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56674542 No.56674542 [Reply] [Original]

I have a gambling addiction. I lost half my networth since the market went up. I am barely in 6 fig now. Don't be like me. Don't use leverage. Don't swing trade. Don't even check your folio everyday. It's all a trap. Everything will be 10x higher next year. GL frens

>> No.56674569

Glad I play poker and am an expert at it so I can get my fix without having to trade cum furry Asian coins…

>> No.56674590

Sounds like a good outlet. Used to play for pennies a decade ago, I think i'll get back into it

>> No.56674632

I have a low burn rate, but I am playing at a loss. I literally don't need a full time job, just a way to make like 100 bucks once a week.

>> No.56674647

Sounds like you have another 100k left to make it all back plus more friend, just have to leverage it a little

>> No.56674697

>be me in 2017 or something
>playing bitcoin hi-lo
>get into this weird trance, tunnel vision type experience
>work it up to a wholecoin
>can't stop myself
>in minutes it all goes down to nothing
>snap out of it
>vow to never gamble again because I'm clearly a degenerate
>ff 2022
>remember studying blackjack in college
>play it free on some app
>on a whim decide to play on some online casino
>lose my entire deposit in like 30 minutes
>remember why I don't gamble
I swear that niggersino was rigged, part of me wants to do it again with live dealers since I normally do well in the dry runs but I know if I started winning I would become an absolute fuckball rapidly

>> No.56674802

>Don't even check your folio everyday.

Or just have some fucking self control

>> No.56674903

There is no shit srs business research that shows people who check their portfolios daily have worse returns

>> No.56675206
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>Don't use leverage
but buying btc w/ leverage on kinetix while it was at 28k was easily the best decision i could've ever taken. what's the issue?

>> No.56675218

Gambling is only fun when you are playing blackjack or poker with the lads and only like 5 bucks are at stake to be honest. You just never know what kind of fucky traps these apps and websites stablished in the fucking Morocco islands are pulling behind the screens.

>> No.56675223

I hope you keep in mind that no one is going to take the time to read all that incredible amount of crap

>> No.56675225

jesus fucking christ i couldnt read past the first phrase without laughing with it paired with the fucking pic im done with biz

>> No.56675231
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Nothing wrong with it when done properly it's just hard to pull off + requires a shit ton of luck, things must go your way for it to pass through. So congratulations, now don't do it again

>> No.56675236

this, take a couple of psychotrading classes or something, it's amazing how many idiots I see who just don't know how to manage their emotions when trading

>> No.56675242

>I have a gambling addiction
>But it's alright I'll stop trying everything will -obviously- x10 next year lol
Holy mother of sloth and mental retardation.

>> No.56675248
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fuck around and find out bro.

there's a reason people warn you, constantly, on doing that kind of thing.

>> No.56675253
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>> No.56675256

that's why I don't trust the pools, you never know when "shit happened" and your money is frozen until the next coming of Christ.

>> No.56675259

this. it's a matter of self control and a tiny dash of discipline.

>> No.56675268

You want to bet that I can fuck your mom? it's a win/win for you. think about it

>> No.56675273
File: 223 KB, 346x364, 984732363432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up until this thread i didnt realize this is literally gambling we are doing, this is literally why all of our lives are wasted in this, dudes...

>> No.56675291

the issue is that we are all addicted, doomed and poor WAKE UP

>> No.56675292
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This. Imagine giving up while knowing full well that your chances of winning were actually 50/50 and your odds at winning on another try is actually higher. 100k turned into 200k with a simple flip of a coin OP, what kind of pussy even tries to resist?

>> No.56675301

EXTREMELY based and SOLID financial advice.

>> No.56675305
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oh yeah do you know, you just have to be smart and not a fucking cuck that believes every scam they find swimming around twitter

>> No.56675306

Correct. It's tunnel vision. You pulled it off once you can do it again right? It's extremely dangerous and it doesn't matter how grounded in reality you are, gambling and taking chances is an extremely slippery slope.

>> No.56675315

they said the same about women, salem was onto something, yet we still fall, again and again.....

>> No.56675448

It’s the perfect outlet. Can play 10 hours a day easy. Mind is totally occupied. I don’t touch any forms of other gambling. Poker is a skill game with luck involved but if you are better than your opponents you always come out ahead. And there are infinite scenarios/possibilities to be thinking about constantly. Hand ranges, opponents tendencies, probability, suck outs… etc…. To where you can play a long time and never get bored

>> No.56675471

League of legends : T1
If you can find some good lol bettor bet in some rounds cause those koreans bet hard

>> No.56675549

Poker isn’t gambling per se. It’s skill with luck involved. I can play poker all day everyday, but I will never come within 20 feet of a blackjack table.