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56710559 No.56710559 [Reply] [Original]

I'm defeated, I just wanted to import some fucking cement and after spending a whole night researching i've come to the conclusion that importing into the UK is the FUCKING WORST. HOLY FUCKING SHIT I HATE IT SO MUCH.

In order to import into the UK you need an EORI number, to get an EORI number you need to have a Unique Taxpayer Reference which means you need to register as self employed which means you need to go to a meeting with Universal Credit to see if you're gainfully self employed and you need a business start date and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and Government Gateway user ID and password and VAT number and effective date of registration and National Insurance number.

Each thing you require requires more info and details so it's practically just an infinite loop of bureaucracy, importing into the UK is fucking hard. Researching imports and exports into the UK has made me want to fucking rope.

>> No.56710568


Now you see why government is a waste of resources.

>> No.56710586

just look up how to make cement lole

>> No.56710588
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I don't want to get an EORI number, I don't want to register as self employed, I don't want to do any of this glowie nigger jew bureaucracy. All I want to do is import some fucking cement, FUCKING CEMENT and the government says I can't unless I give them my iris scans, testicle imprint and my first born child. It's fucking ridiculous.

I'm so despondent, I thought "how fucking hard could it be to import some cement, right?" and boy I was fucking wrong. Is there any way to get around all this jargon and just import something simply without all this paperwork bullshit? I'm so tired, bros.

>> No.56710595

Is it just cement?
And why the fuck would you import that?

I sell shit to the UK from Brazil and it's pretty easy to export there with FedeX.

>> No.56710601

BITCOIN (bsc) solves this.

>> No.56710604

why you want to import cement. why not just go and buy some

also why the fuck u keep living in this shithole. its not gonna get any better only worse

>> No.56710608
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I feel you, OP.
Bought machines from chink country last April and it took 5 grand in import tax, special tax rates on the alcohol in a fucking bag of INK and 25 back and forth e-mails verifying HS-codes, purchase orders, corporate agreement stamps and general kikery to get them here LAST WEEK.
We need a free market. With guns. And an intolerance for apparatchiks.

>> No.56710610

now you understand the bureaucracy exists to keep you from doing what you want

>> No.56710637

>Is it just cement?
Literally yes, bags of cement in a rented shipping container.

>I sell shit to the UK from Brazil and it's pretty easy to export there with FedeX.
I assume you sell trinkets or some shit, right? The rules for small packages and parcels are different compared to shipping containers.

>> No.56710645

just get it sent in small packages and parcels

>> No.56710646

>BITCOIN (bsc) solves this.
Fucking how? I still need to physically import shit through the docks where customs can just see if I don't have all their jew papers and destroy all my shit if I don't pay and bill me for the fucking destruction.

>> No.56710653

>Bought machines from chink country last April and it took 5 grand in import tax, special tax rates on the alcohol in a fucking bag of INK and 25 back and forth e-mails verifying HS-codes, purchase orders, corporate agreement stamps and general kikery to get them here LAST WEEK.
What the actual fuck? That's some Soviet tier shit,

>We need a free market. With guns. And an intolerance for apparatchiks.

>> No.56710654
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A fucking FedEx box filled with cement? Customs will think you're fucking joking

>> No.56710659

>also why the fuck u keep living in this shithole.
Because i'm too fucking poor to leave, I hate the UK. This place is trash.

>> No.56710674

why do you have to import it

>> No.56710682
File: 121 KB, 1173x821, Screenshot 2023-11-19 141356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sell shit to the UK from Brazil and it's pretty easy to export there with FedeX.
I still need the mark of the beast to import shit.

>> No.56710686

>now you understand the bureaucracy exists to keep you from doing what you want
I always knew that.

>> No.56710692

>A fucking FedEx box filled with cement? Customs will think you're fucking joking
Yeah, fucking hell man i'm at my fucking wit's end here. You know any way to easily import shit? I'm so fucking done.

>> No.56710695

What a horrible shithole filled with nasty, terrible people.
Putting aside OP lying as a premise. The UK is truely one of the nastiest of the human habitats.

>> No.56710700

>why do you have to import it
Everything made in the UK is expensive and shitty quality garbage. Yes, even the cement.

>> No.56710702

better stfu then and start planning how to leave

>> No.56710707
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>We need a free market. With guns. And an intolerance for apparatchiks.
welcome my nigga

>> No.56710729

The best way is to get to an importing bureau if you don't have an actual company yourself.
They'll charge a premium, of course, but it's still cheaper than doing all the paperwork yourself. It takes months to figure out what the customs office actually needs since they don't know what they need themselves in the first place.

Alternatively, If you know anyone with a VAT number and all the aforementioned required "statuses" you could have it go through them but delivered to your address and listing yourself as the primary contact so the person with the VAT doesn't have to deal with it.
I'm not sure what kind of taxes are levied on cement and building materials but be warned: anything that any council considers to be a resource that is preferably purchased from a UK source will require a very heavy premium on importing. Lumber, cement, adhesives, etc.
Whatever has been ripped from the hands of a starving African child that could only be manufactured there and thrown into a Hilux on its way to Djibouti with 4 armed revolutionaries in the back will fall under that bracket.

>> No.56710742

Portland cement and similar materials are made by heating limestone (a source of calcium) with clay or shale (a source of silicon, aluminium and iron) and grinding this product (called clinker) with a source of sulfate (most commonly gypsum)

You're a dipshit. Importing isn't why the UK is shit or you'd simply start a concree business because there'd be demand for it.

5 Parts Aggregate gravel medium, 1 part cement, 1 part hydrated lime.

The truth is that you're a lazy shit person who lies alot. thats why where you live on the designated shitting street sucks and also the UK.

>> No.56710762

>The best way is to get to an importing bureau if you don't have an actual company yourself.
What's the best one? Will they require an EORI number and that other niggardry as well or will the company use their own EORI, VAT number etc. and then charge me for the privilege?

>They'll charge a premium
I'm willing to pay more for convenience and at this point to just spite the government.

>It takes months to figure out what the customs office actually needs since they don't know what they need themselves in the first place.
So if I use an importing bureau they'll do all that shit for me and it won't take months, right?

>Alternatively, If you know anyone with a VAT number and all the aforementioned required "statuses" you could have it go through them
I don't know anyone like that.

>> No.56710772
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TD;LR: Government golem who thinks requiring more documentation than the holocaust for imports is a good thing

>> No.56710807

>What's the best one? Will they require an EORI number and that other niggardry as well or will the company use their own EORI, VAT number etc. and then charge me for the privilege?
Company will charge a premium. No VAT number required, but that's the rule in Belgium. Not sure about the UK.

>So if I use an importing bureau they'll do all that shit for me and it won't take months, right?
Yes. If it's a pretty standard product like cement or w/e they have the HS codes on hand and know how to declare it.

>I don't know anyone like that.
Then the importing bureau is your best bet. What kind of volume are you looking to import, though? There might be an upper limit for weight of cubic feet for any given material that you can't purchase as a private citizen. Any government has a 8000 page list of limits on any substance in which that maximum is determined. No, I'm not joking. They'll have an exact maximum weight for importing fucking octopus eyeballs as a private person.

Depending on where you're importing from you or the importing bureau might have to deal with a lot of barriers, the biggest of which is likely to be language.
The Chinese speak well enough English but the timezone difference is frustrating to say the least. If you're importing from any of the other fish-head countries it's hit or miss. Even if they have an English website or general online portal they might not even know what the fuck an HS code is.

>> No.56710833

Checked and jesus christ, that place sounds like hell on earth. Brown people everywhere, can't have guns or even a butter knife, can't import something as banal as cement, I'd have killed myself.

>> No.56710866

>but that's the rule in Belgium. Not sure about the UK.
Probably won't be the same then, the UK is Africa tier when it comes to regulations.

>What kind of volume are you looking to import, though?
About 1 shipping container's worth.

>There might be an upper limit for weight of cubic feet for any given material that you can't purchase as a private citizen
You've gotta be fucking kidding me. This is some "we need common sense cement control" type shit. If i'm purchasing for commercial ends though through the company it'll be fine, right?

>They'll have an exact maximum weight for importing fucking octopus eyeballs as a private person.

>> No.56710883

interesting form of selective retardation you have there anon.
where did i say what youre projecting?
i said start a domestically sourced business.
its not possible to import better concrete for cheaper that what you could make.
what the UK doesn't have limestone or gypsum?
im humouring you, pretending that what youre saying makes any sense.

dont be upset when someone pulls your chain when you throw out bait. you've got softer hands than a dishwasher.

>> No.56710895

>i said start a domestically sourced business.
No, I refuse to buy shit just because it's British. I'll buy from third world shitholes for cheap instead.

>> No.56710903
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I'm loving this cement saga.
Is it for your own use? If so why do you need a shipping container's worth?
If it's for a company you work for then not your problem.

>> No.56710932

>About 1 shipping container's worth
Might be right on the limit, depending on what the UK import law says. You could have it shipped in two installments if you put the second half in someone else's name. A friend or whatever. It's just a matter of signing a paper for the bureau.

>If I'm purchasing for commercial ends through the company it'll be fine, right?
It's likely. Building your own home is a good reason to import a container for a one-time thing, for instance. If you can prove you're not going to sell it on (which opens up a whole new can of worms), it's not going to be seen as suspicious, at least.

I'll do some research. I'm kind of interested in what it would take.
If you have a Discord feel free to drop it so I can keep you up to date on what I find.
I'm looking for a good distribution center in the UK myself for the business I'm setting up so it'd be nice to have someone on that end of the line to bounce ideas off of, if you're so inclined.

>> No.56710957

no you wont.

>> No.56710965

Good morning guvna, contact your local constable and he should assist you with filing for the proper loicenses. I hope this helps, and remember - england has already been conquered by brown people without a single shot fired. If you think things are bad now, read Camp of the Saints and prepare for your future being shit.

>> No.56710966

Yeah, this shit is basically for everyone in every country unless they have some third world “I’m coming back to my homeland” type of importation policies.
I have all of those you’re mentioning, but in burger terms. It takes time to get them but it’s not the end of the world.
Also, if you’re planning on moving large sums of value from overseas and you don’t have business credentials idk wtf you were thinking kek

>> No.56711079

>some third world “I’m coming back to my homeland” type of importation policies.

>> No.56711094

>I'm looking for a good distribution center in the UK myself for the business I'm setting up
What kind of business?

>> No.56711126
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Large format prints. Mousepads and battlemats for D&D games for now. Later on also flags and weeb shit like pillow covers if it comes to that. I'm working on a pretty schizo website atm. All my materials are imported so I can undercut the big retailers and match the bootleg stuff on Newegg and Amazon, too. Been working in this industry for 10 years and was responsible for the printing press that did the large formats so I'm good there.
Despite my connections, I'm still going to bash the Chinese and mention Tiananmen Square on the "About Us" page, though.
I wanna stir the pot a little. Make some noise. Fuck it.

>> No.56711245

There are people with multiple residencies/citizenships who can’t import things back to their home country easily with favorable tax incentives. My LATAM uncle lived in Jew York for 25 years in the late 80’s-2000’s then moved back with tens of thousands of dollars worth of building equipment and laundry equipment, all he had to pay was for a couple licenses and a spot in the shipping container.
Couple years later he ended up with a 12 story building in a metropolitan area and he’s worth millions and my engineering PhD wagecuck dad working at a S&P500 company envies him.

>> No.56711272

Not op but please give me some ideas. I'm desperate to leave the UK, I'll do anything.

>> No.56711336

>I wanna stir the pot a little. Make some noise. Fuck it.
Not interested in getting chinese electrodes strapped to my nuts, sorry.

>> No.56711368

Fair. Good luck, bongbro.

>> No.56711400

Thanks, I just want to import cement for god's sake ;-;

>> No.56711422

Do you know any way to ship into the UK without an EORI? I looked at customs agents and they say I still need one

>> No.56711471

>He thought he could escape the Eternal Anglo
>Whilst living in Bongland

>> No.56711540

UK law states that an EORI number isn't required to import goods for personal use.
So it'll depend on what the maximum amount of cement you can import for that reason will be.
"For personal use" seems to be either under a certain value (approx. 390 quid) or volume.
Over that value you will pay import taxes, and it seems like you can only pay those taxes if you have a VAT or, consequently, an EORI number, but it's not even mentioned in the actual customs docs of the UK government.

Information on the subject is confusing as hell, I'll give you that.

>> No.56711560

Hang on.
"Uncontrolled goods" do not require an EORI number.
But you might still be subject to the limited volume and value requirement. Maybe give the customs agent a call to ask them directly. Last resort but it seems like the only way to get a clear answer.

>> No.56711623
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>UK law states that an EORI number isn't required to import goods for personal use.
What if it's for business though?

>Over that value you will pay import taxes, and it seems like you can only pay those taxes if you have a VAT or, consequently, an EORI number
So you need VAT or an EORI number? You don't need both?

>but it's not even mentioned in the actual customs docs of the UK government.

>"Uncontrolled goods" do not require an EORI number.
Where did you see that?

>Maybe give the customs agent a call to ask them directly.
Yeah, that seems like the best idea. Which customs agent though?

>> No.56711744

>What if it's for business though?
You would need an EORI number then. But to prove it's for business you'll need a VAT number and be an "established" business in the UK.
So you'll need an address and be registered as a business owner to prove that. You'll also have had to mention in your founding documents that importing cement is vital to your business.
If your occupation doesn't warrant having a container of cement you'll have to get that corrected, if you can even correct it at all. You might even have to start a second business to justify it, if your first business doesn't deal with construction.

>So you need VAT or an EORI number? You don't need both?
As a private citizen you don't need either, as far as I understand. Again, subject to volume requirements. I think the customs docs on the subject just mean "bringing home a tin of sweets from Japan" as "personal use" and not actual containers.

>Where did you see that?

>Yeah, that seems like the best idea. Which customs agent though?
I think you're better off contacting an importer directly, who will deal with customs.
There's a couple of cement importers in the UK that may be close by that you could deal with.

>> No.56711954

Doing some research and DHL pays duties and taxes on your behalf after billing you for them but idk if they require an EORI number, i'm pretty sure they do.

>> No.56711980

Does DHL ship containers? I've always had to use dedicated transport firms for heavy shipments.

>> No.56712018

What skills do you have, and do you have any family with other ancestry?

>> No.56712050

>Does DHL ship containers? I've always had to use dedicated transport firms for heavy shipments.
They do however I just checked and I still need an EORI and VAT number to import shit into the UK as a business, regardless of the items and there's unspecified limits on importing shit into the UK as an individual.

>> No.56712072

This is why you don't listen to Russian trolls.

>> No.56712198

that's actually hilarious. i work in trade/customs in US. i get shipments where the container was shipped to the US port, already unloaded at port, and the fucking importer isn't even registered with CBP, didn't file ISF, doesn't even have a import bond and it's a rush job before demurrage starts.

good on you for researching OP, but UK really fucked up with brexit. you might need to move to the US but that opens it's own can of worms.

>> No.56712294

who the fuck should be ALLOWED to leave the UK?
the immigrants that ruined it or the anglos that banned guns then brought the immigrants in?
even if you personally are neither these are all you ever fucking known, there is no chance in hell you're compatible with someplace free like america

>> No.56712324

>just import something simply without all this paperwork bullshit
have someone else who's already filled out all the paperwork let you use their services?...? ? ?

>> No.56712349

>I'll buy from third world shitholes for cheap instead
oi m8. brexit means brexit.

>> No.56712353

>the UK doesn't have cement
Lmao third world

>> No.56712440

I've done courses in web design, software development with React and TailwindCSS, PSQL, Flutter and some language processing with Python. I have my own website as well as a few apps.

I don't have much of a work history, just half a year of being a teaching assistant online for Chinese kids.

I'm mostly just lacking direction, but I'm willing to do anything to escape this country, even if it means I will be poor in another.

My family is as British as they come.

>> No.56712492

>i work in trade/customs in US. i get shipments where the container was shipped to the US port, already unloaded at port, and the fucking importer isn't even registered with CBP, didn't file ISF, doesn't even have a import bond
Is that the norm in the US? People can just import random shit whenever they want? If so then I truly envy Americans.

>> No.56712510

>good on you for researching OP, but UK really fucked up with brexit
Absolutely, Brexit has fucked us so bad.

Most people in the UK are trash, whether that trash is brown or white.

I looked into that and I still need a fucking EORI number and all the jew papers. That's the fucking problem.

>> No.56712519

>oi m8. brexit means brexit.
True, I can't even buy from third worlders anymore.

>> No.56712521

You should get the coke smugglers to do it for you.

>> No.56712613
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Welcome to a judeocratic hell designed to limit your potential in every imaginable way possible. Forever.

>> No.56712665

>You should get the coke smugglers to do it for you.
Dude I don't even know how fucking coke smugglers move bricks with all this red tape, I can't even move a brick of fucking cement.

>> No.56712774
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Man this hits home

>> No.56712794
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Would you like a job as a website manager for a schizo decorations company in Belgium?

>> No.56712945
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I just wanted cement...

>> No.56713796

Why is importing to the UK so hard other than brexit?

>> No.56713836

you posted without your 4chan id, this is the last warning

>> No.56713841

This is one way that they keep you in the cage. Old industries with big payouts get regulated to the point of being inaccessible to people who might have an interest or incentive to try to enter them. Suddenly your $150,000/year business you could have started up is actually net negative because the people in charge aren't entirely stupid. They know you could leave the plantation and make $150,000/year doing your project, so they make sure that the cost to do it is large enough to either massively take a bite out of that money to make it not even worth your time or they take all of it and then some to REALLY keep you out. It's all by design. This is why crypto absolutely made them shit their pants with rage. It snuck up on them and caught them by surprise and they're still trying to figure out how to punish the slaves for it.

>> No.56713893
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>you need to have a Unique Taxpayer Reference which means you need to register as self employed
huh? No OP, I have a UTR and I got one simply because I paid taxes on my crypto gains. You can get one simply if you pay capital gains tax.
I did get a government gateway ID but none of the other shit you listed

>> No.56713926

an automated solar powered shipping container drone watership would solve this. im not sure the government has the capabilities or resources to track a single shipping container floating over the ocean to your coast.

>> No.56714241

>. You can get one simply if you pay capital gains tax.
I've never paid taxes.

>I did get a government gateway ID but none of the other shit you listed
And did you import a commercial amount of anything into the UK? No.

>> No.56714789

>how to get the HMCG to raid your home for 200 Alex

>> No.56715250


>> No.56716559

How much cement do you need?
What is your budget?

>> No.56717684
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>> No.56717783

Did you at least vote Remain?

>> No.56718506

>reeeee i want to import bags of cement in a rented shipping container.
God dammed you are retarded.

>> No.56718599

Doesn't the uk make its own cement? Why do you want to import somethin that will end up more expensive?