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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 359 KB, 1040x815, pulsechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56695474 No.56695474 [Reply] [Original]

is it slept on?

And why don't we have a utility memecoin here?

>> No.56695523
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>> No.56697343

It's not slept on. People are just waiting for the SEC case to resolve and fatman to come back.

>> No.56697643

Fucker hasnt even been arrested yet?

>> No.56697937

all he had to do was mimic the hex launch
but no, let's make a sacrifice phase or whatever
blew it

>> No.56698013

No victims have been found yet either

>> No.56698808

Hex is a scam and Dick Heart is a scammer

>> No.56698884

That scammer earned 11 million in 2022 as he lives in Finland and earning repoets are public.

>> No.56698911

there really is no scam here, it's what he said it would be: live and eth copy. what more do you want? number go up is all people care about

>> No.56699677

Because Fatman is about to get a DOJ charge against him. Do you think him playing hide and seek is gonna fly with the feds? "Oh well we can't get in contact him, guess we're just gonna have to close the case hurr duur", You're severely retarded if you think that will happen.

>> No.56699750

What are you talking about?
It's not him hiding from the SEC.

Court just demanded that the SEC give them a reason for the Case.

>> No.56699838

Yea, and the reason why is because he hasn't been served since he's in hiding. The Rh ball huggers are hoping that the case will be dismissed. That's completely naive thinking.

>> No.56699904

What would happen to the price if he wins the case? 100x?

>> No.56700037

I'm a victim

>> No.56700217


>> No.56700413
File: 651 KB, 1600x1202, 1628566810073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are more people saying he's a scammer but where are the victims. Name one besides Jane Doe - simple to ask, impossible to answer.


>> No.56700424
File: 68 KB, 900x507, image-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a number

>> No.56700882

And meanwhile with all the FUD and hate and gatekeeping Pulsechain is still a top 100 coin even when you remove the 90% supply the OA controls.

>> No.56702146

Explain how you were scammed, ill wait

>> No.56703817
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>> No.56704217
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>> No.56704276

Richard browses 4chan, posts often too. You can tell because he gets absolutely assblasted when you bring up how fucking dumb and shitty hex/pulse are. I remember him bragging about how hex was a "bear market coin" because it went up during one bear market. The next bear market obliterated the shitcoin and he went AWOL. You have to be a legit mental retard to buy into this ecosystem and expect anything other than bad news

>> No.56704421

I mean, by definition at least half of the population is sub 100 IQ so... someone was buying this dogshit to have kept it alive as long as it has been

>> No.56704560
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You faggots don’t realize that this coins isn’t just a 100x guccipradas’s got half a bill in dai waiting to implode into this shitcoin. This case is nothing burger or I’m a mental retard. Likely it’s y’all

>> No.56704743
File: 767 KB, 1136x761, rujaRH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's high-quality due diligence of the legal situation - including meticulous chainalysis and opinions from experienced securities lawyers:




He's most likely going to get charged with wire fraud and securities fraud by the DOJ and it will nuke like Safemoon.
It's unironically over.

>> No.56704776
File: 360 KB, 1377x1428, Zhong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got half a bill in dai waiting to implode into this shitcoin
He needs to save most of that to leverage a reduced sentence in case he gets apprehended.
James Zhong reduced his sentence to 1 year by giving up the password to his 50k BTC wallet.dat file

>> No.56704923
File: 204 KB, 952x1080, bridge dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bridge just hit new lows relative to other bridges and ETH.
This is the first time it dropped below #23 and 40k ETH since May 2023.
Nobody has bridged in significant funds since the SEC announcement.
Except for RH bridging a few million using sockpuppet addresses to pump it 2x. That pump failed to fomo significant funds across the bridge. It's too risky to bridge in or hold for big multiples when the DOJ nuke could strike any day.

>> No.56705065

Nonsense Anon,
You are a victim, and we are sending agents with guns to your home to make sure you understand that you are a victim.

>> No.56705107
File: 174 KB, 1212x718, victim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No victims have been found yet either

>> No.56705212

But everyone did receive PLS and it did go up in value. Did he forget to sell?

>> No.56705345

It's 30% below 'sac price', I think a few whales who had multiplier bonuses for large 'sacrifices' maybe slightly in the profit.

>> No.56705574
File: 40 KB, 1337x216, safemoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Safemoon ICO sold out at $777k FDV. It was still trading at $100M+ when the DOJ nuke hit.
Even if RH managed to pump PLS & PLSX back above $0.0001, I doubt that would divert the incoming DOJ nuke

>> No.56705724

He went AWOL because he wants to make it as difficult and drawn out as possible for the US government global ponzi scheme to litigate him lmao

>> No.56705732

HEX code isn't going anywhere

>> No.56705746

It was up infinite percent from zero and like 15% from mental sac value

>> No.56705786

Mentally retarded bagholder cope.

>> No.56705811
File: 60 KB, 850x696, DOJ nuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still buy, sell, and transfer Safemoon the same as before too.
heh-heh, nice try DOJ, better luck next time

>> No.56706666

Really? because that last link says the SEC hasn't even set a date with the court which suggests that Gary is scrambling to make a case.
Doesn't sound good for Gary.
Sounds great for everyone who isn't a massive poor and gay faggot tho.

>> No.56706757

imagine his skull being crushed with a sledgehammer
that white outfit being reddened with his breain mass


>> No.56706925
File: 43 KB, 1332x157, RH in hiding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice gaslighting. They have a slam dunk case, explained here:




RH is scrambling to hide his ass and change his appearance in a non-extradition country. He will never show his face on camera again.

>> No.56706947

>why don't we have a utility memecoin here?
What a joke !!!

>What would happen to the price if he wins the case? 100x?
Stop being delusional and ride the narrative. There are many based low caps like QANX, MEER, HILO, and TRIAS that can pull this off easily. Hex is a scam token.

>> No.56706960




>> No.56706961

whats this? Pulse?

>> No.56707096
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yes, fork of fantom

>> No.56707548

How is he hiding when they know his exact address in the filing? lol

>> No.56707574

He complained that he didn't receive Pulse tokens, but he obviously did.

>> No.56707583

None of this has been proven to be true.

>> No.56707603

lmao bagcope. in the hex clown world, proven = richard said it on a livestream.

>> No.56707640

Link the exact video, the exact timestamp, and the exact line where he claims he owns said addresses.

>> No.56707668
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>> No.56707719


>> No.56709310

>How is he hiding when they know his exact address in the filing? lol
I highly doubt he's still in Finland. He stopped filming content in the Finnish throne room in August 2022.
He knew the gig was up when Hexicans started receiving subpoenas and the HEX postcard guy (togoshigekata) was visited by the FBI in November 2022.
That's why his January 2023 livestream was filmed from a new location. Most likely a non-extradition country:

It's probably not a coincidence that Nomad Capitalist, a guy who helps people relocate, started shilling HEX after the sacrifices:

>> No.56709362

They don't need to prove his control of every single address he used in the scheme to win their cases against him.

For example, He obviously directed this flow of funds through Tornado because it ended up on his Gemini account:. And he was the one who directed people to send funds to the Pulsechain sacrifice address:

Deposited 10800 ETH and 5400 ETH from the Pulsechain sacrifice to Tornado on 26 January 2022:


Withdrew 5600 ETH from Tornado on 27-28 January 2022. Swapped it for USDC and deposited to the HEX/USDC 1% fee pool on Uniswap v3:


Dumped 28M HEX and deposited 2082 ETH ($5 million) to Gemini on 26-28 January 2022:



Then RH tried to buy the diamond from Sotheby's 6 days later:

>In additional transactions occurring after the Mixer transfers, Heart misappropriated approximately $5 million of PulseChain investor assets, sending a majority of the assets to Sotheby’s in February 2022 to purchase a 555-carat black diamond called “The Enigma,” purportedly the largest black diamond in the world. Heart purchased the diamond for £3,161,000 ($4.28 million at the time of the transaction), funding the purchase by transferring both ETH and fiat currency to Sotheby’s.

>> No.56709500

>He complained that he didn't receive Pulse tokens, but he obviously did.
Doesn't matter. They can easily find dozens of "victims" who took losses from buying in the ICOs or secondary market to strengthen their cases if necessary.

>> No.56709632

They don't even need victims/losses to win cases for securities fraud, wire fraud, tax evasion, or money laundering either.

>> No.56709709
File: 119 KB, 1237x521, massive crypto fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOJ nuke incoming


They might have already filed sealed charges and we don't even know it yet.
Ruja Ignatova (Onecoin) - The DOJ kept the indictment sealed for 13 months as they tried to locate her
Paul Vernon (Crypsty) - They kept his indictment sealed for 29 months as they tried to locate him

>> No.56709768
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>The SEC isn't corrupt

What a pile of horse shit they were working with SBF telling him they where going to hit Binance while he was giving their party millys. That "ah shucks we're just hard working folks tryna do the right thing" shtick is only fooling brainlets high on fucking fast food and MSNBC

>> No.56709918
File: 767 KB, 1136x761, rujaRH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like a lawyer who works with the SEC or DOJ.
Of course there's corruption/unfairness - but I doubt that will mitigate the RH ecosystem getting hammered by the USAGov here.

>> No.56710785

RH just dumped and bridged DAI back out:


He tried to bridge in a few million to get a pump going when the bullish ETF momentum started

But it failed to fomo any significant deposits to the bridge: https://l2beat.com/bridges/projects/pulsechain

People were just dumping on him and bridging his DAI out before the DOJ nuke


>> No.56711064

it's just waiting for the inevitable unsealing of the indictment.

>> No.56711581

Imagine not bridging out before the unsealening red dildo. It could be a while though.
The DOJ filed charges against Trendon Shavers 15 months after the SEC
They kept Paul Vernon's charges sealed for 29 months

Maximum possible timeline based on prior crypto cases:
31 July 2023 - SEC filed charges
November 2024 - DOJ files sealed charges
April 2027 - DOJ unseals charges

>> No.56711629

here they are

>> No.56711661

You lie.

>> No.56711752

Do you have any refutation of the quoted analyses besides a two word ad hominem?

>> No.56712014

You spelt analysis wrong and there is no way you can prove that is RH you moronic nigger fag.

>> No.56712239

He quoted two analyses.
Analyses is the plural form of analysis.
Cultists will keep doing mental gymnastics to pretend God Whale and 0x22c0087056d5bfcaaa1d9b953cdcc3536db0aa75 aren't obviously RH.

I guess they'll need to see an unsealed DOJ indictment with more data from the subpoenas of the connected CEX accounts before they believe it.

>> No.56712450

This thread is unbelievably bearish which means good hold.

>> No.56712630

Sacrificers gave money away, they are not investors.

>> No.56712671

God Whale fumbled a HEX bag, although small, to BankX scammers. I don't think GW is Richard.

>> No.56712677
File: 918 KB, 832x1216, 1694171055395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this pulsechain or something?

I bought a huge bag of HEX at like $0.001 or some retarded early shit and staked it all for the maximum 5 Years as a joke/meme with my friends

did I lose everything or can I convert it? I think the stake is up in like 10 months

>> No.56712716

Well CHEX (combined HEX) is worth about 1.5c today so you're up 15x. You also have some Hedron HDRN and Communis COM available now but dyor on when its best to mess with them.

>> No.56712894

And why don't we have a utility memecoin here?

>> No.56713122

>God Whale fumbled a HEX bag, although small, to BankX scammers. I don't think GW is Richard.
Did you read this thread? The BankX psyop was addressed:



He also larped as a BTC maxi for ~11 months to obfuscate his ETH holdings.

A brilliant accused fraudster went on a major podcast and larped as if he speaks with an urban accent:

And you didn't believe he could larp as a BTC maxi for 11 months and send 830M eHEX to BankX to obfuscate his God Whale addresses, anon?

All other onchain activity and logic besides those 2 simple psyops/larps strongly indicate he's the God Whale.

>> No.56713186

>Sacrificers gave money away, they are not investors.


The court rejected LBRY’s argument that LBC could not be an “investment contract” because LBRY publicly disclaimed that LBC was an investment product. Relying on the reasoning set forth in other recent SEC cryptocurrency cases (such as SEC v. Telegram Group and SEC v. Kik Interactive Inc.), the court held that “a disclaimer cannot undo the objective economic realities of a transaction.”....contractual disclaimers will not preclude a finding of securities violations where the court views such warranties as conflicting with the economic realities of a transaction.


Although Heart frequently made superficial disclaimers about the status of his offerings under the U.S. securities laws, the economic reality of these offerings—and his
promotions of the offerings—were contrary to these disclaimers.

In reality, as Heart has admitted, he sold Hex, PulseChain, and PulseX as potential avenues to investor wealth, and the success of these endeavors were completely dependent on his efforts (and/or the efforts of others), and not on the efforts of the investors themselves. For example, on a January 16, 2022 YouTube livestream, Heart went through a list of incomplete tasks and development milestones that he and his developers needed to complete before PulseChain could be released. He also touted the development milestones he had already attained, including a months-long testing phase for features that had already been implemented in the testing space. In an October 8, 2022 YouTube livestream, Heart commented in response to requests for updates on the PulseChain and PulseX launch, “So, you ain’t getting any updates. It’s done when it’s done. Software is hard. The [developers] are working hard on it. That’s all there is to it. You got to wait, just like I’m waiting, except I don’t cry and moan while I wait.”

>> No.56713236

58. Similar to the Hex Offering, Heart told PulseChain investors during the PulseChain Offering Period that they could expect to make profits by investing in PulseChain. For example, on August 1, 2021, via a YouTube video he posted during the PulseChain Offering, Heart claimed that “14,000x is a reasonable estimate for what could be possible for Pulse because that’s what Ethereum did and this is a very similar thing but better.”

59. At the 2023 Hex Conference on January 9, 2023—four months before the release of PulseChain—Heart explicitly referred to the value of PulseChain as a return on investment, using the phrase “ROI.” Heart stated: “PulseChain’s gonna launch at zero…it’s pretty hard to beat
the ROI of something that goes from zero to anything because, you know, in theory it’s like infinite ROI.”

>> No.56713301

>you know, in theory it’s like infinite ROI.”
lmao he's going to prison for 200 years. Icorifice