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56673317 No.56673317 [Reply] [Original]

This bullrun feels weird

>> No.56673324

The bull run didn't start yet you fucking newfag

>> No.56673334

They will only start caring at new ATHs, same with media headlines.

Until then crypto bad.

>> No.56673346

This isn’t a bull run you dumb bitch

>> No.56673362

What bullrun?

>> No.56673372

exactly, it's not different this time, this is the silent pump time

>> No.56673400

The only normies I know that ever got into crypto were completely wasted during the dog coin dump.
The things I heard them say during the mania phase were insanely delusional, but I haven't heard a single person talk about it since.

>> No.56673412

Normies will join the party at $50k or $100k.

>> No.56673419

Nice ESL.

>> No.56673432

they're like lol u lost money

>> No.56673471
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Crypto's terrible reputation, a lot of them getting scammed during 2017-2019, etc. Crypto is very much alive but people just keep conversation in designated cliques like Twitter or Telegram. Beoble fits that niche well but it'll take a while before it's fully cooked.

>> No.56673496

>they unironically think btc will moon to 100k a token
lmao. kek even. we are halfway through with the bullrun which yes, it started about a month ago or so. please tell me you bought the bottom and are not waiting for the tippity top top in 2024.

>> No.56673513

These, really. A bunch of people lost a bunch of money, word of mouth exists, normies don't like to be assocaited with crypto because they now think crypto is fucking stupid.

You can also thank the Hollywood elite for shilling them useless nft trash for a few extra pennies for their multi million dollar bank accounts they use to get child sex workers to sacrifice to Moloch once they are done raping them.

>> No.56673521

The bull run always starts after the halving. Please tell me you don't actually believe this bullshit you just posted

>> No.56673534
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i dont know anon maybe this one, maybe? fucking retard.

>> No.56673546

on the contrary, it is about to end and we will see everything in red again for 3 years

>> No.56673551

It'll immediately collapse (again, because time is cyclical) and they'll once again start dogpilling crypto again.

It's kind of incredible how retarded they are and how much they seem to enjoy falling into the same basic traps and concepts over, and over, and over again.

>> No.56673558

Is this your first time? We're still way too early.

>> No.56673563

this is the first time we've seen prices go up since the nft bubble burst, so I understand

>> No.56673568

so what is it? the Christmas magic?

>> No.56673584

thats what your mom says to me every night

>> No.56673586

Yeah people only buy when it's extremely green. One good thing to come out of this dogshit board is the "buy low sell high" saying that normal people can't seem to understand.

Only sane people itt.

>> No.56673587

The 30 minute totally organic bullrun

>> No.56673589

I was one of those who lost most of my money at that time, the only thing that keeps me here is that my education allowed me to understand that I was just an idiot ripped off by some Vietnamese guu

>> No.56673597
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>profile will publicly display my wallet
>points for getting updoots
Literally r*ddit in t*legram form. The dick riding and fart sniffing is going to be next level. Disgusting to be honest

>> No.56673625

>halving cultist thinks he's not prime target for milking

>> No.56673627
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Ve loved doing bizniss wit chu ser

>> No.56673629
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the bull run will start in a few months mark my words

>> No.56673635

whats worse the chinks or the jews

>> No.56673654

giga based

>> No.56673655
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Ve don't lyk shinese peoples here ser

>> No.56673669

jesus fucking christ you're the reason we are all poor you specifically im talking to you and i hope you die a miserable death you retarded FAGGOT

>> No.56673678

that's a good thing, once the normies start talking about it again, you sell

>> No.56673687

There's a fly on your eyeball.

>> No.56673703
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What. Fucking. Bullrun.

>> No.56673722

I've made money in every bull run and this one isn't going to be any different. Crypto is an IQ test and congratulations, you scored lower than 6 year old Kenyan children. Maybe after this bull run I'll buy the house next to yours and plow your mom every night while you play with fumos in your basement

>> No.56673728


>normie finds youtube video about BTC reaching 75k per coin
>normie buys in a couple of months later literally at the all time high
>normie becomes liquidity for richfags

It has happened before and it will happen again. Once BTC surpasses its ATH again the mainstream media will begin to mention crypto. Crypto then becomes a part of the collective unconsciousness of the normies like it did in 2021 and this will pump our bags to unimaginable heights. Greed will start to set in and normies and autists alike will FOMO in for one final pump, only to get dumped on by those who have been accoomulating during the bear market.

>> No.56673760

>Why normies don't talk about crypto?

They all bought homes and condos at the literal top of the housing market and are all broke now.

>> No.56673769

It only just sort of started. Consider
>mass retail picks it up from the news. They don't monitor anything
>it's a worse money environment in general and they're not investing as much
>they're scorned from low quality buys of late, not talking cryptos but gamestop and amc and various reckless options schemes
Now really important is just because they won't admit they're playing doesn't mean they're not. Illiquid supply is at an ATH. A good 30% of that is wallets that are 5 or more years stale
I think there are a lot of retail who just rode it out and didn't panic sell this last time like usual.
I started accumulating again like 17 months ago but I haven't been talking about it at all other than making some posts on here.
Now imagine what happens when we get the halving marginal supply shock with an already tight supply?
Even if they're sidelining or just holding their old buys the fomo is always real when the price starts taking off, reactive emotional monkey brains don't change much, the average guy did not suddenly gain any sophistication between now and then

>> No.56674022


Normies weren't saying shit last bull until ntc already surpassed its previous ath

>> No.56674039

99.9% of normies are only "in" for $100. we are early.

>> No.56674066
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>Crypto is very much alive

>> No.56674125

We've been bull since 1 year ago when BTC was 15k can you people even read a chart

>> No.56674137

the newfags are here

>> No.56674139

>muh tvl

>> No.56674196

This is good. The moment normies start talking about it means we are near the top

>> No.56674291

a) they're still not paying attention, they won't even remember btc exists until it's pushing $100k
b) they're all broke and living off savings/debt
I really think this will be the golden bullrun because now is the chance to really shut normies out of acquiring crypto for good.

>> No.56674425

This normies won't pay attention until BTC is over 100k. Fomo will sky rocket us to 300k at least this coming bull run.

>> No.56674444

December 2024

>> No.56674451

Nothing is happening yet. Shhhh.

>> No.56674484

They were interested in 2021 and probably bought Doge near the top. Then Doge went down and they cried and thought 'scam!'. And then NFTs put them off even more. Buying the dip is alien to these people, they only see worth when things are pumping. They will buy back in when BTC's at 75k.

>> No.56674508

Holy fuck I didn't expect to get digits.
December 2024 confirmed?

>> No.56674981

going up slowly is not a bull "run"

>> No.56675002

we still low now?

>> No.56675048

4 4th damn

>> No.56675051

I think it's gonna go down again. But admit. There's something in the air this time. Could be the winds of change.

>> No.56675070


>> No.56675086

oh my...

>> No.56675104
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>> No.56675140

Normies don't start getting involved until previous ATH gets breached with all the media outlets reporting.

>> No.56675176

imagine relying on pseudoscience like sentiment analysis
absolute brainlet tier ngmi

>> No.56675177

Normies aren't getting involved early bullruns anymore thanks to Coffeezilla and James Jani coming with their "OMG Extremely Ultra Almighty GIga Severe Recesssion, Crypto the Greatest Scam in the World!!!" videos and normies have the attention span of a 2 year old child.

They'll come crawling back at the very top some months from now.

>> No.56675211

But who's buying my bags in the meantime?

>> No.56675340

when is the *real* bullrun gonna be anon?
when should i get more btc?
I wanna buy the house on the other side. That way we can double team that anons mom

>> No.56675367

I agree, in a sense it is a stealth bull-run. BTC already up 128% since the start of this year.

>> No.56675382


>> No.56675402

>taking anything on defiLELma seriously

>> No.56675431

This. I was a crypto is a scam camp until BTC hit 19k again. Then I raced to buy in. They'll be back.

>> No.56675492

Because democrats said: crypto bad

>> No.56675723

Kek this cant be real

>> No.56675744

I know a jeet that always argued with me how btc is trash scam pointless internet money not physically tangible. We argued for years at work anytime i would check the chart. He would point out some motley fool article saying its a pointless scam (he was a sub)
When btc bottomed after the 20k run he bought at 5k and sold at 9k and “bragged” to me how he made a 2x and how smart he was to get out of crypto with a profit.