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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56744924 No.56744924 [Reply] [Original]

What do you really want?

>> No.56744933

I want cryptobros to fail

>> No.56744943

I want a fat autistic virgin to post a cartoon frog and ask me something

>> No.56744947

A home. To not have jews make me constantly pay to live in it. Or to be rich enough to not be affected by it.

>> No.56744954

A one sentence explanation for why I should be bullish on chainlink

>> No.56744967

I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)
I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah

>> No.56744973

you had 5 years

>> No.56744974
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If you have all the money you need - it's just power that you will crave.

>> No.56744985

solves the lambo problem
good quality of life without waging

>> No.56744986

Something to do
Someone to love
Something to wish for

>> No.56744988

Freedom (provided by lots of money)

>> No.56745013

I need about 15k

>> No.56745025

wisest answer so far

>> No.56745026

I know it's not make it money but 700-800k would grant me freedom.

>> No.56745039

Na It's pretty gay least I'm specific.

>> No.56745076

If you somehow have money without power, you're doing something wrong

>> No.56745088

I want to be happy
I don't want to worry about money anymore, and for that, I need money.

>> No.56745098
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>> No.56745105

to post nigger on linkedin with my real name

>> No.56745107

More proof that you just can’t do it…

>> No.56745114
File: 35 KB, 591x485, 1533724279851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

€33 million. It sounds arbitrary. But it's not. It came to me in a dream.
Some ex-colleague inviting me over for a marquis somewhere in the French countryside to celebrate his lottery winnings.
It was €33 million. I woke up livid. I want that money. I needed to have the money this projection of my subconscious gave to this fucker and not me.
Fuck that. I will have the money. And I spit on the part of my own brain that will keep me from it.

>> No.56745163

>Only 33 Million Euros
Fuck off I'm an American and would be thrilled with 15k, I bet you assume all mutts have millions of dollars.

>> No.56745176

Not to have to wage ever again and coom in my 9/10 wifu. Have as many babies as possible.

>> No.56745244

A 40K annual wage before taxes is considered comfortable here. I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.56745270


Correction: Misread that.
I don't assume burgers are all heeled, but there's definitely more money to be made in the US than anywhere else. But I don't go off what other people might think is enough.
I'm just so fucking greedy I dismiss anyone who thinks "getting by" is enough to live for.

>> No.56745275

a family and no jewish degeneracy pushed on them

>> No.56745283

Opinion disregarded
>more money to be made
>more taxes
>most expensive place on earth to live
Fuck off.

>> No.56745368
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You're delusional. Have you looked at tax brackets in Western Europe? House prices in the most population dense area on this side of the continent?
1 Acre homes with a view of industrial parks going for €2 million. 55% BASE tax rate if unmarried, 50% if married. Highest energy prices in the world. Highest telecom prices. Highest marginal tax rates on any other income.
It's worse than Japan but we don't even get to decide who comes in. Bureaucracy out the fucking ass and not a single slab of no man's land to go and scream in.

This place is hell. It's a 3000 square mile suburbia under a federal HOA that will skin you alive if you even so much as dare make more than what the socialists tell you you should deserve.
You don't fucking suffer.

€33 million and I'm out of this concrete one-storey jungle dropping napalm on all the godless, liberty-hating fucks of the pompous, self absorbed High-Sec borderline prison-system Ed. Mega-City 0,5 that is the Western Europe crossroad strip between Amsterdam and Paris.

>> No.56745381

You know absolutely nothing, you're jewish at heart and your skin is shit brown.

>> No.56745412

If youre a mutt & dont have millions of dollars then theres something very wrong with you
either lazy fucker or just bad dna, might as well kys

>> No.56745431

Fucktard. You're the kind of cunt that would call a white South African Boer a nigger because he has to share his land with chimps.
You have no fucking honor. Rope yourself and make way for actual Americans.

>> No.56745450

You're both fucking pajeets on an american business board, begging for millions of dollars holy fuck.

>> No.56745495

if you are a white collar professional american (i.e. white shoe law firm lawyer, banker, management consultant, etc.) one of the biggest mindfucks will be when you meet people from one of the western european offices and they make somehow only 60-70% of your income, their taxes are 30% higher, and unless you live in Seattle/DC/SF/NYC, all-in rent and lodging is like 30% higher too
It just feels like something broke along the way
I am not exaggerating. It will literally be like a Chicago post-MBA Associate will make 250K and live in a 1500 sq foot 2 bedroom for 4k in a luxury apartment with a pool and a gym, and pay an effective tax rate of 25% including state tax. Then you meet the London guy, he makes 150K pounds, he pays 4K pounds for a piece of shit old ass apartment and his heating and electricity is literally three times as expensive, and pays a 33% tax rate (approx 50K GBP on 150K income).
It's fucking insane lol what the hell is going on over there

>> No.56745499
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That's rich coming from the nation that calls Western Europe the "old" country and obsesses over their heritage in fractions of DNA.
By the way, this board is Chinese, and I don't beg. I work. For freedom or the chance to die under a sunrise in a place I want to call home, for once.

>> No.56745537

youre basically living in tutorial mode in tutorial country and still falling lmao, seriously just kys

>> No.56745544

>What is going on over there
A fucking collapse, God willing. I hate this matriarchal state so much I want out I fucking want out

>> No.56745553
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Where do you guys come up with your lies?
If you're making 250k a year you're paying over 35% in taxes at a federal level, let's not include mandatory insurance which euros don't pay, let's also ignore state taxes, and city taxes which you're paying if you live in shitcongo.

>> No.56745564

financial security, a career i like, a family

>> No.56745585

Also none of that applies to these pajeets they live in india and pretend to be europeon.
Tale as old as time.

>> No.56745587
File: 65 KB, 1025x529, duh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirmed for never having paid taxes
do you know how the progressive marginal income tax system works?. you don't pay 35% on the whole amount

>> No.56745594

A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need

>> No.56745606

I want a nice house and two nice vehicles. I want to be able to give me children nice clothes, safe and reliable vehicles, and a college education. I want to never work again and never worry about finances, and I want enough high quality marijuana to make Cheech and Ching jealous.

>> No.56745610

Nigger I'm a tax agent.
You're as retarded as the pajeets ITT.

>> No.56745625

Walkable cities.

>> No.56745630
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>Euros don't pay mandatory insurance
We do. Every insurance is mandatory. We also pay Municipal tax. Council Tax. Real Estate tax.
If you're anywhere near the middle class bracket of the US you're forking over more than 70% to the government.

Look at this list and tell me I have it good. You look me in the face and tell me I'm lucky.

>> No.56745643

You're a fucking nigger that's it and should promptly kill yourself.

>> No.56745653

You to keep posting more frogs
Also enough passive income to live comfy

>> No.56745685

so what was wrong with what I said?
on a 250k base income you will pay approximately 53000 + (.35*20000) = 60,000 in taxes aka 60/250 = 24% at a maximum
but after the standard deduction and 22.5K of contributions to your 401k, you would have a taxable income of like 214K and only pay an effective rate of 22%
and before you accuse me of not being "apples to apples" with state taxes and insurance contributions , feel free to look up the other non-income tax mandatory levies and taxes in London, UK vs a typical US city. I dare you. Include the NHS payroll contribution and the London city tax
It is objectively true that euros get fucked on their taxes compared to us burgers. show the class, do the math

>> No.56745696

automates value transfer

>> No.56745767


I make 250k and Pal I'm already getting 26% of my salary taken out in taxes (not including benefits) and I haven't even seen uncle sams bill yet. So 65k just as a start. Also i live in FL with no income tax. I won't be surprised if I'm hit for another 10-15k

>> No.56745776

You're insufferably retarded. You don't deserve to live in the US. You deserve to live here with all the other flaming commie ratfucks.
I cannot understate how impressive it is that your biblically cretinous clump of a concave soul managed to find its way out of your mother's cunt.

>> No.56745796

Bro it's just screaming begging pajeet niggers, that's all that's left on this board
>Gibs me 33 million
>oh maybe they will give me 5k

Guarantee these faggots have never touched more than 10k in their lives.

>> No.56745825

1.5k link

>> No.56745829

a zigazig ahh?

>> No.56745832
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I know, I'm despondent.
But It's not fair. It's just not fair.

>> No.56745859

Your speech reminded me of Bieberson.
If it makes you feel any better I'm just trolling you faggots.

>> No.56746024


>> No.56746253
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Chill dude lol

>> No.56746287

I just want to make it anon and I'm holding RIO, NXRA and QNT.

>> No.56746313

About $69k

>> No.56746332

I want to be wealthy so I can help people in need while I live like a peasant. I'm getting there.

>> No.56746364

Half a million bucks, a well spread stocks and crypto portfolio esp. in Eth, Sol, Gmx, OGB of OpenGamesBuilders, and more.

>> No.56746472
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>> No.56746514

I have a week off but it's hard to enjoy it because i know i have to back in the wage cage next week. I want to not have to go back to the wage cage

>> No.56746532
File: 6 KB, 213x237, download (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want 10k by may of 2024

>> No.56747044

30 acres of land at least with a cabin or small ranch home, and enough money for my dream cars and building a private race track to use them on. Money for some cool guns would be neat too

>> No.56747089

Basically the freedom to live comfortably and travel without having to work if I don't want to.

>> No.56748237
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I want 60k by Q2 2024 and I want Kava to hit $3 so I can unironically retire in my 30's.

>> No.56748869
