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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56711261 No.56711261 [Reply] [Original]

where are the dapps? are you telling me this ethereum killer has done a 780x with nothing to show for? the red candle is going to be brutal topkek

>> No.56711266

You're supposed to buy the rumour, and dump on normies when they catch wind of the hype. Nobody who owns KASPA intends to hold it long term kek.

>> No.56711286
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>where are the dapps?

>> No.56711308

Lmao. Wrongo.

>> No.56711340

Why lie? You'll be dumping your bags on someone. That was always the point.

>> No.56711395
File: 181 KB, 828x498, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in progress. There will be a new era of smart contracts on Kaspa. The replacement of eth is imminent. It's hardcoded in the genesis block.

>> No.56711519

so kaspa is already claiming to be the fastest most scalable and most secure blockchain in the world as quoted on their website but is yet to release smart contracts? sounds like putting the cart before the horse only to find out it can't move

>> No.56711609

nothing revolutionary but since it's PoW, pow-tards are creaming their pants

>> No.56711624

it can't do dapps
its an overhyped jew coin simple as

>> No.56711656
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RXD can do instantaneous transactions using its 0-conf feature. 10,000 were broadcast on mainnet recently:

Add to that it has all the smart contract possibilities of any other L1 which kaspa doesnt have. dapps are in development now, pic rel

>> No.56711685

Lol. Sounds like they do whatever the fuck they want at their own pace and endlessly test until things are perfect.


>> No.56711718

just buy a bag and stop being bitter kek

>> No.56711797

Is it too late to buy this? I could have bought earlier but thought it was a jeet scam because it was shilled here.

>> No.56711826
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btc fork and premined scam

>> No.56711851
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yes it was forked from bch and a bunch of new innovations added, making it massively scalable and one of the fastest blockchains ever made. no it was not premined at all, unlike kaspa which is a speedmine scam.

>> No.56711861
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>> No.56711866

Not too late, it can easily pull a x2 some lunatics here claim it will go to 1 buck some even dare say it will go to 4, aint happening that there is no money in the market atm

>> No.56711875

>no money in the market

This went from .04 to .14 in 10 weeks.

>> No.56711982

It's not an Ethereum killer. It's a Nano killer. Wait til the billions of Nano users around the globe realise its a more spam-resistant, more scalable version of Nano and jump ship to Kaspa.

>> No.56712254

every L1 is trying to be an ethereum killer saying otherwise is cope. if its a nano killer it belongs with nano in the trash