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56719033 No.56719033 [Reply] [Original]

I fell in love. How do I profit from this?

>> No.56719045
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You don't.

>> No.56719060

Only she will profit

>> No.56719062

Hang out with her.

>> No.56719068

be a couple if she also likes you

>> No.56719073


>> No.56719081

Marry her then get a life insurance on her and arrange for an unfortunate end

>> No.56719082

depends on how you define "profit"

>> No.56719087

Tell her about all your financial assets so she can help manage it

>> No.56719095

I do hang out with her a lot and she's a virgin, she might be the one bros.

>> No.56719121

which country she from?

>> No.56719132


>> No.56719139

Based, tell her you have feelings for her and invite her to a nice activity

>> No.56719188

I shall arrange a nice activity this weekend.

>> No.56719190

That is the worst financial decision you can possible make. To make money you have to be emotionally disconnected with everyone you meet.

>> No.56719201

is she rich ?

>> No.56719206

It wasn't a decision, it just happened. It had never happened before.

>> No.56719208

Based Sigma Male chad here, can confirm. The grind never stops.

>> No.56719321


>> No.56719334

I stop having feelings in my love interests after i coom in them a few times. How do i stop this from happening? I don't want to just fuck different women my whole life.

>> No.56719337

>it just happened
ngmi. you sound like a normie that lets life "happen" to them.

like the other anon said. unless you emotionally disconnect from everyone you will always be a working class pleb

>> No.56719345

realize that the "falling in love" is a scam your biology plays on you so that you would reproduce. not saying that having a partner/kids is bad. but just realize what it is

>> No.56720116

It seems like normies have it sorted out in the love department. The struggle and sacrificies make sense now. That's what nature intended.

>> No.56720135

Falling in love is extremely bearish

>> No.56720148

Only fall in love with men as men to men relationships are literal kings with kings. the most powerful combo. that’s how you profit from love

>> No.56720278

Anon, if you haven’t told her yet, you need to tell her. A relationship can only start if one of you confess. If she doesn’t know you like her, it’s not going anywhere.

>> No.56720302

men can only love a woman till he gets the poon

>> No.56720407

I am currently in love with my co worker of so many years. I like him for the last three years but I really really like him and has fallen in love with him earlier this summer. He’s a great guy, patient, and so smart. I always give him compliments because he’s one of the most considerate and smartest guy I know. I love him but I don’t have the gut to tell him. I have this gut feelings that he may like me too but I am not too sure so I don’t want to take the risk of telling him how I feel. I don’t ever want to make him feel ackward or uncomfortable if my gut feelings are wrong. He’s also in a higher position than me at work too so the stakes are high and I don’t want to take any risks that would make him seem incompetent in other eyes if he does like me back. I really like him but only from a distance. Secret love really sucks when the other person don’t know how you feels. It is a living hell I do not wish upon nobody.

>> No.56720435

The coolidge effect is a biological fact you can't erase from men.
Men want quantity (as many different women possible) and women want quality (the best possible man), society is fucked because people refuse to acknowledge these facts.

>> No.56720441
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>> No.56720446
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>> No.56720463

Then why is every enlightened super genius telling me to just settle with one woman for the rest of my life if it goes literally against the being of men?

>> No.56720490

I have never fallen in love in my entire life and I'm 29 years old. I am not even sure what love is.
I mean I see beautiful girls and I recognize them as beautiful and would like to be intimate with them, but never ever did I go home and continue thinking about anyone really, except for maybe my close family members when they need help or something like that. Never understood the "oneitis" meme since I never experienced it. High school, college or now at work, all the same.

Am I broken? Does "falling in love" just happen or should I actually try to actively do something for that to happen? I just go through life, but this entire part has missed me entirely. Yes of course I am a kissless virgin as well

>> No.56720506

Love is just sexual attraction. If you have masturbated to porn since a young age, you can't be impressed by real women anymore because you have already seen it all trough porn. Porn is one thing that stops modern men from developing feelings for women.

>> No.56720531
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Damn, your situation really seems dreadful.

In my case, I know she's in love and she kinda knows already that I am too. It's beautiful. I did not think something like that was possible to be honest.

>> No.56720539

I don't watch porn

>> No.56720543

I unironically stopped watching porn and I think it played a major role in me falling in love. It's disgusting to me now. Really rots your brain.

>> No.56720544

>she's the one
>also we never had sex
nigga if she was the one you'd have married her a virgin and already ended that

>> No.56720563

It's all about meeting the right person.

it's an early phase, sure, but this time feels different

>> No.56720566
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>Anon, if you haven’t told her yet, you need to tell her. A relationship can only start if one of you confess. If she doesn’t know you like her, it’s not going anywhere.

Why are even the women on this board so autistic that they don't understand basic social maneuvers? No, you don't stammer out "I LOVE YOU I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU", just play it cool and ask them what they're doing next weekend. Then feel it out from there. Spend more time together, kiss, etc. Work your way up to it. It's not rocket science, retards

>> No.56720575

kek, also this

>> No.56720595

Yeah, i wouldn't say it rots your brain but it just takes all the mystery from real life dating out because you have already seen all that the end game has to offer. Makes you a jaded expert on the subject without you even having experienced the subject so to say.

You don't know how long they have dated yet.

>> No.56720602

>havent had sex with her
>in love
bro you are not in love, just dopey
please dont confess your feelings, you will blow your chances. fuck her a few times until she confess her feelings to you

>> No.56720629

I am happy for you. I wish he knew but I don’t have the gut to tell him.

>> No.56720636

There is a 0% probability of me blowing my chances. She said I was the only person she ever wanted since the day she saw me. We first met 4 years ago and started dating like 2 months ago.

>> No.56720659

I’m too shy to ask him what’s he’s doing on the weekend.

>> No.56720694

start by being very subtle, touch his arm often when making a point and be physically close to him (standing near him), see how he responds

>> No.56720730

Lmao get a load of this guy believing what a woman says

>> No.56720770
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shhhh let me have it

>> No.56720833

>I’m too shy to ask him what’s he’s doing on the weekend.
You wouldn't be saying this if you weren't ugly as a dog. Unfortunate. If you're at least a 5 it should be easy for a woman to get into any guys pants. How tall is he?

>> No.56720899

dating for 2 months and no sex and she still not in love?
it seems you are doing some things wrong for her not trying to lock you down this far

>> No.56720922

still not in love? read my posts
we're both enjoying the process

>> No.56720946

I don’t think I’m ugly. I’m cute but just insecure.

>> No.56720959

I’m 5’3. He’s maybe 5’7

>> No.56720978

>I’m 5’3. He’s maybe 5’7
.... Seriously?

>> No.56721011

I’m a petite Asian. He’s taller than me but not too tall so that’s my estimate

>> No.56721320

Short girls should just rope. Same with short men. You two belong together, hanging from the rafters

>> No.56721336


>> No.56721408

You are mean

>> No.56721513

You don't profit from women unless you're a pimp

>> No.56721523
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How old is she?
How old are you?
Whats your net worth or take home pay?

Asking for friend

>> No.56721532

The internet is vast and limitless, you will be forgotten. So feel free to post yourself and we can at least give an opinion.

>> No.56721555

No thanks and I won’t post anymore because you guys are mean

>> No.56721720

Get off the internet, bitch. Checked

>> No.56722018
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>> No.56723153


>> No.56723159


>> No.56724153

Kill yourself for being a faggot and the brown-red anonette for wanting me to feel bad

>> No.56724880

Make him gingerbread cookies for Christmas, use the excuse that you made them for the whole office . Give him his own bag separately so he knows he's special to you

>> No.56724918

This. You should trust nobody especially women lol they are brainlets

>> No.56725171

I hope this is not actually true.
I'm 32 and what I've found out is that sometimes people in your life can complicate your life especially girls, but then they can also help you relive some stress and make suffering and difficulties more bearable. Talking thought hardships
that you are facing with your friends also helps even though you need to do it all alone in the end. So I don't know, maybe you are right or maybe it depends on what kind of people you have in your life. I remember when I broke up recently with a gf I couldn't even work and barely cope. And my current gf is also causing me a lot of stress with lies and stupid arguments. I hope there is something better in the future though.

>> No.56725209

For me, I don't know what it is, but if I enjoy spending time with a girl even after I coom and the sex is good I will eventually develop feelings for her. And that is where trouble starts as it seems. Then things get fucking complicated and its an emotional turmoil.

>> No.56725254

Kek, surely she never had sex. Ever.