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56704584 No.56704584 [Reply] [Original]

I used to feel excitement over constant updates for all the alts I hold. Everything feels off since Ethereum finally released the pos update. Nobody cared, it was underwhelming, and now nobody is really "updating" at all... Everything that comes out feels like a big "whatever" to me. Literally only looking forward to IQ Protocol's release but that's quite literally it.
Are we stagnant, economically and technologically speaking...?

>> No.56704602
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you're either realizing just now this induced depression on you, or realized ethereum is worth shit lol

>> No.56704603

everything this obtuse """technology""" could do has already been done to death. staking protocols are all a fucking joke unless its pow. why do you think so many ecosystems practically exist to accomodate for a few farming protocols and retarded web3 games or whatever? and gambling. can't forget the gambling.

>> No.56704607

Yeah for now experts are thinking that technology reached its peak for next 20 or so years, thats why everything feels so... stuck

>> No.56704609

everyone is focusing on BTC and LINK lately, we are literally slaves of whatevers pumping, we wither recognize it and swap there, or cope with our shit bags it is what it is

>> No.56704618
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Effereum's update did to crypto what 9/11 did to the world. The vibes have been negative and all over the place ever since. Fr.

>> No.56704622

if 2k$ each means shit for you, lmk next time you take a dump

>> No.56704626

>He's excited for being able to buy shares of an NFT off of some faggot collector
Rentoids just LOVE paying their rent and tipping and renting more. Literally can't help themselves.

>> No.56704630

wasnt eth supposed to be more "green"?

>> No.56704632

concentrate on a few future currencies, there is no point in having your capital distributed. Additionally it will be easier for you to keep up to date with their updates.

>> No.56704633

lol change your coins fellas, or youll get stuck for 20 years too

>> No.56704640


>> No.56704644

Shhh let him find out by himself

>> No.56704646

>Are we stagnant, economically and technologically speaking...?
it depends on your point of view, we are better than 1 year ago but worse than 3 years ago, we are improving but we are not at the level of the golden age of BTC

>> No.56704650

there is a worldwide recession, the crytpo market is no exception. If there is less money in the world, there is less money in the exchanges

>> No.56704658

Jews and Ukrainians killing each other against Palestinians and Russians and this anon worrying about not being able to keep up with his shitcoin went up 0.0000001 cents

>> No.56704659

so ETH generated awareness on govs conspiring against their people?

>> No.56704665

anon thinks he will become a millionaire buying doge, shib and bnb

>> No.56704675
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you guys give a lot of shit to chainlink but their advances in what crypto can do is immaculate. so fucking slow it's not worth investing in them but it its impressive stuff when you really look into it for more than 2 seconds.

its funny linkies never really talk about what link researches and does. they probably can't wrap their minds around their own technology. they zone out.

>> No.56704678


>> No.56704684
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You just grew up you stupid nigger that's why the world doesn't feel "right" anymore

>> No.56704686

then why is it dumping?

>> No.56704687
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Gambling destroyed my parents marriage, the rentoids are going down the same path without realizing

>> No.56704689
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>> No.56704690

I don't trust people that use the word immaculate. It's zoomer black twitterspeak. Nobody used immaculate before now all the shitty zoomers use it. Fuck you

>> No.56704693

Web3 is a vapid meme that vanished almost as soon as it started to gain momentum. Seethe.
TLDR we are in fact stagnant.
Fuck off apologist.

>> No.56704694

this was the best thing in the world, I was fed up with the shortage of graphics cards

>> No.56704698

it ended up being more nigger instead

>> No.56704699

is a fairly common pathology, people "suffer less" if they do not realize it is self-inflicted.

>> No.56704703
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andrew tate is the one holding our part

>> No.56704715

are you fucking blind?
buy kaspa you absolute retards!

they solved ALL crypto

>> No.56704862

vitalik said PoS would be there by 2016 and that it would solve scalability problems

>> No.56704874

PoW is the only scheme that holds through time

To be a miner yoo need not to be an idiot, PoS is as stupid as democracy is

>> No.56705116
File: 81 KB, 1024x575, StartDoingThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum has reached its end game now that rollups are hosting an increasing part of the TVL and on-chain activity and this will be even more visible with EIP448.
Of course there is sharding and all the ZK stuff to optimize messaging and state but overall it already won.

>inb4 bagholders shilling whatever VC backed ethereum killer they have in their folio
None of this shit has organic activity or any decent amount of TVL. Maybe it's going to make you money but don't delude yourself holding it at the top of next run. It's going to end up like EOS, Ark, NEO and all the other stuff of last cycles.

The next step now is interoperability between the various L2/L3s that doesn't require you to rely on questionable bridges.
Tt's the real golden ticket for Chainlink but we'll see if they can pull it off.
Once it's done all the base infrastructure will have been more or less figured out and it will be all about applications and tokenization.