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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 206 KB, 1290x809, gloi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56715579 No.56715579 [Reply] [Original]

every time you post a thread about Trump:
>Trannies start seething and spamming fake news
>Jidf start seething and spamming pictures with jews
>Glowies start seething and spamming about "Trump was against crypto" or "Trump was for vaxes"
>they all mass report the thread until a tranny janny comes to prune it
This is so fucking funny

>> No.56715627

Reminder that most of the shills unironically work for Visegrad/the Polish government. They want to reelect Biden so they can get more free shit. It's literal foreign election interference.

>> No.56715632

Trump really gave 90% of American society brain damage, it was absolutely everywhere. The derangement penetrated everything, even most US TV and Film were now suddenly about him, it was outrageous and hilarious.

>> No.56715642

>My Red Team jewish puppet is better than your Blue Team jewish puppet

>> No.56715643

Yeah who doesn’t love bump stock bans, the clot shot, israel cucking and cutting Amazon’s taxes!

Oh- almost forgot those fence repairs

>> No.56715656

here's another one, lol

>> No.56715661
File: 180 KB, 677x678, 1697839475497510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was really an eye opening experience to see most people are incapable of forming their own independent thoughts

>> No.56715671

and here's another one, lol

>> No.56715695

this makes a lot of sense actually, the pedo piece of shit is literally flowing Poland with money

>> No.56716146

he's not wrong though
back to /pol/

>> No.56716264

how about this? wrong fucking board newfag, get lost

>> No.56716268


>> No.56716297
File: 89 KB, 750x500, IMG_0751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Trump was president we had gas under 2 dollars a gallon and everything didn’t cost too much.

Only a retard would want 4 more years of Biden.

>> No.56716383

>same glowie using samefagging pajeet techniques to make his (((opinion))) look legit