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56675461 No.56675461 [Reply] [Original]

Vetfag with GIbBill here looking to go back to school. I’m thinking of going the private school route but I may just do the state college route. Any college grads/veterans with education benefits have any advice?

>> No.56675488

It doesn’t matter, unless you get one of them scam degrees from like kiaser or that pesoncola Florida bible college.

>> No.56675490


>> No.56675506

You mean to tell me you didn't get any connections in the military, you're not an NCO, nor did you already have a degree?

>> No.56675543

how many innocent Iraqis/Afghans (includes soldiers defending their country) did you shoot on during your zog conquest? Answer and I'll help

>> No.56675632

Go to a school with either the absolute hottest depraved sluts (arizona) or a school where you can network for employment with the upper eschelons.
Otherwise anywhere else is a waste of your fucking time and the paper means fuck all as its just a box on your inprocessing checklist for employment.
>t. Fellow vetfag

>> No.56675645

Sign back up so you can finally die for zog.

>> No.56677332

Depends on what degree program you pursue. If you're going for an engineering degree, a good program matters. If you're just getting a meme degree so you can check the "yes I got a degree" box on an application to be a HR representative, nobody gives a fuck what your college was, they care about your skin color and your genital mutilations or lack thereof.

>> No.56677479

Yes, it's critically important, it's like a title of nobility. It determines everything about your future prospects - the US is becoming like Asia in this regard.

>> No.56678021
File: 239 KB, 1200x1218, tran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am a vet. I really just didn't know we were the bad guys at the time. I figured it out fairly quickly.

Now I'm an engineer. In my industry, nobody cares after your first job. Your first job gives you the chance to learn, prove your worth, and make connections. Your skills and work will then do the talking. I can't speak for non-technical roles. Do not go to private school. The price is crazy, and for what? God bless, anon.

Ohh, and Thank You For Your Service hahaha

>> No.56678035
File: 218 KB, 640x425, 1699414709833897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinly veiled recruiting thread. No pussy, no war. I'm not dying for israel.

>> No.56678054
File: 7 KB, 213x236, 911wj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure I agree that this is a recruitment thread, but I appreciate your zeal, anon. You are correct about one thing: do not go die for ZOG. In my day we were the 'good guys' and there was a lot of prestige associated with a tour in the Army. Now, the brand is destroyed and the fairy tale is gone. The goal of war in any Jew-controlled country is to convert goyim blood into jewish gold.

>> No.56678123

Shouldn't you worry about how you can be bleeding for Israel at this very moment

>> No.56678356


>> No.56678821

No pussy no work