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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56725498 No.56725498 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56725509

what wrong with your toads eye?

>> No.56725514

>Biden says transgender people 'shape our nation's soul' in official proclamation
Your soul is poison for this board

>> No.56725543

why do you think that? Most of us here are trying to help each other, it's not like Crypto twitter where you have people blatantly using each other for exit liquidity and vicious psyops campaigns.

>> No.56725576

almost everybody here tries to scam each other.
crypto is a gateway to gambling addiction which is a gateway to other addictions
there is porn all over the catalog
the worldviews here are unrealistic and detached from reality.

It's really awful for anyone.

>> No.56725588

>there is porn all over the catalog
What are your pronouns xir?

>> No.56725614

>almost everybody here tries to scam each other.
anon how have you not learned to do some research into things that get shilled here? There's obvious scams yes but that's where your own power of discerning good from bad comes in. If anything this board helps you with that.
>crypto is a gateway to gambling addiction
so nobody should ever invest in crypto again because there's a risk some people might get addicted? People get addicted to video games, or the internet, or alcohol. Are you also going to tell me you're never going to drink alcohol, play video games, or use the internet just because they can be addicting?
>there is porn all over the catalog
you have to be 18 years old to use this website
>he worldviews here are unrealistic and detached from reality.
That is not something unique to this board, you can find such views anywhere on the internet, that's why it's important to not spend all your time online.

>> No.56725864

>That is not something unique to this board, you can find such views anywhere on the internet, t
it's not unique, but it's far worse here than anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.56726343

OP is right, all the posts here are shitposts,
>Sers please buy of the coin
or the odd total noob who comes here expecting something more serious.

>> No.56726384

Maybe now, but if you were in biz early you would have been rich off the crypto threads l

>> No.56726577

>There's obvious scams yes but that's where your own power of discerning good from bad comes in. If anything this board helps you with that.

Truth. The most obvious and blatant rugpulls are allowed to be shilled here meanwhile reddit mods probably wouldn't tolerate them quite as much. In addition to the fact that jannies here let you call out the scammers where as on reddit, you'll get banned for calling someone a streetshitter and the posts will be deleted. Biz is special in that it lets you see the whole picture and allows the freemarket of ideas to function, more or less. Censorship of any kind prevents freethinkers from flourishing. Biz is the greatest source of raw financial-related information on the internet and as long as you have an IQ over 100, the more time you spend on here, the more likely you are to make it.

>> No.56726598

I still hope to stumble upon a richfag that would help me to survive the shithole am in

>> No.56726608

Which shithole do you live in? Palestine?

>> No.56726628

Worse, Argentina. After this election with the debt I have Im gonna be homeless soon, even working two jobs

>> No.56726635

Just don't pay it broski

>> No.56726651

I can't not pay, they take your salary if you don't after a while, probably soon. All the little shit pay I make goes to interest and i will not be able to afford rent next month. I'm fucked, proper fucked. I would be a richfag slave for life if they can help me survive this shit

>> No.56726708

Can you get paid under the counter? My Indian friend in college made bank at a gas station one summer because the Indian owner paid him in cash.

>> No.56726726

I get pay "under the counter" in one of my two jobs, still assuming they just take the checks of my first job i cant survive with just one. I'm fucked I don't wanna be fucking homeless,all my fucking dreams and ambitions went to shit. I don't have anyone in here

>> No.56726747

Work your ass off for $1000 and use it to go to Colombia and walk through the Darien jungle into Panama. Then you can make your way up to the United States. That's what I would do in your shoes.

>> No.56726749

yup. before coming to this board I wished good to humanity. now I feel like suffering and pain of others are opportunities for me.

>Im gonna be homeless soon, even working two jobs
just leave the country then. what's the worse that could happen to you?

>> No.56726770

Anon my debt its 2.3k if I could make 1k that easy I would be fine by now. I thought about leaving this fucking country once I finish paying this shit. My idea was finish learning code and then get better jobs that pay in usd


>> No.56726806
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wtf 2.3k is literally nothing. And I hate to break it to you, but life in America is much more expensive. High debt is the way of life here.

>> No.56726823

I know that 2.3k for most people it's nothing, but to me means the difference between a normal life or being homeless. Thats why i said i wish some richfag with absolutely no money problems would give a fuck about me

>> No.56726839

>i said i wish some richfag with absolutely no money problems would give a fuck about me
What does that even mean? Nothing comes for free. Wishing for a richfag to rescue you implies that you wanna be their sex slave or something in exchange for money.

>> No.56726841

You can make 2.3k a month at any fast food restaurant now

>> No.56726846

you can get $1k relatively easily in chile but only if you have a degree or can chamuyar you way into a job
I wish I could help you anon. was it you the girl that posted her telegram handle in another thread?

>> No.56726876

I don't know anon, maybe work for them or if they are in IT I have contacts about good cheap programmers and plataforms. If they are rich enough maybe they won't care I don't know im fucking desperate

Not here lol

Yeah i know Chile seems a good place to go, still in would need to finish learning code. No I'm not a girl im a 34 years old male in rock bottom

>> No.56726910

what do you do for a living? what are you good at? do you have any skills, studies, work/professional experience ...?

>> No.56726935

I mostly did IT and worked in kitchens all my life, I had to switch to just kitchens to get more work cause i wasn't being able to get jobs in it. I always wanted to work on Coding, that was the idea but everything went to shit and i dont even have free hours on the day or a pc to keep doing it.

>> No.56726938

Oh sorry anon, didn't realize you were elsewhere. Take big risks and gtfo of there.

>> No.56727000

you could make money by fixing computers for $20 a piece while looking for a job.
but yeah, things aren't great anywhere in the world at the moment, and chile is expensive as fuck right now. even getting a fucking bed can cost more than $200 a month here... assuming you are able to find anything, at least in santiago (it's full of venecos. fuck venecos, I wish they all would go back to their shit country)

he's argentinian.
read the thread

>> No.56727085
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>Most of us here are trying to help each other
Yes this. Exactly right. Its actually rather idealistic. I enjoy my fellow non-conformists and want them to prosper. So I share the best of my thinking.

The scammy posts are pretty easy to identify.

>> No.56727112

the whole x-trans.org/xyz/catalog is cancerous

>> No.56727128

I had a gambling addiction, all my winnings from my Sportsbook were paid out in Bitcoin. I realized investing in crypto was a better bet because if I lost a sports bet I’d lose my money immediately.

>> No.56727296

I don't know what to do anon, i tried everything but with the dollar skyrocketing in here im fucked.

I would make less money leaving one of my two jobs to fix computers. I understand the sentiment against venecos

>> No.56727410

We all have the international job market and especially tools like crypto. I know, talking about investment to someone who juggles two jobs to barely survive does not look great but you can start with as low as 50-100$

>> No.56727523

man, you really have no idea what it means to be poor and desperate. you think anon will waste $100 when he's poor af and indebted, his country is getting poorer as time passes (check the argentine peso), his govt restricts the flow of dollars and the overall political situation is fucked up.
I guess anon won't "invest" in magic internet money just because you say so. and he doesn't seem to have knowledge of anything that could help him get a remote job that pays in crypto. it's not as easy as you say for everyone. try having some empathy and putting yourself in his shoes.

>> No.56727522

Came here to say that. Started with 150$ myself.

Now at a point where only one token from my bag, NXRA, left me a bit more than anon's debt...

>> No.56727617

I wish i could invest anon, but i shit you not that I'm lucky if i eat two times a day in a good day already.

Congrats anon, godspeed hope you make it

A remote job that pays in USD would be life saving, tried to get translation jobs, data entry, anything that i could do but i didn't had any luck so far

>> No.56727677

what is really toxic is the price to be paid for a transaction with ERC-20

>> No.56727690

you should try KAVA, they act as a bridge between ETH and COSMOS, transactions are much faster and cheaper there

>> No.56727698

and you haven't been in /lgbt/ lmao

>> No.56727701


>> No.56727706

it's true, I hate waiting hours to receive a transfer

>> No.56727830
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>> No.56729392

Lots of projects from biz with 500k to $1million in liquity waiting for the bull most of those projects are shit coins too