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56731451 No.56731451 [Reply] [Original]

Your silver will never be real money. Silver has no value, no liquidity, and will never be a currency. Your silver is a shiny rock twisted by them into a crude mockery of economic perfection.

All the “stacking” you do is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back jews manipulate you and laugh at you. It's counterparts soar in value and liquidity, all while the dust that settles on your stack serves as a metaphorical laugh at the idea that it will ever be worth anything.

The average person thinks your silver is worthless and laugh at you behind your back and mock you.

>> No.56731951
File: 169 KB, 1280x640, IMG_2440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The average person thinks

Anon? Where have you been the last decade

>> No.56731960
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>> No.56732250

there is nothing more retarded than collecting shiny rocks. I've known one "prepper" who had all of his boomer rocks lost forever because he fled the country due to his paranoid delusions. Lost literally everything with no way to retrieve it without coming back. Also:

>price is manipulated!
>look at the price!

The doublethink is immense. There is no cure for it. It's terminal stage retardation.

>> No.56732296
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very jewish, impressive

Nice fairy tale

>> No.56734067

compare the ROI of that pile of shit to Bitcoin. Do you see the mistake you've made? Seriously, look at your principal spent on each item there, asset price at the time of purchase, total current value. Now do the same for bitcoin. We'll wait.

>> No.56734103
File: 67 KB, 415x348, IMG_1911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t read.

>> No.56734160

If you gave me everything in pic related, it would not change my life in any way whatsoever. And yet I’d be willing to bet it’s half your personality, and a good chunk of your “worth”.