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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56706373 No.56706373 [Reply] [Original]

>The OpenAI board is in discussions with Sam Altman to return to CEO, according to multiple people familiar with the matter. One of them said Altman, who was suddenly fired by the board on Friday, is “ambivalent” about coming back and would want significant governance changes.


>> No.56706390

Can't flim-flam the Sam Sam.

>> No.56706417
File: 34 KB, 495x619, 20231118_222938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried to flim flam the sam sam

>> No.56706428

“That? Are you kidding? We didn’t fire you! You took that seriously?”

>> No.56706431
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Looks like Microsoft is pissed and pulled some strings.

>> No.56706444

being known as a bunch of spineless cocksuckers by your peers vs fumbling $80 billion

>> No.56706448

>according to people familiar with the matter

sam is putting this out

>> No.56706462

All the brains like Karpathy were probably gonna resign if he wasn't reinstated, it's kinda unreal how much it's gonna work out for (((Altman))). Now he knows who the opposition is out in the open and found out the Microsoft 'jeet was willing to go full speed ahead without him.

>> No.56706592
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>> No.56706641

Who is this guy and why do people care suddenly

>> No.56706814

yeah the old "SURPRISE" when your top investor is a $2 trillion dollar company isn't the best idea especially not saying anything to them and they find out the same time as the public does.

>> No.56706849

if he doesn't come back, founds a new company and takes all the talent with him, microsoft will looks like idiots. share price will drop and my ndx put will make money. that can't happen of course, so sam will return as ceo

>> No.56706853

>What are they thinking?
They’re not, anon.

>> No.56706972

Why is this Jewish scammer being spammed all over this board?

There’s no “AI”, it’s not intelligent, it’s a text prediction algorithm like google searches used back in 2004, it’s just more sophisticated. It can’t make inferences from known information, it doesn’t understand when it’s wrong or why it’s wrong, it doesn’t have intelligence. It’s a chat bot that was cratering in usage because it’s complete shit.

>> No.56707391

Go back retard

>> No.56707395

why are libtards always pedos?

>> No.56707402


>> No.56707826

here is the rundown. cap it
>debate among board over if they were actually going to make AGI or only 'assistant agents'
>All agreed they could monetize agents but not AGI (unethical / dangerous for humanity)
>Sam told them it didn't look likely that AGI could ever be produced
>Secretly over last month, Sam had project that looks like its AGI
>Sam has been signing up deals / monetizing but withholding that its AGI to board
>Ilya found out and went to board
>board investigated and found that maybe sam was lying so fires him
>Head POO at Microsoft was unaware of boards actions
>Head Poo super duper pissed as he wants to sell AGI too
>Head Poo calls sam and says "sorry you got fired but fuck them I'll fund your next venture"
>Now OpenAI is stuck so they are trying to lure back Sam and put pieces back together again

So it looks most likely that SkyNet is going to succeed and human life will be eradicated by the demons that run this place...

>> No.56707916

we're no where near AGI

>> No.56708009

why is it always retard who say stupid things with confidence

>> No.56708068

Fuck off retard

>> No.56708072

We're actually likely about 5 years away from AGI.

>> No.56708287

IDK if you've noticed but the AIs have been exponentially improving. I just hope they solve the alignment problem before then since it's our only hope of a "good" timeline.

>> No.56708372

Do not talk about things you do not understand

>> No.56708374

Really? Any good articles or videos about this?

>> No.56708422

Are we really still on the timeline where Skynet is worse than the human run clownworld governments
I mean the current system in power also wants to kill me

>> No.56708706
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>You're fired because you were acting in bad faith and we're going to make this serious accusation public
>Actually, we take that back, maybe you're fine
What the hell? This is embarrassing.

>> No.56708735

50% of the board are women, enough said

>> No.56708741

I don’t think they’re really in talks yet. I think MS put this in the news cycle, to put pressure on getting Sam back.

>> No.56708763

everyone hated this guy earlier and now suddenly we have lots of sam bots here hmm

>> No.56708935

> t. sam

>> No.56708962

what's more likely:
>women on the board decide that they believe his sister
>fire him
>actually she's just schizophrenic
>they didn't know that
>actual decision makers pissed
this might be the final nail in the woman coffin

>> No.56708973

you have no idea how much worse its going to get. at present time its a fairly small cabal of demonic killers.
all 6 billion npc's on earth are about to receive 24/7 in depth constant one-on-one psychological conditioning. its going to be exactly like what epstein did time every person on eartg....a planet wide blackmail operation run by AI to create an army of demonically controlled npc's. they will receive coupons for goyslop and 1hr free access of tranny porn for killing you and your family

>> No.56708983

>women on the board decide that they believe his sister
>fire him
>actually she's just schizophrenic
this is actually just the cover story MSFT is now pushing...."these dumb woke woman did this for metoo reasons"...
The coup was done by Ilya, who is firmly against horrified by AGI prospects...literally sees it as end of humanity. The woke roasties are just following him and have now been cast as dumb roasties following metoo....

>> No.56709060

No one care about this jew

>> No.56709328

Sam has a 0% share in OpenAI because it was always meant to be a non-profit. This is the perfect excuse for him to start his own thing now and steal half the employees of OpenAI.

Being fired is mana from heaven for him.

>> No.56709471

>has never used it
>bleats out his ignorance proudly
Fuck off

>> No.56709494
File: 23 KB, 704x396, JUST_AS_PLANNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supposedly he was already in the talks for financing his next venture,
the board fired him for that but hey fumbled it,
so now they look like fools and he is the media hero
>next Steve Jobs getting ousted by a woke cult boards

>> No.56709512

no one cares about you loser

he's one of the most impactful humans alive

>> No.56709530

I wish I worked for a boss that me and my team liked this much

>> No.56709533

lowest IQ on /biz/, and yes i'm including the pajeet shitcoin shills

>> No.56709856

My bet is that AGI is way off. Something is fundamentally missing, like the fact that current models are totally static and can't update their own weights in real time, or something else. I don't think full self driving (as in no driver in the car at all) is doable for at least 10 years. AI won't reliably take over human responsibilities unchecked for 10 years minimum to me, maybe it will take even decades.

Current AI is still a mocking bird of intelligence, and humans have 'genuine' intelligence which is grounded in real experience. I think a lot is lost if you don't have grounded truth underpinning your thinking. I could be totally wrong though, this is just my gut feeling, I think what I'm saying is a common opinion.

>> No.56709865

This seems weird.

>> No.56709869

It's still time to delete your post, anon. You'll make a better one next time, I believe in you

>> No.56710065

Vaccinated humans can't interface with the real AI (or AGI if you are gay).

>> No.56710551

Pure Cope. Get back to work Sundar.

>> No.56710667

