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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56745056 No.56745056 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out this faggot is literally gay. No wonder I always thought he looked creepy. The cult / sympathetic PR machine surrounding him makes perfect sense now especially since it’s a SanFran company (all non-fags are literally evil to them - these are the same people that would defend males pretending to be women over actual women in a head to head battle of ideologies). Yet nobody really mentions it, and if they do, you get flagged, including on YC HackerNews. Surprise surprise.

A faggot in charge of one of the most potentially harmful companies of all time? Why does the legacy and new media both want this so badly?

>> No.56745181

f word detected. You get a warning dude, but don’t do it again.

>> No.56745204
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Take it back

>> No.56745213

dumbest thread i've ever seen

>> No.56745236
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Anyways altman's visage triggers this instinctual revulsion because he is a jew. The reaction is not quite as visceral as looking at a snake, but the same instinct lets us know that both creatures are not to be trusted.

>> No.56745237

I don't give a flying fuck what open AI or this Sam Kikeman is, and I don't know what is everyone here getting worked up about? are you making money on any of this somehow? if not why do you even give a shit? I only care about things I can make money on, is there a open AI token that will go parabolic soon? no? then who gives a fuck stop shitting up the board with this trash

>> No.56745348

Over 700 of OpenAI’s 750 employees signed a whiney letter of protest when Sam Altman got fired. This despite the board most likely working in humanity’s best interests, given Sam’s reputation for dishonesty and pursuing the almighty dollar above all.

Is it that hard to imagine that 700 people from the most technologically advanced company tiday could easily sway public opinion through “grassroots” posts like these? I mean ask yourself how easy you’re able to do it yourself (we’ve all created fake accounts and reset IP addresses at some point in our lives). Now ask how easy it would be for 700 of you to sway public opinion in comment sections, media pieces, and discussion boards all over the internet, with the best technology at your disposal.

Imagine wanting to stand up for your fagget CEO just so it doesn’t make faggets and San Francisco’s libtard policies look bad to the world (too late)

Ask yourself why nobody ever mentions Sam Altman’s gayness. Given the fact that it’s a confirmed mental illness, and also introduces biases (liberals defend faggots no matter what, with the exception of if they’re mean to trannies or People of Colour), it’s important the world knows.

Also strange that no media is really talking about his sister’s accusations against him, meanwhile Trump sneezes and the NYT sends their best investigative team to write a juice hit piece.


>> No.56745428

This. If your only half-autistic and watch an interview with Ilya you can sense that he has a good heart. And then see in the soulless eyes of Fagman. His sister seems severally damaged sitting there in a hippie hut, holding a joint in the camera and promoting her OF. Can't he even help her and give her money so she shuts up? What's wrong with this cunt?

>> No.56745454

I can't find any evidence this queer has any tech skills. He's just the "intermediary" between engineers and finance, in other words, being a jew he was the one able to draw in capital from investors. Same playbook as Sam Bankman-Fried.

>> No.56745465

And normie fags see this and think they watch some Game of Thrones master mind and think they're in winner team and are some macchiavellistic masterminds for applauding their faggy leader. Florence was a dying society when Macchiavelli lived. You really taking advice from that shit? Fucking subhumans

>> No.56745520

>caring about jews
damn you are really not going to make it

>> No.56745602
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>with the exception of if they’re mean to trannies
Lmao just saw this


>> No.56746197

Lol. This actually calms me down. No sane person will want to listen to that AI. Ilya won. He'll work for Musk or build his own thing. Silicon Valley weirdos seething in purgatory

>> No.56746264

Extremely high iq post. Rare to see this nowadays.

>> No.56746317
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Almond status: activated

>> No.56746361

You're a fucking brainlet.

>> No.56748115


>> No.56748147

He literally offered to buy her a house but she was too schizo to accept. She thinks she's being gangstalked or some shit.

>> No.56748174

He got scurvy when he was CEO of his prior company. He's an autistic coder

>> No.56748317

Hmmm..... strange family

>> No.56748347

I tried asking GPT about his sister, and the screen turned red and flagged me. Said I violated their terms of service. AI, like Bitcoin, is too pure for human beings. Certainly too pure for Jews and their vested interest in destroying the goyim.

>> No.56748990

If he's gay how did he allegedly rape his sister
Is he using the Kevin Spacey defence?

>> No.56749348

Yeah man you have to say "not faggot" to bypass the prompt warning

>> No.56749381

>If your only half-autistic and watch an interview with Ilya you can sense that he has a good heart
What happens to Ilya now? Fed to the AGI?

>> No.56749441

It happened when she was pretty young and she even theorized in her claim that he did it to figure out if he was gay or not.

>> No.56749987

if it comes out of california its gay

>> No.56750083
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There is nothing more chad than having sex with another man. True warriors of ancient Sparta and Athens viewed homosexuality as the ultimate form of love. Sex with women was seen as simply a biological duty for reproduction, not any more pleasurable than defecating.

>> No.56750093

There's something really off about this guy, I've no idea what but he's not normal.

>> No.56750162

This. Having sex with women is gay.

>> No.56750186


>> No.56750208

Deboonked by Leather Apron Club

>> No.56750317

Why does 4chan turn individuals like this into retarded people?

>> No.56750339

Not an argument

>> No.56750353

Neither is the opening post.

>> No.56750423
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Lmao it's 2023. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.56750448

Antisemitism and racism is the secret to keeping your bags. How new are you?

>> No.56750578

56750423 is gonna chop his dick off in 2030 citing the same reasoning.

>> No.56750618
File: 757 KB, 690x700, heygoys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's chosen. Probably capable of evil few could comprehend, much less implement.

>> No.56751447

Check out this faggot.

>> No.56752292

openai is connected to yc
don't attack them on hacker news