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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56697781 No.56697781 [Reply] [Original]

there are many new good coins making waves, generating hype creating narratives and /biz/ has absolutely no idea

yet all this board talks about is link, avax and icp

okay there are some kaspa threads now.. after the 300x lol

I hope you don't solely use this shit board for financial advice anon

>> No.56697819


>> No.56697834

well what should we buy then mr know it all. you call this board shit but can't name one coin

>> No.56697877

tourist here. I don't even know where to look for info on new shitcoins.

>> No.56697901

because it's what works? btc and eth and chill...i don't need to take unecessary risks

>> No.56697904

unironically twitter. Don't bother with big fags, find small accounts good quality shillers.

>> No.56697921

icp is the future retard and you cannot prove me wrong

>> No.56697955
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qubic - ai/pow coin ex-IOTA guy (iota multi bil MC)

ator - privacy coin utilising hardware for tor nodes

zeph - privacy stable coin protocol, shilled it here in june and people called me a faggot

no threads on any of these.
only bagholders here

>> No.56697960

I love chubby women with fat tetas

>> No.56697988
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>> No.56697999

I come here for coombait

>> No.56698001

>icp is the future
nobody uses this shit for anything you nigger, cut your losses already

>> No.56698005

>ex-IOTA guy
the DUMBEST motherfuckers in the space
I still vividly remember cfb going off on trinary language like a total schizophrenic faggot and pretending like everyone else was crazy for not listening to his drivel
I'm sus about your other coins just for this very fact, you mentioned one of the most pathetic and dunning kruger projects in all of tech, not just crypto
IOTA is the dumbest fucking shit in this century, very few things come even close, it's Scientology level psychosis

>> No.56698022

>icp is the future
oh yea bro, centralized middleware competing with other centralized middleware is totally the future LOL
icy piss retards don't realize that the best front-end for DeFi is to self host locally, you don't need a website

>> No.56698026

Yeah, future bitconnect

>> No.56698046

Checked, where can I find some info about cubic, it’s not on cmc nor dextools.

>> No.56698230
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The board's posts per day tracks the GME closing price. Wall Street fucking killed this board to suppress the runups.

>> No.56698264
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my folio is filled with kas, kava, and other newish shit because they are simply and have potential to grow. people here were practically begging people to buy kas an xrp before they mooned, too. stop paying attention to blatant shill threads already, lurk harder. thanks

>> No.56698346
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>> No.56698458

Qubic has 200m mc and dropped like 5 zeroes from the price psst few days. Looks like well done scam

>> No.56698471

My wife, allllllll the way in the back, behind the guy in the glasses

>> No.56698515

You’re retarded for thinking that this is only about some defi front ends. You’re also retarded for thinking anybody but a tiny minority of spergs will ever host defi front ends locally.

>> No.56699786


>> No.56700007
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>> No.56700849


Ok 3 digit portfolio crypto tourist faggot-guy, you go locally self-host a front-end for DeFi, adults are talking on your move token A to token B platform. There is nothing innovative being build on your side and you know I speak truth. Your contracts can't scale, they all use outdated EVM, there is no liquidity on your ghostchain, liquidity is siphoned from ETH network through cross chain bridges. All EVM compatible L1's are nothing more than glorified ETH L2's.

>ICP is not the most innovative Layer 1 smart contract platform.

The future is ICP, what is currently available on ICP is a technology stack that is future-proof, try to prove me wrong sanjeet.
Whatever you are holding is outdated, that is a fact.

-WebAssembly (EVM won't exist in the next 5 years, that includes every ETH-codebase fork, that retards here are holding.

-full onchain governance (worlds first)

-No nodes run on traditional cloud can't be shutdown by Jeff Benzos.

-Decentralized private keys (chainkey cryptography)

-The only WORKING multichain L1. Crosschain bridging is unsuitable for mass adoption because high security risk.

-The first team in crypto that pioneered the use of subnets to scale smart contracts.
-The secret Research and Development team behind Ethereum is Dfinity, the randomness beacons used in ETH sharding is propietary IP from Dfinity.

Call yourself a investor.... lol, you're just a poorfag shitcoin peddler larping as an investor. Jump from green shitcoin to green shitcoin, weak personality, feminine, emotional.

>> No.56700911

yeah, fucking stupid idea to apply disintermediation to apps, website, business. Imagine applying a smartcontract to website/business/app in order to cut out the middleman and use vending machine logic to automate the economics of a supply-chain.
Crypto has no future, right? You 3-digit-poortfolio emotional fomo-trader, larping as an investor.

No nigger here can refute me that EVM is outdated and only useful for moving token A to token B. Keep jumping from shitcoin A to shitcoin, because we all know you're just a low-intellect 9-5 guy who thinks crypto is just a scam.
Meanwhile, smart contracts on ICP act like a fucking virtual machine, capable of running WASM compatible software. This means, ICP is pandora's box in terms of possibilities.

>> No.56700914

lo test op post cow with sagging udders

>> No.56700961

The amount of fucking morons on this board is (you) There is never an intelligent discussion EVER since 2021 about abstract concepts that could one revolutionize internet infrastructure.
Muh price, muh 200% that is how we know that you're brown cowdung peddler.

Nobody gave a fuck about Ethereum or Vitalik in 2014 only a handful of autists from /g/ understood the significance of EVM.
ICP's WASM capabilities is that 2014 EVM lightbulb moment. You can try to refute me, nigger Id kill your nigger ass.

>> No.56701798

They just got too many big bags there I think, nowadays if it ain't GameFi, privacy, AI, or new L1s and L2s I don't fucking buy.

For GameFi, not your reverred Mana or Gala, I mean OGB the native token of OpenGamesBuilders, IEO coming soon so y'all heard it from me when you see the multiples on coingecko.

DYOR and bag

>> No.56701819

almost all women today are whores
why bother with them and their ugly personalities?

>> No.56701832

i'm looking out for new tokens in this cycle. shill me some if you have any. SUPRA is my number 1 bet. gon b like the early days of LINK.

>> No.56701883

2nding this as a fallen 2017fag that is schizo about social media and spends too much time on /biz/. Are there good telegram channels or some other chat alerts or is it all just twitter? I'd used nitter to look up a few CT callers but it was too slow to keep up. ETH trending feeds are interesting on telegram but shitcoins pop up, pump up, and dump down way too quick to validate the gas fees after a dozen or so coin flip roll of the dice trades.

wat/who to follow and where for gems?

>> No.56701895

Instant shitskin identifier.

>> No.56701896

Germans are, with a very few exceptions, the biggest braincucked retards of all euros, it's nothing new.

>> No.56701946

>a low-intellect 9-5 guy who thinks crypto is just a scam
I also dislike those know nothing understand nothing smartasses. They don't even realize how far they are up the ass. The same faggots who think there is a functional vaccine against a flu.

>> No.56702087

My guess is the board has been taken over by bag holder newfag and Redditors we dumped on last cycle. Or a lot of paid shill from the big companies like Link and AVAX etc.

There is literally no way you can make much money on these projects more than just say holding BTC.

New gems I got this cycle.

TECTUM, TARA, ATOR, and a few random ones..

>> No.56702263

I'm intrigued. How do I complete my icy pee redpill? Where do I start?

>> No.56702269


>> No.56702328

Very based sir

>> No.56702334

AVAX is gaining power

>> No.56702341


>> No.56702355

/biz/ has been calling celestia a scam. Every day the price rises. Started at $2 now at $7. Even the jannies are deleting threads on it. kek. Stay poor /biz/

>> No.56702647
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There's an extremely high density of cluster B sluts in the image

>> No.56702655
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Been here since late 2016 (already made it depending of your criteria). Shitcoins pumping is largely random, for one Kaspa doing a x50 there are 300 others alts stucked in shitcoin hell that you don't see bleed to death, see all the desperate HBAR and ICP bagholders serving as exit liquidity for VCs.

The only advice I can give you if you happen to luckily hold one of these winners is: don't start believing you're a genius and take profit along the way (let LINK be a cautionary tale).

>> No.56702684

this is a very old coin

pajeet scam, it's one of those bsc-inspired shitcoin that takes a fee on trades

this pumped 300% last week and their entire website reads like a scam

you sound like a dirty thirdworlder trying to scam people
sign a message from an address with 6 figs worth of crypto or shut the fuck
(i bet you don't even know what "signing a message" means)

>> No.56702782

Learned a lesson by sticking mostly with Stellar Lumene, Verge, Tron and ICX for 2019-2022. Fuck I still feel bad thinking I could have bought Link and Qant between 0.5 and 2 dollars. Or all the 2021 outperformers. FUCK.

>> No.56703397
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>> No.56704032

this should be made a meme

>> No.56704038

Checked and based

Remember when IOTA was PoW coin meant to work on IoT devices which are optimized to do no work or energy burn? When 1 million IoT devices could be overpowered by 1 GPU? Pepperidge farm members
His/their previous scam before iota was Jinn or some shit and before that Nxt

>> No.56704076

Looks like your choices got discredited pretty quick Pajeet.

>> No.56704089

ICP is just a little above IOTA but still an utter braindead shitcoin
Youlll never make it

>> No.56704132

NYM privacy mixnet, serious
CFX shitcoin with x100 gains potential
TIA serious

Not more from me

>> No.56704956


Get her out of your system/

>> No.56705778

That’s a man

>> No.56706768
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OP here, it's strange. I didnt' want to shill coins
but someone got lippy and asked me
I provided some new coins and I get shredded again
you asked for new coins I gave them
oh and zeph isn't 300% up, it's about 22x for me but thanks baby
enjoy link, avax and ICP
nice mindset bro, enjoy link avax and ICP

>> No.56706783
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this anon fucks btw
TARA has been shredding lately, good job
TAO, space, and nexa also look interesting

>> No.56708462

>The future are chains validated by a couple dozen giant proprietary server racks in data farms that have to receive explicit permission from DFINITY
>The only WORKING multichain L1
Cosmos and AVAX would like a word newfag
>The first team in crypto that pioneered the use of subnets to scale smart contracts
Check the AVAX mainnet date :^)
>The secret Research and Development team behind Ethereum is Dfinity
The font from which ETH's technical complexity and engineering retardation flows
None of those things benefit or derive much value from BFT computing as moving economically valuable tokens from A to B. Hence why no one uses your permissioned VC exit scam chain and why the price has done nothing but bleed since day 1.
>EVM is outdated
This is the only thing you managed to get right, it's fairly obvious.
Keep learning though, you just might see through your burlap colored glasses one day.

>> No.56708473

Biz is full of low IQ retards who buy shitcoins that have already done 10000x's. We like to joke that high IQ and low IQ people make the same decisions for different reasons but these guys are full on retards

>> No.56708547

These pictures should be banned on biz. Made me masturbate like 6 times yesterday

Also icp is future top 3

>> No.56708567

Zeph is a scam. All they did was fork Haven. Twitter fags are just pumping it

>> No.56709796
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Haven is a dead shitcoin. The way zeph works is completely different using a moving average
Haven bagholders (and the founder even, lol) came crying in zeph discord early days

Anyway. Enjoy watching it zoom past $100

>> No.56709877
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Because it's not worth risk-profit right now. I've burned on this year's march altrun.

Fuck it, not touching it. Back in 2021/2022 every shitcoin I picked up that wasn't blatant rugpull and had following trend skyrocketed (inudegenspreadsheet.jpg), 5x was normal.
I will humbly wait for peak bullrun to gamble shartcoins again, not picking up several GROKs or PEPE/WOJAK/BASEDJAK and every fucking one of them dumping to the depths of hell.

Time beats the market, just get in the right time.

>> No.56710121

Does she have an Onlyfans?

>> No.56710308
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>why is /biz/ stuck in it's 2021 mindset?
>there are many new good coins making waves, generating hype creating narratives and /biz/ has absolutely no idea

You're the one stuck in 2021. For one, the inflation narrative as well as fiat narrative has shifted in favor of the U.S. dollar over everything else (and at the expense of shitcoins trying to mirror pumps in BTC). And for two (and most fucking importantly) the cost to have computation done or to store the result has fallen off a cliff over the last 18 months thanks to investments in muh AI. The only reason the BTC hasnt fallen back to $20k and dragged the rest of the crypto market down with it is that the crypto market still accustomed to pumping when rates dump. Six months from now you wont even remember the shitcoins you're buying let alone the hype narratives behind them.

You have been warned, faggots.

>> No.56710341
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>I will humbly wait for peak bullrun to gamble shartcoins again
Exhibit A on proof this market is over. If /biz/ is unwilling to gamble, then imagine how normies or insolvent investment firms are feeling. The only interest left was in betting on the ETFs approval/denial, but with its delay the interest in the market is going to collapse especially with everyone knowing to dump the news no matter what it is. Its over.

>> No.56710800

unironically yes