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56724045 No.56724045 [Reply] [Original]

It's all pointless, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.

>> No.56724067

>It's another demoralizatiok thread episode

>> No.56724076

generic ngmi

>> No.56724091

Look, you've kind of figured it out halfway. Yes we're trapped here and there is nowhere really to go. But if you totally give up and stop doing shit that is good for you like lifting, working toward goals, etc - your life will become so shitty you won't be able to realize it. Embrace the hardships of life and treat it more like a game - if you steadily work towards your goals things can still be pretty cool. The key is consistency, good luck, you'll probably bitch out anyways like the rest of the normie goyim
t. Chad who crawled through a mile of shit like andy from shawshank, now nobody can fuck with my shit

>> No.56724092

>living in a post communist shithole
speak for urself bucko, not everybody is american, some of us never had it good.

>> No.56724112

New gens are smarter and are not falling for the wageslave trap

>> No.56724119

Never had a gf, never had sex, never kissed, never held hands, never went on a date, never exchanged any kind of intimate interaction with another person whatsoever.

Life is still good and worth living

>> No.56724128

based fat virgin

>> No.56724146

Never fat in my entire life, I also regularly lift

>> No.56724156

One must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.56724158

ridiculously based, this anon gets it

>> No.56724165

gay, or...?

>> No.56724176


>> No.56724350

don't take everything so serious. its all a big game. a big movie , play , theater. just enjoy the small moments you have.

you don't need to "make it", you don't need to "grind". just do your thing and enjoy (or try to)

>> No.56724536

Part of growing up is realising that you're not going to get what you want out of life. Just get enough out of it to make yourself happy, you don't need to be rich, have a 10/10 gf, have a big house or live in the city to make it, in fact, a lot of these things come with a major amount of stress that makes them more burdensome.

If you're not going to make it, then redefine what making it is for yourself. I left the city and the rat race in pursuit of a normie job in the countryside and I have never been happier.

>> No.56724578


>> No.56724587

Not me. I live a happy life. I have goals and I do my best every day to reach them. Who are you to tell me it’s pointless? We ourselves attach meaning to things. If it’s pointless for you it doesn’t mean it’s pointless for everyone.

>> No.56724590

This. Hope OP gets shot in a back alley, wakes up and feels a hobo’s HIV riddled dick piercing his ass.

>> No.56724606

crypto you dum fug
>make life chaing moniii
>live the way you want

>> No.56724647
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Don't worry I'm working on fixing that. Give me a few months.

>> No.56724664

>normie job in the countryside

>> No.56724737

move bitch get out tha way!

>> No.56725168
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didn't read

>> No.56725491

I like this guy

Pussy (get some)

>> No.56725572

On the contrary, getting in shape, a tan, a good haircut, a fun/interesting job and being social are trivial changes you can easily make and are all highly rewarding. You don't need to be a multimillionaire right now to be in a good position with friends and a loving gf.