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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56677142 No.56677142 [Reply] [Original]

why is this board so dead? do normies not realize how fucking rich we are getting?

>> No.56677157

you have to buy a lambo first

>> No.56677226
File: 25 KB, 160x160, itsoveryay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do i need to do to get a fucking (you) around here

>> No.56677255

I'm here forever. I've been browsing this board every single day for over three years.

>> No.56677271 [DELETED] 

I had to reset my router 3 times to finish shitposting, 15 threads on the board are mine

>> No.56677274

have you noticed what a ghost town its become?

>> No.56677286

gee maybe you attention whores shouldn't have kept shitting into the same pool.

>> No.56677298


I made it off LINK and now I just shitpost. Well mostly I spend my day antagonizing shills and reporting scams for fun. You guys should try it, it makes people seethe uncontrollably

>> No.56677309

try 7 years

>> No.56677563

Yeah it's pretty bad, this bear market was super comfy though. Witnessing the pinkies was cathartic.

>> No.56677593

Literally always like this in a bear market, just wait til the next bull kek

>> No.56677646

The influx of polniggers made biz uninhabitable by anyone with a functioning brain. Without actual discussion that doesn't devolve into Jews this or niggers that, there is no food for the big brains to consume. Thus the big brains only come when there's a crypto happening, like on pol when there's a geopolitical happening. And then the alpha comes and goes as quickly as it materialized as the low iqs and midwits are too intolerable to post amongst.

Even the scammers know a desert when they see it.

>> No.56677715

There's no good info here and any threads on new launches get deleted by jannies immediately. So everyone moved to telegram instead.

>> No.56677719

You also noticed the weird jew this jew that shit? I’ve tracked it to a group so far, these two are examples:
I’m a pretty far right guy, but I’ve been watching this weird shill group (who promotes the RXD scam that I troll) become so obsessed and just goes insane.

>> No.56677723

Good, we're still early.

>> No.56677733

I started coming here in 2018 and had to leave after that reddit mod came in and started deleting all the good threads. Just came back this week

>> No.56677746

>Nasdaq is now within 6% of setting new all-time highs
What about your crapto bags? How close are they to setting new all-time highs? Maybe that's the reason...

>> No.56677805
File: 368 KB, 1089x724, Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 21-05-53 _biz_ - Business & Finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has always been a /pol/ board you kike tranny fag

>> No.56677850

The real redpill is that there was never a point in history that biz had alpha. 2017 was a time where you could shill any coin and be "proven right," giving the impression that this was a board where people in the know frequently posted. Not to mention the thousands of shitcoins that were shilled here and went to zero. Nobody counts those or even remembers that they were shilled here.

Now anons think they wish for a time where all the smart anons would could back to biz, but what they truly wish for is a golden bullrun to happen again.

>> No.56677892

LINK was a completely unimpressive performer in 2017/2018 and the fact that /biz/ fixated entirely on it even while it did a mediocre $0.20-$1 during a hysterical bull mania is proof of the fact that /biz/ picked LINK and was 100% right and vindicated and no amount of retroactive gaslighting bullshit can change that.

>> No.56677909
File: 45 KB, 1366x480, 7864531566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a conversation-worthy thread instead of this fucking recycled schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop

>> No.56677910

everyone is broke as fuck and others just lost too much in this rat poison casino

>> No.56677921

>fucking rich we are getting?
Nothing is happening faggot.
Both stonks and crypto are dead right now.

>> No.56677926
File: 397 KB, 1700x1370, 1566121222132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies arent even looking at crypto. After ATH they will return the fucking retards

>> No.56677943

I don't know what we're gunna do. I wouldn't say we're fucked, we have direction. I hope that's all we need.

>> No.56677954

Every 1-3 weeks I take a Saturday and autism post about something finance related. I think the ones I’m most proud of so far are my find on ISDA arbitration and my chainlink revenue analysis. I really like 4chan, I don’t want to see /biz/ die as I think the entire site fights against the echo-chamber effect.

You pretty much have to be the change you want to see on this board, because every actual thread pushes a shitty shill thread off the board.

>> No.56677962
File: 43 KB, 275x183, 1798864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to discuss the benefits of the new DCAA technique i found for making real money with shitcoins (they need to be somewhat stable like VINU or JONES) but nobody is even interested in making 10 to 20k a week, if you're not larping about making it you cant even get a fucking YOU around here

>> No.56677973

I’m down, what’s your technique?

>> No.56677979

ive made like 20 thousand dollars just sitting on what i had 3 months ago. are you fucking dumb?

>> No.56677998

Can u share any decent telegrams

>> No.56678033

Now check the price of QUANT for the same time period. Like I said, 2017 was a time where you could shill literally anything. LINK was just one among a sea of coins that were shilled. Yes linkmarines were right but that doesn't necessarily speak to the market predicting abilities of biz. It speaks to the market predicting abilities of linkmarines who are not "bound by law" to be a bizraeli . Hope that makes sense.

>> No.56678051

Harry Potter and spx6900 have a lot of biz posters in their telegrams. There's another called bizfrens that has a shitposting channel and alpha channel. 100x gems and skulls 100x gem chat have lots of dudes just constantly finding new shit. Start there and just talk to people and you'll start getting invited to new token launches and presales.

>> No.56678099

Cheers thank u

>> No.56678126

>do normies not realize how fucking rich we are getting?
how much is everyone making?

>> No.56678184

>I don't know what we're gunna do. I wouldn't say we're fucked, we have direction. I hope that's all we need.

What is nigga wafflin about

>> No.56678562

I made $50 already. Pretty good

>> No.56678609


Hey can you give us the actual telegrams names so we can join these. Really trying to track down some gems.

>> No.56678646
File: 226 KB, 950x756, 1681410695833440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey there are people on this board who noticed that we are trying to genocide them and they don't like it!
shut up kike

>> No.56678689
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, 1608129795983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they haven't checked the price yet
once bitcoin is past 50k and they talk about it on the mainstream propaganda then they will come

>> No.56679120

I thought btc price was entirely sentiment though…

>> No.56679158

>muh Jews muh Blacks
why are white boys so fragile?

Do everyone a favor and suicide by cop like you fantasize about. Nobody will miss you and we Bizraelis can get back to talking about money, what really matters, instead of your failed bloodlines

>> No.56679301

other way around, newfag
since 2019 or so mods have been aggressively banning serious business discussions once the jews are mentioned
i'm not talking about your 110iq's fantasy of a 90iq yelling "NIGGER KIKE", but the reality of 160 reply threads about monetary policy suddenly wiped out entirely because an anon makes a convincing argument in pointing out jewish nepotism and influence
this is what drove most smart anons away. only low iq racism is allowed, both as controlled opposition and to give "subway syndrome" normalcattle like you the impression they're superior

>> No.56679338

why do you want normies around shitting up the place crying about racism or whatever
there's already a couple itt

>> No.56679733

>I thought
that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.56679746
File: 68 KB, 510x680, 1698223038923855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still range banned on pol after doing that a couple times

>> No.56680373

>3 years
nice bait newfag ngl