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56720865 No.56720865 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are people having kids before 30 today? Have they just given up on making it and are content to tread water the rest of their life? Even with an advanced degree in things like engineering you still are barely above poverty level. I just don’t get it.

>inb4 le based flyover states
I already live in one. Stuff is cheaper but wages are also correspondingly lower.

>> No.56720890

Kids are only as expensive as you make them out to be. Outside of daycare there isn't much else demonstrable. If you have a stay at home or part time wife/SO that part is covered.

>> No.56720908 [DELETED] 

90%+ of people shag up with the first person they find that'll drop their pants for them and fuck them till an "oops" happens and then they just live the rest of their lives with that consequence. Forethought into avoiding this is often neglected. So just like their houses, their cars, and their apartments, their kids are not really theirs and will be taken by the system to serve as part time bank employees by renting everything they own for their entire lives.

>> No.56720933

I'm 27 my wife is 31 and we're having our first kid soon, I make anywhere from 0-100k a month
Inb4 cope post wall nigger faggot Troon etc

>> No.56720945

Whites aren't having kids anymore
Nigs have 10 kids before 25 because gibs

>> No.56720965

I make enough money to raise kids on my own, but the tax benefits from my 4 children mean that they actually make me money, kek.

>> No.56720975

Based geriatric enjoyed

>> No.56720986

white women want to have fun their 20s travelling and fucking brown and black men, and white men refuse to date them when they turn 30
white race is doomed

>> No.56720995

You'd be surprised how affordable kids are when you dont buy them junkfood toys and ipads all the time. It was never about finances, its about how will you raise them in a country thats trying so hard to chemically, emotionally, and psychologically turn them lgbtq

>> No.56721018

Where did you come up with the idea that you need to stop working in order to have kids? People used to have kids so that the kids would help with work as soon as they were old enough to be able to work the tools.

>> No.56721103

I have a 22 yr old white GF who wants kids with me asap should I do it?

>> No.56721113

Kids aren’t that expensive unless you need daycare and if your wife has to work to afford daycare what’s the fucking point?

>> No.56721117

You waited until your wife was like 13 years into her child bearing years to have kids. Better than nothing I guess. My wife is 24 and has already gave me 4 kids. I plan to keep having unprotected sex with her until she can't make any more babies

>> No.56721126

And we're both white, btw

>> No.56721130

>0-100k a month

>> No.56721398

t. Doesn’t have kids


t.poorfag that thinks books are a luxury

>> No.56721421

>its about how will you raise them in a country thats trying so hard to chemically, emotionally, and psychologically turn them lgbtq

Forgot to say >>>/pol/

>> No.56721433

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.56721466

>Have they just given up on making it and are content to tread water the rest of their life?
Yes. Anybody bringing a child into the world today that isn't taking home at least 200k a year is a horrible, selfish person and their kids will either die in their teens accidentally from fentanyl they bought from a stranger on tik tok or growing up to hate their parents for bringing them into a dystopic world where everyone just stares at screens all day and lives with 4 roommates just to make rent.

>> No.56721623

It's not a larp. I'm Canadian and get paid like 1200 a month(not exactly sure how much) from the gov't for having kids. A child doesn't cost 300 a month to raise. My wife stays home anyway. Some clothes and a bit of extra food? Kids are cheap

>> No.56721627

Bro you post this in like every thread. Relax dude.

>> No.56721634

>kids are cheap
I can tell who the absolute virgins are here

>> No.56721808
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Having kids before having economical stability will never be a smart choice, but you can't put that in retard's minds, no matter how hard you try, still dgaf cuz I know I can kek at retard's holdings when I get to beoble

>> No.56721814

>I make anywhere from 0-100k a month
anon... get a job. shit will hit the fan and you'll get no money whn that happens

>> No.56721891

Kek, how are you planning to do that? They're probably too retarded to get into something like that

>> No.56721897

You're 29 years old and will NEVER kiss a girl

>> No.56721908

Kids are also a tax write off for everyone. I get about 6k more a year back in taxes just for having my children. And if you're a business owner, like me, you can legally pay your children a small amount like 12k a year or something tax free. As long as they are old enough to actually do something productive for you. Like sweeping floors or whatever the fuck you'd like

>> No.56721914

I hate that fat bald nigger so much, he ain't no god

>> No.56721921
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Why does he have so big ears

>> No.56721938

Beat down and cope by thinking this is the best they’re going to get. Or unable to delay gratification and get a bitch preggors

>> No.56721966
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>I'm 27 my wife is 31
do people have no self respect nowadays?

>> No.56721980

Yes. It won't ever get better, you will only get older. t. a 30 year old serial dater

>> No.56722254

Thank you for supplying us with future forklift drivers and walmart cashiers

>> No.56722268

time is expensive and once you have kids you have to give them almost all your time outside work

>> No.56722275

>making it = having a job

>> No.56722315


Kids are kinda expensive because you need to pay for all their daycare, clothes, food, school stuff, etc. for two decades, but the real cost is your time.

Be prepared to sacrifice virtually all your time outside of work if you have kids. It will probably be worth it, but it does suck sometimes.

>> No.56722410

paycheck to paycheck i think. my gf and i have a $130k household income. we live in a cuckpartment and drive used cars. were saving for a house but it's a reach. we cant afford a house and kids, and we cant have kids in a cuckpartment.

my sister and her husband make almost the exact same, $130k household income. they have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 1 new truck, 1 used car, 2 motorcycles, a $300k mortgage, and they're constantly dining out or buying my nieces gifts.

>> No.56722430
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>kids aint 'spensive that's just a JEW LIE
shut up retard

>> No.56722594

I am 29 and have had sex with over 40 women. I have never had sex with a woman over 25 and could not imagine. Congrats I guess.

>> No.56722640

You're a homosexual

>> No.56722706

>I'm 27 my wife is 31
what is wrong with you. please tell me you have a fetish and this is why you have a 31 year old wife

>> No.56722708

You're on 4chan, so i expect critical thinking ability from you. You can start by looking up Phthalates. Now I've uncovered the rabbit hole for you, you can either lazily and pathetically write it off as "conspiracy theory" like a normie coward would, or you can be better. Choice is yours babe

>> No.56722720

I just said the finances aren't the problem. Is english your 2nd/3rd language and so you learned the word "poorfag" and excitedly took the first possible chance you could find to use it?

>> No.56722737

Millenials think that only rich people ever had kids. Wtf.
I shared a room with brother in 50 m2 flat with parents. Should they rather not have us because they are not rich?

>> No.56723846

the world needs more wageslaves!

>> No.56723869

Kek same here. I make anywhere between 0 and $100 million per month

>> No.56723876

weak people don't think anything is worth doing unless there's little to no challenge or sacrifice involved

>> No.56723884

Latino isn't while, José

>> No.56724142

I have a job I just do private consulting and bug bounties on the side. I work part time so some times when I feel like taking a vacation I just do but then I make no money hence why I said I make 0 sometimes

>> No.56724155

What's wrong with having a wife who loves you and cares for you even if she's older? I met her when she was 25 and she supported me when I made no money

>> No.56724161

Imagine being such a sheltered little kike that you think a forklift driver is on the same level as a cashier. KYS immediately.

>> No.56724179

Why is having sex with many women a good thing?

>> No.56724193

I'm not larping but because someone not being a poorfag is outside your world view you instantly dismiss me

>> No.56724235

Self validation, but it's ephemeral, no one gives a shit about an old man talking about how many women he fucked, and it's something that can't be proven anyway. It's not like you built something and can point to it.

>> No.56724238

How are you planning to afford that many kids?

>> No.56724259

generational wealth
if your parents are well-off, you can easily get your school sweet heart preggo at age 16 and face zero stress or consequences. in fact it will be an easier birth and easier life after since there won't be a huge age gap between you and your offspring. only poorfags from poor or midclass families with loser parents struggle with cost of having children.

>> No.56724282

Skilled trades exist you get paid your whole apprenticeship and after 5 years your making 50-60 hr cad plus a 7-10 dollar pension. Being poor is not an excuse

>> No.56724305

but the main caveat is that there will be little to no age gap between you and your wife. so ideally a man gets his life together by age 35-40, has at least a couple mil liquid, has dead parents or parents who can take care of themselves. and at that age he can finally impregnate a woman in the age 18-22 range, even better if younger where it's legal.

it's basically over for me since my parents are a constant burden, and i'm a broke loser who has to take care of them in anyway that i can, including weekly errands. i used to earn an income but them constantly nagging me resulted in my blowing all those opportunities up. now i have nothing but my /biz/frens.

>> No.56724342

That sounds like a gigantic waste of time and money

>> No.56724352

Your like how Chris chan uses him mom as an excuse to not have a job. Quit using you parents as an excuse for being a loser your thirty.

Also it’s never been considered ideal for a 40yr old to go out with an 18yr old. Quit being a creep

>> No.56725661

marrying a 30+ hag at any age is even less ideal

>> No.56725694

I will bet 10k that you are a complete lover (even though you larp as gigachad)

>> No.56725745


>Have they just given up on making it and are content to tread water the rest of their life?

The idea of making it isn't even on their radar. Most people just kind of think about the day to day. For example, they will be more concerned with having the type of car/house/family they want than they will be with the big picture of their finances. For them, retirement is a problem to be solved later and working is just a part of life they dont question. Be grateful for them, because if they all wake up you would have no chance to make it.

I know two 19 year old kids who are pregnant with low paying jobs. They just bought a car because "now we need a four door" when they could just have easily popped the seat down and pulled the kid out of the car seat in the back.

>> No.56725768

Canadian housing is insane and I'm more likely speaking to a parent, not a white Anglo canadian

Childbearing is more tolerable if your quebecqois

>> No.56725772

This lol

>> No.56725790

Only about 30% of pregnant women did so through meticulously planning out their pregnancy. 30% got pregnant and didn't intend it (just being a slut) and 40% are pregnant without planning but are cool with it because they wanted kids anyway.

Most people do not family plan.

But since you probably mean whites/asians (the races that aren't retarded) the answer is that women have a limited fertility window and there's a glut of childless millennial chicks that were born in the 80s and are freaking out now, leading to a baby bump among the "I went to college where's my rich husband reee" types of ex-sluts who unironically though they could suck dick until 39 and then just have a husband and a house and a kid at 40.

>> No.56725809

So what you mean is you gamble on shitcoins. Based because your kid will learn why his dad is always broke and do something more productive.

In many red states, such as Texas and Utah, property taxes are a major tax on homeowners with kids. If you have 4+ kids in texas and have never been divorced and own your own house (80% of these people are whites, unsurprisingly) you pay 50% less in tax. If you have 8 kids you pay no tax on your property.

Because californians are driving up home prices in texas, soon you'll see a lot of native texas homeowners having a lot of kids to outrun the tax hikes that are inevitable as property values rise.

>> No.56725814

>Be prepared to sacrifice virtually all your time outside of work if you have kids. It will probably be worth it, but it does suck sometimes.
My boomer parents did the opposite

>> No.56726266

I literally said what I do earlier in this thread I have done nothing but lost money playing with shitcoins (but I learned evm and blockchain so I guess it made me money in the end)

>> No.56726279

Feels more likely I’d be able to win a jackpot on Dplay three times in a row then support a kid without winning these jackpots in today’s economy kek

>> No.56726310

In the Pittsburgh area a forklift driver gets about $2 an hour more than a cashier. Walmart starts at $14. Forklift is $16. I saw one that was $18, but the conditions were brutal. It was an open air warehouse. I can't imagine how bad working there would be when it hits below zero and high winds.

>> No.56726333

>different ID
Different person.

>> No.56726985

I'm in Mexico you worthless faggot, my ID changes off whatever cruise I'm on

>> No.56727108

>Have they just given up on making it and are content to tread water the rest of their life?

people that have kids when they are young are usually very poor with money.

>> No.56727212
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>I'm on my private yacht gambling on black while flirting with latina barely-legal waitresses (heh don't tell my wife heh heh)
People like you are why this board sucks so bad. And you're fully aware of it.

>> No.56727224

>be me in 20 years
>decide to rev up the internet for old time's sake
>4chan and /biz/ somehow still exist
>some kid is posting it
>"yeah my dad had like 20 kids and never had any money because he said he was nutting in mom for the white race and chainlink would allow him to have generational wealth anyway"

>> No.56727514

>I'm 27 my wife is 31

>> No.56727547
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They live paycheck to paycheck. The average normie is overleveraged up the ass

>> No.56727608

People don't think about the future, they live for today, the broke ones anyway, those who can afford to have kids, good for them.

>> No.56727626

I had my first kid at 29, ur poor and you haven’t earned the privilege of reproduction. Your genes will not persist and that’s a good thing

>> No.56727627

friend of mine has 5 kids from 2 women and never worked anything but shitty retail wagie jobs anyone could get, which he never kept for even a whole year, totally broke all the time, drove a POS car without insurance, never owned a house, was even homeless for a while
the problem is either you or more likely the women you're interacting with, having literally insane expectations based on boomer times
raising kids like that guarantees that they'll be similarly mentally fucked and infertile
that's the plan, anything to make white people not have kids (or if they do, to have a racemixed mutt)

this guy has more kids than all my other friends/aquaintances combined and has never made a fraction as much money
meanwhile all you stupid well-behaved white goyim are childless in your self-imposed mental prisons


>> No.56727641

I make $200k and it’s about what you need to make in a LCOL area to have multiple kids and a stay at home wife. We’re not shopping at the Dollar Tree but we’re not shopping at S5A either.

>> No.56727776

Don't get stuck on the age anon, time works different for all. For me, age does not matter. I won't have kids until I see 1M in my savings account....

And get out of this loser mentality. If people do whatever they want, you can too.

We are all gonna make it!

>> No.56727844


>savings account

You shouldn't reproduce anon...

You won't get far with that logic. I'm trying to something similar but via Spool. Saving in a smart vault incentivized with some small cap is increasing your chances far better than a shitty tradfi savings acc.

>> No.56727846

I just said I was in Mexico, the fact that you extrapolated everything else shows that you're just mentally ill (retard)
I'm literallyhere with my wife

>> No.56727853

Why is that sad

>> No.56728194

Make your wife open a small daycare.
- she can watch your children
- roasties pay her to do it
- maybe she can even be a good influence for roasties' children

>> No.56728575

Kids aren't expensive. Mine cost like $120/mo.

>> No.56728615

Buddhists don't believe in god thoughever

>> No.56728697

Most people simply accept that they have to work until they turn 70. Not having kids is only for people who want to retire before 45 and most people can’t plan their life for such a long timeframe to accomplish that so they resort to their most animal state of reproducing out of impulsive emotions

>> No.56728726

Im just incel. Im not planning anything