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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 40 KB, 600x512, faceapp_hitler_by_naughtynutmeg2145_dcp08ux-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56754885 No.56754885 [Reply] [Original]

What coins would the fuhrer hold?

>> No.56754890


>> No.56754903

That's not really a white race coin, though

>> No.56754923
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>> No.56754936

He'd buy the top of pump and dumps because he was a retarded person.

>> No.56754945

100% ICP

>> No.56754951

The fuhrer would create his own coin, anon.

>> No.56754954

let's see
he was a centralized banking commie jew so I'd say...

>> No.56754955

Internet Computer Protocol

>> No.56755006


>> No.56755010

>100% ICP
Why do you shit up every thread shilling your tard coin?

>> No.56755032

Unironically Bitcoin. He wanted to remove money from the central banks and smash jewish usury. He would be a maxi for sure.
Hitler was one if the three greatest men that ever walked the earth. There is no greater rags to power story in history or fiction. A true superhero

>> No.56755039

If you're not holding Kas and NXRA and you're planning to go into the bull run,then you're not ready.

>> No.56755051

how can you be this out of touch? if austria made their own national bank that is literally the definition of centralized bank. even Hitler admitted he was pro centralized banking just with him in control of it. he was a socialist/communist through and through. and a swarthy brown haired brown eyed arab at that.

>> No.56755084
File: 40 KB, 460x345, socialists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a fucking socialist.

>> No.56755115


>> No.56755124

>he was a commie because his party had socialist in the name
Yeah no wonder why you clowns always lose money here, you have shit for brains

>> No.56755137
File: 183 KB, 490x336, 162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a retarded Wigger?
its literally called "National SOCIALISM". What more hints do you need?
>nooo not real socialism
W I G G E R !

>> No.56755142

Grab a book anon, you wont burst into flames believe me.

>> No.56755144

One that uses gas

>> No.56755160
File: 69 KB, 460x528, 5a1346e3b5f1cd9ed00b344c95f04c704cfaf102bffe65f3e2aca2d8e51b3872_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't argue with a retarded wigger.

>> No.56755210

He'd outlaw crypto and start printing money so he can finance his war campaign idiots

>> No.56755236

Yeah nigger Mao's China is just like hortler's Germany two drops of water, eat my fucking rim you ignorant zoomer shit

>> No.56755266

Fuck off back to your south korean friends on /pol/ wigger.

>> No.56755340

>I can read dat word
You are a fucking retard. He hated communism. National Socialism was nothing like the socialism you are thinking of, you turbo brainlet

>> No.56755378
File: 42 KB, 333x500, 51AiUPR54bS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>central government planning
>someone else should pay for my government expenses
>centralized banking
>fuhrerkult was literally copied from communist socialists
Never go full retard.

>> No.56755392

>Never go full retard.
Reddit moment

>> No.56755396

>no arguments
W I G G E R !

>> No.56755419
File: 8 KB, 226x223, f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many jews ITT its crazy, is this normal /biz/ hols shit?
>noooo hitler was evil because *insert bad buzzword*

>> No.56755420

Dumb anons read the Nazi programme without realizing it was complete bullshit. Read the book the wages of destruction. For the live of kek read nigger read before you come across as a retard.

>> No.56755421
File: 22 KB, 219x230, 1625727426433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be serious for a second

biz is missing on the Quantum narrative

during the LK-99 room temp support conduct hoax, the price of low cap quantum resistant chains jumped from 100% to 300% percent in a matter of hours. they went back to accumulation after.

check QRL on the 16th August - look at it. look at the price now.

when QC news starts being the main buzz on reddit and pleb news and liberal broadsheets then random QCR shitcoins will start mooning


and a few others

ive been saying this for a while but mark my words. if you dont believe look at qcr blockchains the days after some quantum computer news drops in the press.

it really doesnt matter if quantum computers are a nothing burger or not. it really doesnt matter if people will really break bitcoin or not. what matters is this is the sort of thing that makes people ape.

memes are dead my friend. look at what tickles the lizard brain the most

>> No.56755433

>chatgpt returns
Good job Brian. But socialism is a transitory state between capitalism and communism. Hitler was fervently anti-communist.

>> No.56755471

Basado! Now we are talking. Socialist fags are the first step on the way to certain doom (communism). If there had been a successor to Hitler he would have been a commie pig.

>> No.56755482

Where do you even buy this haircomb some schizo always shill here? And what about Natasha? Can you explain me how does it feel to fuck a bald woman?

>> No.56755484

Btw the answer is Bitcoin and Monero
But its true he wasnt big on decentralization

>> No.56755486

Socialism is post work, communism is post scarcity. Under communism everything is free because production is so efficient.

>> No.56755489

Kys commie pig.

>> No.56755511

I can't discuss this without sounding like a sci fi nerd really. There is one single asteroid that could turn everyone on the planet into billionaires. There's many many many asteroids. I could go on.

>> No.56755520

Please dont. We are sick of your pipe dreams elon.

>> No.56755522

There is no evidence of the exaltation of Marxism in the Third Reich. Nazi Germany created its own mythology. Not a single bust of Marx could be found. Nobody, except for you, taking the literal interpretation of the name, believes that Nazi Germany was socialist in the terms we understand. Hitler believed, rightly so, that communism was a Jewish plan do dominate Europe.
But keep saying wigger in all caps. makes you look like you know what you're talking about

>> No.56755548

Go back to work or get drafted.
Your choice.

>> No.56755653

Definitely >CYMI, AVAX and PROPC

>> No.56755700

He never even gased the 6 gorillion

>> No.56755723

he was THE fucking king

>> No.56755738

Why do you fail to appreciate icp despite countless spoonfeeds?

>> No.56755742
File: 32 KB, 640x640, IMG_20230821_202736_412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full privacy built from the ground up

>> No.56755743

You're so obviously a jew it's hilarious

>> No.56756041

He wasn't a socialist. Christ americans are stupid. His idea of "socialism" was basically a common "folk" who work towards the good of their race. It had nothing to do with government ownership. Fascism was a different story, fascism is overtly socialist and makes no qualms about that.

>> No.56756310


>> No.56756506

none, all of them are jewish
therefore only gold and silver coins.

>> No.56757098
File: 83 KB, 900x562, 1535401991907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natasha is beautiful woman friend sir yes
she is real and also she is "SATOSHI" yes sir the satoshi who you have heard and been hearing about recently yes my friend he and natasha - THE SAME!!!!

i have proof of this
haircomb will someday comb everyone - even the bald
on that day all combers will make it and i will have most erotic experience of friendly earth (fucking bald woman with my caucasian penis)

>> No.56757205

>my furer vib ran out of money what should ve do
>Guess we lost we have a gold standard we can't print money :^(

>> No.56757261

This is literally a boomer Facebook meme. Sadly though boomers use this argument unironically. Its a perfect example of how jews have seized control of the left and right wings of modern politics

>> No.56757302

only correct answer

>> No.56757320

The one and only R1B, which is ICP.

>> No.56757646
File: 297 KB, 548x720, fuhrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56757857

Internet Computer Protocol

>> No.56757911


>> No.56758045

https://opensea.io/MAGA-GIRL wowowow

>> No.56758651

Blocklord's token probably. It's all command and conquer in that game. Probably BTC because it filters out third worlders, blacks, indians and other undesirables.

>> No.56759653

It's kinda funny because he literally rugpulled people with the Volkswagen Beetle bond scheme and Mefo bills (the latter being more of what people alleged Tether was, moneyprinting and accounting tricks).

>> No.56759816
File: 8 KB, 381x381, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.56759829

>21million people killed
>21million hard cap on btc

>> No.56760620

XMR, ZEC, SCRT, RAIL and everything privacy for the movement.

>> No.56761103

Or probably an oracle; link or supra.

>> No.56761119

The real physical ones he took back from the kikes.

>> No.56761247

Just buy gaming and VR gems like DOMI, PYR, and RIDE. Stake and stay comfy.

>> No.56761275

SOL, Kava, Kasapa and some AVAX, always good ole BTC

>> No.56761288

This he's GOAT right after Jesus Christ

>> No.56761459
File: 58 KB, 602x804, 65375367356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto tokens

>> No.56761499

Could you upload this to facebook and resave it a few more times please? I can still make out a few of the words.

>> No.56761512

>money related english speaking board
ofc it would be full of jews
they are like cockroaches in american finance

>> No.56761957

The Führer fucked Europe for the foreseeable future and can atm my fat dick. He'd probably buy gayniggerdickbingustoken

>> No.56762063


>> No.56762203

He'd be against the concept of crypto, it's a symptom of a failed state.

>> No.56762313

>Adlunam is a perfect HODL
It helms game-changing projects from scratch, Imagine getting paid and rewarded for engaging with your favorite project!

>> No.56762370

Anons, this picks are well researched jsyk
>KIMBERLITE, ongoing Zealy task with huge reward pool atm, IDO soon.

>> No.56762427

Thats the answer make a reichscoin.

>> No.56762478


>> No.56762515


Biz hasn't seen the start of what's achievable here, I got their giveaway via Latokens and bought the Presale, now price for FGC is worth every penny.