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56768086 No.56768086 [Reply] [Original]

It's easier to get a million dollars than it is to get a gf with a body count under 10.

>> No.56768126
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A million dollars isn't even a lot of money.

>> No.56768147

I have a virgin gf, where's my million dollar?
This bullrun better give me the 10 millions i deserve from my degen coins I've accumulated through the bear.

>> No.56768157

Under 10 is easy. Under 0 though? That's what actually matters

>> No.56768214

she's lying to you

>> No.56768216

How to get a negative body count gf?

>> No.56768224
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It's rare, but they are out there

>> No.56768941

Maybe if you get em before first semester freshman year in college, alot of girls are above that outta highschool

>> No.56768958

Ik. Most are trash quality.

>> No.56769012

Thread for virgins

>> No.56769040

the more experience a bitch has the better.
quit being a baby dick.
If you really want to be good with the ladies you gotta start at the bottom of the barrel.
Fat Chicks are the best way to start and the best way to gain experience.

>> No.56769054

it's actually very easy to find a low body count gf you just also want her to be very attractive and not a week, that's the hard part. personally I smash fat nerds because they're almost all inexperienced even though the hygiene is concerning

>> No.56769065
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>> No.56769074

whatever, ive fucked around 60 hoes and even caught a std once so im speaking from experience.
You will never be good at women if you can't start at the bottom.
It's no different from anything else.

>> No.56769149

Post body. You look like shit don't you?
Read above. This is some fake "alpha" energy

>> No.56769161

The previous 2 generations spent years telling their female children that they had a monopoly on sex. What did you expect would happen?

Please don't switch to rape. Coveting needs to be replaced with education otherwise the cycle repeats endlessly with constant suffering on both sides

>> No.56769402


you go for the ugly fat ones

>> No.56770015

and when beoble is released it will be exactly the same but within a platform similar to telegram. A bunch of virgins talking about anything with the excuse that it is "economy".

>> No.56770016

you should start by finding yourself a personality, look at adam sandler

>> No.56770017

is more than your whole family has earned in a lifetime you capitalist scumbag.

>> No.56770019
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Is that a problem?

>> No.56770023


>> No.56770056

I am more attractive than you

>> No.56770067

is it even possible where does one go to find a virgin 18 year old hot girl?

>> No.56770267

I have a virgin gf (bled my first time with her, so not lying). Never had more than $20k in my bank account. Good at saving, just not at earning. Can't get hired for even the most basic jobs. Seems you have to be the King Of Connecting to get a fucking shelf stacking job.

>> No.56770270

Ill kidnap a custom bitch for 500k you name what you want im desperate

>> No.56770277

You already won the lottery. Take out a loan, never pay it back. Leave the country. Fuck kikes.

>> No.56770286

He’s not very funny or anything though, just a mega kike..

>> No.56770294

you already won at life so nothing else matters. who cares about the jewish rat race of wagecuckery. impregnate your woman and make a family

>> No.56770371

My wife has a body count of 2. One of those is me. It's pretty depressing, when I'm fucking her and she's moaning
>Oh G-d yes it feels so good
I get to thinking about how many dicks she's taken in her tight warm pussyhole, and what a low sample size she has for basis for comparison. It gives me little confidence in her conclusion that I'm good dick, and not just mediocre dick or even lower-mid dick

>> No.56770380
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>> No.56771758

>you already won at life
yes I'm sure his kids will benefit a lot from their mom being low bodycount while their dad is a loser who can barely get a job and provide for them
you faggots still can't get over not experiencing teenage love and it's pathetic

>> No.56773118

>the ugly fat ones
You mean the ones the black guys all go for?

>> No.56774043
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>one million dollars can't even buy you a gf with no body count

>> No.56775772

16 is completely legal in many states. you can also talk to someone and wait until they're legal. there is no law against that

>> No.56775837
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I've had a virgin willing to marry me. I broke up with her because I am poor. So now where's your cynicism!?

Gib milly!

>> No.56775847

post for ants

>> No.56775903


>> No.56775922

You’re obviously white and crave those leftovers with four digit body counts.

>> No.56776030

>You're obviously white
Well, you're half right.
No. I'm celibate. We never slept together while dating and I haven't slept with anyone since. I will remain celibate until marriage. I do not intend to marry until I'm financially strong, but it has taken me longer than I imagined it would.

>> No.56777033

There are more new millionaires than there are virgins over the age of 13.