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56708408 No.56708408 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a successful person that was antisemitic. Have you considered that this may be the reason you’re not seeing success, anon?

>> No.56708410

Henry Ford

>> No.56708412

have you ever considered that the reason you're not successful is because you assume people are something without asking if they are the thing first?

>> No.56708414
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O rly

>> No.56708418
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>> No.56708424
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that might be it, but would jesus think it's a good reason to LIKE jews? probably not.


>> No.56708428

Successful people don’t need to blame others for their failures
It’s a symptom not a cause of failure

>> No.56708434

>"why is my country filled with illegals?"
"heh youre just a failure"
hmm some things not adding up Chiam.

>> No.56708435
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>It's a symptom

>> No.56708441

Successful people don't need to deal with the unsuccessful parts of the country

>> No.56708467

I've met plenty of successful antisemites. Successful people just hide it well because their brains aren't the size of a walnut.

>> No.56708509

the famous cartoonist Walter Didney

>> No.56708514
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Nearly every single successful person before the year 1950 was anti-Semitic

>> No.56708575

Kissing jews' asses is the key to success. Checkmate anti-semites.

>> No.56708782

the moment I decided to love jews and that I should aspire to become more jewish myself, I instantly became more financially successful. do with this information what you will

>> No.56710428


>> No.56710438

I just want to say, I love Israel & the Jews.

>> No.56710456

if by anti-semetic you mean noticing that jews are in control of most major industry/politics then every smart person is inwardly anti-semitic.
being publicy anti-semetic is another thing.

>> No.56710479

Just kiss it a little more, the check is in the mail, just keep kissing a while longer.

>> No.56710493

Yeah I keep an emergency kippah in my pocket too just in case. Saved my ass a couple times.

>> No.56710506

every successful american businessman 1620 - 1940
that's 300 years
was likely disapproving of jews and judaism to some degree
which is all it takes to be labelled "antisemitic" as if you're a genocidal freak
i wonder who the problem is?

>> No.56710511

Hitler was pretty successful except for the last few years

>> No.56710512
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Jews: We have been the victims in every society ever. We've never done anything wrong and we have no power.

Person: Hmm, seems strange to me that Jews control the media...

Jews: No we don't! (proceed to ban you from every social media site, freeze your bank accounts, ban you from flying, get you fired from your job and blacklist you from existence)

>> No.56710813

Yet here you are posting on social media all your anti jew rants you please so you and the other pol sheep can all feel like you have friends. Amazing how your entire argument is BTFO simply by the very place you fell susceptible to the propaganda to begin with and yet your IQ is so low you can’t form an independent thought and realize how ironic it all is. But no, it’s not you and your need to find a place to belong and being rejected everywhere else, it’s definitely the jewish overlords who control whether or not you even get to sleep at night.

>> No.56710845

survivorship bias (you have to hide your powerlevels)

>> No.56710868

Racism is just for people that haven't made it yet and need an excuse

>durrr the illegals are taking all the fruit picking jobs that's why I make minimum wage, I'd be rich if it weren't for them and the jooz

>> No.56710892

>sell out your economy to build the greatest military the world has ever seen
>fight one war
>lose to communists
>hide in a bunker and kill yourself

yeah hitler was totally successful

>> No.56710897

muslim sisters?

>> No.56712861

Ice Cube fucking hates jews.

>> No.56712885

why do you feel like a warrior fighting the good fight when anyone can do that in places that are not the main like 4 social media sites. you can even say that on twitter so im not counting that one haha

fuck niggers fuck jews fuck muslims

so chill out. being a rhetoric loving nigger makes you very unlikable

>> No.56713028
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oh rly

>> No.56713116

went from homeless man to most powerful man on the globe for almost a decade.

Not a small feat.

>Any successful Muslim/Japanese person

>> No.56713358

Walt Disney

>> No.56713460

antisemitic: not the cause

>> No.56713498

Successful people are generally smart enough to be politically correct in public.

>> No.56713547

We're just not dumb enough to rant out loud.