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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 540x1343, fed repo 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56753540 No.56753540 [Reply] [Original]

What's the chance the same situation will happen again?

And what excuse would they use this time around?

>> No.56753544
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>> No.56753547
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>> No.56753559

Looks like they're setting the stage for the ww3 distraction this time. Maybe pandemic 2. Maybe something new though. Whatever it is it's probably going to somehow be an even huger and more spectacular psyop than what we've seen so far. This decade might be pretty fucking nuts.

>> No.56753565
File: 45 KB, 751x403, rrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set March 2024 on your calendar

>> No.56753592
File: 63 KB, 720x309, 0_2BV4luoDklyEfoMk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stage is set for what Arthur had predicted


>> No.56753612
File: 3.28 MB, 576x1024, LOLuSuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North Korea backed by China nukes Taiwan.
Lockdowns and masks to protect you from fallout

>> No.56753615

ww3 + plandemic were supposed to happen at the same time to mark the 100yr anniversary of ww1 + spanish flugalu but Trump fucked it all up for them, so now they're going to try again

>> No.56753628

How do I profit sirs

>> No.56753717

by being a good wagie, ((they)) will never let goyim profiting from this

>> No.56753909

>What's the chance the same situation will happen again?
after shale revolution in argentina, none...

>> No.56753942

was it just the cheese eggs?

>> No.56754366

>boomers have found tt
tik tok has fallen.

>> No.56754480

explain this to me like i am 5yo

>> No.56754493

Tik Toks are these short, like, very short youtube videos that play on a loop.

>> No.56754505

excuse me i'm not an expert can you dumb it down a notch?

>> No.56754506

actually its mimicking 1999

>> No.56754522

You profit by riding this BTC pump until RRP becomes zero around Q2 2024, which "coincidentally" around the time of the BTC halving, which "coincidentally" with the time the BTC ETF narrative hit the mainstream.
Then you sell everything else.

Then something will happen (doesn't matter what, just 'something'), then everything becomes scary, then the biggest money printing operation in history is restarted.

>> No.56754529

Sick of these smug faggots acting like they know "what's really going on ;) ;) ;)"

>> No.56754592

I’ve been going with that thesis too. The Ukraine war was supposed to start under Hillary that’s why they went absolutely bat shit crazy. Their war stiffies had to wait 4 years, they were injecting viagra directly into their cocks at one stage just to hold out

>> No.56754632
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It will be

>> No.56754656

You're retarded OP, the NY fed is accepting the max RRP bid every single day, it’s banks withdrawing their cash not the fed

>> No.56754738

EVERYBODY and I mean

>> No.56754849

i've been laughing at this retard for years. good stuff

>> No.56755037

alien bullshit and project bluebeam
Grusch was on Joe Rogan this week, they are preparing the normies

>> No.56755064

Don't give me hope

>> No.56755169
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 424tav-2873997569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do white people really?

>> No.56755477

Yes, but why. RRP top wasn't until a year and a half into tightening.

>> No.56757071

Look at CPI anon…

>> No.56757087

>Money draining out of the inflation prevention reservoir
>Inflation somehow dropping at the same time
Like I said it doesn't make sense.

>> No.56757251

You think a massive credit crunch is *good* for BTC?

>> No.56757347

the Reverse Repo is dropping about 100-130 billion per month, from 1157 billion last month to 930 billion yesterday. as i understand it, this is the oil that keeps the economy's engine from seizing up. that puts us on track for a tough situation summer 2024 at the latest.

my sense is that the dropping inflation numbers rely on cooked books ie Krugman's tweet about CPI dropping as long as you don't count food, fuel, housing etc.

it's all sleight of hand, hidden costs, off-books leverage, "oh that doesn't count for our calculations"

>> No.56757388

Good thread from back then. This is when alot of us got into macroeconomics.

>> No.56757783

I don't doubt it, but I'm also looking out for explanations that don't rely on hidden stuff. I suppose you could say that without the RRP injections, we'd have crashed by now. RRP was the making public of the can-kick credit game, which they only did because there was no other choice with interest rates so low.

>> No.56758574

The fiat emperor has no clothes on, but nobody wants to face the consequences of admitting it.
The people in charge have overseen a totally unsustainable Ponzi scheme and the consequences of it failing will likely be catastrophic for them.
Their options come down to either causing as much murder and mayhem as possible, amongst the plebs while they watch the chaos ensue from their nuclear bunkers off the coast of New Zealand etc or face the millions upon millions of people they have essentially defrauded into investing in soon to be worthless stocks and pensions come for their heads.

Which option do you think they will choose being that they all collude with one another now thanks to globalisation?

>> No.56758783

Do I buy now or wait for crash in March and then buy sirs

>> No.56758802

the most powerful person in the village is the storyteller.

sometimes the stories are complex yet reasonable.
sometimes just outright magical.
sometimes neither more nor less than simply absurd.
sometimes straight up obvious.

each type of story has its own missionary clan who preach all over why it'll be this way or that.

the most powerful person in the village is the storyteller.

>> No.56759058

Reading that thing is chilling. They didn't know.

>> No.56759073
File: 941 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-11-24-06-24-08-97_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#ELON is panicking, #COGW is looking stronger than his #XAI

>> No.56759606

Jesus... thanks, Hitler

>> No.56759613

Not a bot, btw. Srsly. Fuck this schizo shit.

>> No.56759744
File: 458 KB, 512x512, defec2703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think to this mess
>Now imagine a defecating old pederast using printed money to finance a war in a foreign country and actually losing it
Lmao, JUST imagine

>> No.56759797


What the fuck does this mean and what should you be holding to profit from it?

I have short term bonds which are giving me a nice 4% NEET and im about to buy the euro equivalent of the TLT because its fucking plummeted (similar to the TLT chart, it's a 20 year fund, Vanguard Euro Treasury 20). If they start printing again, what will happen with the interest rates? What will happen with the stock market?

If they print again, wouldn't inflation go up, which would make them have to raise rates again, which would make the stock market and bonds crash again? so what the fuck do you hold? ffs

>> No.56759824

Yep, the final card of the military industrial complex takeover is coming

>> No.56760403

They’re claiming it’s a mixture of all different respiratory illnesses. Could be bullshit though, they really don’t want to take the blame.

>> No.56760548

>60yo man showing his joy at eating broccoli and cheese on tiktok by dancing to shitty music
I need a fucking time machine to 2013.
Just send me back nigger I don't need all this horseshit. Everything just gets weirder and worse all the fucking time.

>> No.56760595

>gregorian calendar

>> No.56760633

It's a open secret that Lockheed Martin and Raytheon is using tech from crashed ayy lmao ships, what we see today is only the surface of what they are working on.

>> No.56760735
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Well, exactly the same. Ask any so ywojak (ticker: s o y) bro, we're accumulating hard as fuck. Not only is the token already doing a x10, we have reason to believe eoy and beggining of 2024 will mark the start of the bullrun.
Good things are coming

>> No.56760818

please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

>> No.56760825

I'm so fucking tired f waiting for this stupid bullshit to fall apart please let this be the one for once

>> No.56760961

I’ll be honest I think everyone betting March is off by about 8-10 months. The government and fed are so good at can kicking this shit it might not happen that soon.

>> No.56760975
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They have been kicking the can since 08. They started kicking the can harder in 17. They really started kicking the can at full in 19. How much longer can they kick it?

>> No.56761007

I don’t know, all I know is everybody says they can’t keep kicking it any longer. That the contagion from toxic Chinese Real Estate shams, failing US Commercial real estate, and shady Eurobanks will eventually topple the house of cards but it just keeps dragging along.
These financial folks are fighting the crash like their lives depend on it while the sensible CEOs and insiders cash out bit by bit.

>> No.56761074

There's no way people will fall for this shit again.

>> No.56761082

don't do that to me. I need my copium
I'm so fucking tired of jews letting this go on for as long as it has

>> No.56761226

Life will be incomparably worse for you if it really does fall apart. I'd rethink excitement if I was you.

>> No.56761233

I own GME booked and DRSd in my name

>> No.56761263

Forever. It's numbers on a screen, market =/= economy

>> No.56761279

They will offer you a new political candidate, a new approach and inflate away as usual. Nothing else. No huuuge war, no dotr, no justice, no closure. Deal with it.

>> No.56761280

Your IQ =/= above 100

>> No.56761286
File: 180 KB, 800x518, 29CDFEC9-E039-4C16-9FDE-DB27EE6BF8CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they have to put us through some torture MKULTRA shit every time they need to print money. Why can’t they just say oh no the US economy is on life support we have to spend a ton of money so let’s just build a few bullet trains and land a man on mars it would be very well received why do they have to manufacture these insane traumatic crises.

>> No.56761292

crypto and precious metals
not bonds maybe stocks

>> No.56761313
File: 78 KB, 1079x915, parabolic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom out. Monetary expansion is the mechanism behind oligarchical parasitism, they will always force nominal growth even if it causes a real terms constriction. Will the 2022-2023 dip we are right on the exponential line, which we will continue to ride

>> No.56761315
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The trauma is how they have fun while they move us closer to our destination. These are psychopaths at the helm. Makes one wonder if they are even human...

>> No.56761339

They’re definitely not human.

>> No.56761438

They're not going to pull that shit yet. But having some preprepared military conflicts going on helps establish the context for whatever they're planning.

>> No.56762314
File: 720 KB, 1170x2122, IMG_4979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based OP, matches perfectly the upcoming eclipse and Jupiter Uranus conjunction. We’re gonna see a big jew dump probably until april 20th

>> No.56762348

>They have been kicking the can since 08

>> No.56763188

simply look at yield inversion curve, it is yet to invert but getting close. Once the curve inverts we are in a recession

>> No.56763242

The bible says no man knows, but might a man guess and accidentally be right on a silly image that coincidentally is next year?

>> No.56763284

people fell for the covid scam and they're literally doing it again right now

>> No.56763442

He’s memeing on zoomers for attention. We live in the attention economy now. Your network is your net worth, anon.

I wish I could go back, too. Started a tiktok just this week for my business. Want to kill myself every time I post something.

>> No.56763549

was 2019 a bull run? I can't remember

>> No.56764198
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Because it's wholly unnecessary for the health of the economy, it's only necessary to secure risk free returns for the parasitic oligarchs, for what is created when new money is created other than a new fraudulent claim on existing resources? Crisis is a smokescreen, not only preventing bothersome questions about the need of expansitory policy but also providing a narrative explanation for the declining QoL caused by such policy.

>> No.56764475

Ive seen this guy on fintwit. He is very mid. Correlation is not causation.

>> No.56764814

thats when my baby is due!

but this, its totally possible we don't see a huge crash, thats too obvious and people are getting sick of it
if they print all the charts stay flat except for inflation which will skyrocket.
but people are making crazy money.
blue collar workers are making like 15--170k around me now for lines man work (electrical) and industrial plumbing

>> No.56764931
File: 33 KB, 604x579, [000069].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i hold fiat until the crash early next year?

>> No.56765011

What’re the odds of a flash crash this year prior to blackrock etf?

>> No.56765363

Fuck it’s crazy to think COVID crash was like 4 months later and the actual virus was mere weeks away from those anons…what’s coming that we can’t see?

>> No.56765940
File: 216 KB, 580x449, 1700839794674361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now i wonder if im posting in a similar thread

>> No.56765999
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>actual virus

>> No.56766187
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>next year?

>> No.56766269
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Why is cheese so based?

>> No.56766408

Guys wake up
The beast is all about money
The COVID was all about digitalizing money it had nothing to do with a virus

The end times is all about an economic crash and someone magically fixing it with a tatto or a chip
Just look up for coincidences is all i'm saying

>> No.56766519

This thread is schizo and high IQ. But it seems important. Can anyone summarize in a way for a baby retard to understand?

>> No.56766520
File: 11 KB, 268x188, goergiaguildstones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID was not just about money. The trigger was money but it had been in the planibg stages for decades.

>> No.56766651
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fiat money is a ponzi sheme. All ponzi sheme come to an end. Both government and money systems are faith based systems. Have you read the Wizard of OZ. The virus being released was a 'Don't look at the man behind the curtain' moment. The Charts in this thread are about what keep the system going.

>> No.56767746
File: 832 KB, 680x881, 1698971142640831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a ponzi. A ponzi pays out old money, fiat counterfeits money, "the bad thing" already happened, is happening right now, and and will continue to happen as long as you use the slavetoken.

Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, with the "monetary impedance" (how easy an asset converts to money) of an asset determining the relative inflation seen by that asset. The wage/productivity divergence e.g. is caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid (high monetary impedance) asset. This is the mechanism behind oligarchical parasitism, as the relative inflation of low impedance assets like equities allows risk-free real gains with only nominal gains, and nominal gains can always be guaranteed through further debasement.

>> No.56768076

The fact money is created with interest makes it behave just like a ponzi scheme. You constantly need new debt to pay old. It's fucking asinine.

>> No.56768121

I'm low IQ. If there is a big crash next year, will it be just FIAT or will crypto be affected? Are they essentially tied together now in how they react?

>> No.56768185

No, again not a ponzi, debt based fiat pays out new money, not old money like a ponzi, ponzis will always crash because there's only so much money to invest into them, fiat can continue approaching zero forever.

>> No.56768249

>blue collar workers are making like 15--170k around me now for lines man work (electrical) and industrial plumbing
That used to be normal. It's perfectly sustainable if you're not extracting profit to pay down the interest on your bad bets and yachts and 20k sqft mansions. We don't know the value of anything anymore because it's all been obfuscated to allow the wealthy to force us to subsidize their ridiculous lifestyles.

>> No.56768396
File: 3.57 MB, 5395x3597, The Big Short dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say ponzi because your Masters say not a ponzi!. Fiat pays new debt with old debt, but it not a ponzi? If it walk like a duck.

>> No.56768428

It’s called scorched earth. If I can’t have nice things in this bumass economy then no one can
Plus what the other anon said. Gme and pm’s

>> No.56768437

>ou say ponzi

I meant not a ponzi.

>> No.56768462

Not. A. Ponzi. The problem is not in the future, the theft has already happened, there will be no grand collapse, the dollar can lose half it's worth every decade forever

>> No.56768493

$10k is literally programmed. It will happen after the halving

>> No.56768580

I own Lockheed Martin Stock. What does this mean for me?

>> No.56768603

>He is very mid.
>Correlation is not causation.
Fucking kek, I don't even agree with the guy but to call someone mid and then immediately follow up with that is pure pottery.

>> No.56768655


lol k faggot. Let me sell everything then because some pajeet on /biz/ is fudding and will end up being wrong like LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING FUD THEAD ON THIS BOARD IN THE LAST 2 YEARS LMFAOOOOOOO

>> No.56768668

This guy kept showing up on my twitter feed. Followed him for a while. He would constantly post VIX ta charts (kek) and then delete them when it moved against him (megakek). He also never stops spamming bearish shit. Pretty sure it's a demoralization account to get people to miss the bullrun, which is why twitter shilled it so hard to me in September.

Also he blocked me for asking why he kept deleting his VIX charts. There was like 100 replies and he posted dozens of times that day. So it's probably a team managing the account. Theres no way one guy is reading thousands of replies every day and blocking everyone who calls him out.

>> No.56768676

Burning in nuclear hellfire like the rest of us.

>> No.56768678

Also he has Jewish eyes/eyebrows. Probably wearing that helmet to cover his massive hooknose.

>> No.56768693
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Yeah bitch, of course it is. I mean, look at the movement in prices for VINU and XOR, look at how CAKE is accumulating. If my calculations are correct after the halving we will have a whole week of people saying "its over" when it doesn't start the bullrun and THEN we will have a huge bullrun. Mark my words, screencap this if you need

>> No.56768777

>and none will bat an eye
That's exactly how a Ponzi collapses, when there's no longer enough profit for everyone.

>> No.56769162
File: 576 KB, 1280x889, 1687643271995784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, a ponzi collapses because IT'S PAYING OUT OLD MONEY and when Money In < Money Out it can no longer pay out and crashes, fiat CREATES money, it can never run out, the value simply approaches zero in-the-limit
>and none will bat an eye
Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold. 85% lose in earnings and you haven't batted an eye yet. As long as you the wagie debtslave continues to take it up the ass, no, nothing will collapse

>> No.56769178

I stopped taking it up the ass in 2019. I know that practically means nothing but I thought you could use a little hope. I used to be a pretty hardcore wagie, I was the one making it worse for everyone and I stopped, so maybe it does mean a little something.

>> No.56769188

>As long as you the wagie debtslave continues to take it up the ass, no, nothing will collapse
And we know there is no end to that.

>> No.56769189
File: 6 KB, 200x250, betheproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand Ponzi shemes or history. Fiat always collapses at some point. When people lose faith in the system it will collapses. What do you think hyperinflation is? 10% increase every 30 minutes is a collapse, that a 100% increase ever 3 and a half hours.

>> No.56769195

>What's the chance the same situation will happen again?

>> No.56769199

>And we know there is no end to that.
What would Jesus do?

>> No.56769251
File: 61 KB, 500x544, bullshitmarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bettter then 65% right now. The CCP just released a new virus on the streets.

>> No.56769290

>we don't know the value of anything anymore
this anon is actually fucking wise, keep an eye on this one

>> No.56769306

>guys wake up
stopped reading there.

>> No.56769345
File: 290 KB, 1690x1324, Screenshot 2023-11-25 at 11.54.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit goes up like 20% every week like fucking clockwork.

>> No.56769346

opps wrong thread

>> No.56769369


>> No.56769378

Where are the dinosaurs and the big meteor ?

>> No.56769664

Hyperinflation is caused by non-sovereign denominated debt, fiat is not self-limiting, see: >>56767746, >>56769162, debasement cycles don't stop on their own.

>> No.56769795

To the future anons reading this:

After the upcoming hyperinflation event in the next 6 months, I'm sorry that you failed to acquire assets and non-perishable foods and/or set up your indoor shrimp farming operation and are now forced to wait in line for your daily goyslop rations before returning to your communal pod. If only you recognized what we knew was coming, you would have been better prepared.

P.S. Now that LINK is finally at 0, it's time to let go of that bag. No point in remaining nostalgic or longing for better days of ATH.

>> No.56769827
File: 69 KB, 700x635, why I don&#039;ttrust gov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard some were about a new virus in china, forget were.

>> No.56769844

The tinned fish meme was just a ploy to deplete the tinned fish inventories and prevent necessary protein stockpiling.

>> No.56769876
File: 6 KB, 300x168, bomberfalling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you says so, but everything I have studied on the subject says different. You sound like a banker to me. It all about money velocity. The more velocity you have, the more velocity you need at some point the system brake.

>> No.56769923

21 trillion missing from the us treasury
Over 5000 inventions in limbo and under "secrecy" orders at the US patent office.
It is obvious they are looting us and creating an elite breakaway civ

>> No.56769939

>using tech from crashed ayy lmao ships
it's tech from a previously advanced civ on this planet. basically Atlantis. nazis found schematics and then us gov got their hands after the war. nazis pretty much took over the military-industrial complex using this tech as a bargaining chip/trojan horse.

>> No.56770111

>money velocity
>printing is actwshulaly deflationary!
Nigger retard faggot. GDP/(Money stock) is "money velocity", you're too dumb to even bother conversing with, kill yourself

>> No.56770179
File: 6 KB, 272x185, deadhorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are still to stupid to undestand what I am saying! It a balloon, the more it inflate, the faster you have to inflater it.

>> No.56771491

Heartened to see that that list is ideologically agnostic. There might be hope after all.