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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56725134 No.56725134 [Reply] [Original]

If kava and kaspa don't make me a millionaire then I will finally confirm that this piece of shit market is god forsaken and completely abandoned by any sound sense of logic and reasoning. One year to go. Let's see what the halve brings to the table.

>> No.56725153

stfu and kys

>> No.56725159

>everyone else is wrong if my 2 shitcoins don't make me a millonaire for sitting on my ass and doing nothing
go flip my fucking burgers waggie break's over. chop chop.

>> No.56725162
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Only btc will remain, in the end. Everything else will become so niche it won't be worth it to invesst any serious money in alts.

>> No.56725165

I wonder if it's just a human thing to become emotionally attatched to investments, as if the natural thing isnt to discard what doesnt work and get in with what does, should I just take the wagie pill? I truly wonder

>> No.56725172

>let's see what the halve brings to the table.

>> No.56725182
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>no more stupid fucking link/avax threads on the daily
>no more street shitting scams
>no more garbage filling the board
>only quality financial banter with a healthy side of crypto to be seen
god i fucking hope. i fucking hope.

>> No.56725184

you wont get there if you keep putting your whole hope in a random project tied to a very unstable market, fatso

>> No.56725192

>Eth had its 2k breakthrough rejected like 3 times this month
>the hundreds of shitcoins spawning off of ERC-20 pump x50 then magically disappear the day after
say what you will this shit is not fair. it's fucking stupid in fact. really fucking stupid.

>> No.56725196

yeah you're right :( we should be more like twitter completely organic and healthy right :( I dont understand why people do this its not like the more people invest in something the more it pumps :( I dont know why this is allowed :(((

>> No.56725206

really caged out loud, god fucking damn it

>> No.56725213

Kava has been around since 2015, ath of $10 bucks, now it's aiming to become an ethereum co-chain (defi hub) leveraging cosmos' technology (fast and cheap speeds, simple sdk etc). You know what kaspa is. These are hardly no name shitcoins. They just got whipped really fucking hard beacause of the bear. But they should come back. That's what I think at least.

>> No.56725217
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impossible. normies simply adore the thought of buying some obscure shitcoin and makign it out of the rat's race without knowing about investing in the first place. that's the preliminary alure of crypto to begin with

>> No.56725218

Why are asian women so fucking perfect bros

>> No.56725228

fix'd for you.
once people realize their hype was misplaced (pathetic pump post halve) everyone will panic after realizing they didn't make it instantly.

>> No.56725235

excesive amounts of pedobaiting makeup

>> No.56725247


>> No.56725256


>> No.56725257

just one of two options are the correct one let the game comense

>> No.56725262

pretty inspiring bitch

>> No.56725264
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You will never make it, no one will, the faster you realize this the better

>> No.56725268

they will nuke themselves out

>> No.56726090

>If kava and kaspa don't make me a millionaire
What's the logic behind them doing so?
Also you can take profit and scale it up by researching other investment avenues.
That way if your main picks fail you were possibly making up for those losses already.
Lots of things can happen. I've seen a project have to start over because a service they relied on got hacked. Today they're about double the price of when they restarted.

>> No.56726632

did you see their teeth?