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File: 129 KB, 1058x1680, me on my way to make a new kadena kda thread .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56753807 No.56753807 [Reply] [Original]

Chainweb, the core of Kadena's blockchain network, utilizes a multi-chain architecture to improve scalability. This structure connects several parallel chains, enhancing transaction processing capabilities, a method designed to address common scalability issues found in single-chain models while preserving security.
The network's smart contract language, Pact, is Turing incomplete for reduced vulnerability risks and includes features like formal verification, contract upgradability, and multi-signature functionality. These aspects aim to broaden user accessibility and ease of use in smart contract development.
Focusing on energy efficiency, Chainweb distributes mining across its multiple chains, aiming to lower the energy consumption typical in Proof of Work (PoW) systems while still maintaining high transaction throughput.
Using a PoW consensus mechanism, the network strives to ensure robust security and decentralization, differentiating itself from the centralization tendencies of Proof of Stake (PoS) systems.
Positioned as an alternative to platforms like Ethereum, Chainweb emphasizes scalability and developer-friendliness.

>> No.56755047


>> No.56756515
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, Real Scaling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna know about Kadena, huh? It's not just another blockchain. This is next-level stuff
Kadena's using Chainweb. Picture this: instead of one blockchain, you've got a network of chains, all interlinked. It's like a spiderweb, man. This setup spreads out the workload, keeps things running smooth and fast. It's about sharding the ledger state, but in a decentralized way. Everyone's been scratching their heads over this for years, and Kadena's here swinging for the fences.
And get this – they're sticking with Proof-of-Work, but not the way Bitcoin does it. They've jazzed it up, made it more efficient. It's like having a big-block V8 running on regular gas with the mileage of a compact. They're proving you don't need to shift to Proof-of-Stake to fix your problems.
Now, about this trilemma – decentralization, security, scalability – Kadena's aiming to knock all three out of the park. They're not just solving the scaling issue; they're doing it without selling out on decentralization.
And yeah, they're going for horizontal scaling. Think big, man. Like, really big. They've built up a system that can grow, add more chains, increase throughput, without turning into a monster that no one can handle. This ain't your typical "let's just make the blocks bigger" solution. It's more nuanced, more refined.
But here’s the thing – it's not just about having fancy new technology. It's about making it work in the real world. They've got to prove that this isn't just some flash-in-the-pan, high-concept tech that nobody can use. They're playing a long game here, looking to change the whole landscape.
So, that's the deal with Kadena. It's ambitious, it's high-tech, and it's trying to solve the problems that have had crypto folks pulling their hair out for years. If more people hear about it, it's gonna change the game. But as always, the proof is in the pudding. Check this out. An example of Chainweb scaling from 10 to 20 shards, in production.
Never seen shit like that

>> No.56758181

based kadena
My sell targets start at 50$