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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56715502 No.56715502 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56715540

Why the fuck is it all the murderous shitholes?!
>Why yes I will come to your country on a crypto visa to be kidnapped and tortured by 70iq heathens.

>> No.56715551

that dude will be a perfect relentless bullposter and ultimately the perfect bagholder as well buying the absolute top

then the next president will sell the absolute BTC bottom in the next bear kek

>> No.56715558

You’re going to be disappointed when you find out what crypto was originally used for Karen

>> No.56715583

This policy tends to be exacted by the white upper middle classes of these countries to shield themselves from the central bank which atm exists to extract their wealth and give it to the brown hordes of unproductive slave nigger Bolivian Paraguayan Haitian refugee retard faggots.

>> No.56715618

>bitcucks creaming themselves over motherfucking Argentina adopting BTC

>> No.56715634

Argentina was a very wealthy country compared to even America and Europe until the middle of the 1900s.

>> No.56715639

I need to pull together 2k right now or im homeless in the next 2 weeks. I need to be a richfag slave

>> No.56715644

full jewish takeover of Argentina

>> No.56715660

>some shithole country was wealthier before WW1 ruined beef exports

Damn…BTC bros we are so back

>> No.56715677

WW1 was not the middle of the 20th century. It was wealthier than a lot of Western Europe beyond that.

>> No.56715678

All of a sudden Argentine will have oil, terrorists and be in need of democracy courtesy of Israel, er I mean the USA.

>> No.56715703

The imf has already bent them over a barrel and the populace is revolting. Liberation didn’t work

>> No.56715712

Israel already found $500 billion in Gaza. They're not going to stop holocausting them until it's all theirs.

>> No.56715770

This is the US preferred candidate since he wants to dollarize and open up trade

>> No.56715820

First they were shitting on us for praising el salvador... now it's argentina... soon it'll be the US prove me wrong

>> No.56716365
File: 121 KB, 1600x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i trade this

>> No.56716389


>> No.56716400

Do not guys not realize democracy is at stake here?

>> No.56716416

Wow I honestly didn't expect him to win. Memes really do come true.

>> No.56716464

Americanism is at odds with itself. Many of America’s decisions are at odds with economic, and general, logic throughout their many actions post and including ww2

>> No.56716522

US foreign policy is not really that schizophrenic. Opportunistic and myopic sure, but being anti lolbert is not something that ever really happens. They literally created Pinochet

>> No.56716529

Fuck doesn't this mean the price of Argentian pussy is about to go up?

>> No.56716533

it just says hes "pro bitcoin"

is there any real news they will use bitcoin as a currency? that sounds like a massive buy signal

>> No.56716607

who cares if the sp500 goes up

>> No.56716640

Cometh the man
Cometh the hour
Cometh...Bitcoin power

>> No.56716644 [DELETED] 


>> No.56716662

Bitcoin is the only way out for the US to pay down it's debt and restore legitimacy to its financial system.

>> No.56716758

Andrew Jackson reincarnated. Love it.

>> No.56716785

we already had orange man bad, what will this guy be? hairy man bad?

>> No.56716806
File: 13 KB, 277x277, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>argie bonds are at 133% yield
What are the chances that this guy manages to calm down inflation enough to make huge gainz with bonds?

>> No.56717077

imagine not just 133% yield but the currency 5x's in value also

>> No.56717149

Nah it makes perfect sense when you realize everything is for the benefit of jews and the slow decline and destructions of their host nations.