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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 720x974, 2023_11_19_11.38.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56709379 No.56709379 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this street shitting scam pumping?

>> No.56709406

they took the crypto brownpill

>> No.56709413


>> No.56710129

MMO that already reached a way higher ath and has a runescape dev. Obvious buy if you aren't a severely deformed mutated and completely disabled actual nigger that should be lynched. Go steal some rope and hang yourself right now if you were too fucktarded to buy this and just die now ASAP. You lost at life now its time to actually die stupid nigger tranny PIECE of shit.

>> No.56710167

>geee I dunno why a pump and dump pumps
What inbreds.

>> No.56710188

>buying a self admitted VC scam
top kek, if you didn’t load your bags for this pajeet coin, don’t worry it’s too late

>> No.56710349

whoa an actual retard. surely you know you're a retard because everyone in life thus far has let you know? so why post even though you're retarded? you're just messing people up by posting wrong retard shit.

>> No.56710370

Gm rankeesh, upset your street shitting VC scam got found out?
>being this ass blasted

>> No.56710404

the thing that made me take profit and not look back is that the self-proclaimed jagex dev never actually worked at jagex, there is no trace of him on the web except for Domi related stuff

also none of the tokens are locked and 1 wallet holds over 95%

>> No.56710421

I'm risking it, it's still going up.

>> No.56710437

have fun gambling on a rug, you can profit if you're lucky or a deep insider

>> No.56710453

there's an alpha that's about to come out so I'm waiting for that at the very least. I'm also still willing to believe the guy did work on runescape because jagex is fucking retarded so it might not be easy to find the info. basically there's no proof he didn't work there either. but yes it's a gamble for me.
this is just retarded because you can simply click your link and read the 2 posts and learn that you have zero reading comprehension.

>> No.56710531

A project is a scam because a VC group took interest in it?
Do you have sub room temp IQ levels, anon?

>> No.56710581


>> No.56710709

>admitting to it being a scam again
the pajeetry levels are off the chart

>> No.56710917

oopsy looks like a little poompy

>> No.56711001

>I'm also still willing to believe the guy did work on runescape because jagex is fucking retarded so it might not be easy to find the info.
none of these guys is the so-called jagex dev
and if they kept mod jed on the list you can bet they kept everyone on
this confirmed for me that it was a scam, I suggest you take your profit too but you're free to gamble if you want

>> No.56711006

The domi pajeets don’t want you to know this

>> No.56711017

when volume is low, a single buyer can influence the price greatly. just because the price increased doesn't mean you'll find buyers though. especially not if it's just a single guy trading with himself to lure in retail idiots

>> No.56711041

oh shit wait, disregard
Mod MikeD is David Edgecomb

well fuck me maybe im wrong
still fishy that the token liquidity isn't locked though

>> No.56711047


>> No.56711050

This is what a drooling retard sounds like… duhhh durrr VC scam!

>> No.56711055

good morning pajeet street shitters. Domi is a scam

>> No.56711059

oh nice gg. I had a feeling he wouldn't have made it this far with a false claim like that if it was that easy to disprove.

>> No.56711065
File: 3 KB, 246x250, IMG_1496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys look how bad you got scammed

>> No.56711066

Hahahah >>56710887

What happened to your other thread you fucking street shitters? Did the jannies delete it again because this is a fucking scam?

>> No.56711067

yes it is you are completely right

>> No.56711069

lol, I’ve made over 50k on this “scam”. Price keeps going up.

Wow, this supposed “street-shitting” pajeet pump and dump is all pump and no dump.

>> No.56711075

>nervous poojeet needs to defend his scam
Oh yes sir Gm, you made 50,000 rupees

>> No.56711092

Hahaha, what will it take for this not to be a scam? When will you admit it out of your dirty whore mouth? .10c? .50c?..

>> No.56711102

why did you switch ids?

>> No.56711107



Smells like a pajeet scam. You shills talk like pajeets. We all know this a PnD

>> No.56711112
File: 354 KB, 1170x1296, IMG_1680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56711116

You sound unhinged.

Ggggggguys, stop buying! I’m telling u it’s a scam. Stop making money!

>> No.56711118

yep looks like pajeet pump and dump like everything else spammed here

>> No.56711128

you can tell it’s a street shitting scam based upon how hard these jeets are trying. if it wasn’t a scam, who cares?

>> No.56711133

I'm not selling any until at least ATH so this is nice but not nearly enough

>> No.56711150

You can tell it’s a good investment based n how hard he’s trying to FUD. If it’s really a scam then why bother? It’s cope hitting him hard.

Yeah bud, you missed a gold mine and ur coping.

>> No.56711154

runescape dev = crypto runescape aka the next fortnite

>> No.56711162

the nonstop pajeet posting isn’t helping your case. The FUD guy is probably right that this is a scam based upon how hard you shills are trying to do damage control
>missing out
>false FOMO

>> No.56711168

This shows that you’re a lying >>56711001, why continue to lie?

>> No.56711170

because we bought it and want it to go up. he wants it to go down so he can buy. pretty simple. you have to judge whether you think it will go up or not based on the facts such as that it's crypto runescape and the next fortnite. hmmm, I wonder if that will go up? I sure wonder.

>> No.56711185

read 3 more posts

>> No.56711189

Good thing u took profits and missed x 10. Good call, anon

>> No.56711190

Gotta say I kekd at this

>> No.56711209

I read it. This >>56711001 is correct so why not just own it that this scam isn’t connected to runescape in anyway? you jeets just keep claiming it. Hell im the runescape owner now. I own all the runscape

>> No.56711234

Now read the post where he admits he was wrong

> oh shit wait, disregard
>Mod MikeD is David Edgecomb

well fuck me maybe im wrong
still fishy that the token liquidity isn't locked though

Now apologize!

>> No.56711258

eh I took profits after a 3-4x
I take profits when Im doubtful about something and it's served me well over the years, frankly I have enough at this point not to be bothered that much

good for you anon!

>> No.56711265

ITT domi pajeets beg you to buy their VC bags

>> No.56711277

I refuse to take profits

>> No.56711307

Not selling, faggot

>> No.56711318


Domi pajeets admitted it to being a VC scam before being banned by mods

>> No.56711339

Why are you pumping this street shitting scam thread?

>> No.56711349

What do you think this proves? A guy said his VC group is aware of this project? A random anonymous person said something and this means you fucking schizophrenically shit up any mention of Domi for weeks while it x20?

The higher it goes, the more nervous and angry you get.

Please find peace, anon.

>> No.56711364

I don't know why people browse this board if they have zero money because they just mindfuck themselves like this

>> No.56711408

Becker just shilled it on his channel lmao

>> No.56711420

obvious pajeets are obvious

Shits a VC scam pump and dump >>/biz/thread/56659409#p56660329

>> No.56711429


>> No.56711434

Real talk, when the fuck do I sell this?
20m mcap?

>> No.56711438


>> No.56711442

you probably just fomo'd at .08 even though you've been fudding for weeks and there was no way you could have lost money until a couple hours ago

>> No.56711452

Ath was 70m

>> No.56711484

so sell at 700m

>> No.56711485


>> No.56711496

Obvious pajeets are obvious.

This is a VC scam and pump and dump. >>/biz/thread/56659409#p56660329 DYOR anons, and remember when you see obvious jeets like this, the scam is in.

>> No.56711509

The "FUD your own bags" meme is really cringe

>> No.56711518

Easy $1+ when it rolls out December and they amp advertising and get exchange listings
Other top tier gaming coins are sitting on $300-500m (illuvium, gala etc) and this looks better
I'm bullish on the fact they won't force crypto in-game so normies will play this

>> No.56711534

Obvious jeet shills are obvious.
>implying I would buy a crypto game coin in 2023
LOL pajeet please

>> No.56711553
File: 180 KB, 1080x862, IMG_20231119_172023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guy the founder has 4m subs on YouTube and 1 hour ago Becker shilled it
Becker's last video got 400k views in 7 days. This is just gonna pump hard as fuck now and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.56711557

is your goal to remain poor and angry?

>> No.56711571

you guys sound angry, gm rankeesh and patel how is your street shits going? didn’t die of disease yet i see

>> No.56711600

Doing good man. That vc group the dork is talking about is Alex Becker's citizens capital
Sucks you're too poor to get in at 12 eth floor

>> No.56711644

I'm extremely happy and part German so basically white even though a nazi would still kill me

>> No.56711651

lol street shitting shills

>> No.56711687

Trending on dextools. Keep seething at $.1 in a few hours

>> No.56711788

Thanks for this, you saved me from fomo'ing in and losing a lot of money fren.

>> No.56711805

not even the right contract kek

>> No.56711828

Someone tell ranjeet that kek has been a code word for jeets for years now

>> No.56711836

Angry because you're gonna miss the next bull holding link?

>> No.56711854

all mmofags know about kek and this is an mmo

>> No.56711872


>> No.56711883



This was shilled at 1m here yet jannies deleted all the alpha and let the linkie spam stay up

>> No.56711888

lol, please explain where the scam is? Also, where are the pajeets?

There is an actual working project, the team is doxxed and white, it’s criminally under valued at 15mil MC. You’d have to be an actual retard to not see how this is going to take off, and now Alex Becker is even saying how this is gonna blast off.

So tell us, other than a fucking screenshot of an anon saying his VC group is interested in Domi, what makes you think this is a scam? How on Earth can a game that has been in development for two years with millions invested could possibly be a pajeet scam? It’s not even logical.

>> No.56711894

the desperation smells like curry

>> No.56711917

this actually looks fucking sweet, I didn't even look at the game until now. I'm actually going to play this so am I going to have a bunch of currency in the game?

>> No.56711923

>20 pbti
The curry is strong with this one

>> No.56711933

never mind you can stake these later

>> No.56711944

ok so this is for cosmetics basically like vbux for fortnite, so this will moon

>> No.56711955

sounds like you can buy these tokens or earn them from being on the leadboards, then you can stake them for cosmetics so I assume those will be the rarer and more wanted cosmetics.

>> No.56711960

>pajeet keeps calling this fortnite

>> No.56711974

this is like having shares of nx from maplestory and that made literally billions.

>> No.56711989

>the vindaloo desperation of pls buy my scam

>> No.56712062

> So tell us, other than a fucking screenshot of an anon saying his VC group is interested in Domi, what makes you think this is a scam? How on Earth can a game that has been in development for two years with millions invested could possibly be a pajeet scam? It’s not even logical.

Respond, faggot!

>> No.56712267

> Why is this street shitting scam pumping?
holy shit thanks for the laugh

>> No.56712298

>desperation stinker than mumabi
lol, street shitters probably should have bought an ad would have been less work and less obvious

>> No.56712509

domi bros, wtf was that!

>> No.56712599

Somebody bought 20k$ worth of this street shitting scam token

>> No.56712629
File: 31 KB, 1080x586, IMG_20231119_151809_223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these numbers real? Is suplly just that? Is MC really low?

>> No.56712633

the same two pajeets talking to each other

lol how very organic

>> No.56712645

CMC has the correct market cap

>> No.56712652

Circ is 264m according to dextools. 16m mc. Max supply is 1B which is going to be distributed from staking I believe?

>> No.56712674

we are the domi pajeets and we shit in the street
>gm 4chan pls buy our scam, we work very hard to organically promote it here

>> No.56712688

You're prob looking at pairs trading on bsc and avax so the mc there is lower
Look on uniswap and eth pair

Becker just made this a gaming blue chip so it's going to 100m this week

>> No.56712713

>gm 4chan a literal who e cleb made a video about our scam that we paid him for

>> No.56712718

Has to be the worst inorganic shill campaign on 4chan to date

>> No.56712754

You getting fomo? Hahahahahah

>> No.56712767

Please explain the scam, you fucking idiot

>> No.56712770

no, go shit in the street. lurk more and maybe you guys will learn how to shill

>> No.56712782

I just want to make money bro. I don't care. So sick of this useless fucking board of nothing but chainshit threads. Surprised the jannies haven't deleted this thread already.

>> No.56712784

Biggest pajeet scam. Look at these 4-5 paid shills in here shitting up the thread. That guy who said this was a VC scam is accurate judging how desperate this reeks of curry

>> No.56712796

>gm i want to make money, so 4chan pls buy our bags
>look at how we are shilling this scam, you know it must be good
Lol, LMAO street shitter logic

>> No.56712797

This human being is nervous

>> No.56712830

why do you think shitting in the street is normal?

>> No.56712838

Keep bumping brother.

>> No.56712842

it’s amazing that there’s still paid shills trying to promote a known scam

>> No.56712850

>street shitters don’t know what the options field does
First day posting on 4chan eh street shitter?

>> No.56712872

Can you elaborate?

>> No.56712889

Retard it launched in 2022
It's barely below seed price at 15m was 70m then. You will literally watch this fly above 100m this week and screech like on kaspa

>> No.56712905

If you’re going to waste money on a crypto game coin, defi kingoms is your best bet. This thread is so full of curry coin shills. Hell even kaspa is better buy

>> No.56712916
File: 154 KB, 1080x1212, IMG_20231119_194817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All-time chart is a 2x away from hitting the cmc listing starting point

>> No.56712927

>launched a scam money grab in 2022
>game isn’t out yet, busted and bugged to hell
>endless pajeet shilling on 4chan in 2023
Oh yeah, you really sold it street shitter

>> No.56712944

So to answer ops question, it's pumping because it's launching in December and advertising rolls out after the fact

>> No.56712946

I’ll help him out. A group of people got together years ago and decided to devise an elaborate scam by developing a video game. The secured funding and spent years developing original lore and an entire online world. They waited until this very moment to pump the price….now the only thing left is to dump it on the unsuspecting rubes….which should happen aaaaaany minute now. Also, Indians.

>> No.56712964

apparently there's some kind of token unlock in december but dunno how that will affect the price

>> No.56712969
File: 677 KB, 1170x1497, IMG_1686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your shilling be bussin frfr. No cap that jeetfud bullish af on god

>> No.56712978

You are literally fucking retarded, god bless you

>> No.56712985

desperate pajeet shills, very organic

>> No.56712986

It'll be up another 10x by December

>> No.56712994
File: 12 KB, 650x650, IMG_0516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they deleted the good one and left this trash up

>> No.56713008

poojeet shills are still begging for 4cha to buy a crypto game coin launched in 2022

this is amazing

>> No.56713033

No one gives a shit /biz/ can't move a 15m mc coin
I shilled this sub $2m here you didn't listen could've been up 10x in 2 weeks
This project in it's current mc is a fucking unicorn and we got lucky catching it so low

>> No.56713054

Domi bros, what’s ur stack? Over 1 mil here

>> No.56713061

>street shitters are still using the words unicorn and marketcap
>bragging about a 2x
rofl, and kaspa has had a 100x

>> No.56713067

0 since this is a scam, only a jeet like you would hold any of this

>> No.56713118

20x in 3 weeks, chud

>> No.56713136
File: 103 KB, 941x941, IMG_1072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and 19x'd from the first thread I saw, best scam I ever fell for

>> No.56713140

This thread is pretty hysterical though, regardless of what you feel about this shitcoin. Good job, bros!

>> No.56713142

>pajeets are bragging about a 3x for a crypto “game” coin despite this level of shilling on 4chan

>> No.56713152

This thread is comedy gold

>> No.56713155

this is hilarious, there’s like six pajeets working hard but I think they’re damaging their own reputation by jeeting this hard

>> No.56713187

Wrong, your FUD is so bullish that people are ape’ing. It turns out you were the pajeet this whole time.

>> No.56713212

>pajeets think everyone is the same person
>FUD is bullish for all 200 token holders
LMAO this thread is comedy gold, it’s like the three stooges, patel, rankeesh, and sandeep

>> No.56713257

This, streetshitters hate money so they don't hold Domi

>> No.56713267

768 pajeets and counting, fren

>> No.56713270

poojeet you might want to switch IPs, or can your village not afford that? you both have about 80 posts shilling between you two. It’s a little obvious you guys are poos

>> No.56713374
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>> No.56713382

It’s pumping again. I love getting scammed by street shitters!

>> No.56713407

Okay it will dump any minute now

>> No.56713424

>obvious pajeets still obvious
lol, oh yes very organic FOMO while the rest of the market pumps

>> No.56713548

and gain money because this is also pumping with the market

>> No.56713569

why would anyone buy this when you can make more from kaspa? poo in loo shills

>> No.56713588

First it’s a scam…now it’s that it’s only pumped 20x. Get your cope posting right

>> No.56713627

>poojeets think everyone id samefagging
LMAO delusional

>> No.56713630

Is there a tg or discord?

>> No.56713747

Lmao, you mean why would we buy something at 18m mc vs something at 3B+ mc?

>> No.56713750

>pajeets still think MC is a thing
what is this 2018?

>> No.56713752

Links can be found on the website

>> No.56713766

Just joined their TG, it’s literally just a bunch of indians asking “wen moon”

jfc, this thread is hilarious between the jeets in their TG too.

>> No.56713812

Lmfao, you just described every telegram in crypto.

>> No.56713886

Why so much hate for this project? I looked on yt, yeah game does look dated but maybe someone likes this old school stuff? Plus it's free to play with some crypto gimmick. Not my cup od tea but it could have some success.

>> No.56713972

looks like a street shitting scam, community managers name is Farouk, top jej

>> No.56714032

Literally nothing like that. They just talk about the game
It looks lit, reminds me of wow. I can't find a better crypto game bar illuvium. They intentionally downgrade the graphics so everyone can play it
Literally started by a Norwegian

>> No.56714056

>20pbti still defending a scam coin
just tell everyone your a paid pajeet

>> No.56714060

>Literally started by a Norwegian
100% Nordik stock

>> No.56714082

Realistically, what could be the ath?

>> No.56714089

0. It’s a street shitting scam. Defi Kingdom didn’t even get high

>> No.56714093

Not gonna lie, I’m enjoying watching you cope, seethe, and dialate. What now, tranny?

>> No.56714101

I say there is at least another 10x to be had.

>> No.56714106

only one of those were (You)s to me. Feels good knowing this is a… street shitting scam and you guys are earning your rupees today

>> No.56714111
File: 526 KB, 513x468, IMG_1638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 cents

>> No.56714118

ngl was going to pick up a bag since I’ve seen this shilled here so much but watching this unfold showed me this is a scam, shits not organic at all

>> No.56714140

anon you were really going to spend your money on a P2E scam coin? don’t tell those jeets that, they need you to buy this scam to feed their village

>> No.56714192

Sure you were. See you in a month when this is 70mil MC

>> No.56714205

probably not since you guys have demonstrated this is a jeet shilling campaign. Also
>marketcap in 2023
Find better shill tactics

>> No.56714295

all this as it slowly rises for weeks

>> No.56714299

Sers, the coin keeps going up. When are you suggesting that the rupees will be redeemed?

>> No.56714306

should say steadily, 20x in this time frame isn't "slow" by any means

>> No.56714313

lol pajeet, slowly? This coin is a street shitting scam

>> No.56714353


>> No.56714355

Ath was 70m
I see it at 300-500m around q1 2024 with game launch. It the bull run hits in the meantime, it could go over a billion with tier a listings. 20m is still low for this, every time I hesitated picking up more, I regretted it past few weeks.

>> No.56714382

Here I found a picture of you guys in your ranjeesh call center >>56714324

>> No.56714768

Yeh (((they))) did this with rxd as well. Claimed it was a bsc scam token using wrong contract. We need flags now.

>> No.56714780

RXD is an actual scam. DOMI might be one judging by what a shit show of a thread this is with the merry band of shills

>> No.56715762
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>> No.56715800

top kek. this project is a scam though

>> No.56715846
File: 566 KB, 220x220, 1684828730492184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw brown coins made by and for brown people pump 1270% while kava still struggles to hit $1 and btc gets its 37k rejected for the 2nd time this week haha. clown world.

>> No.56716028
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>> No.56716039

>scam coin pumps
>gm 4chan pls FOMO into our scam
lol no

>> No.56716044

Okay so this scam coin has gone from 4 cents to 8 during this thread. I seriously hope you guys didn't fall for this obvious scam project.

>> No.56716109

still not selling

>> No.56716121

>poos thinking they can sell a scam

>> No.56716196

The coin was shilled by a celebrity this morning. That is why everyone is ape’ing.

>G-g-guys it doubled in price….that proves it’s a scam….r-r-right?

You want it to be a scam so bad haha. Nervous?

>> No.56716235

>domi had to pay a literal who e cleb to shill their P2E scam
sad, such many cases

>> No.56716295

lol the cope is unreal. In fact, I truly believe that you are just trolling and bumping at this point and own Domi.

>> No.56716309

>pajeets don’t know what the options field does
first time posting on 4chan eh jeet?

>> No.56716421

Thx for the bump, cuck

>> No.56716466

>street poopers don’t know what the options field does
top kek, the pajeets are comedy gold

>> No.56716635

Thx for bumping, fag