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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56766542 No.56766542 [Reply] [Original]

> Enter numbers in spreadsheets
> Make edits to word documents
> Make edits to back end data
> Enter numbers in spreadsheets
> Make phone call
> Crunch numbers in spreadsheet
> Send numbers in an email
> Make phone call
> Make edits in word document
> Ask someone why they did something in a retarded way and politely correct them
> Enter numbers in spreadsheets

I don't know if I can do it anymore bros, not even for the ridiculous $200k I get paid for this absolutely brainless work. Crypto can not go full erect bull fast enough.

>> No.56766558

wtf thats exactly what i do but i make shit money

>> No.56766587

It's all just luck, anon. I'm good at managing people and process development so I've been able to work to high level roles but every job at the end of the day is the same rote bullshit.

>> No.56766613

Whiney little bitch, want me to call the wambulance? Want some cries with that wahmburger?

>> No.56766621

Yes please, mommy.

>> No.56766635

You're telling me you make $200k, and still feel this way?

I haven't even cracked $100k, and I thought this shit would go away after a certain threshold.

>> No.56766728

I work for the IRS and pissing off people off gives me immense joy

>> No.56766741

No you don’t fuck your retard larp

>> No.56766760

> @ work
> Some guy calls me on the phone
> Wants to ask me about some figures
> Wait who is this guy again, I missed his name
> Tell him some made-up numbers to get rid of him
> 10 minutes later get e-mail
> Excel spreadsheet with some numbers
> thefuckisthis.png
> Get phone call, same retard from earlier calling to say he sent the e-mail
> Tell him I'm on my lunch break
> Take lunch
> Try to find e-mail, what was that guy's name again
> Found it
> What am I supposed to do with this
> Apply some random formulas and transformations, send it back
> Phone rings again
> Douche is asking about the numbers, says something's wrong
> Okay maybe he can show me what I'm supposed to do if we take a look at it together
> Can't find e-mail, ugh
> Check the time, it's almost time to go home
> Scream WHAT IS YOUR NAME and hang up

I don't know if I can do it anymore bros, not even for the ridiculous $400k I get paid for this absolutely brainless work. Crypto can not go full erect bull fast enough.

>> No.56766773

WFH has been a saviour for me.
I'm an autist and the environment of an office was leading me to roping because it's essentially a school playground,
Now I do 1-2 hours work a day and enjoy my comfy time, I can live with that.

>> No.56766801

What is wrong with what you do?
Your not a 1ptid andy, so I will engage with you in ernest.
You have to make yourself love your job, or will be miserable. In your specific case the misery is self inflected.
Your job isn't bad or the worst thing on the planet, it is just mediocre. Maybe try to see the bigger picture and see the impact your work actually achieves. More than likely it is important work, and that does impact a lot of people.
Just because everything siloed and abstracted away doesn't mean that your work is meangingless. Our lizard brain, really like that positive feedback loop so much so that, literally shovelling shit will feel like an accomplishment compared to an office job.
If you are in a position with a modicum of power and flexibility, there are ways to motivate yourself and your team. Look into how transparency and honesty can drive your personal misson forward.
I know you can do this, champ.

>> No.56766806

I do the same for $24k bro
you don't know pain
>t. euro thirdworlder

>> No.56766832

I cracked 100k this year and things only got worse. I need to accumulate more crypto as fast as I can before the next bull run. I can’t wagey forever. I’ll kill myself.

>> No.56766912

120K after 8YOE here. They "let" you break the 6fig barrier ONLY after you've been burned out. My trajectory: 50, 50, 60, 85, 85, 100, 140, 120

>Thanksgiving previous day
>But must come in the day after
>Trying to avoid work
>Someone send me a PR
*that waterboarding noise from Slack*

>> No.56766927

what's your job title? i do this as an accountant but i only make $100k.

>> No.56766933

As you get older you need more money, so $200k doesn't feel like much. I felt richer as a single dude making $40k than I do now married with kids making $200k.

I just can't imagine spending another 20-30 years doing THIS with my time, it's fucking batshit. I understand things could be way worse, but it is hard to argue what I do isn't meaningless. Most companies don't really do anything particularly productive, and let's be real - human society at large has been completely tainted by greed and technology. It no longer is about "can we do something interesting / good / exciting", it's literally "can we make bank account numbers go up?" And those things are absolutely able to be mutually exclusive. Because most humans have, as you put it, lizard brains, it has been easy for companies to game the masses into thinking they need or want a million things they absolutely do NOT. We've psychologically tricked our entire species into some awful material consumerist culture because of pure selfishness and greed, and the result is the majority of things humans do is NOT impactful and therefore NOT fulfilling. If you're stupid enough to be ignorant to this, you win. Sadly I'm not in that camp.

But, thanks dad. Do appreciate you taking the time.

See my first comment. More money does not necessarily make things better.

>> No.56766965

Me: 40, 60, 80, 120, 150, 175, 200. 10 years in. And yea, probably burned out at the $120k mark, so interesting thought.

>Senior director of bullshit
Technically it's an ops gig but I mostly just manage other people across multiple teams. Been doing this kind of work for like 6 years now at a few different companies.

>> No.56766971

Nobody forced you to have children. You reap what you sow. Enjoy the golden handcuffs

>> No.56767023
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Does your waifu work? I can't even imagine having kids on $200,000. That's pretty much paycheck to paycheck. I know people who do it, but it's only because they have.

1. Million from dead grandmas on both sides, so they live on their FULL income and don't save for retirement.
2. Relatives who take care of the kids for free.

>> No.56767060

>waawaa I suffer
hang yourself

>> No.56767073

>*that waterboarding noise from Slack*
Clack clack clack

>> No.56767085

Wageslaving is still wageslaving, even if you have a WFH job that only has 10 hours of work a week.

>> No.56767181

Any tips for breaking out of 120K hell? For some reason, that seems to be the absolute max anyone wants to pay me. I've done at least 5 interviews where they say that's the most they could possibly do for a Senior Engineer. They become visually revulsed when I ask for 140 - 160. I'm really good at what I do, I'm just tired of getting paid nothing, and it would be the injection that I need to work 24/7 instead of working on my side project. Which is what im doing right now discreetly. I hate being used up and spit out by these corporate fucks.

>> No.56767212
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Sounds like you're on the inside of what's happening here.

>> No.56767221

Legendary post

>> No.56767222

ops seems comfy. you have tight deadlines and retarded personalities but you aren't expected to deal with technical nonsense like accounting.

>> No.56767271

1. Try consulting companies. Learn these:
> core language (C# or Java)
> FE (React or Angular)
> Pass a cloud Architect cert
>Understand K8S (to the point where you can build on it) or some other trick tech
2. Or apply for architect jobs.
3. Or go for a FAANG / Tier 2.

I told you all my secrets. Use them.

>> No.56767429

Easy, you go to work, do your boring ass job, go drink something afterwards, go to eat and sleep, wake up and do the same, kek, idk I'm a NEET and I'm just waiting for Beoble's beta to end so I can kek with my homies on faggots like you

>> No.56767455

Meh. React is going away actually. I am deep into learning how to do frontend The Right Way (not React imo). Look into how the Rails community creates single page apps. Research what DHH invented. Those are your clues. Corporations are retarded for jumping on the bandwagon. Soon we will suffer from legacy React codebases. Not to mention, Webcomponents. This might obsolete React as well. Hence me staying as far away from frontend as possible until now. Dipping my toes in as people are finally figuring out the right way to do it.

Agreed on cloud architect certs. Although I already have tons of practical AWS knowledge, I cannot bear to get a cert just to be knowledgeable about "the latest e-landlord of choice". I get so angry when they ask, "Do you know AWS?" Why yes... I HAVE worked with your e-landlord of choice, very much so. Do you enjoy paying rent to your Bezos master and making us learn this shit?

>Architect jobs
Ok, probably time for this honestly. Been a Senior SE for too long.

Correct. But way too competitive for me. Maybe one day though.

>> No.56767480
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>copy some html table from website by hand because the raw text column layout does not match your excel file and you are lacking basic text manipulation skills
>print it out
>manually enter the printed shit into some other obscure program
>rinse and repeat until retirement

>> No.56767491

It absolutely does. This website is really bad for your mental health if you take it seriously.

>> No.56767492

kek, he's not gonna work anywhere, he's a larp most likely

>> No.56767494

Jesus fuck, faggot. Give me your job.
Any semi competent programmer could automate half that data entry shit and spend that time day trading

>> No.56767504

No, she's a full time mom, a decision we made which I don't regret but yea it's tight. A good month I put away $2k, but often it's paycheck to paycheck. Probably saving $10k a year? Without crypto I'd be fucked, but she'll go back to work when both kids are in school full time.


Idk, anon, I can't believe people have offered me the salaries I've gotten. I think it's just a matter of continuing the hunt. Last time I was in the market my network was DOA (nobody had any leads) and I spent like 6 months doing the application grind for SENIOR roles which is basically a death sentence. In the end I got 2 offers from maybe 300 applications and like 8-10 that went to interview, both were at $175k. Then this job was via network, but before I took it I was applying to some places casually and almost everything was like $120-140k tops, so I thought I might have to take a cut. Luck.

Fuck, that hits.

That's somewhat true. I do have to deal with an insane number of manual processes, most of which I built, that can go wrong at any time from someone simply not following an instruction. I'm very good at fixing problems, though, so it usually pans out ok.

I can't understand any of this zoomer speak, sorry homie fr fr sus

>> No.56767506

some of us work jobs that isnt just conventional NPC nonsense you know

>> No.56767520

It's funny, I'm watching a bunch of programmers try to automate the shit I've built right now against my warnings, and here we are with everything they built shitting itself every week or two because guess what not everything can be automated since programs can not adapt for unknown change and most devs don't really care to try to understand that, just do what they're told.

>> No.56767521

Yeah, it sucks a milliard of cocks

>> No.56767533
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>> No.56767538

That's what everyone does at some point

>> No.56767542

>Meh. React is going away actually. I am deep into learning how to do frontend The Right Way (not React imo).
You literally wut? You think raw JS/HTML/CSS is going to take over? Web Components? Web Assembly? Vue? Nowhere close. This has been said since jQuery. The two SPA frameworks aren't going anywhere. Not even being sarcastic, but maybe saying shit like this is why no one wants to pay you.

> Those are your clues.
> Ruby
1. Nobody wants MVC.
2. You are saying "Those are your clues" and a dead trend from 15 years ago in the same sentence.

> Not to mention, Webcomponents. This might obsolete React as well.
I actually didn't read this far into your post before guessing Web Components. I wrote Web Components and did a talk on them 5+ years ago. Guess what? No one cares, they aren't taking over.

> Do you enjoy paying rent to your Bezos master and making us learn this shit?
You seem to have trouble processing that we are slaves or think that you are somehow special. Everyone knows cloud certs are a way to lock people into a cloud provider under the guise of education.

> Ok, probably time for this honestly. Been a Senior SE for too long.
Good luck.

> Correct. But way too competitive for me. Maybe one day though.
Gotta grind that leetcode.

But seriously, it could be your attitude - you have no idea what you are talking about on the front end.

>> No.56767557

Honestly, it probably makes sense, but it *is* painful. I don't really know how "both people work" would really work either unless there are grandparents who want to help.

>> No.56767599

yea I have no family nearby so it's just us. It's rough going but I do love the shit out of my kids. Wife & I get a date night maybe once every 3 months. As a result, we're typically at each other's throats about stupid shit.

>> No.56767605

It is not Webcomponents. Over the weekend I made a SPA using only HTML. 0 page reloads. Functions just like a React app. And I didn't have to learn react. It is Stimulus / Turbo. It was created by the guy who invented Ruby on Rails. For his company 37Signals. They did not jump on the react bandwagon like you did. It is written in JS, obviously, and available for any backend (PHP, Ruby, C#, whatever you want). Now you have all this useless knowledge.

>you have no idea what you are talking about on the front end

Seems like 99% of frontend professionals don't either. Tbqh. Which is why I've stayed backend until now. Frontend is a mess and you know it.

>> No.56767630
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I worked maybe 3 months in my life, my daily routine now just consists of waking up at 10 am, watching gta streams, anime, playing some video games then going to sleep at midnight, every two months or so I click around on my website which generates enough money for me to buy my tendies and video games, it's pretty comfy honestly but I'm not sure how long I can keep doing this

>> No.56767658

That sounds incredibly boring and unfulfilling.

>> No.56767663

being a wagie wouldn't be any better

>> No.56767668

> They did not jump on the react bandwagon like you did.
> Now you have all this useless knowledge.
Over 50% of the industry uses React.

>Frontend is a mess and you know it.
100%, but not being full stack is limiting your earning potential.

Anyway, I really think learn React and get a cloud cert and you will break the ceiling you brought up earlier, even without going Tier2/FAANG. You know you can pick up React in less than a month. Cert will probably take 3 months if you can dedicate almost every day to it. I have seen people do it in a month, but...

>> No.56767684

It would. I would rather make coffee at Starbucks than live the life you're bragging about. At least there would be human interaction.

>> No.56767700

uhhuh I would rather kill myself than do any sort of work though, even in the few months that I worked I just watched youtube on my tablet most of the time and just thought that "this is pointless and stupid" so I just never worked again, if you enjoy being an npc at starbucks then go for it, guess someone needs to fill space outside to make the world look lived in

>> No.56767713

Thanks for the advice and stuff I appreciate it. Jut cranky about my 120K. Look up that other framework I mentioned. IMO, there's no need to completely nuke your backend down to a JSON API that sends bits of data to the grotesque React monolith to simply build an app that avoids "page reloads". Want to avoid page reloads because corporations are neurotic about being left behind in terms of speed? Install the tool that fixes the page reloads problem. That tool is called turbo. Done. Continue developing your backend as you did before, with all it's richness of tools.

And, you're right, my pay probably IS my attitude as well. I internally seethe at every interviewer while putting on a forced smirk like Pat Bateman

>> No.56767738

Yea, I will check out Stimulus / Turbo and genuinely good luck.

>> No.56767739

This is a wagie thread. NEETs >>>/out/

Although I hope to be like you one day senpai

>> No.56767752

Sounds comfy, I'm a lawyer and I wish i had easy tasks like that, if you WFH you can probably do it while listening to podcasts, neat.

>> No.56767805

the only thing that worries me sometimes is that I probably can't keep doing this forever, but I guess I'll just see how things go, if I can stay neeting for another 10 years then I'll consider this life a victory, the same goes for everyone after all, you can be a good boy slaving away in the hamsterwheel then getting stabbed outside or get a bomb dropped on you because of some geopolitics, just think of all the guys in ukraine who were slaving away in some job all day then just got blasted to bits lmao, you never know what might happen tomorrow anyways

>> No.56767827

>earn money, save $1000 after paying all bills
>starts compounding at 5.4%
>do it again the following week
>and again the week after that
>do this for just 30 years, after college
>you are a millionaire
>you will retire 15 years before everyone else who sits around and watches netflix, or shitposts online
what's your fuckin' problem?

>> No.56768004

>At least there would be human interaction.
yeah that's the problem. you actually like interacting with people?

>> No.56768026

Your loss, enjoy being poor

>> No.56768033

>why you grumpy on monday everytime anon?
>you had TWO WHOLE DAYS to relax
get to work wagie

>> No.56768118

I'd do pretty much the same thing, but I need money to do so unfortunately gotta work

>> No.56768138
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human interaction is killing me

>> No.56768152

>than I do now married with kids making $200k.
I thought waging became worth it when you have people to work for. Doesn’t that give you motivation to wage or is it the same as when you were single?

>> No.56769332

I am missing the most formative years of my childrens most innocent days, and I have to answer questions about why I have to work instead of play with them. It’s hell on earth. One day I will turn around and they won’t want to spend time with me anymore, and all the memories I have will be of some neurotic, shithead boss asking me to do absolutely inane things for no reason at all, who ignores his own children because his values are all fucked up.

>> No.56769446

The ultimate goal of society at this point should be automating as much work as possible and reducing work to a minimum. Any society not doing that is one not worth maintaining. It can be reduced quite a bit already. Considering productivity has risen 2.5x since 1980 that means we can work 16 hours per week and still live the lifestyle boomers had, which is more than anyone needs anyway, if things were done right.
But this probably won't be attempted until zoomer get in power because everybody else is buckbroken by the mythology of work as virtue.

>> No.56770931

Furthmore DHH is kinda based

>> No.56770948

he complains about his comfy office job while alot of people break their back in real blue collar work. you are just a pansy faggot, op! office jobs should give you only half a paycheck, because it is no real job. if you sit in a office cubicle everyone on the planet should be allowed to bully you. even people from 3rd world countries.

>> No.56770961

Obvious demoralisation larp thread.

What saddens me is all you poor faggots replying. Wow is me bullshit from broke ass /biz/ faggots. Did you all come here at the top of last bullrun? Did you really not slurp BTC when it was below 30k? What the fuck are you faggots doing here? How do you expect to turn your life around by just crying and circle jerking with other losers? You have a whole board of cunts not struggling in life that you ignore to do this shit. It's fucking pathetic.

To put you all at ease. No you don't have to work your whole life. You have to work for two bullruns (doing any fucking job) MAX and save and invest. You'll have more money than your depressed black pilled retarded brains could even believe.

>> No.56771013

>8th grade homeworkd
>gets paid 200k

Do americans really?

>> No.56771116

Sounds like you need WFH and automating your work
I'm working 5 weeks from home 1 week at office and I'm doing about 20 hours of effective programming per week, rest is just monitoring workflows/pipelines and the occasional meeting. Lunch/coffee breaks with my wife and kids, never felt better

>> No.56771119

More or less, but energy is not as cheap as back then

>> No.56771505

I sell WoW gold, I have 3 characters that I play that are fully end game geared and just participate in end game content as a tank and carry for gold. I need to make back the time I wasted playing so much and actually surprised I can make a decent amount off of it. I have no other skillset, I have no idea wtf else I can do at this point, WoW will probably be my career at this rate