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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56707342 No.56707342 [Reply] [Original]

Why does no one want to work anymore?

>> No.56707351

because libtards and jews created extremely hostile environments filled by toxic hr roasties and retarded bosses

>> No.56707354

No one wanted to work. Ever. Why do you think people want to get rich?

>> No.56707367

Thats a lie. Said whenever someone fires another because they asked for better wages. Or in parallel situations.

>> No.56707368

we've seen where our taxes go

>> No.56707372

Exactly this. I worked for a while at an data entry job part time because of boredom and social isolation. Don't need them at all, still people are hostile. Guess I'm just not made to work :/

>> No.56707399

Because it's a post-1945 world.

>> No.56707409

work is only a means to a goal. if work can no longer achieve the goal you pick easier work that also can't achieve that goal.

a lack of safe, healthy white ethnostates and self-respecting women not out of their minds on antidepressants for raising children creates an environment where you only ever need to look out for yourself.

>> No.56707435

gtfo nigger >>>/pol/

>> No.56707440

It’s not just the work environment it’s the stagnant wages not keeping up with inflation. Minimum wage would be like $40 an hour if things were normal

>> No.56707454
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Hello JlDF.

>> No.56707457
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Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold

>> No.56707462

>can't afford a home
>can't afford a family
what is the point?

>> No.56707466
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>> No.56707468

that too, of course, the incentive for the wagie mouse in the cage has become so pathetic that he doesn't even dream anymore to "become rich" or at least "live a decent life"

>> No.56707486

at least you understand the bottom of the racial hierarchy

>> No.56708042

Look at the population pyramid. The jobs that people say that are mostly filled with younger people when the reality is that there’s just fewer younger people left.

>> No.56708339

VP of Engineering at company where I work is a retard

>> No.56708352


>> No.56708440

Honestly I don’t think humans were meant to stare at computer screens all day plugging numbers into boxes so that you can sell more useless “SaaS” to other companies putting numbers in boxes selling you all kinds of materialistic bullshit you don’t want or need but can do it because they are psychologically manipulating you.

That just isn’t a particularly fulfilling story arch, and it’s even worse when you realize you’re doing it all to barely put food on the table with no chance at ever retiring and getting to actually enjoy life.

>> No.56708475

Because zoomies honestly think they can all be streamers who get paid for merely existing while pointing a phone at themselves.

>> No.56708508

because fulfilled jobs related to fixing, building, farming, are looking down and pay shit
and you are basically forced to become an office wagie if you want to have a decent salary and status, even if you are an engineer you probably will spend more time doing boring desk shit

>> No.56708555
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This, I makee paper but we get paid welll mainly because we have a union and even still I barely make enough to really have a slightly above average (poor) wagie existence and its really sad because we make shit society actually needs and I actually love my job a lot.

>> No.56708730

The real problem with blue collar work is the wear and tear on your body. Even just standing for an 8 hour shift for years becomes extremely tiresome.

>> No.56708918

>because fulfilled jobs related to fixing, building, farming, are looking down and pay shit

I've been looking for blue collar work but it's basically nepotism at this point and it's mostly beans who hire other beans

>> No.56709199

This is a problem more fundamental to a capitalist system though,

>> No.56709246

But wait, weren't unions supposed to be of the devil?

>> No.56709432

>beans who hire other beans
in the USA sure. everywhere else in the world its poos who hire other poos.

we're fucked.

>> No.56709587

Blue collar paying shit is a myth. Only basic laborers in shitty fields like residential get paid worse than office drones.
I make 150k a year with zero degree and no union. My work is pretty “specialized” but really fucking easy once you do it for a bit and know how to read.
Nepotism is basically true though. To get high paying blue collar work you need to be known/get referred. This is because there are so many retards to filter through and time is the moneymaker in trades.

>> No.56709595

I want to do useful work

>> No.56709607

>Why does no one want to work anymore?
That's what fiscal dominance did to people.

Why work hard when you can get rich AND be able to shit on wagies by investing/borrowing in stupid shit?

basically, it's the joos

>> No.56710476

Yeah. Fiscal dominance. In this world you sometimes even have to pay to partake in any kind of honest work.

The worst take some 'people' have is that "work" simply equals slaving away to get money. Those believing this are utterly mindless zombies not worth any salt, because they're simply the best goys climbing the power levels themselves, ready to sell out their mother to to gain some sort of position in society or money for it. It's rough seeing this degenration take place in real-time. Even worse, imagine having kids falling into the trap playing into this inane game.

With the vaxx sterilization realization underway I have fears Gen Z or the next generation actually could succeed the boomers on levels of acting out best goyim, but it's better to hope for the best here, and perhaps think of how digging up your own data helped you seeing past the fence yourself.
Maybe, just maybe will the next gens achieve something grander that we possibly could had hoped for.

>> No.56710942


>> No.56710951

Because the pay is terrible and you can't see what you're working for besides eating.

>> No.56711137


>> No.56711283

I've noticed in the US that we've sent all of our manufacturing jobs out of country. Third world countries with no labor/child exploitation laws allow much cheaper products, which means US businesses can't compete. All labor jobs are filled with illegal immigrants and criminals. Most "real" jobs are going to be some sort of office job or retail. You spend all day not really doing anything. You're not earning money, you're just making it. If we had more jobs where you could make something and feel some sort of accomplishment I think people would be happier.
I'm worried about corporations using AI to kill office jobs, turning everyone into QC.
I work in physical labor right now (I'm terrible but everyone thinks I'm the best because I can speak actual English) and I want to start making boots or something. tried to get into IT for better conditions and less retards but I need 4 years of experience and a masters degree to start at 15/hr.