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File: 908 KB, 775x764, the dark one comesmggmepmgluncxrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56717526 No.56717526 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Brandon Adam Meadows and his $10.85 billion Claim

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>The BLIND bid IPO

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

>> No.56717530


>> No.56717536
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>Latest hires

>Holly Etlin - Chief Restructuring Officer

>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO

>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

>other info
>Kais Maalej The OTC King


>umm uhh uhh uhhh uhhh
https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpossibleOnerousCoyotePJSugar-z9qYvrP5icgqvDRr (embed) (embed) (embed)

>The PP Show Livestreams
>10/23/23 - Kory talks about bots, social media manipulation, & infiltration
>9/12/23 - AJ
[YouTube] ThePPShow BBBYQ Livestream 9/12/23 We Won!!! GUEST BIGGYSMALLZZ! (embed)
>7/26/23 - Bill Pulte Interview
[YouTube] ThePPShow BBBYQ Livestream 7/26/23 BILL PULTE INTERVIEW! (embed)
>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>As always
Kek bondies
Previousneed on /BBBYQ/:

>> No.56717560

BBC black sperm

>> No.56717562

kek baggies

>> No.56717577

Kek GME maxis. They're going to miss out on Teddy

>> No.56717631
File: 147 KB, 1260x840, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SuperStonk is going to be an even bigger dumpster fire lol.


>> No.56717635

hilarious using a gamestop image when RC has confirmed that he's totally out of BBBY far before it went bankrupt

>> No.56717637

I think this is a valid theory. Can someone explain the search engine manipulation theory to me for the bakes? I get the whole narrative of "oh new people are checking out this mongolian basket weaving forum for tips on Gamestop after watching the corpo propaganda that the regulators has to put a warning in because this is too hecking dangeriso to release too the public" but the idea that new traction on 4chan of all places from that movie seems like a stretch to me. Is this just a last ditch effort? I am aware we are hitting all time lows but this strategy seems flawed. I do hate that all the discussion revolves around this though. Find it quite annoying. I still don't fully understand the drop in RRP and I contribute it to this chaos. Seems to be more insidious due to the framing of Aile as a glowie tranny. They really are putting those PHDs to work arent they. I feel like this has to be connected to Providence. I looked through their website and they look fishy. Maybe I am just falling for the Keith FUD though

>> No.56717664
File: 22 KB, 365x365, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek we are fucking lmaoing at u baggies

>> No.56717681
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Nice job tranny.

>> No.56717727


>> No.56717735

That's your job actually.


>> No.56717757
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Dunning–Kruger: The Post

>> No.56717814

Ngl if nothing happens this week it's gonna be a huge hit to my morale. I want to quit my job so fucking bad

>> No.56717986

Will you fags finally admit it's over?

>> No.56718136
File: 167 KB, 1242x950, rectabular excursion bracket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once they let us close our goddamn positions

>> No.56718268

i feel like people should die if nothing happens by the time of the pulte pp show meetup, i won't do anything stonk related because i'm not even in the US but it's a really shitty situation. many of us lost 100%, some people lost their wives and family (i never had any to begin with). many of us have nothing left and have no reasonable paths to be able to "pull ourselves up by the bootstraps" which these silver spoon billionaires and boomers couldn't possibly empathize with.

>> No.56718369

Well lads, that's it. Had another screaming match with the missus today, she took her kids and went to her parents. Her shrill harpy of a mother is probably elated. Gonna see if I can keep the BBBYQ in the divorce and give her more than 50% of my assets so she'll have no legal grounds to any of my MOASS gains after this pops. I'll be banging tight 18 yo hedgie daughters while she'll be hitting the wall at mach speed while hopping from wage slave dick to wage slave dick. WAGMI

>> No.56718387

Nice copypasta

>> No.56718639


Any person capable of angering you becomes your master we don't really care about meltdownies as they are the chumscrubbers of society

>> No.56718879
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>> No.56719164
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>Any person capable of angering you becomes your master we don't really care about meltdownies as they are the chumscrubbers of society

>> No.56719370
File: 83 KB, 256x350, 1699868951331695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk into TD Ameritrade
>ask for a TEDDY SHARE
>spaghetti slowly drips from my pockets
>oh god not again
>face gets red
>"Please give me a TEDDY share right now."
>"I don't know what that is. What exchange is it on?"
>struggling to contain my embarrassment
>clenching asscheeks together to hold in my shit
>meanwhile spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets
>voice reduced to a mumble
>"have money please TEDDY share give money please share"
>"Are you ok?"
>shit breaches through my asscheeks
>propelled forward at 60mph
>crash through the Ameritrade employee's counter
>he's holding on to me for dear life
>all the while spaghetti is flowing out of my pockets like fumes
>crash through the entire row of buildings in the strip mall, broken glass shards in my face
>Ameritrade employee is covered in shit and spaghetti
>my pocket rocket shows no signs of stopping
>he tilts me backwards
>the sheer force of my shit has reached 650mph, we are now propelling upwards
>the spaghetti and shit intertwines and falls down to earth in glorious yellow and brown streams as we head towards the stratosphere
>children below frolic in the mess falling from my anus
>the g-force is causing my asscheeks to flap vigorously and create a gale
>spaghetti and shit blowing through the air on the planet below
>3 miles upwards now
>Ameritrade employee has died from lack of oxygen, his body falls to the surface below and is shredded by the force of my shit
>my transformation is almost complete
>as I leave the atmosphere my bear hands sprout and my tail grows, acting as a rudder
>steer myself across the cosmos with my gleaming shit and spaghetti trail

>> No.56719566

Simply put, the best thing about being rich will be not having to wake up to go to work. Never having to sacrifice 8-9 hours for anything other than catching a, early flight or tending ro your own children. We're all gonna fucking make it!

>> No.56719610
File: 37 KB, 440x440, 64569d6691d8bce04734a6a7ea59f06c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll begin the negotiations at one SCHRUTE BUCK per TEDDY share

>> No.56719707

can't wait for this company to go bankrupt

>> No.56719822

why are we letting the french faggot steal the BBBY threads now? Just so he can spam the same image in both as to get more people to spam shit in them? Why jannies, why do you fail at you one job?

>> No.56720068


>> No.56720140

you ok there buddy?

>> No.56720159

Wow this place has gone downhill. I never thought I'd see 4chins suck a reddit scam communities cock.

>> No.56720174

kek shillies using tripfags and names so they remember which ID they are on

>> No.56720283

Shillies are so mad rn because today is the day, but if it's not, then it's two weeks from today.

>> No.56720350

I think they have a bit of rage for PP's wife as they are no longer in possession of a penis.

>> No.56720401

Good fucking morning, baggies! It’s a lovely day for NOLs to expire. Do you think anyone is going to grab them before they do? lol

>> No.56720457
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>> No.56720558
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Any takers? This is a threat.

>> No.56720571

Same thing goes for GME, if this pops off they have customers for life with a circular investment of customers and shareholders. If it doesn't then they will lose customers and any further things the key players are involved in will be avoided. How is this hard to understand?

>> No.56720578


>> No.56720586

>sucking hedge fund dick
kek dick suckies

>> No.56720614

Lmao ur family is probably gonna get murdered after you go to prison hahahahahaha

>> No.56720617
File: 466 KB, 400x300, IMG_1938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on the shills, hedgies already have the information that today is not the day. I don’t think people are going to “panic sell” teddy when the time comes, so your demoralization doesn’t work here retards. I imagine people will hold until the hedgies approach the ledgies.

>> No.56720639

Today is simply the last day the plan could be amended if required. As NOL's have been preserved there is no need to amend the plan as it means shareholders are made whole. It's literally that simple. I presume that once the deadline has passed then the real fun begins. Do you remember when shills spent the week before GME earnings saying "But what if the DRS numbers go down tee hee" Proving they are once and for all hedge fund plants with advanced notice of their plans

>> No.56720674

it's not even a deadline to amend the plan, it's plan exclusivity period ending today, you dumbfucks

>> No.56720679

Baggies are already doing the needful and moving those goalposts lmfao
I thought TEDDY (ha) was going to “make thanksgiving great again”?
Eat shit, stay poor and die mad about it, faggot baggots

>> No.56720708

>As NOL's have been preserved

>> No.56720729
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Spoonsneeding time is over

>> No.56720766
File: 63 KB, 686x884, 2023-11-12 21_14_46-US Code 305 - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plan exclusivity period
I was under the impression that the plan had the deadline of today to have further amendments without going through the court, as long as the debt waterfall is satisfied?

>> No.56720781
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>> No.56720876


>> No.56720898
File: 92 KB, 591x602, iXoHSabPms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cohen is still, and always was in

>> No.56720911
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>> No.56720927


kek dumbfuck shills

>> No.56720947
File: 863 KB, 1170x1662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shillies, you're response?

>I don't care

>> No.56720956

>this lawyer is a lawyer
damning evidence. Shambles.

>> No.56720966

>is being deliberately obtuse
never change shillies, it's great entertainment

>> No.56720974

That’s swell, baggie. I look forward to seeing you post about it over and over for the next three months before you tards move on to your next cope. Kek baggies.

>> No.56720994
File: 1.04 MB, 961x692, GRIFFINCOCK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Continue to seethe shillies

>> No.56721017

Keep worshipping king kike, baggies. He has been so good to you lmao
You’re like battered wives at this point, it’s truly hilarious to watch.

>> No.56721044

I thought the new baggie cope would be that Cohen will file his own plan now that the exclusivity period is over, but at least this is funnier. Here's an impossible challenge for BBBYQ enthusiasts: reach out to Longacre Square Partners, link them Sal's tweet where he makes allegations about them, and ask them to comment. Or, better yet, ask PhantomBlack699 or sboho to do it, and see how long it takes you to get blocked.

>> No.56721063

A lot of shit already happened. Let me guess: you think this general / pp is only about BBBY stock? Wrong

>> No.56721080

they can't comment on their clients, NDAs.
I know a lot of people hate on sal because he's been wrong/early on a lot of stuff but this is undeniable.

>> No.56721143

>haha, now that the bbby is otc, fuddiebuddies never have to post here again!
>bump baggies are baking the threads for bbby holders
kek dumbfuck bump baggies

>> No.56721197

>my investment went to zero like they told me it would, but someone made a thread on 4chan. Guess that means I win!

>> No.56721206

Merger announced yet baggies? Or do you think they’ll wait for lunch?

>> No.56721216

Name one time Sal has been right, even if it was early. Or Jake for that matter.

>> No.56721228

>This date matters
>No actually the real stuff happens some non-specific time after the date
Baggies literally using the same logic as apocalypse doomcults lmao

>> No.56721230

I bought may 4th, 5th, and sold at .25-.30. You meltdown in a bathroom chapter 11 infomercial general.

>> No.56721248

Sure, baggie, whatever you say lmao

>> No.56721252

>The guy who said 20th November was the happening date is trying to flood the internet with new schizo ravings in the hope that people don't recall his previous schizo ravings

>> No.56721330

Lol, I trolled PP into getting ABC to host. That idiot is so easy to manipulate.

I will admit I did not expect the “ABC meltdown” post to take off as much as it did. Still, excellent data on how I can get disinformation to flow from here to PP.

>> No.56721345

Bros Ryan Cohen is going to make me rich, here's why: Ryan Cohen has shopped at Costco. I also shop at Costo. Therefore, it means that his money has entered Costco's system, which intermingled with mine.

>> No.56721367

Wow you guys are so retarded that even the little bus riders mock you

>> No.56721380

post BBBags. You literally can't (they don't exist)

>> No.56721397
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>he cries impotently into the void
keep posting though, I'm sure you think it works kek

>> No.56721410

>into the void
Your BBBags says hi

>> No.56721427

>why would you want ABC to host?
Oh, that’s part of a larger effort. You’ll see. All is going according to plan. PP is reacting exactly as I wanted him to.

>> No.56721442

I have this baggie filtered. Let me guess, he said something gay.

>> No.56721459

ID: aJbcTrWa & ID: iJg1OWAb are impotent and incompetent fuckwits kek, keep seething though

>> No.56721479

Are you requesting I change IDs? I’ll talk to manager and see what I can do.

>> No.56721768

For anyone curious why they picked today to hype, they believe it's the deadline to amend the bankruptcy plan. They need a new plan because the current plan specifically says the shares are canceled. The actual deadline to amend the plan was September 29! That's why the shares were cancelled (and that cancellation can't be undone, according to the Federal bankruptcy judge).

November 20 is the end of the debtors exclusivity period - the period of time where the debtor has the exclusive right to submit a bankruptcy plan. The debtor submitted the plan in July, and it was confirmed by the court in September. Since a plan has been submitted, confirmed, and become effective, the exclusivity period doesn't matter anymore. The debtor met their deadline.

So 11/20 is meaningless and always has been, but it was a date that baggies and grifters could latch onto. By the end of today, when nothing has happened, expect all sorts of post hoc explanations about why this was never an important date in the first place.

>> No.56721812
File: 110 KB, 672x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still posting to reach your quota shillies?

>> No.56721823

Just filter them, why are you getting so worked up over it buddy?

>> No.56721831

>getting worked up
I have, I'm just teasing them, I enjoy their seethe

>> No.56721870
File: 869 KB, 1214x933, Remember, Hedgies on ledgies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.

>> No.56721890

>company social media runs a campaign where users submit baby name choices and allow followers to vote
>baggies submit names

>> No.56721894

Too bad you don’t enjoy profitable investments kek

>> No.56721924

Oh but shilly, why can't you refute that the NOL's have been preserved thus they are profitable instead of spending every waking hour on a thread for a stock you don't own?

>> No.56721968

If this hits before Friday I'm buying a new couch. Please hurry RC.

>> No.56721970

You don’t own it either.

>> No.56721978

Shareholders weren’t preserved, NOLs expired. Shares expired like two months ago.

>> No.56722020
File: 1.15 MB, 1010x569, ABT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are STILL obsessed with other people's investments
Is it because you are poor you care this much about other people's money?

>> No.56722064

What investment ofyours do you believe I’m obsessed with? Which sticker ticker do you own shares in that is relevant to this comment?

>> No.56722067

I just like making fun of retards. Thank you for being you <3

>> No.56722131

This. I bet that the people laughing at me for investing in dogshit are only doing so because they're poor. What a bunch of losers.

>> No.56722165

You are so wise to have amassed a pile of dogshit that keeps you warm at night.

>> No.56722282

This is keith
Keith has autism
Please be patient with him

>> No.56722303
File: 2.78 MB, 1904x1428, IMG_3327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek dougshits. These shills sure have me demoralized, when I get my teddy shares eventually I’ll hold until I hear splatters. Queue the goalpost comments replying to me below. Dougshits in shambles, kens out of mayo.

>> No.56722317

>when I get my teddy shares

>> No.56722324


>> No.56722338

You're here everyday
You obviously have nothing going for you
This is your last resort
And when you finally realize what is obvious for everyone else
You'll rope

>> No.56722361
File: 3.46 MB, 320x320, 1697407743592675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're here everyday
>You obviously have nothing going for you
>This is your last resort
>And when you finally realize what is obvious >for everyone else
>You'll rope

>> No.56722381

Hey baggies - it’s noon. Did you get your teddy merger yet? Only a few more hours left today.

>> No.56722460

It’s going to be so embarrassing for me when the merger gets announced today. I’ve spent so long saying it wont happen.

>> No.56722466

The note about my closed BBBYQ position disappeared from my Fidelity account. This is the last day of ch. 11 restructuring so I think new shares will be coming in... Hopefully, by Wednesday.

>> No.56722475

Yeah, definitely by Wednesday. There’s no way it doesn’t happen by then.


>> No.56722515

I wait 2 weeks before I wait 2 weeks, and then I wait 2 more.

>> No.56722525


>> No.56722527

Share value is still $0
You’re still wrong again

>> No.56722591

Stay comfy, meltdown chads

>> No.56722652

Yids might shit bricks?

>> No.56722765
File: 290 KB, 1440x2082, Screenshot_20231120_124023_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you're exactly right. I've never seen a more nervous group of people. Seriously, think about. These are adults. These are really adults, just like you, just like your parents, just like your coworkers. These adults sit on here HOURS EVERYDAY, praying to their God that some people who bought Bed Bath & Beyond stock don't make some money. Literally that's it if you go by what the shills in shambles say.

They gain nothing from it. But they pray like their life depends on it that some people don't make a profit on a stock that they supposedly *wink wink* have no association with but check on every single day, hours a day, for months on end lol. These shills in shambles need to understand that no matter how hard they cry, how deep in shambles they become, how many pedos like themselves they become friends with, nothing will stop the Great Shambling of 2023. These pedos are fucked and every single comment they make with their other pedo friends they meet on reddit removes all doubt that they will always be in complete and utter shambles right up to when they take the leap. Please remind at every moment you can that they are in shambles. So many shambles. The shills are no doubt in shambles. If you see the shill comment, only reply to them informing them they are in shambles. That's their favorite catch phrase. Every comment they make from now on should have multiple replies explain how they are in shambles.

>> No.56722782

Oh Jesus, please make sure they baggies don’t make money today. I’ll do anything.

I spend 30 min morning and evening visualizing them losing money, just willing it into existence.

My entire life is dedicated to observing them, mocking them. I have nothing else.

>> No.56722784


>> No.56722797
File: 273 KB, 480x446, Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 17.47.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend 30 min morning and evening visualizing them losing money
Stop that pls

>> No.56722799

>nothing will stop the Great Shambling of 2023
Only a month and a half to go, baggie!

>> No.56722827

No matter how much you cry it won't change anything. I'm sorry it won't and I'm sad you are in such shambles. The shambles will pass but you have to stop crying online. It's the only way Mr Shambles. You aren't going to like what's coming out this week. More shambles coming. Ok gotta head out foe a few days so I won't be able to read their shambles for awhile. Someone else can tell them. I'm out....cya ;)

>> No.56722848

I’ll make it 45 minutes morning and evening then.

>> No.56722857
File: 100 KB, 1243x488, KekJeeties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are adults
3rdies aren't human

>> No.56722889

Bump baggies meltdown collage dot jpeg

>> No.56722911
File: 133 KB, 451x351, image_2023-11-20_095521610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"baggies sure are melting down!"
yeah ok

>> No.56723006

I was referring to the collage of when a baggie had a freak out calling posters “bump baggies” a few months back. Who are you that do not know your history?

>> No.56723025

That was Travis. You can tell by how he talks.

>> No.56723062
File: 179 KB, 426x486, 677994335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do that I'm going to spend time visualising your dick falling off.

>> No.56723072

This thread is really funny thanks for keeping it going

>> No.56723073

Wasn't there a plan or something that was supposed to be announced today? Something about a winged insect?

>> No.56723092

Now I’m going to spend time visualizing that anything negative you visualize for other people will actually happen to you instead.

>> No.56723134

Isnt today a big hype date?
Pretty funny to watch another date go by and nothing happens lol

>> No.56723146
File: 72 KB, 300x256, image_2023-11-20_101932912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has spent months here
>"muh history"
>knows people by name
fuck you guys are mindbroken by these threads lmao

>> No.56723148

No need, doctors already cut it off. They took the tip at his birth and they took the rest later in his life

>> No.56723243

I love that you guys are so low IQ that you think being able to remember two or three things is indicative of some obsession lmfao. I know it would take all of your mental prowess to remember three things but not everyone is as stupid as a bbby baggie :)

>> No.56723268
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>> No.56723332

I’m also visualizing that my visualization takes precedence over yours.

>> No.56723347

Pretty sure that's cheating but ok.

>> No.56723357 [DELETED] 

this is the gayest thread by far
what are they even doing at this point

>> No.56723358

I would fuck platinum hard. I’d also pay for her OF

>> No.56723368
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1425140979379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56723380

I just visualized that it’s not cheating.

>> No.56723401

To do what? Get us to sell? A thing we can’t do.

>> No.56723428
File: 65 KB, 225x224, image_2023-11-20_105022336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks that him spending ludicrous amounts of time in threads to "own the bbbagies" is akin to remembering things
>calls me stupid
the jokes write themselves

>> No.56723453

>cant think for himself
Youre such a fucking retard for using ChatGPT...stop posting cringe here nigger.

>> No.56723551


>> No.56723579

im a BBBaggie through and through, but yeah i would fuck that barbie pink bimbo's throat until she was mindbroken and saying how good of an invesement BBBY is

tell you what hedgies, i'll sell one BBBY share if i can anally creampie her

>> No.56723584



>> No.56723596

>Chan Andy

>> No.56723599

Oh you mean like you discord trannies who get your 3rd hand talking points from line managers? kek

your such a fucking retard for using
>a book
>the internet
etc etc, why not attack the points shill twat?

>> No.56723608

Why don’t you attack the shares being worth $0? lol

>> No.56723615
File: 2 KB, 194x84, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browses /s/

>> No.56723617

shit like this and gme turned this board into a worthless pleb spam tard reddit colony

>> No.56723625
File: 110 KB, 200x299, saddamgtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you faggots still doing here?

>> No.56723651
File: 56 KB, 761x339, xx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go..
>someone doesnt like me, ppfaggot or salvatore.
>The ONLY reason they could be calling me a niggerfaggot is because they are a shill.
>This is the ABSOLUTE only reason I could be a niggerfaggot

kill yourself you insufferable first class nigger.

>> No.56723681

Rich yet, baggies?

>> No.56723689
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>> No.56723704

Are u?

>> No.56723741


>> No.56723772

25pbtid.. Haha alright man

>> No.56723823

Doesn't matter. They're created an entirely fictional financial reality in their minds. It appears to operate on randomness and secrecy. Dates, numbers, names... all immaterial.

Always on to the next 2 more weeks and trusting an increasingly disconnected from the real world plan where they become billionaires by virtue of holding a stock to zero.

>> No.56723842

And ur riding their dick shamble bro

>> No.56723878
File: 181 KB, 732x377, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan (administrator)

>> No.56723951
File: 27 KB, 711x168, baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baggie...where are you?

>> No.56723983
File: 283 KB, 499x447, smoothbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop making fun of keith....
he can't help his brain is smooth and pretty just as god intended it to be

>> No.56723990

When I say KEK, you say BAGGIES.


>> No.56724031


>> No.56724039

*high fives*

>> No.56724077
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>> No.56724105


>> No.56724126


>> No.56724131

He’ll high five you too if you say it, don’t be mad.

>> No.56724134

>doesn’t appreciate post-ironic hyper-cringe

>> No.56724163

*high fives*

>> No.56724174

*high fives*

>> No.56724184

It’s getting late baggies. I’m getting worried today might not be MOASS after all. :(

>> No.56724194

*waits patiently*

>> No.56724338


>> No.56724339

Can’t wait for the Kais interview to be published. He said yes the spokesman for the bbby movement, and is the executive producer of theppshow.

>> No.56724344
File: 2 KB, 219x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck is this the power of being UltimateMasturbator? Been ITT all day, like he has no job and this IS his job kek

>> No.56724361

This is the right answer

>> No.56724400

Hello ABC. It’s been a while. I hope you’re doing well. As a friend, I would recommend that you back out of hosting tonight.

>> No.56724402

>confusing "thread baggies" for "bump baggies"

>> No.56724471
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>> No.56724478

Biz is scammer Chan u noob

>> No.56724490

Good. They tried saccing me but God protected me XD

>> No.56724604
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1698958496953782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just shills spamming posts and seething at us kek, we literally do nothing and you seethe kek

>> No.56724617

Nothing is happening

>> No.56724649

if it makes jeets seethe, it is impossible for it to be a bad investment for me

>> No.56724896

/WPG/ Waiting Patiently General

>> No.56725052

the only seething jeet is mr das

>> No.56725075
File: 504 KB, 1060x1012, IMG_4835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it’s habbening just not the way pedoanon thought it would

>> No.56725091

ABC should run the show tonight for funsies I’ll back him up

>> No.56725198


>> No.56725226

He would work too

>> No.56725267

>is the executive producer of theppshow.
To be fair to him anyone that donated to the livestream is technically an executive producer.

>> No.56725329

Sorry baggies. I know you were really looking forward to being rich today. Maybe it’ll happen someday. Probably not, but maybe.

>> No.56725489
File: 31 KB, 834x54, image[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56725593

Cry about it, bitch. How’s your investment doing? MOASS didn’t seem to happen today lol

>> No.56725666

>The year is 2035
>Baggies still tune in daily to hear a grifter tell them how at some undetermined time in the future their cancelled shares in a dead towel store will be worth trillions
>Also pls donate $500 for the annual Xmas meetup
>'wagmiposting' is now officially listed as the most common identifier of schizophrenia

>> No.56725682


>> No.56725830

You already didn’t make it.

>> No.56725866
File: 153 KB, 600x921, bbby will fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggies seem to be divided into two camps: one thinks that they own 51% of buybuyBABY, and the other thinks that Mark Serure betrayed them when he bought what BBBY's trustee (Michael Goldberg) was selling and didn't give baggies any handouts.

>> No.56725889


>> No.56725912

ryan cohen is a faggot
there i finally said it

>> No.56725929

thats nice, he thinks you're a little bitch

>> No.56725943
File: 93 KB, 272x384, 1700520853825489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should lower his voice when speaking to litrally anyone at this point

>> No.56725959

But the work is done, he turned the ship around. What comes next you won't want to miss, unless you're a little bitch

>> No.56725981
File: 195 KB, 440x433, 1696213945634047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what comes next
GME dumping?
BBBYQ going to literal zero?
the 'muh work here is done' quote is from a fucking year ago now
there have been FOUR earnings reports since
fucking kek

>> No.56725983

Lol, hey_ross a month ago was dropping DD saying the merger announcement had to happen by Nov 20. Now that it has come and gone, he just put out DD saying it has to be after Nov 20, with zero recognition of his previous lies.

>> No.56726002

don't care, never selling

>> No.56726005

selling what?

>> No.56726025

That’s ok. Just make sure you keep tuning in to the pp show!

>> No.56726082

Credit bid? Why haven’t we seen it?

Well, because it would jeopardize their ability to offer an alternative plan, but that changes tonight when exclusivity ends. See this for more, but given the worries about links, text below.


Don’t Get Cute with the Court: Filing “Draft” Plan During Debtor’s Exclusive Period Can Cost You, No Matter What You Call It.

“Don’t you mess around with [exclusivity]” – Lil’ Kim (as revised)

We’ve posted before on the contours of a chapter 11 debtor’s exclusive period within which to propose a plan of reorganization, and on just what might not constitute impermissible solicitation prior to approval of a disclosure statement. The Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts has now reminded us of the sacrosanct nature of the debtor’s exclusivity period, warning against any improper attempts to interfere with a debtor’s initial right to control its chapter 11 case.

Section 1121(b) of the Bankruptcy Code provides debtors with an exclusive right to file a plan of reorganization for 120 days after the commencement of a chapter 11 case. Though this “exclusivity period” is subject to extension or termination, it is automatic and inviolate unless and until the bankruptcy court orders otherwise. Hand in hand with section 1121(b), section 1125(b) of the Bankruptcy Code prohibits solicitation of the acceptance or rejection of a plan of reorganization in the absence of a court-approved disclosure statement. In turn, section 1126(e) of the Bankruptcy Code provides that “the court may designate any entity whose acceptance or rejection of such plan [i] was not in good faith, or [ii] was not solicited or procured [a] in good faith or [b] in accordance with the provisions of this title.”

>> No.56726094

In re Charles Street African Methodist Episcopal Church of Boston, the debtor commenced a chapter 11 case and, on the same day, proposed a plan of reorganization. That plan proposed to pay OneUnited Bank (the debtor’s major secured creditor) in full over time, with no recoveries for general unsecured creditors. OneUnited, unhappy with that plan, moved to terminate exclusivity, attaching an unsigned “DRAFT” plan of reorganization of its own. In its motion, OneUnited noted that this alternative plan would pay unsecured creditors in full, subject to a cash contribution from the First Episcopal District of the African Methodist Church (which was not a debtor in the church’s chapter 11 case). OneUnited served the motion (without attachments) on seventeen of the church’s creditors, which constituted more than half of the debtor’s general unsecured creditors by number. Even though the draft plan was not attached, OneUnited promised to circulate copies of the attachments on request. Moreover, the complete motion (with attachments) was filed on the court’s public docket in the church’s chapter 11 case. In response, the debtor-church filed a motion to equitably subordinate OneUnited’s claim, to designate the votes of OneUnited, and for the award of its attorneys’ fees from OneUnited.

>> No.56726108

The bankruptcy court saw right through OneUnited’s clever attempt to dissuade creditors from accepting the debtor’s plan. As the bankruptcy court concluded, OneUnited’s draft plan “could not possibly have been confirmed” because it depended entirely on a large cash contribution from a non-debtor that had no present obligation to fund the plan. The court further noted that OneUnited was well aware of this “infirmity,” and that the motion and draft plan were all part of an effort undertaken “for [no] purpose other than to sway the votes of unsecured creditors with a false hope of payment in full. . . .” In other words, the OneUnited “plan” was not a true exit strategy – instead, it was a ruse to attempt to rally the debtor’s creditors against the debtor’s initial plan.

>> No.56726122

In considering the debtor’s motion, the bankruptcy court followed a previous non-binding decision from the same court, in which the court held that creditors who had filed and circulated a plan and disclosure statement prior to the termination of exclusivity period had violated both section 1121(b) and 1125(b) of the Bankruptcy Code. In this case, the bankruptcy court noted that it was irrelevant that OneUnited had not actually filed a plan or a disclosure statement in their own right and that only two creditors had actually been served with OneUnited’s plan – the fact remained that OneUnited had “filed” a “plan” during the exclusivity period. Regardless of who would have actually seen the draft plan, “[t]he filing of a document puts it on the public record . . . supplying actual notice to any who care to look at it.” Moreover, the court noted that section 1121(b) is “a rule against filing” (emphasis in original). Accordingly, the court could not countenance “the possibilities for mischief” in filing competing plans under the guise of otherwise permissible motions. And while the court did not conclude whether the filing and service of the exclusivity termination motion constituted an impermissible solicitation, it noted that the question was merely “academic” because OneUnited had clearly infringed upon the debtor’s exclusive period to file a plan, and, at a minimum, must be penalized for this misconduct.

>> No.56726131

Though the court declined to subordinate OneUnited’s claim, deeming such a remedy disproportionate to the harm (after all, it held a secured claim much larger than any other claims in the case), it fashioned a proper remedy, based on the specific facts of the case. First, the court prohibited OneUnited from proposing any plan (a directive that the court said it would not have ordered had OneUnited been able to actually benefit the church’s estate via an alternative plan). Second, the court awarded attorneys’ fees and expenses for the church’s counsel, at its regularly hourly rates (notwithstanding the fact that counsel was serving pro bono) for the work undertaken in connection with the church’s motion and held that OneUnited would not be entitled to payment of attorneys’ fees in connection with its exclusivity motion and defending against the debtor’s motion. Third, because the court found these first two remedies to be “inadequate to the offense” (i.e., OneUnited’s “knowing and deliberate violation of the right of exclusivity . . . made only the more egregious by the falsity of the hope and pretense of the ploy”), the court required OneUnited to fund the cost of the examiner to be appointed in the debtor’s chapter 11 case (subject to a $50,000 cap).

The bankruptcy court would not go so far as to subordinate OneUnited’s secured debt, but its harsh critique of OneUnited’s tactics serve as an uncompromising warning not to play games with a debtor’s exclusive right to manage its affairs in the first months of a chapter 11 case.

TL;DR - It’s the first fucking sentence. Sound out your words, you’ll get it.

>> No.56726155
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>> No.56726171

there's still over 5 fucking hours left shillnigger

>> No.56726180

!remindme 5 hours

>> No.56726221

I deeply enjoy the 4channelers that swear they hate reddit but type the little shortcuts they got mindmolested into remembering

>> No.56726230

thanks for the gold kind stranger

>> No.56726269
File: 728 KB, 1284x1208, IMG_2341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird - why did hey_ross delete his previous prediction that the merger announcement had to happen by Nov 20? He didn’t say anything about it, just quietly deleted it.

>> No.56726324

The cock gobbling you are doing is pitiful. Shut the fuck up

>> No.56726348
File: 1.43 MB, 1284x2078, IMG_2342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you see PP make this “prediction” and not immediately recognize he’s bullshitting you?

>> No.56726471
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>> No.56726495
File: 19 KB, 600x103, bbboycott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough is enough!

>> No.56726586

baggies are you okay???? you okay baggie retard??????

>> No.56726637
File: 81 KB, 1920x1200, 1498085682052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies on ledgies :)

>> No.56726649

this should apply to RC, pulte, marcus lemonis etc as well
only clueless GME maxis have the cognitive dissonance to think he doesn't owe us anything in return for our investment

>> No.56726697

He's asking for something that tis impossible. There is no legal way for BBBYQ holders to get anything.

>> No.56726765

It’s like you guys think investing is fast returns life like wsb. It’s really not. Get a good paying job work hard stop depending on others to save you, it’s like asking God to help fund your sins, it’s not rational. What is rational is to start depending only on yourself. None of you know what it means to stand all alone, try it sometime just try to cut away all your false supports and watch how fast you go running back to them. I’m talking about trying something you’ve never tried before because the way you’re all doing it now isn’t working obviously is it?

>> No.56726783

so according to baggie DD, the plan can't legally change anymore, right? And according to butterfly lawyers, shares can't be cancelled. So it's over

>> No.56726791

>Something might happen before this day or maybe after this day or maybe not
>That will be $500

>> No.56726799

If you watch the pp show you are a cuck. Let thst sink in.

>> No.56726901

Are these new shares in the room with us right now?

>> No.56726933
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>> No.56726947
File: 40 KB, 320x524, 3hunvufgvi1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk how you guys cope with being associated with such potent cringe. It feels like I'm reading Q anon Facebook boomer rambling.

>> No.56726974

It is crazy how people who don't like this stock, care more about it than me, someone who likes the stock.

>> No.56727036

There’s no stock

>> No.56727040 [DELETED] 

Let’s all go to Pol on a totally random unrelated topic and start talking about bbbyq en mass totally fuck with pols head lmao. Like all of us just bbby bomb a thread so they get ultra confused lawl itd be funny. Just don’t let them know about pp or rc or they’ll get joozd. Send in hicks like trav and fv so we blend in :p

>> No.56727102

Exactly. His point still stands.

>> No.56727105

People don’t care about the (formerly) stock. They just like dunking on smug retards.

>> No.56727158


>> No.56727215

What’s the next hype date, baggies?

You do realize December 14th will come and go with no moass, right?

>> No.56727235
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>> No.56727275

Honestly I think we're waiting for RC's pump and dump case to end.

>> No.56727386

didnt it end, because shares were deem worthless, so there case was moot.

>> No.56727453

Why do you care? No one can buy or sell anyway

>> No.56727456

He submitted some non-public material evidence which made the case moot iirc, but it's still not adjourned yet.

>> No.56727663
File: 207 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howland and Baker Islands time zone amirite?

>> No.56727705
File: 426 KB, 1284x1515, IMG_2348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In retrospect, the CFO killing himself after being accused of running stock fraud with RC was probably a red flag.

>> No.56727741

RC genuinely called short sellers the dumb stormtroopers of the investing galaxy, if this was all a larp and he did a pump and dump then he and pulte, marcus lemonis etc are sociopaths who fully deserve whatever death threats etc that they might be getting

>> No.56727751

Perhaps it wasn't a reference to BBBY (which he sold) and was a reference to GME (which he has since bought more of)?

>> No.56727752

that had nothing to do with the company, just an emotional excuse to quadruple down on the short selling, if he was a crook he should have had thick enough skin to peace out with his ill gotten gains and it would have been bullish for the turnaround to remove a crook from the company

>> No.56727782

grasping for straws

>> No.56727790

But enough about BBBaggies.

>> No.56727889

>haha they deserve the heckin anonymous death threats on twitter
king kike knows you're all massive fucking pussies that will NEVER actually do anything
simple as

>> No.56727894

for you

>> No.56727899
File: 395 KB, 1080x2702, 1699408032671171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qtards stormed the capitol, once it's 100% confirmed that we got robbed for everything we had who knows what may happen

>> No.56727913

one person was killed on jan 6th and it was a Q faggot that got shot by a cop
>no bro but you don't get it, funny guy got picture in the politicians seat which means baggies are going to locate and murder a jewish billionaire
kek fucking baggies

>> No.56727936
File: 216 KB, 691x881, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to wagmi regardless, today was just the last day of the exclusivity period and it is only AFTER this period that other can propose an alternate plan, you people and doug cifu are hilariously desperate like the tards who screamed that GME was going to 0 in february 2021 before it shot up from $40 to $350

>> No.56727957

>"today was just the last day of the exclusivity period and it is only AFTER this period that other can propose an alternate plan"
>t. u/hey_ross
ok redditnigger
i'm sure king kike is just taking his sweet sweet time because le ebil hedgies are trying to foil his masterplan
it's just like muh heckin marvel movies bro

>> No.56727973
File: 12 KB, 606x130, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah RC just happens to be a fan of the florida panthers

>> No.56728005
File: 28 KB, 600x336, u9iyvw90lk1c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turtleneck wearing guy who calls himself the fixer, just happens to be friends with pulte and by complete coincidence is part of an activist investor takeover of overstock and tzero

>> No.56728039
File: 712 KB, 2588x3050, 1f4229a066cd0b9438a71f9c228cf309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah bro all his tweets have secret meanings, you know this because he tweets about shit and farts in certain intervals and that's how i know that the shares of BBBYQ that aren't in my account anymore are actually going to make me unfathomably wealthy
dare i say... two weeks?

>> No.56728088

Shorts very clearly killed him.

>> No.56728213
File: 6 KB, 205x205, RCFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like a pump and jump, amiright guise?

>> No.56728347


>> No.56728564

It's not their fault they repeatedly say they're not invested and know nothing and you keep decoding their tweets anyway.

>> No.56728589
File: 33 KB, 187x269, SonicKneeBend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56729057

The world runs on frequencies. That's what it's al about. That's what we as a species have forgotten somehow. These frequencies heal. Was it big pharma, who are connected to Wall Street, who are connected to banks, who are connected to the Fed, who....all the people trying to destroy you. Was it them that made this information disappear, forgotten?
RC knows things are fucked up. He knows many are suffering and the the filthy rich on Wall Street could not care less. Judging by the shills/shorts on Reddit and this sub, they absolutely love watching people get destroyed. They love watching any type of suffering. These people are weaker than you could ever imagine. They are getting thrown out with the trash.
RC & others we do know about yet are trying to heal you. There is so much information deliberatey being hidden from you that would greatly add to everyone's well being. They hide it because they can leech more money off you and because they enjoy watching you suffer. If they found out you died in a car wreck this morning their first thought would be to go on reddit to celebrate and laugh about it. These are the people you are going against. It's why so many of them are pedos. It's why they hide the most important information from you. So you will experience more suffering.

RC wants to help. You want people to to heal after all this corruption has caused untold amounts if damage to society. A major tool to understand is frequency. They hide this. Big pharma makes way more leeching off you by treating you your entire life instead of healing you at the start. RC is bringing that knowledge to you. 741 heals.



Just wait until people find out what has been hidden from them. All in the name of greed. They will gladly watch you suffered and die for an extra buck. There are just no profits if you can heal with vibrations...


>> No.56729261

So what is the new date baggies?

>> No.56729408

Dunno, I'm waiting on the shills to tell me. I guess their new contract negotiations aren't going all that well due to their lack of success.

>> No.56730276

Lack of success? I shilled the company into bankruptcy.

>> No.56730290

Ok now what? Do you move onto the next one? Stick around? What else is left to do?

>> No.56730301

I stay here. My programming says I stay in these threads until they’re done.

>> No.56730380

you will be here forever

>> No.56730382

explain to me how did you fags manage to lose money in the stock market
the dollar has no bottom, yet you found one, how?

>> No.56730530

Not only a loss in the line-go-up-forever boomer stock market, a fucking 100% loss. Unironically impressive.

>> No.56731084

Wrath and avarice are cardinal sins. They lead down the wrong paths.

Greed is why Hedgies are where they are now. Greed is why billionaires never help anyone but themselves.

Wrath (and Greed, as usual) are why wars happen. Religious ones especially.


If we don't get paid. If we aren't given our due. If we get FUCKED out of our tendies by the govt/doj/regulators. If no change happens at all... what's coming to hedgies, the govt and the powers that be won't be Wrath. It won't be rage. It will be justice.

Careful use of the chopping block isn't always a sin. Sometimes it's the cure to a cancer.

>> No.56731107

ofc you will do nothing, as always, except for seething, or maybe kys, if you even have the balls for that (doubt it)

>> No.56731134

Hey bro, I’m just reposting cringe from r/theppshow

>> No.56731170

ah, didn't realize, point still stands for the original author though

>> No.56731178


>> No.56731421

I already know 99%+ of “people” are hellbound. Everyone’s in on it. Nobody is suffering materially, even so called bums get their food and drugs it’s all an act to war God in heaven.

>> No.56731444
File: 345 KB, 601x1310, open letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Lemonis, Sir, please do the needful. And why do you like that bitch basterd Gasparino!

Signed, Kais Maalej and the bagholder community

>> No.56731493
File: 863 KB, 1242x964, IMG_4836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you will get the new equity because you’re all Satan worshippers throwing up the hook ‘em horns on the pp show, the very few handful of actually “good” people will get screwed as usual, there’s nothing new under the sun since ancient times.

>> No.56731497

>extremely bad names

>> No.56731855
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get called extremely bag names around here all the time. What's the big deal

>> No.56731959
File: 12 KB, 339x327, 1698445281309076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of you will get the new equity because you’re all Satan worshippers
I'm ok with this

>> No.56731970

So funny little niglets on the PP subreddit are worried about Kais making them look crazy. Hahaha. Just sort by TOP with any time allocation in his subreddit and you'll clearly see that entire subreddit is a cult. Kais is a perfect representation of those fags.

>> No.56731988

he unliked the gasparino tweets and responded with this
>Being critical of others isn’t as good as being curious. Much more to learn from others even when you don’t agree. Many criticize you but that doesn’t sway me to interact. I enjoy learning from everyone’s thoughts even when I don’t agree. People too often dismiss or reject people when they don’t think exactly the way they do. That’s a bigger issue than respecting people’s viewpoints even when you disagree with them.
still bizarre to like those tweets in the first place. pulte is an epic idiot if he hyped up BBBYQ for no reason other than he confused it because of the name that BYON took from it, and RC is complicit by alluding to BBBYQ in his tweets and liking pulte's tweets.

>> No.56732033

Translation: here’s a completely non-commital response that I’m hoping keeps you baggie retards at bay. Now please just chill the fuck out.

>> No.56732066


>> No.56732080

RC is supposed to be trustworthy and he extended that trust to pulte. now marcus lemonis may or may not be relevant as he was introduced by pulte and he wears a turtleneck sweater like RC alluded to. people aren't buying BYON stock or rallying behind marcus lemonis until he proves himself though.

>> No.56732086
File: 1.08 MB, 1284x1745, IMG_2353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don’t be mad at the DD writers just because they’re wrong
lol, lmao

>> No.56732095
File: 118 KB, 489x1278, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great thread

>> No.56732256

That’s what most devil possessed humans say. But then again we live in a zoo, havnt you noticed how easy it is to liken humans to animals? For example the saying that man is a vicious vulture or look at that weasel. That woman is a cunning fox for instance. Essentially people are east to liken to animals because you all know that essentially you’re not human at all, you’ve got human shaped bodies. Human shaped forms, you’re all zoo animals in essence.

>> No.56732273

Its insane how the term "due diligence" which basically refers to running the numbers on a balance sheet and making sure it aligns with the market cap, has somehow become distorted to become word diarrhea justifying buying worthless penny stocks which dont have a balance sheet or a market cap

>> No.56732294

I think Michael is the only “true believer” on the ppshow. His vacant stare and pained smile speak to his self doubt.

>> No.56732297

>guess the religion of this poster

>> No.56732335


>> No.56732377

Where’d all the baggies go suddenly?

>> No.56732409
File: 421 KB, 2500x2000, Gabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p...please respond

>> No.56732495

>we need to stall until Alex Zarac posts a new thread with the approved Reddit links

>> No.56732525

People's external thoughts are limited to their language, whereas their interior thoughts are a vast and formless hellscape that they only barely comprehend and often try to distract themselves or run away from. An animal is more like a machine to interact with nature, if it takes a moment to second guess it's intentions then it's dead.

>> No.56732555

>hasn’t read any neuroscience or philosophy that was released post-1950

Nice theory of the mind, grandpa

>> No.56732619

Kek baggies.

>> No.56732624

I'll bite, what examples are you offering?

>> No.56732733

I like video games so I invested in Gamestore. I like my landline telephone so I bought some AT&T but people lose their minds over Gamestore? Why?

>> No.56732748

we should compare the 6 month charts
for fun

>> No.56732835

Is there an inorganic cult built around att by grifters to pump and dump unsophisticated investors?

>> No.56732885

lol you don't actually think at&t is propped up by sophisticated investors, do you?

>> No.56733057

Actual animals have more in common with God than human shaped animals. Although you are correct, almost everyone runs from themselves in a frantic attempt to distract themselves from inner pain resulting in emotional distress thinly covered up. One only needs look at the fruit of this world to see how evil it really is. It’s no matter of health to be well adjusted to a sick society someone once said.

>> No.56733067

>attempts to reason with a paid zoo animal.

>> No.56733075
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>> No.56733159
File: 180 KB, 510x496, 12CDA1D4-38B1-43E0-AA0D-82B914164DFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from /smg/
No one has explained why this thread exists

>> No.56733218
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To make you seethe, also spoonsneeding time is over

>> No.56733362
File: 48 KB, 738x287, (((reddit))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like MOASS is about to start, fellas.

>> No.56733369
File: 92 KB, 488x645, 16962429268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New baggie cope

>> No.56733396

kek this gets shut for "brigading" but remastered and meltdown are allowed to stay, I would imagine this is simply the fallout from the Comped SS mods being laughed at by the community they "moderate" and couldn't stand most people left their echo chamber to go to that sub.

>> No.56733412


>> No.56733423

I was sure that PParty would get cancelled over "death threats". Props to Alex Zarac, this is way funnier.

>> No.56733426

holy shit it's real. plutonium shambles won.

>> No.56733438
File: 118 KB, 1828x558, 2023-10-07 21_24_29-Greenshot image editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by won you mean cause mass exodus 3.0 then yes

>> No.56733460

This is exactly the mask-slip everyone needed to see. Reddit is a containment silo whose product is a captured audience that allows a corporations to manage public image via control of the mod team.
ThePPshow, whatever you think of him, basically ran away with the product. And him actually having a voice and some clout his audience was unable to be coopted and destrotyed similar to how they did to The_Donald, GME, BBBY and Superstonk.
They had to shut it down because this is going to hit imminantly. It's been a pleasure folks. And remember, you can hold this bad boy until at least 5 figures and beyond if you really want it.

>> No.56733465


>> No.56733478

Bullish, now we just need to wait for the reverse triple subreddit merger and we will all get given new upvotes to replace our old ones. And all the people who downvoted on the old subreddit will be FORCED to pay me. ~The subreddit is only delisted, it is not cancelled.

>> No.56733501
File: 1.17 MB, 846x951, 2023-10-21 11_05_07-media_F87gSz-WQAAdsOk.jpg (1536×2048) - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meltdownies are instantly on it, posting "ken always wins!" So they actively spend all day on the sub to repost the MOMENT it happens, while also spinning up dozens of alts to infiltrate and troll while also legitimately getting talking points from compromised mods, THIS close to Thanksgiving, when Teddy is supposed to make things great again. Now tickle my pickle but something tells me there is news about to drop

>> No.56733535

>when Teddy is supposed to make things great again
FUDDER SPOTTED. Supposed to? Where is your unwavering conviction you fucking shill?

>> No.56733542
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Also, it's time

>> No.56733549
File: 94 KB, 633x360, 1677254063744305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking go time the last bastion on reddit of free thought is gone.

No one can stop what's coming.

>> No.56733579
File: 358 KB, 1024x1024, 46625172746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no some of the people we locked in a prison decided to break out and hurt us. Let’s bomb their infrastructure, that totally won’t backfire
>oh no some of the people we tried to lock in a subreddit made their own. Let’s ban it , that totally won’t backfire
They can’t help but Streisand themselves at every turn with the exact same playbook. A significant enough portion of the normalfags have woken up to their games.

>> No.56733595
File: 87 KB, 734x1024, 1699900538627588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fully expect they try and take down the youtube channel too. They do not want us talking about what's about to go down.

>> No.56733606
File: 47 KB, 600x412, girldad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't panic, and, above all, don't sell your BBBYQ!

>> No.56733622

Expect big news about to drop, they MUST contain it. The fact this comes the day after the exclusivity period ends mean that this is due now. We about to see what happens when you fuck about and find out

>> No.56733643

I just hope Ryan is feeling vengeful.

>> No.56733651



>> No.56733667
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, F-v3nt3bgAAZ6Z4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember last night Travis said all they did was ask reddit a question about their rule making process.

How can you claim brigading when no bridgading took place?

Regardless it doesn't matter, moon soon. Thanksgiving is gonna fuck.

>> No.56733702

Correct. They want to control the narrative and they DESPERATELY need you to be happy with $25 per share.
They also want to hide the notion that when new equity is also issued, the shorts will translate over as well. And brokers will be massively naked short a powerhouse retail gameplan with a clean balance sheet. The squeeze is going to blow these guys out and everyone knows it. Which is why douglas is crying all night long like little baby.

>> No.56734512

It now only serves as a warning to /GME/ and /AMC/ for this will also be their fate.