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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56729565 No.56729565 [Reply] [Original]

kek Binance can afford to even throw in a tip and still not sweat it.

CZ really is Sigma af.

>> No.56729573

kek FTX can afford to even throw in a tip and still not sweat it.
SBF really is Sigma af.

>> No.56729581

kek Coinbase can afford to even throw in a tip and still not sweat it.
Brian Armstrong is Sigma af.

>> No.56729589

>thinking you can pay protection money to the mob once

>> No.56729629

Revenue and profit are not the same thing.

>> No.56729664

You could have made the same argument with FTX. BUT there is a difference that actually matters: Binance had exactly 4b in cash set aside and that was last week. Coincidence? Probably not. CZ literally knew a year ago what the actually fine would be ("4"). And just to be clear: CZ definitely also has +4B by his own and obvioisly in cash too because he knew about this fine.

>> No.56729673

And this is literally "extra cash" and clearly was prepared for something. It's not customer deposits etc. Everyone can check this by themselves.

>> No.56729747

Its the other way around, the SEC aka the mafia knows they have 4B in reserves and therefore set their fines accordingly

>> No.56729769

Last year or so CZ has been using number 4 as a sign to ignore fud. I don't think it's a coincidence :D But it doesn't really matter. The main point here is that they actually has it already in cash by their own so binance ok. Everything else is just retarded fud (for now).

>> No.56729781

le heckin based sigma chad amirite fellow polcels

>> No.56729889

sam lost XD

>> No.56731380
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>Sigma af
Back to twitter with you. But yes, anyone with the appropriate number of brain cells on a fully working adult brain can understand that Binance is not going anywhere and that they are not the next FTX. Though some retards itt seem to have missed the memo. No matter, IQT will be listed there soon enough and BNB will bump to the fucking skies. It's that simple.

>> No.56731399

I don't really see the Coinbase connection. Are you okay?
CZ is chinese. He doesn't have his jewish friend conglomerate to protect his ass and he's certainly not using fucking quickbooks for Binance. Mongrel.

>> No.56731413

i will cum so fucking hard if these faggots get btfo'd by binance just like they did with ripple. holy fuck id pee cum for three days straight.

>> No.56731420
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>> No.56731430
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I'm refering to IQ Protocol btw not iQuant or whatever the fuck that is they got listed.

>> No.56731449

thats how billionaires (cz) keep their biz afloat. al major businesses and banks break human rights protocol and laws on a daily basis like it's nothing, they pay fines that are not even 8% of their total profit, life is good.
isn't it actually the same for exchanges? money comes in money comes out. no?

>> No.56731457

>BNB will bump to the fucking skies
>IQ Protocol listing
May God hear your thoughts and prayers anon because I'm right there with you.

>> No.56731465

that makes mor sense, cause Quant its just a piece of horsecrap.

>> No.56731473
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(YOU) still buys nfts?

>> No.56731482

well quat gave me some interesting cash in previous quarter, so idk

>> No.56731487
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>> No.56731534

>He doesn't know about coinbase.
Should I tell him guys?

>> No.56731736

anyone can make a tweet and pretend to be immune to the international markets