche and that needs to change.

>> No.56769259

>the avax c-chain uses eth

>> No.56769265

I thought it did, or is this more avax roach cope?

>> No.56769283

>I thought
nigger you clearly arent thinking at all.
We use AVAX as the Fee token on the C-Chain. ETH not needed for anything here.
or did you mean that the C-Chain is running a superior more developed version of the EVM? that still doesnt need any ETH.

so the fuck are you even trying to say? fucking bumbling waste of time retard.

>> No.56769299

wow the avax pajeets are very upset, calm down poomar. is it because of this >>56768565?
>The Contract Chain (C-Chain) allows for the creation and execution of smart contracts. Because it is based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine

Huh, based on the EVM. Weird how that works.

>> No.56769308

Avalanche supports all Virtual Machines, not just the EVM.
nigger its been like 3 years how tf you still dont know this?

>> No.56769343

I never cared enough about this street shitting scam until I saw this >>56768565

>> No.56769358
File: 213 KB, 1470x1576, Juels and Emin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"street shitting scam"
>doesnt even know what IC3 is

hello newfag

>> No.56769377

lol spotted poomar.
>muh IC3
>we just like Chainlink guise!!!
>wow 4chan look at Ari wow right??
almost comical at this rate, it’s the same canned responses from street shitters

>> No.56769383

>we just like Chainlink
yes you are slowly getting it.
AVAX and LINK are the God Protocols.

>> No.56769397

LOL! it’s the same responses. LINK is the only God Protocol, pajeet. Get it right. How much are you down baggie?

>> No.56769443

>is the only God
wrong again newfag, it was always Plural.
go look it up.

>> No.56769476

Yeah I read it
Doesn’t say anything about a street shitting roach coin. I think it just says chainlink

>Mathematically Trustworthy Protocol
>Trusted Third Party
Yep Chainlink solves these. Roach double spend not needed or mathematically trustworthy lol

>> No.56769491

Based, hope your fud gets as many brownies away from making life changing money. Also close to getting a sui bag by staking myself , feels good

>> No.56769537

yes thats plural Poomar.