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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.56722658
File: 54 KB, 994x1243, cchainpumpingt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JPM, Citi and Fidelity onboarded into Avalanche
>C-Chain activity at ATH
>Validator count keeps going up

>> No.56722662
File: 41 KB, 1024x937, 1645403816694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX? I has them.

>> No.56722724
File: 977 KB, 896x1344, AVAX Chan 304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but Poomar told me Avalanche was a ghostchain bros...
I hope the 157 vaxxies anime chad comes around

>> No.56722801
File: 107 KB, 594x436, 16978898198894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sirs back to the wage cage? First general of the week right? I know, i know Mondays suck...

>> No.56722806

Hello Poomar

>> No.56722846
File: 21 KB, 613x536, 1671465056317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be me. Waiting for next week to increase my stack by at least 10 more of them.

>> No.56723037
File: 283 KB, 1200x630, no (you)s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty for taking picrel into account
ily anon, keep going and I'm confident you're gmi

>> No.56723810

Tanking right now

>> No.56723820

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.56723828

Bitch I got AVAX

>> No.56723845

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.56723852

>August 22nd
absolute retard

>> No.56723857

They call it Avalanche because all it does is go down.

>> No.56724080
File: 4 KB, 303x107, 1697022090062442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably 100% by now

>> No.56724218
File: 6 KB, 552x147, ohnononopoomarbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poomar BTFO once again, what a dumb loser kek.

>> No.56724621
File: 119 KB, 740x463, 1554816169179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv u back. Wish me luck too, I've put my house on sale and will try my chances on carry trade/bond/deposit market so I can grab more avaxies every month.

>> No.56724717

Dumping very hard right now.

>> No.56724724

double spend scam token

>> No.56724771

Great oppurrunity then.
Once lower than aug 22 I will pounce with my entire networth.

>> No.56724895

Should be well above $80 rn desu, Both mindshare and market performance are way way off considering how things are looking for Avalanche, The picture is becoming clearer and clearer and we're about to reach a point of no return for AVAX future growth trajectory, It's no longer just a cool tech, It's a necessary protocol that's getting noticed by the actual important players in finance, And yet the native community simply refuses to acknowledge or see the bigger picture.

Unironically the most healthy thing this market could do is bidding a +500% daily candle on Avalanche right at this moment.

>> No.56724978

This is also the reason they want it dead.
Too good so it will destroy the scammers jews spics and poos.
A high avax will rival bitcoin as well.

>> No.56725313

Super shill or mega cope, hard to tell
Avax rival BTC? Fucking LOOOL

>> No.56725344
File: 2.32 MB, 1456x1024, 93C91A40-F90E-4962-BC38-036FC48B914B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glacierbros RISE UP

>> No.56725362
File: 31 KB, 585x458, bobo-riding-red-arrow-rocket-underwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$24 rejected
>$23 rejected
>$22 rejected

>> No.56726502
File: 240 KB, 890x854, bobo-reads-newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$21 rejected

>> No.56726528

HUSKY just rugged lmao

>> No.56726571

but idk why you shill this absolute shitcoin
>$4.5M mcap
>was 300k mcap 2 weeks ago

>> No.56728116

Nice pocket money Anon
Show me your boycunt now

>> No.56728123
File: 43 KB, 801x430, AVAX 7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It was really challenging, we took a lot of time to find an idea,” said a sleep-deprived Bora Mindas, 22, of the hackathon experience. The team built the game on top of an existing Avalanche subnet, called WAGMI."
holy based
sauce: >https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/03/30/can-avalanche-win-over-wall-street-and-degens-alike/
>Unironically the most healthy thing this market could do is bidding a +500% daily candle on Avalanche right at this moment.
Unfathomably based and God Protocol pilled
idk if picrel does really look like a rug
what does the AVAX general say?

>> No.56728127

Avalabs is clearly selling staking rewards rn to frontrun the unlock in 3 days, ouch

>> No.56728131

I thought unlocks were bullish

>> No.56728261

Usually a dump on unlock day, then a pump after. There will be a very small window to buy at a discount