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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56685990 No.56685990 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56686017


>> No.56686052

We been crabbing for long, nothing is happening tomrorow we get back back 37-8 and then crab again, unironically zoom out

>> No.56686056

ETF won't be approved

>> No.56686100
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You bought the top, and will sell the bottom.

>> No.56686113

I'm expecting this. Halving is still half a year away, (((they))) gotta flush out weak hands before the real bullrun.

>> No.56686196

There are a ton of retards who have been sitting on BTC and other crypto for two years because they weren't smart enough to know when to sell. They are rushing to the exits, finally rid of their dogshit crypto holdings. They'll ape back in next summer, kek. Buy the dip.

>> No.56686381

washing out high leverage traders

>> No.56686403
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>> No.56687296
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can you troons shut your mouths already stop making WHAT THE FUCK NOOOOOO threads every 3 minutes holy fuck you got me constantly checking the chart like a moron over literally nothing. we are crabbing. you know what crabbing is? holy fuck.
btc will remain healthy for at least two years. beoble will release in a timely manner to take full advantage of this position. solana will keep going up up up and there are no ftx shadow people manipulating it. ltc will come back to its former glory once again. and everything will be fine. amen.

>> No.56687297


>> No.56687307

Kek worst part is that this is so realistic with how 90% of crypto traders behave it's not even funny. They just can't stop buying the top to feel "safe".
Whatever not our problem (I hope you guys are smarter than that). Just enjoy the liquidity, we are going strong with our without rush selling.

>> No.56687309

Affirmations are for faggots my man

>> No.56687312

boring crabbing
when i open a position i want to either get a semi from gains, or pop a forehead vein from getting rekt, not this flatlining

>> No.56687313

C-Certainly couldn't be me haha. Just buy a little sell a little or more than a little haha :)

>> No.56687351
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>BTC will remain healthy
>my defi will do well
Go to a psychiatrist.

>> No.56687375

Don't forget that halve hype dwindles with each passing cycle. We'll need a lot of luck and mysticism to see BTC back to its previous 60k ATH.

I don' think etf's will be rejected, by the way. Too many (((influential people))) making it happen, too many institutions.

>> No.56687413
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Based beoble user.
>Males only
>People with money only
>Again not a single female in sight (good thing!)
>No tg spam

>> No.56687424
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kek. flashbacks

>> No.56687433
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Pick one and shove it up your ass so your btc/beoble/sol predictions will take effect anon. you aren't doing much by merely praying without some gens and essences inside of you.

>> No.56687447

I still cannot believe for the life of me how anyone could refuse buying bitcoin at fucking 18k a coin. That's self sabotage.

>> No.56687471

I am now negating your negative energy with my mind anon, just so you know
Really hope it manages to find success despite people rejecting change even if its objectively good. I'm done walking on a nail field when trying to find people to hear out on why they bought X token at what entry point etc
Thanks anon, it's going in

>> No.56687477

do people unironically use leverage...? i thought it was a joke

>> No.56687533

you have just discovered that the speculative market is a roller coaster on which, unfortunately, almost all of us are at the bottom

>> No.56687549

what lack of female affection does to a MF

>> No.56687554

if I wanted to talk only with men I would join some incel discord server

>> No.56687564

i wish the jannies banned every little bitch that just posted random spam and sperged in the coments such a waste of fucking time

>> No.56687572


>> No.56687621

LMAO based and fatighepilled i hate everyone here who does this

>> No.56687715

you got me with males only

>> No.56687736
File: 382 KB, 1536x2048, EjgI37HVkAEEkO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you typing this like