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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 720x891, _20231116_074643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56679974 No.56679974 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck X, fuck Space X, fuck Tesla, fuck the Boring Company, fuck Starlink, fuck Neuralink, fuck xAI, fuck anything Elon Musk.
Dump his fucking stock, stop buying his products and services, stop using X, stop VISITING X, just abandon that fucking asshole, I don't give a shit about all that technological progress, it's not worth it coming from a right-wing bigot troll looney.
Fuck him.

>> No.56679992

What did he say or do to piss you Israeli’s off?

>> No.56680041 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1280x1054, 1652313836482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was right about the jews.
Holohoax was a lie.
You are going in the fucking gas shower jew!

Captcha; HH 88 !!!!

>> No.56680050

I'm not Jewish, nor a zionist, nor Israeli, just a person with common sense and decency still left in his heart.

What a disgusting man. REPUGNANT.

>> No.56680066

i don't like elon but denounce the talimud first\
tl;dr: he was commenting on how certain jews encouraged immigration but then got surprised when the immigrants and refugees (particularly middle eastern ones) don't like them for obvious reasons.

>> No.56680068

>person with common sense and decency still left in his heart.
Then why are you sticking up for evil?

>> No.56680071 [DELETED] 


>> No.56680073


/pol/ is the other way

>> No.56680079

Take your meds

>> No.56680087

good to know

>> No.56680104

X is improved since the old bluechecks left. Shills literally paid to lie. I couldn't give a fuck about Elons other businesses but ousting those chucklefucks off of one of their biggest platform was a smart move and made me happy. The internet is not meant for politics, China has it right, why put a target on your back for no reason in front of a bunch of strangers when you can keep that shit irl and not alert all of your enemies every time you make a move? The internet should only be used for fun and business and never for serious discussion. Have fun twisting yourself into a pretzel to please the HR department of a company who pays you 0$ on the off chance at the possibility of a vague future job you won't get anyways. Any amount of damage to people on this planet and the planet itself can be forgiven as long as the PR department says nice words.

>> No.56680117

I see your point, but this is also related to ethical investing.
I'm sure many people are not interested in holding shares of a company owned by that shitperson.

>> No.56680126

Thanks for your input, but it's a bit off-topic.

>> No.56680129

he didnt say anything.... AI has gotten out of control and people are believing deepfakes of him shitting on jews.

we are so fucked desu. the next few years will be interesting. i can just see all social media ending desu, we aren't evolved enough to use it properly. and good riddance. its about time.

>> No.56680139

i say social media will have to end because people will save the means to create perfect deepfakes locally.

any person in a position of power will have deepfakes of them and no one will know what is true and what isn't. we will return to 6 oclock news and newspapers unironically

>> No.56680183 [DELETED] 
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i hate kikes and im now going to start using twitter

>> No.56680188

It's X, are you that ignorant?

>> No.56680206
File: 85 KB, 965x1081, SBK35jm7Q74ypt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i refuse to call it that
nothing you say will change my mind

>> No.56680220

When did calling out war for being evil make people need meds?
What’s wrong with you retards?
t. anon who canceled cable in 2020 and isn’t psyop’d like yourself

>> No.56680239

Take them, I'm serious.

>> No.56680240 [DELETED] 

Kill the Jews, they are the synagogue of Satan and worshipers of Remphan. They must repent or die.

>> No.56680246

>anon who canceled cable in 2020 and isn’t psyop’d like yourself
Might as well add that I haven't even owned a TV since 1999. Kek

>> No.56680308
File: 361 KB, 1077x645, IMG_2360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that’s based and people who watch tv too much are fat slobs
Imagine being so stupid you brag about it

>> No.56680431

Yeah well you glow like the northern lights.

>> No.56680439 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 700x540, 1697634099834978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56680490

piss of jew

>> No.56680526

Read this:

>> No.56680533

So someone who doesn't share your opinions is automatically a glowie? Are you stupid or just very, very immature?

>> No.56680773
File: 2.39 MB, 2000x2000, IMG_2105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So someone who doesn't share your opinions is automatically a glowie? Are you stupid or just very, very immature?

>> No.56681077

>the next few years will be interesting. i can just see all social media ending desu, we aren't evolved enough to use it properly
dont worry, once us maxis get control and build the citadels one of the first things we are going to do is blow up 90% all the DSLams.
The internet will eventually go back to what is was in the 90s - intelligent euros AND whites posting on usenet.

>> No.56681153 [DELETED] 

Israel has no right to exist, keep seething Jidf